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  • Location
    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    MMO Gaming, Cooking, Art
  1. What spec and build is this rotation for? I'm a SS gunslinger but starting to experiment and learn the other specs.
  2. Just a note to the Dev....patch 1.2 didn't fix this...at all...not even close....still there ...in short....Bug 1 - Bioware 0. I'm really trying to have faith in you guys and this game but the more things are slow to be fixed or implemented games like Rift which seem to have new content and fast bug fixes damn near monthly start to call to me. Come on guys...you've built the foundation for a great game (yes I said foundation cause there are still a LOT of issues)...capitalize on it and make some money by getting these bugs and problems fixed and stop the exodus of players leaving the servers. In addition...server merges are needed at least on the pvp servers to promote more world pvp. Leveling to 50 and never seeing another person of the opposing faction is counter to everything world pvp stands for. Just my 2 cents. Kang.
  3. Will we see a LFG tool any time soon seeing as entering Flashpoints is done from the fleet and there is no chance of pvp to enter them I don't see any point in not having one.
  4. If you believe that then I thank you for D-subbing and wish you the best back in WoW or Rift or wherever. There are plenty of Republics on my server that far outgear me and have been rocking battlemaster gear for quite some time. May the....naw...just go..LOL...
  5. In all the QQ...(Yes I feel like QQ'ing myself cause I didn't get in either)...the one thing I see no mention of is this... The majority of people belonged to guilds formed before today and ALL qualifying guilds were ASSIGNED to servers by Bioware. If they assigned us servers then W*T*F are we worried about server loads and releasing in waves? Didn't they consider server loads when they did all this assigning? Just something I was mildly annoyed about...
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