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The Reason I Leave Losing Warzones


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Not because I'm losing, shockingly. Not because I need to get my damn daily done. I have time in the day for that. No, you know why I leave losing warzones?


The matter in which I lose. In this game, there are never (or at least hardly are) any 'challenging' fights. I'm only ever winning by a landslide, or losing by one. Why is that? I have no idea. But do any of you know how frustrating it is to spend the entirety or a match staring at the inside of the respawn door?


That is why I leave. When I realize that an enemy team is winning because they can keep us locked down so efficiently that there is no reason to even leave the spawn. There is no 'fight', there is group up, run headlong into a point / at a door / towards the ball carrier, and then essentially just get swatted out of the way.


It's not a L2play issue, because I get my daily done every day. I do WIN matches. I do pretty well in them too. It is just that when I do lose it is as if there is nothing I could possibly have done to effect the outcome of the match. That feeling of helplessness is what makes people leave.


I don't see how it could even be a gear issue, since my 50 rolls in full champion gear. It is just that when you do run into a team that is better than you, there is nothing at all you can do. There is no real way to -win- a match once you begin losing it. That's why I leave. =/

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I understand where you are coming from. You are pretty much surrendering which is OK when it's been a majority of the game of domination (7-8 minutes). It's just there are A LOT of folks who quit/surrender too early which has a detrimental effect on their team, and can very much sway the pendulum of advantage to the other team. I personally have been in many close civil war and huttball matches (not so much voidstar) where if we were to go under 8 players it would have made all the difference in the world. I have seen far too many players leave as soon as the huttball match hits 2-0 or the other team has 2 guns in CV for longer than a minute or two. As soon as people start leaving it just goes down hill from there.


On the other hand. I've been in huttball where my team went down 3-0 and came back to 3-3, held the ball at the end and won. I've played back and forth CVs where the final score was 10-0 with us winning. If we had WZ quitters this wouldnt have happened in either game.


Fix? Make it so you can leave a WZ but you can't until the 7.5 minutes remaining mark?

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I have more close games than facestomps. When I say close I mean "almost-winning plant on Voidstar had 1s left until it exploded" or "5 points difference on ACW with plenty of turret swapping" or "Ball snatches in tied huttball games in the last couple of seconds." Surprisingly those games actually happen when one side was in a dominant position after a couple of minutes. A couple of people quit, a couple of people join... and suddenly it's a whole new game. A 2-0 lead at Huttball or the first two doors on Voidstar blowing inside 3 minutes is not an automatic defeat - I've fought back from worse. Heck, I've been stomped completely in the first round of Voidstar (haven't capped anything/they blitz through in 4 minutes) only for us to then do even better when the roles swap around.


Now, of course I'm not saying that games where 2-0 becomes 6-0 don't happen... but I am saying that the catalyst in those stomps is usually a couple of people quitting which takes the game from difficult to impossible.


I'm fortunate, though. I play on a RP server with several good PVP guilds on each side but where we all remain pretty friendly (cross-faction RP events on Nar Shadda, for example.) Reputation matters a lot because we have a good community and the handful of people who do quit regularly... well.. they lose out when it comes to Ilum (where we have at least a couple of reasonably even pitched battles most days) or events.

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I dont care how far im down in a match, i dont quit.


Winning is fun, but actually playing the match is alot of fun too... run in "lerot Jenkins" like and do as much as you can before your destroyed :)


Or maybe im just weird.

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I've lost Alderaan by 5 and win by 5.



I've come back iun a Huttball fom 0-4 to win.


Usually, the guys leaving the WZ make room for committed folks who play to win and don't expect the match to be handed to them. And it helps.


So keep leaving, and making room for the committed, talented players, who carry their weight and help me win games.

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I remember a match a few days ago where we started one turret down in alderaan. A few people left the match.


A few intense and incredibly fun fights later, and a good five minutes, and we had 2 turrets.


The match ended at 0/500 with our team at 5/500. It could not have been closer.


The people who left missed out on the memory of that intense, fun warzone, and that skin-of-the-teeth victory. I don't remember the easy wins or easy losses. It's the hard fights I enjoy and that I remember.


That is what a PVPer is.


I feel nothing but pity for you.

Edited by Redmarx
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How about instead of leaving the warzone, you stand in a corner instead? I suggest this because of the poor fool (probably me) who has to take your spot after you quit, and finds himself in an impossible to win warzone after sitting in queue. So next time you decide to be selfish and quit rather than wait around and take your free valor and commendations, think of the fact that someone else has to replace you when you leave.


If its huttball you can even make a game of helping the other team score so it ends faster.


I'd honestly rather some dick do the above than quit out, because the time before his selfish *** is replaced and we are down a man the game tends to get out of hand anyway.

Edited by Kreugen
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I wont normally quit any WZ's simply because you still get great valor if you gain medals. You dont need to win a match to get medals. I mean you can still pull 1000 Valor from a loss if you're any good.


The trick is to not get mad. Lots of people get mad and frustrated the moment they face a challenge. It's why World of Warcraft is so succesful. Because they throw instant gratification at everyone. It's pretty much what completely ruined the mmo community in my opinion.

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The matter in which I lose. In this game, there are never (or at least hardly are) any 'challenging' fights. I'm only ever winning by a landslide, or losing by one. Why is that? I have no idea. But do any of you know how frustrating it is to spend the entirety or a match staring at the inside of the respawn door?


I'm not sure I can entirely sympathize.


While I agree it's more common than not to have a warzone where one team wins by a landslide, it's not so infrequent for me to have a huttball game being decided by which team was holding the ball, or Civil War decided with <20 Ship HP Left.

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I only leave a wz if I see that half of my team is not even trying to win.


Sometimes you end up with a team of players who feel they have been defeated before the match even begins.


I don't feel the need to waste my time playing with them. It's a rediculously childish mindset.


I have started Huttball matches with only 3 people on my team, myself included, vs 8 sith, and we squeez in 2 scores (3 vs 8 :p - 2-0 lol) before we ever get our 4'th team mate. It all boils down to teamwork and who wants to win more in the end. At least in the lvl 10-49 wz's.

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Not because I'm losing, shockingly. Not because I need to get my damn daily done. I have time in the day for that. No, you know why I leave losing warzones?


The matter in which I lose. In this game, there are never (or at least hardly are) any 'challenging' fights. I'm only ever winning by a landslide, or losing by one. Why is that? I have no idea. But do any of you know how frustrating it is to spend the entirety or a match staring at the inside of the respawn door?


That is why I leave. When I realize that an enemy team is winning because they can keep us locked down so efficiently that there is no reason to even leave the spawn. There is no 'fight', there is group up, run headlong into a point / at a door / towards the ball carrier, and then essentially just get swatted out of the way.


It's not a L2play issue, because I get my daily done every day. I do WIN matches. I do pretty well in them too. It is just that when I do lose it is as if there is nothing I could possibly have done to effect the outcome of the match. That feeling of helplessness is what makes people leave.


I don't see how it could even be a gear issue, since my 50 rolls in full champion gear. It is just that when you do run into a team that is better than you, there is nothing at all you can do. There is no real way to -win- a match once you begin losing it. That's why I leave. =/


I notice most folks leave right at the beginning, usually out o disgust for getting Huttball again (or any WZ they are sick of playing).

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Just out of principle I dont leave a losing warzone. My philosophy is, I started with it and am just as accountable for the loss as everyone else. I can understand why its done, but in the end, its better to stay and get the valor and put in an effort.


I will admit when its a lost cause I go into medal farm mode, but many times so does the other team and they let us get a lead and we end up winning.


What upsets me is there seems to be a certain class of player that quits. They log in, do some dumb animations before the game, then they duel no where near the objectives. When the team is losing they call out everyone else as bads and quit.


I almost tossed my keyboard today playing huttball and when I was constantly getting stomped. Everytime I respawn, 4 guys are chasing 1 guy in the bottom pit. In the end these guys are just making it a 4 on 7 game, and creating another defender so when the 4 guys trying actually are close to scoring, the guy they kill just spawned and killed our ball carrier. These are the guys that usually quit, and usually complain that they lost 9 in a row.

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Most every game use to be close on my server but now most of the time the first blown door, score or cannon lost and half the team quits and it's a landslide after that. People use to rarely quite now it's every game.


Bioware need to work on it's matchmaking. The other night after servers came backup from the patch we had full team premade huttball against 3-4 man pugs. Played about 10 games like that before I called it a night. Getting rolled as a pug is one thing but doing it outnumbered is another.

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I notice most folks leave right at the beginning, usually out o disgust for getting Huttball again (or any WZ they are sick of playing).


TRUE! Many people would be allot happier if they could just queu up for 1 or 2 wz types and leave a third one off.


My only problem with huttball is all of the people on my team whining about how they hate huttball...

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All 3 warzones, yes ALL 3 are just designed so bad. Once you start to lose there is pretty much no way to bring it back. Leaving just saves your time


Alderaan, trailing from the start, down about 370 to 235, we lost 3rd turret. We won the game 5 - 0 on the last tick.


"Never Give Up! Never Surrender!"

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