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People that Do 300k+ Damage in Level 50 Warzones


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2.29 - You had a team-mate fighting besides you on the walk-way. Ideally you should turn your attention on who he's fighting because they could be your next threat as a ranged DPS. You finish him off but ideally snap around to him first - if he'd have had more health they could have been pretty bothersome.


My priority at that moment was to take out anyone near the ball carrier.


3.10 - I didn't understand why you were running away from action then, but then realised it was to take better position and pre-empting them. That was smart play. The only problem is, is if they rush fast then you could be swarmed.


At 3:03, I notice reinforcements are arriving. I kind of relied on my team to slow them down.


An alternative may be to keep the original position, and tackle them from the back OR have moved further along the walkway, away from the ramp they had to come up so they didn't have to by-pass you and you can tag them from the side (if that makes sense?).


At 3:13, this is my favorite spot to set up shop if I predict the enemy ball carrier would go this route. I want the ball carrier to try to bypass me. Why? So I can use cover pulse to knock back the ball carrier down the next level. And this is where I am supposed to time my stun immunity (entrench), so that I don't get knocked back myself. I would time my AOE (Orbital Strike), so that the enemy ball carrier would walk right into the damage of the AOE (as seen in 3:19). Also, I can take advantage of my group shield, which grants 20% damage reduction to anyone near me. By staying at the original spot at 3:00, I couldn't have used my knock back or my group shield.


However, in future Huttball matches, maybe I will try staying where you originally wanted me to stay to see how that goes. Maybe it's better if I shoot them from a safe distance instead of "being in the action" at 3:20.

Edited by kusajishii
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People on the SWTOR forum claim they can do 300k+ damage with ease in level 50 warzones, yet I struggle to do so. How can this be done? It boggles my mind. Here's a video.



Anyone know what I am doing wrong?


I hit the 300k medal in nearly every game that I'm in, whether I'm specced immortal, vengeance or rage, it happens. Why?


I gear correctly, I use the right mods (surge/power/crit) and ditch the bad ones. I don't use the garbage itemized battlemaster gear and I know what I'm doing when I play.


If you're not hitting 300k, you probably don't have the gear for it. It should come naturally once you have it.


Unless you're clicking, that might hurt.

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Can't DPS when you are dead. Having a healer on the team usually helps.


300k is easy on all maps. 500k is easy on Voidstar.


I typically only do 150k damage 150k healing on Hutball because I'm constantly moving into positions to score or help score.

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How can anybody even begin to use an absolute damage amount as a yardstick? There are way too many variables that effect overall damage output. Probably the two biggest ones are:


1) How long the match lasts.

2) How much healing is going on (which in turn affects game length...)


In a short game in which the losing side has little or no healing, you're not going to do much total damage.


Plus damage is just a terrible measure of effectiveness. Knocking somebody off a platform, snaring them at a critical time, or stunning and running is often a much better contribution to a match than just doing damage.

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People on the SWTOR forum claim they can do 300k+ damage with ease in level 50 warzones, yet I struggle to do so. How can this be done? It boggles my mind. Here's a video.



Anyone know what I am doing wrong?




Over 300k damage (screenied because 5642 is the highest single hit I have seen my Powertech do so far), we held them to the first set of doors.


That's the perfect situation to rack up big numbers with ease.

Edited by Jestunhi
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Let's see... I can usually pull 300k damage if I've got a pocket healer (I play a marauder in full champion gear). It's not necessarily about ignoring objectives. Actually, I find that in most huttball games I do the most damage when I'm facing a good team with a large amount of health and I'm sticking to the ball carrier.


The key is to be where the enemy is. If the enemy is getting healed, even better, because that's more damage for me to do per enemy.


Note that I was not capable of breaking the 300k mark until I was almost full champion and had switched to annihilation spec. (Carnage just wasn't cutting it)

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aoe and dots.


aoe for obvious reasons and dots because you end up having to do more damage to someone to take them out(plus tab dotting).


on a target getting healed a burst dps may only have to do 19k to kill someone, while a dotter may have to do 25k.


dotter scores higher on the scoreboard, but had less effective damage.

Edited by zeroburrito
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aoe and dots.


aoe for obvious reasons and dots because you end up having to do more damage to someone to take them out(plus tab dotting).


And dotting someone trying to plant a bomb or hack a turret is a good thing objective-wise.


As is AoEing a crowd trying to defuse a bomb.

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And dotting someone trying to plant a bomb or hack a turret is a good thing objective-wise.


As is AoEing a crowd trying to defuse a bomb.


yes aoe and dots are both very good for those reasons. i'm just saying that's how you can reach it easily if you wanted to.

Edited by zeroburrito
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You have to ignore the objectives.


this is mostly the truth, sadly. very rare can a game truly be a stalemate and allow people to wrack up this kind of damage total with legit gameplay.


also, if you spam things like dots and aoe type moves, you can easily pad damage numbers.


seriously, the damage stat on the scoreboard is worthless and should be removed, but whatever. kiddies love their epeen!

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it's actually pretty easy to get 300k dmg. get it pretty much every game on my lvl 50. also avg about 250-300k dmg on my alts which are lvl 20 to 36.


don't understand why people think you have to ignore objectives?


sry but if your a sorc or op and trying to run the ball in hutt ball you are 1) not helping your team 2) bad at the game. TANKS run the ball bro's. squishy dps clear path for tank / kill or peel people trying to take him down.


burning down the opposing ball carrier / peeling for your's in hutt ball ez 300k dmg


killing ppl in voidstar to prevent caps / clearing out ppl so you can cap door ez 300k dmg


defending / attacking nodes in civil war ez 300k dmg


honestly when there are stalemates of constant action my dmg can get up to 500-600k or more.

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So because I get 300k dps I dont play objectives huh. Im sorry ask that guy at the door if that DoT ticking on him for 18 seconds helps him cap it or prevents him.


Thats all I do is play the objective, I dont run around trying to solo dudes. Its not my fault the other teams like to group around each other at a cap point and see if that helps them cap it. Nope, then its time for AoE's and more DoT's.


If you cant manage 300k most games or even 1/3 of the time then thats your gameplay not being up to par. Not mine being that I dont play the objective. I see 300k as average, so if you cant get average thats on you. In WZ's I play 1/2 the people are over 300k, some 500k. Your server is lacking or something but this is daily for me.

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It's pretty easy even if you're focusing on objectives. In Huttball to do top damage you have to control objectives. In Voidstar just do damage. In Alderaan keep moving to the point where the big fights are.


https://imgur.com/a/Kk2Fd#0 - Compilation of warzones over the past 2 weeks. Hit 530k damage in a voidstar last night(2nd to last image).

Edited by Tumri
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People on the SWTOR forum claim they can do 300k+ damage with ease in level 50 warzones, yet I struggle to do so. How can this be done? It boggles my mind. Here's a video.



Anyone know what I am doing wrong?


Its quite easy if you are a damage dealer with a good healer close by, and you have high expertise score up against people with low expertise scores. I see +200K scores a lot and +300K at least once a day and its always the guys who have team mates who heal and have great gear. Often i'll see several guys with high damage.


They dont ignore objectives either.


On a side not, its alost always imperials putting up these numbers and nearly always brightwizards.

Edited by origional
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People saying that you need to ignore the objectives are dumb. You don't ignore the objectives to get max damage/healing, you play for them. That is where all of the people are. That is where your healers will be. That is where the focus of the game is going to be. If you control mid or babysit ball carriers in huttball, control mid in Alderaan or really push the enemy team back on their heals in voidstar you can't help but get high damage. AND you'll get the objective medals. AND you have a better chance of winning the game. Triple win.



If you ignore the objectives and just derp around chasing people trying to lay as much hurt on them as possible you are going to die more often because your team isn't around, you are going to lose the game because you're essentially turning it into a 7v8 and you are going to get fewer medals because you will be missing out on objectives and team kills.

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People saying that you need to ignore the objectives are dumb. You don't ignore the objectives to get max damage/healing, you play for them. That is where all of the people are. That is where your healers will be. That is where the focus of the game is going to be. If you control mid or babysit ball carriers in huttball, control mid in Alderaan or really push the enemy team back on their heals in voidstar you can't help but get high damage. AND you'll get the objective medals. AND you have a better chance of winning the game. Triple win.



If you ignore the objectives and just derp around chasing people trying to lay as much hurt on them as possible you are going to die more often because your team isn't around, you are going to lose the game because you're essentially turning it into a 7v8 and you are going to get fewer medals because you will be missing out on objectives and team kills.


I think its more a case of, for example, if someone has planted a bomb, you ignore trying to disarm it to concentrate on doing damage and stuff like that which you see all the time. Thats ignoring an objective.

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I think its more a case of, for example, if someone has planted a bomb, you ignore trying to disarm it to concentrate on doing damage and stuff like that which you see all the time. Thats ignoring an objective.


That's not even ignoring the objective. SOMEONE needs to keep the enemy team busy/down while you're trying to disarm the bomb. If 8 people click on the bomb then you can rest assured they will all get interrupted. When the bomb is planted you have 17 seconds to thin their numbers as much as possible and then click the bomb.

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