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Arena, implement competitive PVP.


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Right now it completely consists of warzones and Ilum. There is NOTHING else. I donät know even if Ilum should count. Sure the Idea of a grand-scale PVP arena is enticing however, what it usually comes down to is 2 large groups who stand at max range from eachother and use AoE spells with some bored melees occasionally leaping in and either dying or vanishing back to their group. There is nothing else to it. Also considering that Republic is severely outnumbered on most servers makes it close to impossible to even complete the daily quest, not to mention enjoying it, if you are not online at 13:00 (CET) when the daily is reset.

Warzones are fun to a degree. I bet there are tons of people who just LOVE warzones. But a warzone is not even close to promoting competitive PVP. Sure, medals and MVP-votes have their merit, but once the wz is over you have nothing to show for it.

I love SWTOR and almost everything about it. PVE is fun, questing etc is really nice, combat is alive but the lack of competitive PVP and the disregard for it is really drawing the overall score back.

I am an ex WoW - player, and the only thing i thoroughly enjoyed in WoW was arena. Especially 3v3 matches where you got your reputation, recieved bettter gear for better performance. Having a similar thing in SWTOR would be more than amazing. SWTOR NEEDS arena. People should have something to strive towards if their focus is PVP, not just looking forward to an endless warzone spam. I want to be the best in PVP, so do many others, but we have no way of proving that since there really is nothing that measures skill in SWTOR PVP.

Please consider the importance of having competitive PVP, and those who agree/disagree please comment. (Unless you are going to write that i should go back to WoW)

Edited by LexiCazam
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Right now it completely consists of warzones and Ilum. There is NOTHING else. I donät know even if Ilum should count. Sure the Idea of a grand-scale PVP arena is enticing however, what it usually comes down to is 2 large groups who stand at max range from eachother and use AoE spells with some bored melees occasionally leaping in and either dying or vanishing back to their group. There is nothing else to it. Also considering that Republic is severely outnumbered on most servers makes it close to impossible to even complete the daily quest, not to mention enjoying it, if you are not online at 13:00 (CET) when the daily is reset.

Warzones are fun to a degree. I bet there are tons of people who just LOVE warzones. But a warzone is not even close to promoting competitive PVP. Sure, medals and MVP-votes have their merit, but once the wz is over you have nothing to show for it.

I love SWTOR and almost everything about it. PVE is fun, questing etc is really nice, combat is alive but the lack of competitive PVP and the disregard for it is really drawing the overall score back.

I am an ex WoW - player, and the only thing i thoroughly enjoyed in WoW was arena. Especially 3v3 matches where you got your reputation, recieved bettter gear for better performance. Having a similar thing in SWTOR would be more than amazing. SWTOR NEEDS arena. People should have something to strive towards if their focus is PVP, not just looking forward to an endless warzone spam. I want to be the best in PVP, so do many others, but we have no way of proving that since there really is nothing that measures skill in SWTOR PVP.

Please consider the importance of having competitive PVP, and those who agree/disagree please comment. (Unless you are going to write that i should go back to WoW)



Arena was never a measure of skill.. it was a measure of who could exploit the current dream-team combos and burn every CD you had int he first 30 seconds.


And they're introducing rated warzones..... So your argument=invalid.

Edited by LexiCazam
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If they had arena it would only help showcase how laughably unbalanced classes are in this game.


I don't know how anyone can say there is a huge imbalance issue. This games class balance is the best I have ever seen in an mmo. What SPECIFIC class balances are you talking about?

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Gabe Amatangelo: We are going to continue to introduce new Flashpoints, Warzones, and Operations on a regular basis. The story line will continue with all of the above as well as in solo-able missions. We will continue to evolve Crew Skills and crafting. We’ll be introducing the Legacy System soon, as Daniel mentioned. Additionally, we have exciting PvP features planned, the first of which includes pre-season Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2. Edited by Amp_
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Arena was never a measure of skill.. it was a measure of who could exploit the current dream-team combos and burn every CD you had int he first 30 seconds.


And they're introducing rated warzones..... So your argument=invalid.


Of course you are right, because famous WoW players like Neilyo, Snutz, *********** HYDRA, achieved their fame and world renown by playing a dreamteam comp and burning through all cds in 30 sec?


A skilled RLS for example would win vs a faceroll TSG/Kittycleave almost every time. The problem with WoW arena is that it takes perfect coordination and flawless execution to achieve victory as a regular comp whereas a "dreamteam" can afford several mistakes.


Also you cant hope to know what arena would be like in SWTOR. My thread was about cempetetive PVP, arena was just a suggestion, although it's what im hoping for.


Please do not turn this into a WoW-arena discussion.

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Of course you are right, because famous WoW players like Neilyo, Snutz, *********** HYDRA, achieved their fame and world renown by playing a dreamteam comp and burning through all cds in 30 sec?


A skilled RLS for example would win vs a faceroll TSG/Kittycleave almost every time. The problem with WoW arena is that it takes perfect coordination and flawless execution to achieve victory as a regular comp whereas a "dreamteam" can afford several mistakes.


Also you cant hope to know what arena would be like in SWTOR. My thread was about cempetetive PVP, arena was just a suggestion, although it's what im hoping for.


Please do not turn this into a WoW-arena discussion.


Lol "famous wow players" can't be that famous, must be some people that though they were because they could play 16 hours a day.

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And also they can introduce 100 new warzones and it's still not gonna make PVP competetive. And I think that the matchmaking they are introducing to warzones is personal (i could most certainly be wrong though). So lets say you are the best SWTOR pvper there is, but you would still lose all warzones if you are setup with 7 random *******. Then you would have lower rating than a "retard" who is set up with 7 pros.

But if it's like Rated Battlegrounds in WoW, then sure it's a start, but warzones/battleground do not promote individual skill so much due to the number of players, that's why I want arena. And stop writing about 2v2 setups. 2v2 is IMPOSSIBLE to balance. There is absolutely no way in hell 2v2 arena can be even remotely balanced. NEVER.

3v3 though is a LOT more balanced. And it gives SWTOR an opportunity to become an e-sport!

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Personally I'm voting strictly no for arenas because I know what they did to WoW.


If you got nothing to do and got bored of warzones, go out into the actual game world and create some fun PVP. Sure, you don't have any e-peen leaderboards but you got fun and glory.

Edited by syntxerr
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Personally I'm voting strictly no for arenas because I know what they did to WoW.


If you got nothing to do and got bored of warzones, go out into the actual game world and create some fun PVP. Sure, you don't have any e-peen leaderboards but you got fun and glory.


Disagree with everything.

Arena should be an option a player choose not an obligation to get good gear! Choose what you like


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No arenas!

Its just not possible to design classes against each other in PvE, PvP open, PvP Warzones and PvP Arena 2vs2, 3,4 whatever.

How long are there arenas in WoW now? And they never managed balancing and never will, because it is just not possible.

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Disagree with everything.

Arena should be an option a player choose not an obligation to get good gear! Choose what you like



No force to play arena for gear might be a good start but that was pretty much the last thing I was referring to. Just have a look at the history what arena did to balancing if it is seen and treated as competitive e-sport within such kind of game.


If all you want is duelling teams, meet in Tatooine, you can even attack your own faction there, if you like. Oh but wait, it needs to be competitive, aka in offering gear, leaderboards or ratings? See point above...

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I'm pretty sure that most wouldn't care if there was Arena's as long as there isn't any gear rewards that are greater than what you can get with Valor lvl's. I mean it is competitive right? Wouldn't a rare title, non-gear rewards, and bragging rights be enough for "real pvp'ers"????
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I'm pretty sure that most wouldn't care if there was Arena's as long as there isn't any gear rewards that are greater than what you can get with Valor lvl's. I mean it is competitive right? Wouldn't a rare title, non-gear rewards, and bragging rights be enough for "real pvp'ers"????


The problem many people have, whether they actually like arena like matches or not is simplt the uproar in the forums regarding balance and the consequences this would cause. You think we got a lot of balance related complaints now? That's a joke compared to what would happen if there was arena.

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Why do you guys talk like "team deathmatch" as synonymous with "competitive PvP"? I'd much rather see objective-based PvP with specific tournament versions of the maps tuned for competitive play. For instance, longer respawn times or shorter plant times on Voidstar, or tweaked Resolve building/decay rates when in competitive mode. Take out the stupid air spouts in Huttball or something, you get the idea.
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The problem many people have, whether they actually like arena like matches or not is simplt the uproar in the forums regarding balance and the consequences this would cause. You think we got a lot of balance related complaints now? That's a joke compared to what would happen if there was arena.


OH, I completely agree on this one. If this did get implemented, the OP QQ's would go through the roof. I just find it funny that folks who want arena think that they should be favored gearwise. If they want to implement it with gear, just make it another way to get what's out there now.

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