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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are there any plans in the future to make personal ships customisable, or maybe to introduce instanced housing like in EQ2? As an old school RP'er from way back in the Ultima Online days, and an EQ2/SWG vet, I have found such things add a new dimension to mmo's and give players a unique experience in being able to show their style and personality in a little part of the game they feel they personally own.
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Are there any plans on making Huttball more challenging for certain classes? Right now, Consulars/Inquisitors can force run through all the traps, and can pull there allies to bypass most of the obstacles. This sort of makes the traps in Huttball fairly meaningless.
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i have a suggestion and a qusetion


i suggest to make togruta a playable specie


i would like to ask if you plan on adding some variety on pve and pvp gears?

sometimes especially on hutball it feels like i am fighting with my reflection, also some parts of these gears with helmets being 2nd to none are "definetly not looking any good at all!!!!! "

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In all your jedi Knight trailers you show us Jedi knights who aren't wearing a hood, in game this isn't possible.

Will we see an option to enable or disable our hoods? (just like what we have with helmets)


I really hope that this will be possible in the future, thanks for looking at my question.

-Tim Skijwalker (love the game ;D)

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Companion crew skill interface and windows in general.


2 part question.

1: no mission return popup when you have other windows open-option!


2: the whole window system in general feel clunky.

you want to modify gear

you open C and inventory to find mod. press ctrl and right click item, windows swap around and closes.

you open vendor, inventory opens. you press C to compare, vendor closes, enter rage and annoyance.


will there be any preferences to window settings implemented? like: no popups in combat/market place etc

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I have multiple questions... but damn you 1 question-per-thread! :p

Here goes...


Characters Story:

With the latest patches it is clear that you guys are starting to expand on some stories. 1 example of that is the Kaon instance, which will be followed up (in next patch was it?).

Are there plans to make people advance in their personal story in upcoming patches too or is this considered to be a "big step" that will be expanded on together with the leveling experience that comes together with new expansions of the game in the upcoming years?

Also, same question goes for companions (though i suppose it's more likely to introduce new companions rather then expanding the stories of old ones to continue)?






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In last week's blog post, regarding the Legacy system, you said:

Daniel Erickson: Game Update 1.2 will bring you the first big step in the Legacy System but it’s important to understand that the Legacy System will continue to grow, bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game Update 1.2.


However, there's one very important part of that question that wasn't answered.


Those of us that are currently rolling alts would like to know if there will be some mechanic to change our current characters to take advantage of the new Legacy species, even if it was on a limited/single basis. I'd even accept a paid "race change" feature similar to certain other MMOs.


As an example, your Legacy section on the previously released video showed what appeared to be a Miraluka Sith Warrior. Would a current Sith Warrior be able to change their character to become a Miraluka to take advantage of this new race, or should I wait to create a Sith Warrior if I wish to be a Miralukan?


My apologies for the somewhat lengthy question, and the similarity to a previously answered question, but I (and I assume several others) would really appreciate a clarification.

Edited by DarthDemens
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