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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Will the Devs ever give regular state of the class reports? Something like a post every couple of content patches in each class forum on how they feel that particular class is fairing what they see as concerns for the class and a general sense of the direction the class will be moving over the next few patches.
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Any chance we'll see horizontal progression in this game? (non-vertical progression. things like social stuff, customization, and all sorts of other things).


WoW and other themepark mmos fail in this regard, we are hoping swtor doesn't follow suit.

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I know you aint fans of 3rd party programming (addons etc) BUT, for me as a Sniper for example i have 3 different types of DPS talent trees. How am i supposed to fully understand what tree will help my Ops group by me maxing my dmg in the fights? I also understand that everyone are supposed to play the style that suits them best but i wanna max my DPS so my question is are you gonna add a Dps/Dmg Done chart in the game? Also one thing i would love is movable bars on the UI so i can set my screen up the way i want it.
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In pvp it can be frustrating to go against a mirror class with faster moves. For example Project (Jedi Consular) and Shock (Sith Inquisitor) same moves with instant cast but Sith's is an instant damage while Republic need to wait for the animation. Both sith and republic have their instant moves but it seems most of the sith moves have instant animation while republic instant casts need to wait for the animation for an action occurs. How will Bio Ware plan on fixing this issue to make pvp against a mirror class fair.
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What was the process like for creating the in-game signage? I'd love to see one of the involved devs (is it the art team in general? Specific Aurebesh expert guys?) walk us through the process of referencing other games and old school sources to source a font from the various takes on Aurebesh, talk about whether there are additional "real" alphabets in the game, and if they were created FOR SW:TOR, how the approval process with LA went. I'd also love to see answers about how alternate versions of some letters snuck in to confuse us...
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Are there any plans to change the random buried within low probability random orange schematic system, or any other aspect of gear customization, so that we have more than a small handful of options for customizing our characters?



(I do not really count re-colors as full options, thus the "small handful" assessment; 6 different shades of tan for the exact same smuggler jacket is still just one option.)

Edited by Vodalus
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Are there plans to implement objective based PvP? Right now Ilum is all about who can grapple an enemy player into the middle of a group and everyone try to land a little bit of damage (or heal) to get some valor before he/she dies. There are no real meaningful battles to take a specific point.
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Are there any plans on making certain classes have special abilities for traveling throughout the world, even if it's not usable while in combat? For example: Bounty Hunters could have a Jump Boost where the jet-pack is used to add a little more "oomph", Jedi/Sith have force jump, Troopers could grapple onto buildings/trees, etc... Edited by jackrunip
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