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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Please can we have an update on the plans for implementing same-gender romance options. All requests around this topic are either ignored (e.g. in the last Q&A thread) or given the same stock answer from last September. A little more information now about plans and likely time-scales would go a long way for those of us who are keen to see this aspect of the game in place.
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When will the FPS issue thread be addressed? There has been a great amount of community feedback to this thread and a request for the Dev's to take a look on the forums here and on Twitter. Can the Dev's please review this thread and at least acknowledge that the FPS issue is due to the way the engine utilizes Disk I/O?



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Will there ever be an optional flag On PVE servers, so that one would never auto flag as PVP unless in a Warzone or a PVP designated area of Ilum? Even if in opposite faction areas of PVE planets. For example if Empire player goes to Republic section of Hoth, the 10 second flag timer starts up and one is auto flagged as PvP. Since Hoth is not a PVP planet, like Ilum, one should have the option to never ever flag as PVP on PVE planets, unless that option is turned on specifically by the player. The faction NPCs would still attack you on site, of course, just no PVP flag. Edited by Destronicus
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I know this is not a high priority question, however: When will Oceanic Servers be available and what are your ideas about how server transfers will be arranged.


What happens if there is a character on the server of choice which has the same name as yours. Will you be able to change the name.


I have a latency around 200 ms on the EC servers. There is nothing more Exciting for me to look forward to than imagining being able to play a warzone with a latency below 50 ms.


Woop woop!



P.S: I really appreciate how you respond to communities requests regarding to the Cool down system. I wish every Developer would make changes as quickly on things that matter as you do.

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Already having 8 characters on my server, will I be forced to delete characters in order to take advantage of the Legacy reward system or will I be able to change race and use other new Legacy customization features on pre-existing characters? Edited by Ziko
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Whats the word on the most important in-game social interaction UI element of Chat Bubbles? The only blip we got was a promise that they were high on your priority list for launch... that was months ago during beta. Why do you ignore this hot topic? Ok, thats two questions, but answering either will go a long long way to cooling a lot of anger buildup.







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As we have seen in some missions, our enemy has sometimes been given the change to change his/her allegiances. Will there ever be in any quest line where a Jedi, fed up with the Order, or a Sith tired of the council meddling have a chance in a quest to change sides?


I know my Imperial Agent sometimes tires of the Darth's interference not to mention her trying to kill him just to have some fun; to have a mission NPC some where during a quest offer me the chance to change sides (becoming a comparable class) might be interesting - whether of not I'd end up taking up the offer is another matter.

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