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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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Finally! People above me that aren't whining. I am enjoying SWToR so much and now consider this mmo my new obsession. I can't wait to see what BW will add in the game and where it will go.


Thank you BW for taking time to do a weekly Q&A. Unlike some people that have responded to this thread I READ it. :p

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You have to understand there are some things even Bioware cannot share because the specifics may change from month to month.


If they said Legacy will have this class and then later scraps the idea... you guys will be holding them to it.


It's difficult sometimes to give a specific idea.


At least they said Dual Spec.

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I expected to see some other sorts of information about the game, not a bunch of questions on what's coming next. It seems like that information can be released in any format, and often is.


Rather than Q&A, it looks more like you already have the "A," the info you're ready to release, and you just comb the thread for the Qs.

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I wish the answer of "legacy race" was more specific (e.g. "You'll be able to play a jawa smuggler" at which point I would delete a character to make sure I had room for my epic jawa...), and more specific on WHEN this mythical 1.2 Update would be coming, but... pretty happy with the answers overall.
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expect to see more quality of life style guild features roll out before you and your allies start building your destroyer....



I very much hope that we do build our own guild ships and not just through purchasing it with credits but actually working toward several goals as a guild be it gathering a number of items, completing a number of guild/group quests, partaking in Flashpoints/Warzones or even a combination of all three, so long as it's not just something handed to us for credits but something that a guild can be proud to have achieved, I'll be happy.


I'd like to see different ranks of guild ships whereby your initial guild ship is more easily obtainable by guilds of any size, but continued contributions to set tasks/targets can increase the size of it and the features within it. Similar to the "Guild Experience" feature from WoW but with a visible illustration of your progression rather than just a number that grants a few additional perks.


Overall I'm satisfied by the Q&A, Bioware are under no obligation to keep us in the "developmental loop", they provide us with the tools to provide feedback and the means to ask questions so that they can provide as many people as possible with a better experience. I might not need or want certain features, but if those features make other people pay their subscription to increase the lifespan of a game I enjoy, then I'll happily embrace them.

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I think this is exciting. While some people are saying "not much to go on", I say I'm glad they are actually listening to what people are talking about in the community. I can understand it from their standpoint- when you're putting stuff together, it's pretty irresponsible to say "Yes- this is what will be in the next update, and here's exactly what will be available" when they're not done with it. I know if I was reporting to someone and I was say, 40%-50% of the way there, I wouldn't want to give them specifics yet either. Looking forward to the update, and we'll see what comes of it. :)
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Not too sure why all the rage against cross-server warzones, seems a little premature...


"With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup." [emphasis mine]


Depending on implementation we might very well see the same people all the time; but if the moment you queue your server is short numbers, it would reach to another server for someone. i.e. it's cross-server provided no one is available from yours.


Be rather ironic if it ended up Huttball was the one most often cross-servered, as everyone else wanted Civil War/Voidstar.

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can anyone confirm or deny wot he ment by new species coming with 1.2, did he mean playble species or just species that ull come across in the game?


I would be very happy and very very suprised if he means new species. I suspect going by past annoncements that they mean the current 8 playable species will be opened up to more classes.

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Why does Jedi Knight PvP gear look so inappropriate? The gear looks absolutely terrible and completely wrong for a Jedi. How many Jedi's in the movies did you see wearing a gladiator helmet and metal body armor? I mean honestly, it isn't in keeping in spirit with the game. I want my character to be able to wear a cloak like a real Jedi. I want a headband instead of a motorcycle-helmet ugly piece of crap on my head. I know I'm going on and on, but seriously! Take a look at that stuff. Its wrong!


I'm wearing Shadow gear until it is fixed. Even if it is completely wrong for my character's stats, at least it looks correct. I'm not trying to bash, I'm offering constructive criticism.

Edited by Oyusan
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Honestly just cuz they havnt SAID they are doing something about it or working on a certain thing for the game doesnt mean they arent already working on it. Most of you should just shut up already because you obviously dont know how much **** u actually have to do when running an MMO they cant just fix all your BS problems that easily they have a million other things theyre working on its not easy. Its not theryre job to tell you every little thing thats going on at bioware. You need to understand this game is a new MMO meaning of course this game isnt all u expect it to be yet no MMO is most of you dont seem to understand that because your too busy whining and complaining like dumb little girls so why dont you guys give bioware a dam break while you guys all go listen to your stupid justin bieber cds u dumb little girls!! Im gonna go play SWTOR!!! wooohooo:D:D Biowares awesome!!!
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I wish the answer of "legacy race" was more specific (e.g. "You'll be able to play a jawa smuggler" at which point I would delete a character to make sure I had room for my epic jawa...), and more specific on WHEN this mythical 1.2 Update would be coming, but... pretty happy with the answers overall.


its in March very soon :D honestly i like the surprise of not knowing id hate it if they told us i wanna see what we get the day it comes

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Mostly non-answers, with a few nuggets of information here and there. I'm not sure why BioWare felt the need to do a Q&A if they're doing to throw out the same generic lines over and over; most of this could have been covered in a handful of yellow posts (and several answers had been before this Q&A).


I'd like to hear something about chat bubbles, or sitting in chairs, or a clear answer on whether most of the Legacy perks will only be available for new characters. New characters aren't the only alts; to level up one's Legacy, one needs to alt. It would be incredibly dumb to restrict perks to new characters when the most progressed folks in the Legacy ladder already have several characters.


I love this game, but the communication with customers (ESPECIALLY the Customer Service) is positively atrocious. If you really want to compete with WoW when it matters and not when they're in the pre-expansion lull, you're going to have to do better than this. If you don't, Pandaria's going to come out and you'll lose lots of people who are here only because they're bored with the content over there. I guess that's enough if you want SWTOR to be a vacation destination between WoW content patches, but that would be a colossal waste of an awesome game.

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It still amazes me how many people say "fix the bugs before adding new content" You do realize that these are different departments right?


That would be like the telling a hospital to finish your blood work before mopping the floor.



Janitors don't do blood work, debuggers don't make new content.

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Why does Jedi Knight PvP gear look so inappropriate? The gear looks absolutely terrible and completely wrong for a Jedi. How many Jedi's in the movies did you see wearing a gladiator helmet and metal body armor? I mean honestly, it isn't in keeping in spirit with the game. I want my character to be able to wear a cloak like a real Jedi. I want a headband instead of a motorcycle-helmet ugly piece of crap on my head. I know I'm going on and on, but seriously! Take a look at that stuff. Its wrong!


I'm wearing Shadow gear until it is fixed. Even if it is completely wrong for my character's stats, at least it looks correct. I'm not trying to bash, I'm offering constructive criticism.


your very dumb....... ya jedi didnt wear that but im not about to continue with my guardian only able to wear some dam robes i would slap bioware myself if they ever listened to someone like you. Gladiator armor for jedis is ****** its what the game needs because its a game you dont have to be so serious about it. Id be pissed if i had to continue with robes yes its what jedi wear but im not trying to play a game where we all look the same wearing some dam robes and hoods.



The armor idea was awesome good job Bioware!!

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your very dumb....... ya jedi didnt wear that but im not about to continue with my guardian only able to wear some dam robes i would slap bioware myself if they ever listened to someone like you. Gladiator armor for jedis is ****** its what the game needs because its a game you dont have to be so serious about it. Id be pissed if i had to continue with robes yes its what jedi wear but im not trying to play a game where we all look the same wearing some dam robes and hoods.



The armor idea was awesome good job Bioware!!


No, it looks terrible. The bare minimum they could have done was create a set of robe PvP gear for the Jedi class. Jedi's don't belong in Football gear.

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Mostly non-answers, with a few nuggets of information here and there. I'm not sure why BioWare felt the need to do a Q&A if they're doing to throw out the same generic lines over and over; most of this could have been covered in a handful of yellow posts (and several answers had been before this Q&A).


Actually the information given were ALREADY covered in yellow posts and info videos. Like I said before, people were asking questions that had already been answered so those people, who I blame for this, made it incredibly easy for BW to use the first Q&A as an info recap rather than give us anything new.

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No, it looks terrible. The bare minimum they could have done was create a set of robe PvP gear for the Jedi class. Jedi's don't belong in Football gear.


then i suggesst u role a sentinal, guardians are tanks and heavy armour should be used for them not a robe. i think the armour for guardians look cool and setnianals look nice also but they for me jsut look so plain and preditable.


it is your opinion that the heavy guardian rmour looks terrible but many think it looks good. you trying to force a situation where ppl have to go with ur view, that boware should only listen to u and thats not fair, everyone is entitled to your opinion.


if u dont like it play a diffwerent class in pvp simples

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Since the developers do not plan on implementing advanced class res pecs - we should get unique class stories for each advanced class experience.


While this isn't exactly "unique" at the moment there is the light side/dark side choice. So really if they just made those two paths very different, it would be worth it to roll two of the same class.


Of course, you can also just roll an imperial/republic of the other class. Those stories are obviously different.

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"Daniel Erickson: We’ve been pleasantly surprised at how popular PvP is in The Old Republic and we’ve been doubling down on our efforts to bring exciting new content and systems to the PvP community."


That's because there really isn't anything else to do at 50, and you made the best gear in the game a reward from PvP.

Edited by mSum
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