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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

epic fail launch


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1+ hour in queue > 9000 error > sorry, there are 1000 waiting.



and this is happening to everyone, complete BS!

Epic fail guys! havent seen a launch as bad as this one, the client isnt stable enough to deal with queues at all at this point.. way too much errors and disconnects = back in line..



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As much as this post is... bad, there is some truth in what he is saying.

Waiting an hour in cue(ok I accept that) but getting DCed when logging into the character screen and booted back in the cue. That sucks badly and just wastes everyone's time.

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As much as this post is... bad, there is some truth in what he is saying.

Waiting an hour in cue(ok I accept that) but getting DCed when logging into the character screen and booted back in the cue. That sucks badly and just wastes everyone's time.


Sorry that wasnt directed at you at all, thanks for the backup.

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Well I've had an epic "launch" that started this morning when I got my EGA. I hopped online, made all 8 of my characters between 2 servers and played until an hour ago. And you know what? I've had no lag, no que waiting, nothing but pure instant awesomeness. So you can count me out of of your "everyone".
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No problems or delays on my server, so it's not universal. They have three maintenance period scheduled. I expect they wil be addressing this.


And no matter how many times people claim that the game has launched, they are wrong. The eeason they are wrong is because BioWare don't consider it to be the official launch and they are the people who count.

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First they complain that they aren't getting in, that Bioware isn't allowing enough people to play at once.


Then, once Bioware starts letting more people in, they complain that there are too many people playing.


Can't please everyone...


well actually you could please everyone by having real servers instead of spending 300mil+ on voice acting.

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Yep yep, epic failure, in fact it's quite possibly illegal the way they've done a priority launch like this. They call it waves, it is in fact a priority launch. The fact that they claimed up to 5 days is something that could be problematic, but the truth of the matter is, this is verging on illegal based on consumer rights.


Nothing will come of it, but everyone else in the development community is laughing at this game right now learning from their massive, massive mistake.


You do this staggered launch to make it sort of a slow steady rise in population, then you still get hit with massive queues, and errors tossing you to the back of queues, or the fact that you arbitrarily decide to discontinue rolling out more waves of people...december 7th...just over 1 week ago, and those people are allowed to be playing, if you waited til later, to redeem your code (which it wasn't clear you needed to do anyway) you're SOL.


You should have learned from the epic failure that was day 1 of this nonsense instead of extending it for 4 days.

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Yep yep, epic failure, in fact it's quite possibly illegal the way they've done a priority launch like this. They call it waves, it is in fact a priority launch. The fact that they claimed up to 5 days is something that could be problematic, but the truth of the matter is, this is verging on illegal based on consumer rights.


Nothing will come of it, but everyone else in the development community is laughing at this game right now learning from their massive, massive mistake.


You do this staggered launch to make it sort of a slow steady rise in population, then you still get hit with massive queues, and errors tossing you to the back of queues, or the fact that you arbitrarily decide to discontinue rolling out more waves of people...december 7th...just over 1 week ago, and those people are allowed to be playing, if you waited til later, to redeem your code (which it wasn't clear you needed to do anyway) you're SOL.


You should have learned from the epic failure that was day 1 of this nonsense instead of extending it for 4 days.


lol, no.

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my launch experience has been nothing less than stellar. No lag. No que. No DCing. This has been the best launch i have experienced, and no its not my first one.


This is actually better than when i was a General Tester for beta.


so i guess "Your Mileage May Vary"

and dont speak for me i can speak for myself

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Yep yep, epic failure, in fact it's quite possibly illegal the way they've done a priority launch like this. They call it waves, it is in fact a priority launch. The fact that they claimed up to 5 days is something that could be problematic, but the truth of the matter is, this is verging on illegal based on consumer rights.


Nothing will come of it, but everyone else in the development community is laughing at this game right now learning from their massive, massive mistake.


You do this staggered launch to make it sort of a slow steady rise in population, then you still get hit with massive queues, and errors tossing you to the back of queues, or the fact that you arbitrarily decide to discontinue rolling out more waves of people...december 7th...just over 1 week ago, and those people are allowed to be playing, if you waited til later, to redeem your code (which it wasn't clear you needed to do anyway) you're SOL.


You should have learned from the epic failure that was day 1 of this nonsense instead of extending it for 4 days.


Seconding the lol, no guy.

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well actually you could please everyone by having real servers instead of spending 300mil+ on voice acting.


Servers are working fine for me and I got in 2nd wave on day 1. Also, peeps on my server are claiming no issues either. Perhaps it is the server you are on?

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Yep yep, epic failure, in fact it's quite possibly illegal the way they've done a priority launch like this. They call it waves, it is in fact a priority launch. The fact that they claimed up to 5 days is something that could be problematic, but the truth of the matter is, this is verging on illegal based on consumer rights.


Nothing will come of it, but everyone else in the development community is laughing at this game right now learning from their massive, massive mistake.


You do this staggered launch to make it sort of a slow steady rise in population, then you still get hit with massive queues, and errors tossing you to the back of queues, or the fact that you arbitrarily decide to discontinue rolling out more waves of people...december 7th...just over 1 week ago, and those people are allowed to be playing, if you waited til later, to redeem your code (which it wasn't clear you needed to do anyway) you're SOL.


You should have learned from the epic failure that was day 1 of this nonsense instead of extending it for 4 days.


Dumbest post of the day ...... grats

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lol Zero problems here.


1. Ordered CE on 7/21/11 around 11am EST.

2. Got in the game at 7:05AM on 12/13/11.

3. Got both my names Pantera and Omen.

4. My CE from Amazon will be here 12/16/11.

5. My GF has giant bewbs.


Each and every one of you had the same chances I did. If you're having probs, it's probably your OWN fault.


Welcome to life my friends.

Edited by BradFett
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I dont think it is epic fail.


Though i disagree with you, i can understand your frustration. I too suffer from 9000 errors alot as well. I think the errors have something to do with the full populated servers. Which is why you dont see as many people with this issue. However, they are out there, me included.


I know it isnt a connection problem for me. I have restarted my router, sat right next to my router, and have even called my connection provider, who told me there isnt an issue with my connection at this time. I believed him because swtor is the only thing i have problems. I dont lose connection with wow, multiplayer Dawn of War, or league of legends.


People have to consider the fact swtor is new. There is going to be stability issues. The fact we can log on at all, without servers derailing, is a win in my eyes. But, those who say there isnt anything wrong with swtor, and believe server stability is flawless for such a new MMO, have never been part of an early access or launch.


The only MMO i can remember which did not have stability problems at launch, is rift. However, because one MMO had a great launch, doesnt mean every other MMO will as well.

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Yep yep, epic failure, in fact it's quite possibly illegal the way they've done a priority launch like this. They call it waves, it is in fact a priority launch. The fact that they claimed up to 5 days is something that could be problematic, but the truth of the matter is, this is verging on illegal based on consumer rights.


Nothing will come of it, but everyone else in the development community is laughing at this game right now learning from their massive, massive mistake.


You do this staggered launch to make it sort of a slow steady rise in population, then you still get hit with massive queues, and errors tossing you to the back of queues, or the fact that you arbitrarily decide to discontinue rolling out more waves of people...december 7th...just over 1 week ago, and those people are allowed to be playing, if you waited til later, to redeem your code (which it wasn't clear you needed to do anyway) you're SOL.


You should have learned from the epic failure that was day 1 of this nonsense instead of extending it for 4 days.

LOL! Illegal, really Mr.Armchair Lawyer? What they have done is in fact, 1005 perfectly legal, and was the best option. To placate all the whiners about how they couldn't get in, they invited a huge amount today, so now you guys can complain about how this launch was illegal and it's not fair you have queues. FYI bro, they've said since Day 1 launch access would be staggered, so if it came as a shock to you, read the FAQ next time.


P.S - You didn't pay for EGA, you paid for the game and access on the 20th, so they could have waited and let you in on the 19th and have done nothing wrong.

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