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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Thanks in advance for taking time to answer these questions. Anyhow, are there any plans in the works to further expand the modding system even beyond the end game gear game modding? In other words being able to convert a really nifty looking piece of "green quality" gear to orange at a cost.
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The claim has been made that this is a single player game with some raids slapped onto the side of it. I love the game, I'm just curious -- what plans does BioWare have to incorporate more of the 'multi-player' part into the game, besides adding another flashpoint?
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Speed hacking is pretty common in warzones now as is infinite energy, force, rage, heat. There is also a new hack that lets you move to anywhere on the map you choose which can be seen here. This is the map XYZ hack in action

and here is the speed hack in action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lo3vDfOfhM


What is bioware doing in regard to hackers and how are you fixing the issue?

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Q: Will you increase the character cap on servers to 16+?


As an altoholic this is a serious concern for me, and I'm sure I'm not alone. I would ultimately like to play a character of every advanced class. Under the current system, I would have to divide my characters between two servers and two legacies. However, I'd like to commit to a single server community and a single legacy.


I've always gotten the impression that the devs were interested in fostering strong server communities, but this cap will force players who invest heavily in alts to divide their attention between two servers.


From the previous Q&A, it's clear that the legacy system will reward playing both factions in a single legacy (and therefore, on a single server). This further divides characters. Characters of one faction will not be able to benefit from the resources (crew skills, drops, etc) of characters of the other faction within the same legacy and server.


It was also made clear in the previous Q&A that the developers consider advanced classes to be fundamentally different, and yet we are only given enough character slots per server to play half of them on our chosen server.


Finally, there's no benefit to the current system of having only eight character slots per server. Any economic concerns, such as the number of simultaneous crew skill missions that could be performed and auctions that could be posted by players with more characters, could easily be limited on a per account basis to the levels attainable with eight characters.


As it stands, I, and I'm sure many others, have been hesitant to create alts because of the lack of info on the legacy system (a system actually intended to encourage creating alts) and the limitations of this cap. Increasing the cap, or at least addressing the issue of whether or not you ever will, would go a long way toward putting minds at ease. It'd be nice for the devs to show some awareness of this concern.

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Most of the changes thus far have been bug fixes and without a combat log it is hard to tell if classes are balanced or not. My question is are the classes balanced? If there is room for improvement, when can we expect to see bigger class changes and fixes?
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Will the hoods up with masks on feature be fixed so we can have that? Also, will there ever be an option for a hood "toggle"?


What he asked. I can't stand putting such effort into my character's look, only to hide it under an ugly hood. Will we ever be able to toggle hoods down?

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Is there any plan to update the loot system for normal mode operations in the future? We heard before launch it would be something where each member of the operation got a loot bag on normal, then hard and nightmare would have traditional loot systems.


My guild likes to run both normal and some hard mode operations, but the normals just end up frustrating, with one jedi knight getting duplicates of tokens that the other knights could use, etc. Perhaps just make the loot tradeable to other people who were in the op for a short time?



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End-Game nightmare mode content is currently fairly simple for guilds with people who have played MMO's hardcore. Do you plan on releasing any challenging content for people who already know how to stick to strict energy/heat management rotations and know how to move out of fire and easy avoidable boss mechanics?


Also will there be more raid warnings for high hitting boss mechanics that can potentially one shot people so they have time to pop a cooldown? Example: Soa's lightning balls now call their targets out, Annihilation Droid's lazer still will one shot random people if they have secondary aggro over the offtank, but there is no way of knowing this unless there is a threat meter. Yes there is a large yellow glowing gun effect on the boss that he points at this player, but if people are stacked closely it is hard to tell. Another example is Sarg and Jarg on nightmare mode, there is a sniper bullseye icon debuff that you can get randomly and it stays on you for about 2-3 seconds then you take something like 13-16k damage. Personally, as a healer, there is no way to use a cooldown during this time if you have to look at raid frames to heal, or even as a dps because there is no warning of this ability coming on a target.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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