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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Three hours of warzones - a detailed report.


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Well, since you're playing republic, here's a tip: Join a PvP guild and do premades.


I'm pretty sure just about every good republic PvPer on my server is in the same guild, and they are always doing premades, which basically means that any time I get a voidstar or civil war match as Imperial, it's going to be a major loss. And I'll see a string of them sometimes, with the same players in every match.


The nice thing about huttball is that the pubs don't seem to know how to play it well, so we usually beat them whenever they're in there.

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I quit Huttball because I find it disgusting. I quit it with well over 1 minute to go on the initial countdown, so I don't hurt the team in any way.


I also quit total defeats, wich I am forced to join mid-fight.


The only game wich could be remotely debatable is n.2, but I left with over 1 minute on the initial countdown.



EDIT: seems like the first two idiots missed the point by a few miles. Let's see if it gets better.

Actually, you very well could be hurting your team by leaving early, even if it's during the initial countdown.


Remember, it takes a while for the game to register that someone as left, and allow that slot to open up for someone else to fill it from the queue.


Then, that person could possibly wait 10, 15, or even 30 seconds to click join, because they are busy conducting quick business before being ready to join.


Even further, their zone loading time might be somewhat slow, and take them 30 seconds or a bit more to load in.


Then on Voidstar, for example, they also have to ride the speeder to the spawn point, which is another long wait.


So by the time a replacement comes in for you, even though you left during the initial countdown, you potentially left the team down a teammate for the first minute or so because of all the other factors that are taken into account as listed above. And of course, for Huttball and Voidstar, they could also bump right into the forcefield and not even be able to jump out to help their team from the start.


Leaving early at any given time does, in fact, hurt the entire team. The initial countdown is there to help load up a full team before the match starts. Leaving early during that period only hurts the team, too.

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Sounds like you're a part of the problem yourself, tbh. Stop quitting matches and contributing to the fail.


Only time I quit a match is if my team is overqueued.



Sorry but when I am brought into a Warzone already in progress. I do the math see what it looks like. If there is very little chance to turn things around or if it is just impossible I leave and wait and hope for the next one to be fresh.

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I used to have problems getting the daily done too.


Then I got better at the game.


Below average players will have below average win rates, enough said.


Nowadays, I'm disappointed my PVP dailies get done so quickly. Today I picked up the quest, queued 3 matches, won them all, highest damage done by a mile, over 500k when the next highest didn't break 300k... then thought, damn, I can't play PVP any more for the next 24 hours /sadface/


But I agree with most of the posters here - the problem lies in the fact that there is no deserter penalty. Many players - like yourself - will quit the warzone if they think their team is weak. The actually good PVPers on your server are undoubtedly doing the same - they are zoning into the matches you're in, seeing nobody worth anything there, and zoning out.


If you're actually good at PVP, those same good players will zone in, see you are there, and think, damn, we won this. They'll stay and fight. Your win rate will go up dramatically. And good players start banding together. Bring 4 battlemasters to a match and your win rate goes up like crazy.


Being good at the game has a multiplicative effect - you're not only contributing more to the team, you're also ensuring the good players who zone in stay, and you're more likely to be able to play in teams with battlemasters.


Welcome to PVP.


You realise you can still queue for PvP if you've done dailies, right?

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OP, people that quit should get rocks thrown at them.


L2P with people and try your best, if you win or lose at least your tried.


Life is not about quitting, it's about trying the best you can with what tools you have.


Stop being selfish, and make it work.


If not, then don't expect others to rally with your quitting cause.


Real talk.

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These "elites" that are quitting matches based on how weak they percieve their team to be are the reason there are so many lopsided slaughter house WZ's, they keep quiting untill they get a strong team leaving nothing but fresh 50's on the opposite team, in turn making it harder/longer for those fresh 50's to gear up and help out in said WZ's
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OP, people that quit should get rocks thrown at them.


L2P with people and try your best, if you win or lose at least your tried.


Life is not about quitting, it's about trying the best you can with what tools you have.


Stop being selfish, and make it work.


If not, then don't expect others to rally with your quitting cause.


Real talk.


This is a game, not real life. Throwing rocks at people is better than quitting a WZ in a game? Wow, great logic.

People....quit when you want. Ignore the buffoons telling you what to do and when to do it. Join when you like. Quit when you like. It's your $15 per month, not theirs. When they pay for your monthly sub fee, then they can weigh in on how you choose to play.

LOL at all you people telling others how to enjoy their time in SWTOR.

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This is a game, not real life. Throwing rocks at people is better than quitting a WZ in a game? Wow, great logic.

People....quit when you want. Ignore the buffoons telling you what to do and when to do it. Join when you like. Quit when you like. It's your $15 per month, not theirs. When they pay for your monthly sub fee, then they can weigh in on how you choose to play.

LOL at all you people telling others how to enjoy their time in SWTOR.



Its sad when quitters defend quitters. :(

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Its sad when quitters defend quitters. :(


I almost never quit.....but nice try. I'm defending their right do what is fun for them & not what is fun for you or the other crabs in this bucket. Why should someone be forced to do something they don't enjoy? Cuz "you" thinks its best? LOL.

What's really sad is people like you who think they are special and "entitled" to things....like thinking they can tell others how to play, enjoy themselves, and so on...


Again people.....play "how" you like, "if" you like, "when" you like. Not because the forum trolls say thats the way it "should" be done or else.....DOOOOOM for you!!!!!


It's your $15, it's your time, it's your choice.


Your bridge called and it says you should come home now.

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You leave too much,


I laugh when I come into a warzone see people like you whine about low levels in chat and then end up way below everyone else on the scoreboard.


Just play the game you *********** scrub.


I wouldn't exactly end my comment like that lol, but yeah pretty much.

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