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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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Same stuff again, i just want to know these some things:

1 Any reason to login SWTOR at lvl 50, valor 60, rakata and battlemaster geared?

WArzones: was fun first 100500 times

Instances: for what? im rakata geared and saw almost all instances

Operations: underway nm mode

Alts: never

PVP: in swtor? rly? u mean zergin reps near base? no way for free pvp on any planet cos its empty, and i do not want to zerg at ilum with 3 fps

Quests: done

2 Why nm loot the same as hm

3 FPS issue on ilum, i saw ur posts in dev tracker, **** thats all i can say. 5 FPS, NVIDIA GTX570, Intel i7, 6 gb ram, RevoDrive x2 hard drive


Al other possible questions are no matter here, 7 of my guildmates alrdy canceled subscription, more will do the same soon.


Game's been out 2 months, you'd be far along on endgame content in any MMO if you're playing that hard. You saw almost all instances? Almost all? That's a self defeating statment if I've ever heard one. And no alts? A lot of the development process in this game went into the stories for the classes, if you wanted 6 months of content at release and weren't planning on making an alt you came to the wrong game. "Make more content for me, because I might play it, but I'll still complain that there's not enough of it if I don't" Going outside until the fresh air makes you feel better is also always an option.

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Tbh i never expected to get loads of information from a Q&A thread but lets be honest some of the info was nice such as dual specs ( i havent seen it confirmation anywhere before) and a few other bits. The bottom line is, they take there time for such things and the majority of developers don't do involve the community half as much.
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Same stuff again, i just want to know these some things:

1 Any reason to login SWTOR at lvl 50, valor 60, rakata and battlemaster geared?

WArzones: was fun first 100500 times

Instances: for what? im rakata geared and saw almost all instances

Operations: underway nm mode

Alts: never

PVP: in swtor? rly? u mean zergin reps near base? no way for free pvp on any planet cos its empty, and i do not want to zerg at ilum with 3 fps

Quests: done

2 Why nm loot the same as hm

3 FPS issue on ilum, i saw ur posts in dev tracker, **** thats all i can say. 5 FPS, NVIDIA GTX570, Intel i7, 6 gb ram, RevoDrive x2 hard drive


Al other possible questions are no matter here, 7 of my guildmates alrdy canceled subscription, more will do the same soon.


Comments like this is why negativity is taken so badly. How very constructive of you..............



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The community on this board is sickening. "Me, me, me, me, me..." ugh.. I might be wrong, but they confirmed same equipment color, dual spec, cross server pvp, medium/heavy armour for social vendor, guild capital ship, more uniqe/rare items + more "treasure hunting", more class quests/solo quests.


Isn't that EXACTLY What people have been asking about?! Along with the obligatory "more end-game content" demand, which is also being answered. They also stated earlier that we'll get more space combat and I'd be surprised if we don't see space pvp combat when the first expansion hits.


Instead people decides to neglect it all because the FPS issue wasn't mentioned ((and we all know that if it isn't mentioned BW doesn't acknowledge it, right?).


The game is far from perfect, but by the look at things BW is at the very least listening to people.



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I was excited about the Legacy system at first and I still sort of am. But it has me worried that they will also butcher the lore with it. I'd hate to see Sith Pureblood Jedi running rampant because as cool as it sounds and looks(probably), it makes zero sense. Some may argue that one appears in the story of the game, but as a whole, that character is an exception. Pureblood Jedi should not be seen in droves. They should leave that race exclusive to the Empire and grant the Republic an exclusive race.


I'd much rather the Legacy system allows CERTAIN race/class combos and allows new races to choose from. We already see Mon Calamari, Togrutas, Chagrigans, Rodians, Devaronians, Nautolans, Cathar and some other races in the game. Just open those for player selection. Given that the Empire does not like or approve of aliens make one of those Republic exclusive the same way the Sith Purebloods are Empire only. This way rolling a Republic will be encouraged due to being able to play a unique race. Incentivise people.


I'd personally love to be able to pick a Mon Calamari for example. Or a Togruta. Or a Nautolan. And I assume many others want those choices available too. But I certainly hope they stand by their lore abiding principles as stated multiple times by Daniel Erickson and don't go all crazy and ruin it for us "lore nerds" or however people choose to label us.


Well put and constructive.


There are some species that should have been universal from the start, i.e. Humans and Cybogs and those grey skinned bald humans and those green humans with all the tattoos. There are also species that should not and should never be universal such as Sith Pure Blood, Lord Scourge is a unique case and even the story behind him makes no sence.


What Bioware needs to do is listen to its fan base who are tired of every species being a human or near human and bring in the more exotic species. If we are going to throw story and lore out so I can create a pure blood sith Jedi....mmmm sith jedi that seems wrong anyway then throw it out and let people play Mon Cal or Gran or all the other wonderful Alien species. Many of which are already in the game and not lore breaking. There is a Gran Sith Apprentice and Mon Cal Jedi.


I haven't seen many arguments on these forums of people asking desperately to play a blind human imperial agent or a sith pure blood trooper. But what has been asked for is more variety in the species and more interesting choices. So if Bioware are listening to their player base why offer what people don't want and ignore what they do want?

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The community on this board is sickening. "Me, me, me, me, me..." ugh.. I might be wrong, but they confirmed same equipment color, dual spec, cross server pvp, medium/heavy armour for social vendor, guild capital ship, more uniqe/rare items + more "treasure hunting", more class quests/solo quests.


Isn't that EXACTLY What people have been asking about?! Along with the obligatory "more end-game content" demand, which is also being answered. They also stated earlier that we'll get more space combat and I'd be surprised if we don't see space pvp combat when the first expansion hits.


Instead people decides to neglect it all because the FPS issue wasn't mentioned ((and we all know that if it isn't mentioned BW doesn't acknowledge it, right?).


The game is far from perfect, but by the look at things BW is at the very least listening to people.




My thoughts exactly :)


I read the answers from Bioware and was impressed by the amount that was disclosed as coming up in patch 1.2. Seeing dual spec confirmed by itself made me smile, so seeing all the other features being unveiled was really pleasant.


I think that a lot of gamers just want this game to be "finished" now or rather several years old with the updates that come from that. I wish such players would put their views constructively and be patient. It's not as though Bioware is moving at a slow pace to improve the game, yet such players are constantly complaining and it gets tiring to see them being so impatient.


So I give an honest "thank you" to Bioware for what they're doing.


Bioware devs: please keep the good work in the knowledge that you are making many players happy with the updates and that there is a group of players whom you will never be able to please, no matter what you do, so please take their views with a pinch of salt.

Edited by llesna
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Comments like this is why negativity is taken so badly. How very constructive of you..............




Constructive? ) SWTOR is teh first game where's nothin to do at first month. When my guildmates leavin one-by-one what else can i say? "Huray game is awesome"? )


Cmon guys, its ur first MMO? So the first thing i need to know is the endgame content: how much and when.


Btw, some of my guildmates have 3 characters at lvl 50

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Game's been out 2 months, you'd be far along on endgame content in any MMO if you're playing that hard. You saw almost all instances? Almost all? That's a self defeating statment if I've ever heard one. And no alts? A lot of the development process in this game went into the stories for the classes, if you wanted 6 months of content at release and weren't planning on making an alt you came to the wrong game. "Make more content for me, because I might play it, but I'll still complain that there's not enough of it if I don't" Going outside until the fresh air makes you feel better is also always an option.


First of all i c for the first time so fast raid progression, so u wrong, believe me.

Instances: im a raid leader, so i realy enjoy raid much moe than instances, when i playing instances i like combat system, parsing my dps etc but not in swtor u know.

Btw its all ok with fresh air for me, thx anyway.

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Well, I started a thread to actually analyze the answers , but Bioware felt that was better done in this thread.


So instead of being polite, like I was in my other thread, I'll just throw it out there. Your answer on Legacy is complete, unadulterated tap-dancing, and it's insulting to boot.

It's literally so nuanced that it doesn't even answer the original question.


Before, we knew that Legacy system:


- unlocked new options

- unlocked new species


After this answer, we know that it


- unlocks new options for alts

- unlocks unspecified features for 50's

- unlocks new species

- unlocks species specific to the other side


Here's what people should ask the next time:


Given that you never bother to answer anything directly unless all plans are finalized, and that your FPS Improvement guide was an insulting joke and your Q&A didn't even answer half the questions you picked with any kind of actual information, why should we even bother listening to your blogs, pronouncements or bland press releases?




Most of the recent fixes we are seeing are solely due to the baying for blood and howling on the player forums. Given that appearantly the only way we can motivate your posteriors into any kind of action is by turning the forums into a roaring BBQ, why are you not even bothering to admit that the problems you can't fix are beyond your technical capability, or are we supposed to believe that WZ counter fixes are that complex?


or even


Hey, Bioware. When you get through using every form of Doublespeak covered in 1984 and have ensured that if Javert, Ironsides, Judge Judy and Perry Mason all tried to pin you down they'd have nothing legally binding, could you maybe spend five minutes answering real basic questions like "Given how badly you flubbed the launch and all the stuff you are cramming into 1.2, how many additional beta testers are you hiring?


I had the exactly same feeling after reading those so called "answers" from Cpt. Obvious. They could as well not answer at all.

Edited by Mindwormbified
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Many people asked about server merge or transfer and the answer didnt satisfy me.


I wonder if you will ask us to pay you for transfers?

Many people listened Bioware and started in a light server now they are punished for doing so.

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I have seen Q/A sessions with devs in other games, and this is detailed information compared to those. I am not sure what people expect actually.


Bioware, thanks for the Q/A blog, it is appreciated.


This ^^


As Dev Q&A sessions go, this one really wasn't so bad. Of course, you can gripe about which questions they chose to answer, but there will ALWAYS be complaints from somebody about that.

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And yet more complaining, *sigh*

Its good to know so many cool things will be added with 1.2.

The game as already improved a lot since launch and all I see is this game going up.


The complainers are just jealous they didn't get picked.


I'm grateful for the information given, along with the other blog on cooldown UI options.

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Please please please no cross server queus, i can wait a bit to go into a queue with people on my server.


Half the fun i have in wz's is seeing my rivals on both sides, we have such a tightly knit community on my server and everyone knows everyone. It would take away the competitive aspect of this game, which is one of the only things that has kept me wanting to play this game. Please bioware don't take out all of the fun in this game.


Too many mmo's want to be like WoW these days...*sigh*

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Sorry im lost was looking for the swtor website, however with the vague answers and beating around the bush i seem to have stumbled onto a political interview.. Seriously though almost all things in 1.2 should of been in launch and were asked for by beta testers. Besides new content which im sure wont need 20 patches to fix.:rolleyes:


Hope these things do finally get done and they dont give us a half attempt at an update..

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The questions Ive seen on this site the most have been...


  • Chat bubbles
  • Combat log
  • Social game play options


...but wasn't addressed. Seems odd to me.


Ah well. Maybe next time.



...and It sounds to me like the Capitol Ships was misspoken and may not happen after all.

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