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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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I am not the biggest fan of Flashpoints (except story driven ones like the first flashpoint in the game) and never play Operations, so I am not very excited about such updates.


What kind of sole PvE content can we expect in the coming updates? Will there be something akin to the personal stories, uniquely tailored for your character class? How about new quests for the old companions?

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I know we have 1 q per post policy, but I'd love to suggest small thing along with my question, I really think it may help.


Q&A is a cool way of communication with players, and I do like it. Yet why not making those some topic-specified? eg one week you answer PvP questions, another week - RP ones, another week - companions\craft\whatever related. I think it would make us easyer to ask and you - easyer to answer.


And my question is - are we supposed to have more companion-related interactions\lines\dialogues after we hit 50? It's just wierd, they love us, some of them propose marriage, and all they do is just standing still around our ships.

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Do you actually plan implementing more things for roleplayers?


- - -


You know there are lots of players who only play for the roleplaying - on the german Server Vanjervalis-Chain (the "inoffical" roleplay server) there are a lot of players, server is heavy, a big part of them are roleplayers only.


I know that you care more about the PVP'ers and PVE'ers because they are more people, but do you even read the roleplay suggestions? There are just a few things that would make us happy and shut up, like: talking animation, sitting on chairs, chat bubbles, being able to lay down and/or a better sitting animation, like on the knees, so it looks more neutral.



Edited by Mishari
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Is there an ETA or status update on resolving the Android security key issues?


Specifically, for people who either got a new phone or installed a new rom on their current phone, if you reinstalled the mobile security key application you were unable to login to the game or your swtor.com account unless you had written down your 7 digit serial and 20 digit activation key to put back into the android application. Calling customer service to remove the security key would let you back into your account either in game or on swtor.com however it isn't until you call back a second time that they tell you that you will be unable to add a new mobile security key.


The current state of things is that if you get a new phone or install a new rom and then try to add a new mobile security key after reinstalling the applicaiton, the swtor.com website gives you the same 7 digit serial and same 20 digit activation code as your first mobile key. Placing those into your phone will let the mobile security application function, however the swtor.com website fails to recognize the generated codes and will not authenticate your account or acknowledge a new mobile security key as being established. Oddly enough, you can still login to the game using the generated codes from the android application and skip answering a security question, but the in game security vendor tells you that you are not authenticated!


Yet another call to support will get them to tell you that they simply turn off the security key functionality, but they have not actually removed the security key info from your account and they say it cannot be reset or removed and everyone is waiting on an update for the android application. It does not seem however that the android application is the problem here (aside from it force closing on virtually any device), it seems that the problem is something account/server side.


All in all, this has proven to be quite a problem for many people - simply reviewing the comments for the security key application on the Android Market will reveal many people having this issue, though few of them seem able to articulate it properly.

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Will there be implemented more Sandbox like features? like customizing of our class ships/maybe even additional player ships to be bought? and more Open world feel to the game larger areas in which players can explore find settlements etc.?
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Having played a Guardian tank for 2 months now, I am becoming more and more perplexed by some of the choices for where certain talents are and the trees to which they belong (I'm thinking of Unremitting, Protector, and Commanding Awe being in a Damage tree).


Are there any plans to re-examine the talent trees in the future, or should we think of the current configuration of talents as set in stone? With enough players asking for it, is it possible that some of the trees could be re-configured for certain classes that might need it?

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Any thoughts on when we can start expeting same gender romance options? Not asking for a specific date, but a rough estimate like, in the next few content patches, "we're working on it, but it's not even close to being ready", the possible expansion or "we're thinking about it, but haven't actually started working on it"?
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Currently, Cross faction gear seems to be taboo. You can't see what it looks like in your schematic while crafting, and It doesn't show up on Hutt Cartel Trade Network.


What are your thoughts on cross faction gear, will be be able to equip it at some point in the future?

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Are there any plans to add a way to obtain Biometric Crystal Alloy through PvP, and/or make some crafted items geared towards PvP, with schematics obtained through PvP?

I have no interest in PvE, and don't think it should be required for recipes from the trainers when there are already special schematic drops in operations to reward PvE'rs.

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Regarding the upcoming improvements to UI customization, how would you compare what you're intending to provide vs. a theoretical WoW interface using three of the most popular UI mods--XPerl Unit Frames, Bartender, and CTMod (close, on parity, not even close, 72%--however you choose to answer)?




Follow-ons: If what you're intending to provide doesn't hold up well against that standard, do you have intent to continue improving it until it does? Will you ever crowdsource any of this and allow a mod developer community to take their own shot at it?

Edited by Autorch
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