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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Why does Scoundrel and Operatives Healing over time abilitys (Slow releese medpack, Kolto Cloud. ) have a Hidden "Animation timer of more then 3 Sec for a supposed "instant cast" ?


From that i push my button it takes 3.1-3.6 Seconds untill it heals the target.(depending on how its messured)


Either change tooltip to 3seconds or make it a* Instant cast,* for real please. Because now the tooltip is very missleading.

Edited by Donnadarco
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I have:


1 level 50 powertech

1 level 50 sith sorc

1 level 50 Jug


Across all three of those characters, I've done probably a total of 10 heroics and 10 to 15 flashpoint missions, and two HM BT. I can't find a FP or HM group to save my life. For an MMO this is the best single player game I've played but pretty bad as an MMO.


What are you doing to improve the LFG system? Will you allow us to create groups and post them and have others search for specific mission groups?



People stay with MMOs mainly due to the friends we make and play with or the good loot they get and feeling like they make progress. Both of those require a good grouping system. This yelling into the void business is for the birds. I might as well start sending spam emails to everyone.

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Is there any chance to get re-customizing option for the characters? For the real money and only once in a while (like most of the games) or with the special barbers for in-game money (like in LotRO) - anything will do! Really, should I know in advance my miraluka would not be able to wear half of the equipment because of the vale i I would not roll it.
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Sounds like some nice changes comming along,

hope the pvp updates are nice, on some servers its definatly needed bigtime.

But my main question is,


will there be an appearence setup/function?


example my jedi is blind and has something over his eyes,

and everytime i wear a headpiece it mixes visually with the original

facepiece, looks really crappy, specially in flaspoints social anims?

and certain helmets or headpieces appear threw the hood...

at least a hood up hood down feature and a show helmet and dont show helmet,

or to remove the facepiece from the original creation..

i would even prefer that to the color matching chestplate thing by far...

more visual customization for chars is needed other than moding,

many are starting to look the same

Edited by ODTONE
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How will the rating system in the ranked warzones work? Will you have to queue with a premade group of people, or will you be able to queue solo. if its going to be solo, will there be a gear/valor rank requirement for ranked warzones so matches aren't decided on gear etc. Edited by Forthehonor
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Do you have any plans to further character customization features? Specifically Female Hair styles. Right now the only options are all very short hair and no long/medium length hair styles. And no, long hair in buns or pulled up is not long hair.
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When is Bioware, the devs, going to address and fix the exploit in WZ which lets groups go in with 10 people? Love to PvP but I will not keep doing this if they will not fix it. Atleast I know that in WoW a 10 player BG means for both sides.
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I wanted to ask, at what valor rank will the next tier of gear be implemented?


I feel that the next tier of gear should have requirements like valor level (for example, a player needs to be valor rank 85 to equip the mainhand weapon.) or have a certain rank/ranked points (from ranked matches) in order to purchase it.


ty for your time

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So far I've read several pages of questions and I saw a

Lot of people were complaining about 'my tank class isn't

As good as the others or Jedi healers have it too easy, etc.


So the question is how much time do you guys spend discussing

Balance amongst the classes, balance as far as raid group makeup is concerned, and

Do you the devs see any balancing issues?

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Do you have any plans to add options to customize ways to display other people names? An option to personally disable the display of other people titles would be fantastic for my framerate in pvp without negatively impacting my ability to tell whos around me.


Perhaps some keybinds as well to either completely display or hide nameplates?

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