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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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When can we expect our characters' main storylines to be expanded/changed. Will we only get main story content with game expansions, or will some major patches have story advancement (apart from just the WZs, FPs, and OPs); and will the story changes affect previous story content or the events going on in the galaxy (i.e. the slave rebellion on DK, the separatists on Ord Mantel, etc. advancing)?
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There are a few crafting professions that feel... a bit left out when it comes to usefulness at max level - I'm looking at you, Armstech. Considering many players now switch to Cybertech and Biochem at lvl 50, what plans do you have to to address this? When will we see end game operations finally start dropping Armstech and Artifice recipes?


I'm tired of seeing the same Cybertech, Biotech, Armormech and Synthweave recipes drop over and over. Even the Epic recipes from reverse engineering are far surpassed by Columni and Tionese gear.

Edited by Drakalu
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Do the developers have any plans to make tier commendations (like Tionese comms and crystals) worthwhile after your character and companions already have better gear? If so, what are some possibilities?


For example, I think all the planet commendations have BOE lockboxes you can spend excess commendations on, but the tier commendations have no such equivalent - just gear.



Personally I would like to see a vendor who would sell things like biometric crystal alloys and schematics that drop for crafting skills in exchange for the appropriate tier commendations. That would make it worthwhile to continue running content when geared up, and it would give crafters a chance who aren't lucky enough to win rolls in a run. Maybe commendations will be useful with the legacy system...

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Bioware invested millions in the soundtrack, but it's M.I.A. Yes.. I do hear epic soundtracks when a quest event is happening or during a fight, but what about all the other times? 90% of the time I spent just walking around the valleys and the like, and there's absolutely no music there. So I end up having to listen to radio over SWTOR. Will a music loop option be added?
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Are there any plans to implement the ability to trade BoP items for a short period of time after they were looted in the event they were need rolled by accident? It's not exactly fun to loose a class specific item to someone not of that class that wasn't paying attention.
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Here is a scenario, my question comes at the end.


When I am in a combat area, I may die. I return to the medical droid. I tell my companion to "sell gray items" and he runs off for a few minutes while I am forced to return to combat alone for those few minutes. OR I can sell the medical droid my gray items manually, which takes a little extra time.


This process makes no sense.


I'm standing directly beside the vendor. My companion is standing directly beside the vendor (the medical droid). I should be able to directly sell my gray items to the vendor with a "sell gray items button", or my companion should be able to hand the stuff to the vendor without running off.


Again, the current system makes no sense.


Have you guys considered adding a "sell gray items" button to the vendor interface? I really like the ability to have my companions go sell my stuff while I'm out in combat, but being able to interface with the vendor and "sell gray items" *directly* would be a very welcome addition.

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Is your overall plan for content expansion to raise the level cap, thus "wasting" the current endgame level content? Please elaborate your views on how to continously add further endgame story, and how you think that will affect the existing content.
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