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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How can you tell the health of a game


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That is by going to other zones on a open pvp server and looking for a fight. However this is what I find NOTHING. When i loaded into the zones there was 7 people listed on one planet leveling and 3, i kid you not 3 leveling on another. How bad is that??? The saddest part was I only found 5 total imps to fight on both these planets (one was AFK). Now before someone says "well they are all on Illum pvping" i am going to put a stop to it. The health of a new game is measured by the amount of leveling people in each zone. This game after 2 months or so doesnt have anyone leveling. On a friday night I can hardly find another 40 plus to fight against, whats with that? That is a sign that either people hated the game and unsubbed already or everyone is at 50.


When wow came out there was a endless stream of people playing in almost every zone. Open pvp all the time. What makes this game so different? What happened to the 1.7 million subs? Maybe if the lower level player base started putting together what is driving them to unsub, maybe just maybe this trend can be reversed.


Before you flame this with "your on a low pop server" "there is nothing wrong with my population" junk let me say this sever was one of the highest poplulations when the game first release.


One cause to have people quit is the resolve system in pvp in general. If people have others they should list them here. It would be helpful for BW to see what it driving people away

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That is by going to other zones on a open pvp server and looking for a fight. However this is what I find NOTHING. When i loaded into the zones there was 7 people listed on one planet leveling and 3, i kid you not 3 leveling on another. How bad is that??? The saddest part was I only found 5 total imps to fight on both these planets (one was AFK). Now before someone says "well they are all on Illum pvping" i am going to put a stop to it. The health of a new game is measured by the amount of leveling people in each zone. This game after 2 months or so doesnt have anyone leveling. On a friday night I can hardly find another 40 plus to fight against, whats with that? That is a sign that either people hated the game and unsubbed already or everyone is at 50.


When wow came out there was a endless stream of people playing in almost every zone. Open pvp all the time. What makes this game so different? What happened to the 1.7 million subs? Maybe if the lower level player base started putting together what is driving them to unsub, maybe just maybe this trend can be reversed.


Before you flame this with "your on a low pop server" "there is nothing wrong with my population" junk let me say this sever was one of the highest poplulations when the game first release.


One cause to have people quit is the resolve system in pvp in general. If people have others they should list them here. It would be helpful for BW to see what it driving people away

Lets blow through the propa and cut to the chase ... you wouldn't happen to be on Blizzard's Western Pacific payrolll would you? Or maybe even a spambot with incredible linguistics skills? Edited by GalacticKegger
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That is by going to other zones on a open pvp server and looking for a fight. However this is what I find NOTHING. When i loaded into the zones there was 7 people listed on one planet leveling and 3, i kid you not 3 leveling on another. How bad is that??? The saddest part was I only found 5 total imps to fight on both these planets (one was AFK). Now before someone says "well they are all on Illum pvping" i am going to put a stop to it. The health of a new game is measured by the amount of leveling people in each zone. This game after 2 months or so doesnt have anyone leveling. On a friday night I can hardly find another 40 plus to fight against, whats with that? That is a sign that either people hated the game and unsubbed already or everyone is at 50.


When wow came out there was a endless stream of people playing in almost every zone. Open pvp all the time. What makes this game so different? What happened to the 1.7 million subs? Maybe if the lower level player base started putting together what is driving them to unsub, maybe just maybe this trend can be reversed.


Before you flame this with "your on a low pop server" "there is nothing wrong with my population" junk let me say this sever was one of the highest poplulations when the game first release.


One cause to have people quit is the resolve system in pvp in general. If people have others they should list them here. It would be helpful for BW to see what it driving people away


You know, these things are often exaggerated to hell and back. Why not give us the name of this "one of the highest populations" server and we can see if others from that server share your concerns? Did you think all of those 1.7 million subscribers were playing on your server?

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LEts see three BW lackeys. Sorry to ruin your day but in 5 months you will see server mergers. In 2 years you will see two maybe 3 servers left. This is if the game remains setup in its current system. Sorry to give you the bad news, but this is what happens to MMO's that are created by companies who are pressured to release a game due to financial concerns


As far as Linguistics goes. I wrote this little note at 3 am. Sorry if I can be perfect 24/7

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That is by going to other zones on a open pvp server and looking for a fight. However this is what I find NOTHING. When i loaded into the zones there was 7 people listed on one planet leveling and 3, i kid you not 3 leveling on another. How bad is that??? The saddest part was I only found 5 total imps to fight on both these planets (one was AFK). Now before someone says "well they are all on Illum pvping" i am going to put a stop to it. The health of a new game is measured by the amount of leveling people in each zone. This game after 2 months or so doesnt have anyone leveling. On a friday night I can hardly find another 40 plus to fight against, whats with that? That is a sign that either people hated the game and unsubbed already or everyone is at 50.


When wow came out there was a endless stream of people playing in almost every zone. Open pvp all the time. What makes this game so different? What happened to the 1.7 million subs? Maybe if the lower level player base started putting together what is driving them to unsub, maybe just maybe this trend can be reversed.


Before you flame this with "your on a low pop server" "there is nothing wrong with my population" junk let me say this sever was one of the highest poplulations when the game first release.


One cause to have people quit is the resolve system in pvp in general. If people have others they should list them here. It would be helpful for BW to see what it driving people away

Well that is the fast lvl process i dont know why devolpers think we want that when they provide a BS broken end game that has bad itemization and buggy mechanics. My prediction is by 90 days this game will have the largest burn off of any MMO to date. but it will still reatain 750 k subs. its sad but true they sold out produced a single player Lobby type game with massive online features and called it a MMO. TOR will be success on IP alone the MMO veteran wont stay. only the single player gamers.

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Actually, you can tell how successful a game is by looking at the number of morons posting tripe on the general forums. The more hostile and hateful the general forums are, the more successful the game is.


Maybe you're right. BF3 is still going strong AFAIK.

Edited by EvilTrollGuy
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LEts see three BW lackeys. Sorry to ruin your day but in 5 months you will see server mergers. In 2 years you will see two maybe 3 servers left. This is if the game remains setup in its current system. Sorry to give you the bad news, but this is what happens to MMO's that are created by companies who are pressured to release a game due to financial concerns


As far as Linguistics goes. I wrote this little note at 3 am. Sorry if I can be perfect 24/7


So your annoyed people are sleeping at 3 am?

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Actually, you can tell how successful a game is by looking at the number of morons posting tripe on the general forums. The more hostile and hateful the general forums are, the more successful the game is.


^ quote for truth:mad:

moar research needs to be done on this uncontrollable compulsion :rolleyes:

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So many lies wow fanboys dont even try anymore it seems


Not a WoW fanboy first of all. I beta tested WoW, played for 4 years or so. I stopped after the Burning Crusade. It was a great game for a long time however it started going into refurbished old content, pvp was put aside for pve, new races at first were cool but it was the same old stuff. they kept changing the FOTM gimping one class then making another god like. Daily quest where the norm, heroics got old quick and arenas revolved around FOTM class makeup. Overall TOR could of took what worked from WoW and what didnt.


Furthermore, some of the devs that worked on this game also worked on Warhammer. That game even with all its flaws had a pretty good pvp system near the end of its MMO life. At the start however Hammer was released just the same way this game was. Flawed! You could see the game dying right before your eyes. No customer support, no in game support, bugs, hacks, gcd bypasses, overpowered class mechanics the list goes on. EA just let it fly because they made their money back and was pulling people off that project to work on this one.


All in all the game is just leaking subs. Its the weekend yet almost every server is standard population. Sorry you cant see what I am pointing out when it comes to the actual player base

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So your annoyed people are sleeping at 3 am?


LOL no thats just when I wrote the post. At 11 pm there was very little to no WZ's, the total population on the Republic fleet was 43 and like I said before I was planet hopping to find some action but there was nothing.

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quote for truth


How do you figure? Why is simple observation pass all you people? On my open pvp server there should be action all over the place. People leveling, people fighting, people queing yet there are none. How can you call me a moron for stating what is actually happening on my server during the "prime time" on a friday night? This game is what 2 months old? Yet I cant find anyone to fight in open pvp, I can go gank lowbies because there are none, I cant find a FP group without spamming general for 30 or so minutes. What the heck do you see that I am missing?

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True, examples: WOW , BF3,MW3,etc etc.


Maybe some of us like the game and see the potential. Maybe some of us would like to see it flourish. This is done through discussion. I know its something that boggles your mind but thats how change happens. What is driving people to unsub? Do you know? I sure dont but I have some thoughts. Why not list some concerns? Thats right you dont care, you're here just to troll or play damage control for a broken and dying game.


This is the fastest population drop I have seen in a MMO, this is faster than Warhammer which is saying alot.


Maybe you people will understand that when server mergers happen in 4 to 5 months. Mark my words you are going to start seeing requests in 3 or less months.

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I agree with the OP. My main server was Twin Spears and I had an alt on Nadd's. You can /who each zone, it's not hard. Population is currently abysmal.


People can say, well my server is awesome! I'll take your word for it. But since low pop is an issue for a lot of formerly full servers, we still have to accept these people have either left or rerolled on the higher pop servers.


Either way, not good for the game. And it's more likely they bailed than rerolled.

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