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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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"Alkapwn: Could you elaborate about what specific benefits the Legacy will offer? I know that I am not alone in the fact of putting off making an alt (and hence losing out on gameplay) because I wish to know what kind of character creation options will be available. All we have to go on now is "The legacy system will unlock new character creation options, including new species." Does this mean species that have been unavailable for that specific class, or that have been unavailable to play in the game as a whole?


Daniel Erickson: Game Update 1.2 will bring you the first big step in the Legacy System but it’s important to understand that the Legacy System will continue to grow, bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game"



So my understanding of legacy thus far is that if I create an alt now I will not be able to say switch my species or anything of the sort? I will only be able to use the new options for newly created characters?

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It can be very frustrating in PvP to have a full resolve bar and still not have full control of your character. As many likely know, snares (slows, roots, etc) do not currently contribute to, and are not affected by, resolve.


A common example: I am carrying the ball across a fire trap in Huttball when someone uses a stun and caps my resolve bar (makes it go white). I pop my CC breaker and am immediately rooted in the fire for the duration of both the fire and my supposed CC immunity as my resolve bar empties, and am killed by the environment.


Are you happy with the way resolve is currently working in the game? Do you have any plans to alter the resolve system in the near/distant future?

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Do you have any plans to make changes to Ilum due to the amount of negative feedback from the community about the zone? Also, addons are a feature that many MMO players feel passionate about and are eager to have so are there any plans to allow them to be used in the game?


Thank you.

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If and When can we expect damage meters to come into the game? It's killing many of us that these tools still aren't in the game, and no mention of them either. Also what is your viewpoint on a recount type analysis tool to meter performance? Edited by Navakai
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I'm currently gathering the equip for my jedi shaddow to raid with. From 'the other' game I know that accuracy is the most important stat for damage dealers.



How much accuracy do I need so that I don't miss in raids?

Edited by Anonymousy
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What are your thoughts on the Resolve mechanic? Do you feel its working to its full effect or could there be some tweaks made to improve it? I know myself and many other PvP players feel that the Resolve mechanic either isn't working properly or that it could be improved. More specifically, what are your thoughts on possibly making Roots/Snares affect Resolve? If this is out of the question, how about a diminishing returns feature on Roots/Snares? As it stands, melee classes being Snared/Rooted is nearly the exact same as being CC'd/stunned and can be chain Rooted with a full Resolve bar.
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Any chance of implementing an in game voice client? most other mmos have this and this game is soo click intensive its impossible to key chat in a fight, also i am currently paying this subscription and dont think i should have to pay another sub to have a decent Vent server that i then have to take time to get ppl to loginto and such when its not too much code to just install it into the game, heck even Everquest (the Original, yes its still around) has implemented this feature.


also if you do implement this feature having a guild channel and a group or raid channel kept seperate so that while soloing i can VC with my guildies would be a cool addon that i havent seen in any of the other games i play.

Edited by Wookieluva
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Hi there.


I was jsut wondering if you would implement a easier way to track buffs/debuffs then there is today? For example, if there are 2 Sorcerers in the same group, its almost impossible to track which Affliction belong to yourself, and which is the other ones.


Cal'thaza, Guild Master of Vanquish - Hex Droid EU

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