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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why X-SERVER anything is a BAD IDEA


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I didn't play wow previous to the cross server stuff so cant comment but I'm really enjoying the same server wz's in this game.

I've run into the same players repeatedly, i have a decent idea who's good, who isn't really, who's a moany baby, who's good humoured. I know if x player is on the other team im going to have a tough match, I've developed minor rivalries with players from the other faction with each of us trading places as being the one getting their *** handed to them, improving and getting revenge.

I've talked to guys i've run into in wz's on carrick station and theres a small pvp community developing on my server. The queue times are short unless its 4am in which case its admittadely unlikely you'll get a wz.

I'd be extremely dissapointed if they introduce cross server wz's.

The same server wz's are possibly my favorite aspect of pvp in this game (and I honestly think pvp in this game is great - have a hard time understanding the endless whines on this forum)


Maybe put a flag so it only puts cross server queue's up at 2am - 11am or on servers were queue's times are particularly bad.

Maybe pair low pop servers together so while you may not be in a wz entirely made of people on your server you can probably begin to recognise players from your 'sister' server.

Literally any alternative solution to the problems would be preferable to cross server queue's. (what are the problems with the current system anyway?)

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People always pull that article out of their *** but you know damn well it's not true. 40% of gamers are women? Yeah ok, maybe if you're only looking at the fanbase of the sims and iphone games.


Look, you play this game to "socialize" with your little e-buddies (nothing more social than sitting in your room for hours apparently) and I play this game to **** on people in pvp. I'll ******** in general chat but the only reason I'll actually form friendships in a video game is for something like arena, otherwise it's just annoying to have to talk to a ton of people every time I log on when I'm already talking to multiple people on facebook.


You are a strange person.


Also you are very negative. So since I play MMORPGs I play for hours at a time?


Also you are way too selfcentered. Forming friendship only so you can gain something out of it.


Finally my statement is the same. If you dont like people, dont play an MMO.

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Community is one of the distinguishing characteristics of an MMO. What is the point of playing if they aren't going to even give us the opportunity to build communities?


Go play TF2 or something. League of Legends. Counter-Strike. SC2. There are lots of PvP games available to cynical, anti-social types like yourself. Why bother playing a social game with people you clearly don't like, particularly when you're clearly not even willing to give them half a chance?


People with this attitude are toxic to the community. Just leave. Go ruin some other community.


We have chance to build up community. And after cross server features PvP comunity got very big and there was lot more known players and teams than in old vanilla system.

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Community is one of the distinguishing characteristics of an MMO. What is the point of playing if they aren't going to even give us the opportunity to build communities?


Go play TF2 or something. League of Legends. Counter-Strike. SC2. There are lots of PvP games available to cynical, anti-social types like yourself. Why bother playing a social game with people you clearly don't like, particularly when you're clearly not even willing to give them half a chance?

Lmao it's cute how you know nothing about me irl yet you call me an anti-social cynic. Sorry I offended you so badly, maybe you should go tell your mommy that I don't wanna play with you.


Seriously, what makes you think you're so great? Why would you just assume people want to be friends with you? Sounds like you guys are the ones who are self-centered and egotistical, not me.


You are a strange person.


Also you are very negative. So since I play MMORPGs I play for hours at a time?


Also you are way too selfcentered. Forming friendship only so you can gain something out of it.


Finally my statement is the same. If you dont like people, dont play an MMO.

When did I say I don't like people? I like people, just not you people. Problem?



lol you kids are raging right now, must have hit a nerve.

Edited by GregMD
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  • X-server queues create an anonymous mini-game where players sit in a central hub such as carrick station and wait for queues while trolling open chat. Players level their characters through anonymous queues without experiencing either their storyline or class quests.
    No cross server queues create an un-anonymous mini-game where players sit in a central hub such as the fleet and wait for queues while trolling open chat. Because queues take longer to pop, they troll longer. (/sarcasm) What leveling has to do with Warzones is beyond me. I think a very small minority levels off Warzones alone and I doubt that a significant amount would switch to WZ only, if they popped more often. More importantly, shouldn't it be the people's choice if they want to experience their story or just PvP 24/7, and not yours?
  • Upon entering the warzone or flashpoint, many players use the anonymity offered by the anonymous x-server pug groups to engage in the worst kind of behavior. They insult, demean and degrade players from other servers, knowing there will be no consequences from the community on their own server or even their own guild.
    A minority engages in such behaviour and you're free to leave the WZ again. Usually in WZ people are more focused on playing the game, with the occasional guy/girl losing it and cursing in chat. This happens alot in server WZs, I doubt it does alot more if it was cross server. And even then, just add the option to cross-server-ignore and you have your peace.
  • X-server qeues encourage exploiting, power leveling, valor and gear farming, account swapping, afk-botting and ultimately real money trading. Players with extra money pay power leveling services to farm the best pve and pvp gear. This has happened in every game I have played with x-server queues.
    People are already power leveling and valor/gear farming, why should it be forbidden if its what they want to do? Account swapping and money trading is hardly influenced by x-server WZs. AFK botting would likely be increased, but could be countered with voting afkers out/punishing them with a WZ lockout if enough vote.
  • X-server queues ultimately destroy communities by bypassing the self-policing nature of closed server communities. Players who engage in bad behavior such as trolling and griefing are ostracized and punished on closed server communities. In an x-server environment they disappear behind the cloud of anonymity. Players are prevented from getting to know others from the opposite or same faction and engaging in friendly competition. There is a lot to be said for knowing your enemies and your friends.
    Cross server WZ don't "destroy communities". That is total nonsense. The PvP players aren't the most social ones anyways. Most of them want to play WZ without standing around in the fleet for extended periods, waiting for the next one to pop. Enable cross server ignore lists and jerks will get "punished" the same way they are on your server. You can't chose to not play with them anyways, wether they're on your server or not. People who play WZ are interested in the gameplay, in fighting other players. Not in socializing. Exceptions exist, but I don't know one single WZ where I added a friend afterwards because we had a jolly chat while getting roflstomped by a premade, or where people sat aside for a cup of tea and a chat while everything was blowing up around them.



If the purpose of x-server queues is to allow players on low pop servers access to content, there is a simple solution, allow free transfers off of low pop servers. Problem solved.


The purposes of x-server WZ are the following:


  • shorter queues
  • play WZ during off times/low pop times instead of /log off
  • play WZ on low pop servers
  • balance republic vs empire better OVERALL (the most unbalanced servers will have it better)
  • increases the pool of people it can match up against each other -> more balanced, fun games - less premades dominating people who queue alone


Cross server FP is another thing. Though I would also like to see it added, with an option to queue server-wide only. So you can try server-wide, and if it takes too long, check cross server and start that darn thing already, instead of waiting around another half hour or longer.


People who can't do content (because it takes too long to set up a group, for instance) will abandon the game, no matter how AWESOME the content WOULD have been. Done everything else, now the game is sit in the Fleet and spam LFG FE HM for an hour each evening? Only a matter of time before you realize that there are ALOT more interesting things to do.

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  • X-server queues create an anonymous mini-game where players sit in a central hub such as carrick station and wait for queues while trolling open chat. Players level their characters through anonymous queues without experiencing either their storyline or class quests.
    No cross server queues create an un-anonymous mini-game where players sit in a central hub such as the fleet and wait for queues while trolling open chat. Because queues take longer to pop, they troll longer. (/sarcasm) What leveling has to do with Warzones is beyond me. I think a very small minority levels off Warzones alone and I doubt that a significant amount would switch to WZ only, if they popped more often. More importantly, shouldn't it be the people's choice if they want to experience their story or just PvP 24/7, and not yours?
  • Upon entering the warzone or flashpoint, many players use the anonymity offered by the anonymous x-server pug groups to engage in the worst kind of behavior. They insult, demean and degrade players from other servers, knowing there will be no consequences from the community on their own server or even their own guild.
    A minority engages in such behaviour and you're free to leave the WZ again. Usually in WZ people are more focused on playing the game, with the occasional guy/girl losing it and cursing in chat. This happens alot in server WZs, I doubt it does alot more if it was cross server. And even then, just add the option to cross-server-ignore and you have your peace.
  • X-server qeues encourage exploiting, power leveling, valor and gear farming, account swapping, afk-botting and ultimately real money trading. Players with extra money pay power leveling services to farm the best pve and pvp gear. This has happened in every game I have played with x-server queues.
    People are already power leveling and valor/gear farming, why should it be forbidden if its what they want to do? Account swapping and money trading is hardly influenced by x-server WZs. AFK botting would likely be increased, but could be countered with voting afkers out/punishing them with a WZ lockout if enough vote.
  • X-server queues ultimately destroy communities by bypassing the self-policing nature of closed server communities. Players who engage in bad behavior such as trolling and griefing are ostracized and punished on closed server communities. In an x-server environment they disappear behind the cloud of anonymity. Players are prevented from getting to know others from the opposite or same faction and engaging in friendly competition. There is a lot to be said for knowing your enemies and your friends.
    Cross server WZ don't "destroy communities". That is total nonsense. The PvP players aren't the most social ones anyways. Most of them want to play WZ without standing around in the fleet for extended periods, waiting for the next one to pop. Enable cross server ignore lists and jerks will get "punished" the same way they are on your server. You can't chose to not play with them anyways, wether they're on your server or not. People who play WZ are interested in the gameplay, in fighting other players. Not in socializing. Exceptions exist, but I don't know one single WZ where I added a friend afterwards because we had a jolly chat while getting roflstomped by a premade, or where people sat aside for a cup of tea and a chat while everything was blowing up around them.



If the purpose of x-server queues is to allow players on low pop servers access to content, there is a simple solution, allow free transfers off of low pop servers. Problem solved.


The purposes of x-server WZ are the following:


  • shorter queues
  • play WZ during off times/low pop times instead of /log off
  • play WZ on low pop servers
  • balance republic vs empire better OVERALL (the most unbalanced servers will have it better)
  • increases the pool of people it can match up against each other -> more balanced, fun games - less premades dominating people who queue alone


Cross server FP is another thing. Though I would also like to see it added, with an option to queue server-wide only. So you can try server-wide, and if it takes too long, check cross server and start that darn thing already, instead of waiting around another half hour or longer.


People who can't do content (because it takes too long to set up a group, for instance) will abandon the game, no matter how AWESOME the content WOULD have been. Done everything else, now the game is sit in the Fleet and spam LFG FE HM for an hour each evening? Only a matter of time before you realize that there are ALOT more interesting things to do.


I wish your post could be made into its own thread and stickied.

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Lmao it's cute how you know nothing about me irl yet you call me an anti-social cynic. Sorry I offended you so badly, maybe you should go tell your mommy that I don't wanna play with you.


Seriously, what makes you think you're so great? Why would you just assume people want to be friends with you? Sounds like you guys are the ones who are self-centered and egotistical, not me.


When did I say I don't like people? I like people, just not you people. Problem?



lol you kids are raging right now, must have hit a nerve.


not at all. But your highly subjective disrespectful tone makes a personality like me the need to respond. Because a person like me asks himself "how can a person act/think like this. Is he serious?".


If you hate online gamers so much, then why are you a part of it and wy did you choose the genre of gaming which required the most participation with other people?

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Made a thread in general about this, here are my thought.



When people who dislike the idea of x-server queue options think of them being implemented in this game they immediately think of wow's LFG tool and the PVP community being so fractured that you never see a familiar face. It doesn't have to be that way.


I enjoy getting into WZs and seeing people that I know, being able to strategize with people because their is actually a little trust there and we're not assuming that everyone is a 13 year old that will rage quit and not help while calling everyone noobs. But I also enjoy actually doing things and sitting in queue with nothing to do at 50 or sitting on fleet spamming for a group is simply not enjoyable and not worth my time. So how do you implement an x-server grouping system that does not make manners devolve and destroy communities? By giving it a priority system and possibly a timer system. Try to group people by server, but also only open the queue up to other servers if a certain amount of time has gone by with nobody else from the server queuing. Obviously, not perfect and there are more ways to tweak it but the point is that an x-server queue system does not need to be a direct duplicate of WOW's. There are ways this can work and be amazing for this game.

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Made a thread in general about this, here are my thought.



When people who dislike the idea of x-server queue options think of them being implemented in this game they immediately think of wow's LFG tool and the PVP community being so fractured that you never see a familiar face. It doesn't have to be that way.


I enjoy getting into WZs and seeing people that I know, being able to strategize with people because their is actually a little trust there and we're not assuming that everyone is a 13 year old that will rage quit and not help while calling everyone noobs. But I also enjoy actually doing things and sitting in queue with nothing to do at 50 or sitting on fleet spamming for a group is simply not enjoyable and not worth my time. So how do you implement an x-server grouping system that does not make manners devolve and destroy communities? By giving it a priority system and possibly a timer system. Try to group people by server, but also only open the queue up to other servers if a certain amount of time has gone by with nobody else from the server queuing. Obviously, not perfect and there are more ways to tweak it but the point is that an x-server queue system does not need to be a direct duplicate of WOW's. There are ways this can work and be amazing for this game.



They already stated that the system will try to find people from same server primarily and if not then from other ones.

Edited by Forsbacka
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  • Cross server WZ don't "destroy communities". That is total nonsense. The PvP players aren't the most social ones anyways. Most of them want to play WZ without standing around in the fleet for extended periods, waiting for the next one to pop. Enable cross server ignore lists and jerks will get "punished" the same way they are on your server. You can't chose to not play with them anyways, wether they're on your server or not. People who play WZ are interested in the gameplay, in fighting other players. Not in socializing. Exceptions exist, but I don't know one single WZ where I added a friend afterwards because we had a jolly chat while getting roflstomped by a premade, or where people sat aside for a cup of tea and a chat while everything was blowing up around them.



Actually you're wrong. All I do in MMOs is PvP, nothing else. It destroys communities because i've seen it happen myself. While you're waiting for a pop, you go somewhere (Ilum) and PvP in the meantime instead of sitting inside and waiting for que pops. You develop a relationship with other PvPers which overall improve game play. Speaking from experience, I gave a damn about PvP for bragging rights and to prove that I'm the best on the server. Once you make it cross faction, you join for your dailies and gain nothing else. I would gladly wait 20min for a que pop, over cross-server. If no one cared, there wouldn't be endless threads.

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They already stated that the system will try to find people from same server primarily and if not then from other ones.


I know. But some people (like the OP) seem to think it's going to be exactly the same as wows and create similar problems. I'm just trying to reiterate that it doesn't need to, that before you get into the debate about whether WOWs x-server and lfg tool should be implemented people should know that it doesn't need to be an exact copy.

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in wows x realm bg you gett to know players from other realm

You know what servers ate good and which ones are not so good

Like when facing players from tricondous it's going to be tough match

And frostmourne will be easy mode


X realm ruining community is a myth

Edited by denpic
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not at all. But your highly subjective disrespectful tone makes a personality like me the need to respond. Because a person like me asks himself "how can a person act/think like this. Is he serious?".


If you hate online gamers so much, then why are you a part of it and wy did you choose the genre of gaming which required the most participation with other people?

Both swtor and WoW require little to no "participation" with other people, especially if you're a PvPer. I already explained why I play online games earlier, I don't need to justify my reasons for playing mmos to you anyway. Who the **** are you? You don't mean anything to me.


The tone in my original post wasn't "disrespectful" to you or the guy I quoted anyway, I just said the community is gonna be **** regardless of whether there's cross-server warzones/flashpoints or not because this is the internet. Now you're just getting all butthurt because apparently you're so amazing that everyone should want to be your little e-buddy. You're getting dealt with kid, better just go away because you're not gonna win this.

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Actually you're wrong. All I do in MMOs is PvP, nothing else. It destroys communities because i've seen it happen myself. While you're waiting for a pop, you go somewhere (Ilum) and PvP in the meantime instead of sitting inside and waiting for que pops. You develop a relationship with other PvPers which overall improve game play. Speaking from experience, I gave a damn about PvP for bragging rights and to prove that I'm the best on the server. Once you make it cross faction, you join for your dailies and gain nothing else. I would gladly wait 20min for a que pop, over cross-server. If no one cared, there wouldn't be endless threads.


Amount of threads aint related to average player base in any way and there has been many positive things said about it. YOur view on it destroying community is personal and differs from mine. When cross server WZs was added to WoW, PvP community grew very big, lots of new teams and players that i got used to and sites like arenajunkies and PvP forums came to be very popular.

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I have never been a fan of instanced pvp as I think that its far from real pvp


Instanced pvp is like an akvarium and people go "woaw thats amazing. Looks almost like a cut piece of the sea" when in reality its a small zone constructed entirely for the purpose of giving a false simulation of reality.


I want the real sea. Not this tiny little akvarium.




If a tiny little akvarium is the only form of Pvp we get, I would atleast hope I only meet fish I can recognize. otherwise It will be a meanlingless akvarium to swim in.

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Lmao it's cute how you know nothing about me irl yet you call me an anti-social cynic. Sorry I offended you so badly, maybe you should go tell your mommy that I don't wanna play with you.


Seriously, what makes you think you're so great? Why would you just assume people want to be friends with you? Sounds like you guys are the ones who are self-centered and egotistical, not me.


When did I say I don't like people? I like people, just not you people. Problem?



lol you kids are raging right now, must have hit a nerve.


It is funny the most rude and inconsiderate people are the ones saying protecting the community from rude and inconsiderate people is a must.

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Both swtor and WoW require little to no "participation" with other people, especially if you're a PvPer. I already explained why I play online games earlier, I don't need to justify my reasons for playing mmos to you anyway. Who the **** are you? You don't mean anything to me.


The tone in my original post wasn't "disrespectful" to you or the guy I quoted anyway, I just said the community is gonna be **** regardless of whether there's cross-server warzones/flashpoints or not because this is the internet. Now you're just getting all butthurt because apparently you're so amazing that everyone should want to be your little e-buddy.. You're getting dealt with kid, better just go away because you're not gonna win this.


I highlighted each section with colour, look for the red sentence as a response to your own red sentence. Mostly joyful and happy colours! :D


Blame Blizzard for changing the MMORPG genre. It used to be different. Still its the most social form of gaming.


You posted on these forums. You are in a conversation. I can demand explanation in order for you to defend your opinion. If you are not willing to defend it, dont share it.


Hello. My Name Is Zlash. We are having a conversation. That is who I am. As for the last part, do you only speak to people that mean something to you? That must be hard IRL as most stuff you do requires social participation :)


So you are spending time on the internet pissing and bashing the community to the ground beucase "its the internet". Id call you to be part of the problem. Its people like you that causes bad behavior. Lighten up. Smile to the world and the world smiles back.


I dont want to be your so called e-buddy. But since you posted here, I am allowed to demand social response from you. As for my personal demands: I would hope you had the courtesy to asnwer with mutual respect.


Oh I wish i was a kid again. Those carefree years were you could do anything you wanted without caring about the future. Saddly Im no longer a kid. And this conversation is not about winning, saddly my name is not Charlie Sheen. :)

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I highlighted each section with colour, look for the red sentence as a response to your own red sentence. Mostly joyful and happy colours! :D


Blame Blizzard for changing the MMORPG genre. It used to be different. Still its the most social form of gaming.


You posted on these forums. You are in a conversation. I can demand explanation in order for you to defend your opinion. If you are not willing to defend it, dont share it.


Hello. My Name Is Zlash. We are having a conversation. That is who I am. As for the last part, do you only speak to people that mean something to you? That must be hard IRL as most stuff you do requires social participation :)


So you are spending time on the internet pissing and bashing the community to the ground beucase "its the internet". Id call you to be part of the problem. Its people like you that causes bad behavior. Lighten up. Smile to the world and the world smiles back.


I dont want to be your so called e-buddy. But since you posted here, I am allowed to demand social response from you. As for my personal demands: I would hope you had the courtesy to asnwer with mutual respect.


Oh I wish i was a kid again. Those carefree years were you could do anything you wanted without caring about the future. Saddly Im no longer a kid. And this conversation is not about winning, saddly my name is not Charlie Sheen. :)

I've already said I have a lot of irl friends (not trying to brag or anything), juggling RL friends and in-game friends is annoying to me and it's something I don't want to be bothered with. I play video games to take a break from my social life for a little bit, I don't care about developing friendships with whatever random nerds I'm playing with. I could care the **** less if my way of thinking annoys you because your way of thinking annoys me too.
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Lmao it's cute how you know nothing about me irl yet you call me an anti-social cynic. Sorry I offended you so badly, maybe you should go tell your mommy that I don't wanna play with you.


Seriously, what makes you think you're so great? Why would you just assume people want to be friends with you? Sounds like you guys are the ones who are self-centered and egotistical, not me.


When did I say I don't like people? I like people, just not you people. Problem?



lol you kids are raging right now, must have hit a nerve.


Hey, I called you an anti-social cynic because your statement was anti-social and cynical. I don't know anything about you other than what you allow me to see on the forums. Based on what I've seen of you here, I'd say you come across as a pompous donkey. If you don't like people pointing out your foibles, don't act the fool on a public forum.


It seems to me that you are the one with the superiority complex. You're the one running around with the weirdly self-conscious forum name, GregMD. You're the one making blanket statements referring to MMO gamers as "basement dwellers" just to get a rise out of people. You won't ever see me running around calling myself EconProfessorPhD, and it's unlikely that you'll see me making disparaging remarks about a group of people because of how they choose to spend their free time.


It's OK. We get it. You have lots of friends. Good for you, buddy. I'm sure that you live a fulfilling life, filled with non-stop hang-gliding adventures, sports cars, designer garments, and scantily clad fashion models.

Edited by belialle
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Tbh i couldn't care less if cross server WZs are coming.


however i see that Bioware seam to have given up on Open world pvp.

not one word about ilum and pvp server improvments (why do we have pvp servers anyway?). no word on engine improvment so that big pvp battles are more playable.


instead they give us cross server warzones and another hutball like game.

why do we have 2 factions and whats it with the war between those again?

guess biowares interpretation about war is having 8vs 8 chasing a greesy ball in an arena.



congratz to the devs, another star wars game that will fail so hard.


if i wanted to do small man pvp in a limited area i would play dota like games (atleast they are fun) without having to pay every month.

looks like the massively mulitplayer part is where most modern day mmorpg games and devs fail.

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Hey, I called you an anti-social cynic because your statement was anti-social and cynical. I don't know anything about you other than what you allow me to see on the forums. Based on what I've seen of you here, I'd say you come across as a pompous donkey. If you don't like people pointing out your foibles, don't act the fool on a public forum.


It seems to me that you are the one with the superiority complex. You're the one running around with the weirdly self-conscious forum name, GregMD. You're the one making blanket statements referring to MMO gamers as "basement dwellers" just to get a rise out of people. You won't ever see me running around calling myself EconProfessorPhD, and it's unlikely that you'll see me making disparaging remarks about a person because of how they choose to spend their free time.

MD is just my initials bruh, I'd like to change my forum name because it looks weird but I can't so w/e. And no I'm not trying to get a rise out of people, my original post had nothing to do with anything we're talking about now. That stupid russian kid decided to attack me for no reason and that's what started all this. Don't want me to act "cynical"? Don't **** with me kid. Simple as that.
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Actually you're wrong. All I do in MMOs is PvP, nothing else. It destroys communities because i've seen it happen myself. While you're waiting for a pop, you go somewhere (Ilum) and PvP in the meantime instead of sitting inside and waiting for que pops. You develop a relationship with other PvPers which overall improve game play. Speaking from experience, I gave a damn about PvP for bragging rights and to prove that I'm the best on the server. Once you make it cross faction, you join for your dailies and gain nothing else. I would gladly wait 20min for a que pop, over cross-server. If no one cared, there wouldn't be endless threads.


I'd rather not wait 20 minutes and I get bored seeing the same players every single match. I'm not into developing relationships with other PvPers... sounds kinky. Your idea that Ilum is a good thing because it gives PvP players a bowl to run around in while they are waiting for Q pops isn't something I agree with either. You sound like an Imperial player who is used to easy wins and is scared of any variables changing that.

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MD is just my initials bruh, I'd like to change my forum name because it looks weird but I can't so w/e. And no I'm not trying to get a rise out of people, my original post had nothing to do with anything we're talking about now. That stupid russian kid decided to attack me for no reason and that's what started all this. Don't want me to act "cynical"? Don't **** with me kid. Simple as that.


we have a ****** over here

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MD is just my initials bruh, I'd like to change my forum name because it looks weird but I can't so w/e. And no I'm not trying to get a rise out of people, my original post had nothing to do with anything we're talking about now. That stupid russian kid decided to attack me for no reason and that's what started all this. Don't want me to act "cynical"? Don't **** with me kid. Simple as that.


I don't care how you act. I'm guessing that you're probably way too young to be so cynical about people, but it's not my job to help you develop a healthy world-view. Why do think I would care if you make an *** of yourself in public? That's your problem -- not mine. :]

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