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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Location
    Okinawa, Japan
  • Interests
    Crafting/Tanking in MMOs, Computer Geek, DeepSea Fishing, pretty much anything..
  • Occupation
    IT management
  1. I'm US Military stationed overseas and many of my friends play. We are very much looking forward to the Asia Pacific servers being released, but we are concerned about character transfers. Will character transfers be allowed between US and AP servers? Re-rolling and leveling all over again just to be on more local servers would be a real pain. Not to mention rotating back to the US or getting stationed in EU - it'd be huge to the military guys that play to be able to transfer our characters from region to region.
  2. Are there any plans to implement BoP crafting materials that can be farmed by a person solo? It would be nice to craft very unique items without requiring a guild or a group to assist.
  3. Will you open up server transfers, and if you do, will they allow US to European server transfers or only US-US and EU-EU?
  4. I vote yes for craft specific sub forums! Onegaishimasu!!
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