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10 Good
  1. Past the login screen but the server list is empty...
  2. Damn man. If I hadn't gotten off the game to go poop I could still be playing :,(
  3. Why am I paying for this? The one day I'm home and have a stable connection to play on and I cant even log in...
  4. I just grab a book or two from my bookcase and open to random pages and start trying names
  5. Just so you know that button marked "Random" next to the slot where you type your name, when clicked, will give you a name the game will take. You taking an hour to pick a name is just you being picky. ZOMG! I cant be Bob?! What?! Not John either???
  6. You think it is easy to get because that is your opinion… Play on a server with 40-60 max players on at peak times. In the time it takes to get 1,000 social points you could get 10,000 or more valor from doing warzones instead. If the damn slave girl outfits didn’t require social 2 to purchase I wouldn’t even bother with social points.
  7. 1.2 is a joke anyway. They can delay it another year for all I care. They need to be working on the current problems/bugs that exist. Not rushing new content that will no doubt be every bit as buggy as what we have now. I personally would rather have warzone queus than a new warzone... Right now we wait anywhere from an hour to three hours for enough people to queu for a single warzone.
  8. There are some really nasty blizzards on hoth you can hang out in. Find a mountain that is not in an exhaustion zone and climb to the top of it. The sky gets darker, and the air fills with a blizzard of snow. You can't see 30 meters infront of your character when hanging out on the peaks of Hoth.
  9. "My server is fine! Therefore everyone saying that some other servers have population problems is a fool!" Come to Rwookrrorro. Log in on the republic side, bring up the who window(hit G and click the who tab), delete the location in search and do a blank search. The republic side never gets to 100 players total anymore. (Not just people on fleet, but all people playing on the republic faction total.) Durring peek times on the weekend we might get up to a total of 80 repubs on the server if we are lucky. Durring the week you can log in, queu up for warzones, and wait 2 hours or more before the first queu opens up. Sure I can reroll on another server, leave all the people I have been playing with in my guild behind, abandon my lvl 50, 44, 38, 25, and my 15 (not counting my 3 lvl 5's), all of the honor, and all of the legacy points I have gotten in the last 3 months, but wheres my guarantee that the server i move to isn't going to decline the same way the one I am currently playing on has. When I first picked Rwookrrorro is was "Heavy" almost all the time. Now it never gets above light, never reaches 100 players on the Republic. If I have to just toss everything I have accumulated ingame over the last 3 months because the devs refuse to acknowledge that there is even a problem I might as well find a new game.
  10. HojoSith

    Is SWTOR dying?

    I started a char on one of the rp-pvp servers since they always seem full. After a couple of days i gave that up, feeling bad about how i wasnt building my current characters valor or legacy points that I have been working on for the last 2 months. If I have to give up everything I have gathered up to this point I would rather just quit altogether.
  11. I would have the Valor I need by now if the server I play on hadn't lost a bunch of the pvp'ers. I am queu'd up for pvp constantly. I get an offer for a match to start once every hour or two and half the time we start with a team so small the wz end prematurely giving everyone a fraction of the points we would have gotten for playing and getting crushed due to being outnumbered. Would be nice if BW could focus on issues that might make a differance. Merge some of the servers that never get above "Light" anymore so those players can do warzones more than 3 or 4 times in six hours of being online. Or take out the rewards some of us have been aiming for before we ever had a real chance to even get them...
  12. We normally just take all 3... You people are lazy.
  13. HojoSith


    On the few servers i have tried i was halfway to lvl 50 before I ran into the first pc enemy on the worldmap. I can count the number of times i have had world pvp on 1 hand. 1 being initiated by me camping the balloon
  14. Then BW should fixe those issues too. I don't want 1 side of any mirror class on either faction to have an iherant advantage/dissadvantage. Thats bad design. Thats not fun for any real gamer. They should "fix" all the classes so they match their mirrors properly. Like they claimed it was going to be at release.
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