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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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What, if anything, are you doing about mirror class discrepancies? Some seem like bugs, others like it was a clear oversight, but there is a distinct and noticeable "invisible advantage" to the Empire version of every class. The most obvious is the Trooper's Mortar Volley compared to the Bounty Hunter's Death From Above skills. When, if ever, are such things going to be fixed?
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In SWTOR, whenever you move, the camera reverts back automatically to its default position behind your character. I find this highly annoying as especially in PvP situations I like to run while looking backwards (to see my pursuers for example) without having to hold down the right mouse button.


In most other MMO's, there is an interface option to "lock" or "unlock" the camera when moving. Will we see this option as well within the forseeable future?

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In crafting, oftentimes I will find 2 items that bear identical stats within the same grade of armor, is this intentional, or is it a bug?


Further explanation/examples:


In Synthweaving, I have two Heavy Armor recipes (Force-Infused Flex Armguards -- +30str/+35end and Krayt Dragon Armguards -- +30str/+35end, both requiring level 31 to use.) Is it really supposed to be that way, or is one of them really supposed to be +35str/+30end?


Also Synthweaving, light armor, Psychokinetic Bracers (+35end/+30will), Sharpened Mind Bracers (+35end/+30will), both level 31 required. Are these also supposed to be endurance heavy, or is one of them supposed to be +35will/+30end (I'd suspect Sharpened Mind Bracers)?


It just strikes me as odd, since dps would often prefer their primary stat prioritized over endurance, whereas a tank might prefer the endurance over the primary stat.

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In PvP, People are being CC'd while the resolve bar is full. Can you explain how it was meant to function? Is it bugged, or is it only immune to certain types of crowd control? Are there any plans to improve how the resolve bar works? Right now it seems as though its not much help to being stun locked.
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When will you put the stars back in Star Wars? Do you even have plans to do so?


Don't mean to suggest "fixing" space but rather expanding it (free flight, pvp, missions, loot to RE etc). You already have an outstanding game, but implementing Space in this fashion would create a whole other community of pilots. It is part of what kept SWG going after Sony's mistakes.

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Hey guys, wondering if we will have the option to choose our camera not to auto-pivot follow us. It feels like i'm not in control of my character, very annoying and makes it weird to pvp or even pve. Would be nice to know if it will atleast be added as an option?
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Is there going to be what i would call a Padawan System?


I love playing with my friends but we never seem to be the same level range. What a padawan system would be is equivlant to the mentor system in everquest 2.


Basically a high level player would group with a low level friend, decreasing his level equal to the lower level character, allowing quests and flashpoints to keep the same degree of challenge and fun, while giving the lower level friend a couple percent xp boost.

Edited by tundrra
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Following on from the discussions on this thread:




Are the dev team aware of, or working on, the issue outlined in this thread?


A fix for this problem would transform my playing experience from being *below average* to *excellent*. Unfortunately, there has been no message from the dev team thus far. My subscription ends in a week, and I'm sorry to say that unless there is somethin... anything, on this specific issue, I'm out for the forseeable future.


Its not an ultimatum or anything but the problem is so significant for me, that its making me not want to play. Its just that simple.

Edited by Larlar
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Can you tell us what Bioware is planning that will increase the quality and level of enjoyment of the game for the RP community?


I'm talking about support in areas like improving CS support for naming policy violations on RP type servers. Considerations for making a new RP server type with strict policies that would attract many in the RP community. RP content such as the ability to sit, in not just Cantinas, but other areas as well. Things of that nature.

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Our guild has begun to complete the operations and quickly noticed the Loot System not only seems bugged, by assigning gear to people without even a simply need/greed role. But also there is no Master Looter override to that feature (including a /roll). Example - we had 3 troopers in one run and saw their tier boots token simply assigned to one of them without even thinking of the other two) Also the loot radius seems very small and our group currently needs to stack on each other before looting (although this could be a misunderstanding of the Assign Gear System as well) This is game breaking for some, since there seems to be no rhyme or reason. When will we see some changes to the loot system?


Thank you in Advance.

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Are there any plans for tools used outside of the game?


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I am not meaning tools to actually make changes, even though that would be helpful in some areas of guild recruiting and administration.


Thank you

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Are there any plans to add more options to the flytext? I'm asking mainly about the damage done to enemies where its shows up on the top of them and you can only see it on really tall enemies (like bosses) if you position your camera a certain way. Any plans to add an option for it to show on the left and right of your character like many great scrolling combat text addons in other games have done?
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I was curious about individual player stories, I was incredibly saddened when I finished chapter three on my bounty hunter and while I did roll alts, I would really like to go back and see how life with the most awesome Chiss in the galaxy will continue, is this something that will be expanded upon in patches or will it be the next expansion pack?
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