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30Minute LOCKOUT For Deserters


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when i get the option of which wz i want to play, then i will accept a deserter debuff for leaving early... also, when you pay my 15 bucks a month, you can dictate when and where i play. till then, you can just learn to deal with the fact that sometimes people just get sick of same faction huttball.
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See if this scenario happens you will loose under 2 minutes anyway(or 3) so why not simply be a man and eat up the farming ...


i guess your server doesn't have any pvp guilds that score 5 quick points and then spend the other 13 minutes farming medals...

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Logically, If people should get a deserter debuff for "selfishly leaving early", people should also get a penalty for:


"Selfishly" not gearing up appropriately for PvP (Oranges with decent mods are pretty nice starter gear),


"Selfishly" playing as one-man-hero and not as a team,


"Selfishly" chasing kills instead of working on the War-zone objectives.


Or best of all, "Selfishly" being so bad at the game and queuing up anyway.


Wow, look at all those times I manage to slot in the "selfish" accusation simply because one person's play-style doesn't fit in with another person.


If people waste your time by leaving, you should accept that the other side of the coin says that you are wasting their time by being so god-awfully bad that they WANT to leave, or that bugs/poor matching makes for horrible, tedious games.

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Logically, If people should get a deserter debuff for "selfishly leaving early", people should also get a penalty for:

"Selfishly" not gearing up appropriately for PvP (Oranges with decent mods are pretty nice starter gear),

"Selfishly" playing as one-man-hero and not as a team,

"Selfishly" chasing kills instead of working on the War-zone objectives.

Or best of all, "Selfishly" being so bad at the game and queuing up anyway.

Wow, look at all those times I manage to slot in the "selfish" accusation simply because one person's play-style doesn't fit in with another person.

If people waste your time by leaving, you should accept that the other side of the coin says that you are wasting their time by being so god-awfully bad that they WANT to leave, or that bugs/poor matching makes for horrible, tedious games.


So you are saying, you are just so good in PvP that no one has the right to play with you?


Is that an argument? Or what is that? Are you hallucinating?

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Not joining losing games already in progress is needed first.

Not joining games with my team averaging 12.5k hp is needed first.

Not joining huttball games is needed first.

Not starting over half of my games 6v8 or 7v8 is needed first.


Then maybe you can start thinking about some sort of punishment.

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It seems that many people are only "having fun" when their team carries them to victory.


It is the same PVP even in a losing game - either play for fun or don't bother at all. Not to mention that if you only want the valor and comms you have to stick around until the end anyway.


People quitting at the first sign of trouble used to piss me off, but now rather entertain me - quite often we would turn the game around even if the imps got two turrets before us.

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So you are saying, you are just so good in PvP that no one has the right to play with you?


Is that an argument? Or what is that? Are you hallucinating?


I have no idea how you got that out of my post, but if it makes it any clearer then I'll spell it out for you.


No, I'm NOT saying I'm too good to play with other people. I'm good, but I'm probably not great. I heal, so whenever I get a war-zone with people who haven't PvP'ed at all or have only rarely PvPed, I get little to no support from my team. All the while, I'm spending all my time supporting them AND being one of the only few even trying to work for the objectives.


And don't tell me that I should be helping other people to understand, if they don't want to listen, they wont. I know, because I've tried.


What I AM saying, is that for every time someone deserts a War-zone for an irrational knee-jerk reason before they've even got started (which is a tad selfish and you might be correct in wanting to issue them with a lockout), there are at least as many times where it's veteran players who have already had enough for the day of losses due to poorly equipped or self-interested solo PvPers who are solely doing it for themselves or for the gear, and are either not interested in or capable of actual team PvP.


Telling people "You have to sit through war-zone after war-zone of dire team-mates or suffer the consequences" isn't going to encourage anything pleasant. It's going to foster AFK/stealth leechers, bots, and even more self interest from players than you're already claiming exist at present. If I'm forced to sit through War-zones to avoid incurring a penalty, I'm going to re-spec from healing to DPS and solo play too. At least that way I'll get more medals out of my losses.


How is fostering that sort of attitude going to help anyone?


mine doesnt, if a team is 5 ahead guess what they do? they score the sixth and get the game over and done with


Then you are lucky. There are plenty of teams out there that do hold on to the ball after 5, passing it around occasionally to avoid blowing up, or even better, passing it to the opposite team to use it as a kill marker.

Edited by Tyrias
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no his post fails..to the simple fact that we CAN'T chose who we get paired up with if we play solo..and some people prefer to play solo, so basicly what you are saying is its ok to quit because of fresh 50's? if you guys feel that way then quit your *****in band together and roll in a pre-made..simple fkin solution.


some of us have somthing called "real life commitments" so we dont have the time to spend hours and hours gearing up, sorry we arn't all 50 year old virgins living in our mothers basements spending alone time with the same swimsuit centerfold we have had for the past 40 years..


dont use fresh people who have only just got the chance to gear up as an exscuse for your lack of desire to play. you still get comms,valor and creds at the end of each warzone even if you lose..and it may be a little amount but its a damn site more than what you get for quiting


the most annoying thing about people like you is that you wouldn't dare complain about rolling against ungeared fresh 50's would you? oh no..easy wins and easy medals..easy daily/weekly PvP quest completion..you sir..are a hypocrite and an idiot *nods*



I'm an adult college student with a 21 credit hour course load this semester, as well as a single parent with two kids. Between school and tending the kids' various needs, I still managed to get to 50 and get geared in a decent time frame, so your "I don't have time!" argument doesn't hold much water.


If I get Huttball, unless I know for a fact the people I'm teamed with know what they're doing, I'll leave. I hate Huttball anyways. If I'm in VS or CW and people are fighting off of nodes and chasing people across the map, I'll leave. If it's a well known Imp premade VS a Rep PUG, I'll leave. Even with a deserter debuff, I'd still leave. I have alts, or I'll just putter around the house for 15-30 minutes, I don't really care. Just because people have gear, and know how to play doesn't mean they're lifeless 50 year old basement-dwelling virgins.


The incentive for many is to win for daily/weekly purposes. I'm not eating a loss and wasting 15 minutes of aggravation herding cats so people that don't follow basic directions can have a few more comms or some valor.

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If I get Huttball, unless I know for a fact the people I'm teamed with know what they're doing, I'll leave. I hate Huttball anyways. If I'm in VS or CW and people are fighting off of nodes and chasing people across the map, I'll leave. If it's a well known Imp premade VS a Rep PUG, I'll leave. Even with a deserter debuff, I'd still leave.


What you dont seem to realize... its ok when you do that, as long as you have a 30 min debuff after that and cant do it again in the next 30 minutes.


The problem is not people leaving once every 30 minutes, the problem is people leaving over and over again in the timeframe of a few minutes.


So the deserter debuff will still fix the issue, its not supposed to make you stay in the game. Some people may think twice leaving.. but still, its not the main issue.

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Reality is that everyone is out for themselves. Pretending it's different just because you are hacked off because it's inconvenient for your own PvP success just furthers my own point. Get off your moral high horse.


The PvP community can't act like a selfinterested jerk 99% of the time and then QQ when it affects their PvP


No, you're view of reality is that "everyone is out for themselves" because that is the narrow-minded way that you can justify your own narcissistic behavior.


You're either young, failed to develop abstract thinking, or have been utterly brainwashed by consumerism. People lived in structured communities, helping each other for 1,000's of years and it is only recently that this society of selfishness has spawned. In fact - the first mammals lived in burrows and would sacrifice themselves at the door to these burrows to ensure the survival of the species. People are dependent on everyone around them for everything, and if you believe otherwise then just ask yourself "how many people had to work together for X, Y, and Z to be a part of my life?" (Pick ANYTHING... video games, your car, the food you eat, etc) If you want to argue that all of those are possible because people were given rewards for their work, then I'll semi-agree with you because there's been a pretty heavy influence of brainwashing over the last 60 years telling people they need to be independent, and have a lot of junk to be happy. That's a totally different conversation though, and this documentary is a pretty eye-opening history lesson on the subject. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Century_of_the_Self )


The Century of the Self is an award winning British television documentary film. It focuses on how Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, and Edward Bernays influenced the way corporations and governments have analyzed,* dealt with, and controlled ‬people.


The 7 other people in a Warzone depend on the 8 people who join to play the entire match, regardless of the outlook in the first minute because when you quit, that leaves the rest of those 7 players down a body for 2 minutes, ( 1 minute for you to idle out, and another minute for someone to load in) and a lot can happen in 2 minute. That's if only one person deciceds to quit. I can't even count how many times i've seen 2 - 3 quit on the first huttball score, or when 2 turrets are taken on the civil war. Then to make matters worse, those people queue up for another warzone and join back into the same warzone, only to spend another 45 seconds idling in the save zone to leave the warzone. So we're up to 3 minutes of being short 1 person, effectively 1/5th of the match.


Given that 7 players have to suffer because of 1 player's selfishness, I believe that warrants a penalty to be applied to the selfish player.


A timed lockout seems appropriate for the first couple of infractions, followed by (as another poster suggested) the loss of valor. In Asheron's Call there was a 5% experience loss with every death, and I feel like 5% valor loss would be quite appropriate for people who quit 5+ warzones in a 24hr period. If you fall under 60 ranks of valor, your BM gear is automatically unequipped.

Edited by Evil_Santa
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What you dont seem to realize... its ok when you do that, as long as you have a 30 min debuff after that and cant do it again in the next 30 minutes.


The problem is not people leaving once every 30 minutes, the problem is people leaving over and over again in the timeframe of a few minutes.


So the deserter debuff will still fix the issue, its not supposed to make you stay in the game. Some people may think twice leaving.. but still, its not the main issue.


No. People don't just leave for no reason, 9 times out of 10 they leave because there is no hope of winning, they're getting farmed at zone in, and it's not fun feeding valor to the other team. In short, they're not having fun. Losing a close match is one thing, getting rolled by a geared premade when you're a PUG is another. If losing is no big deal, and you get valor and comms anyways, why is people leaving even an issue? If anything, if there are no fillers and the match closes, you lose, you get valor and comms that much quicker.

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No. People don't just leave for no reason, 9 times out of 10 they leave because there is no hope of winning, they're getting farmed at zone in, and it's not fun feeding valor to the other team. In short, they're not having fun. Losing a close match is one thing, getting rolled by a geared premade when you're a PUG is another. If losing is no big deal, and you get valor and comms anyways, why is people leaving even an issue? If anything, if there are no fillers and the match closes, you lose, you get valor and comms that much quicker.


Perhaps your experiences are different than mine, and the person who you quoted but people leaving is not the primary issue.


The primary issue is those people leave the warzone, then requeue for warzones, accept when the queue pops up and are brought back into the same warzone they just left, only to leave again.


Yes, we get stuff for a loss, but overall - we also become extremely frustrated at the fact that we tried for 15 minutes to win something, when the odds were against us to begin with, and some Jerk just increased those odds by being selfish. This has been happening for 2 months now and is obviously a global PvP problem if there's threads being made about it.


If it was something that happened a couple of times a day, I wouldn't mind, but when this behavior is wittnessed in almost 70% of warzone matches, there is clearly a problem.


Edit: In b4 the "you're the problem" comments.

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No. People don't just leave for no reason, 9 times out of 10 they leave because there is no hope of winning, they're getting farmed at zone in, and it's not fun feeding valor to the other team. In short, they're not having fun. Losing a close match is one thing, getting rolled by a geared premade when you're a PUG is another. If losing is no big deal, and you get valor and comms anyways, why is people leaving even an issue? If anything, if there are no fillers and the match closes, you lose, you get valor and comms that much quicker.


Cause most of these people dont need valor or comms. They are all waiting for T3 bags.


But what does that have to do with what I was saying?

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If it was something that happened a couple of times a day, I wouldn't mind, but when this behavior is wittnessed in almost 70% of warzone matches, there is clearly a problem.


So your solution, instead of fixing WHY people leave, is to punish them for leaving without fixing the problem itself? Brilliant! You should become a doctor. When a patient comes to you with a runny nose, just cut his head off. No head, no nose, no runny nose problems! Fixed! :rolleyes:


The reason people leave is idiotic matchmaking this game has. As in, the system will match a team with average level of 15, versus a team with average level of 45. What's more that second team will be a premade, while the first team is a PUG. Guess what happens? The lowbie PUG will be farmed. And when I join a game like that, what is my incentive for staying?


And before you say I'm a selfish jerk, which I am, realize that people who joined the warzone at level 10 on my team are the selfish jerks. They killed any chance, however small, of us holding our own against a premade. If they can be selfish and join a WZ at 10 and expect other people to carry them, why can't I be selfish and leave? Instead of being forced to essentially work for them?

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Throwing a debuff on someone because they didn't want to eat a farmfest isn't going to solve anything.


It will solve the issue we have right now. Yes I understand you will hate it, but thats cause you are a leaver.


But of course they still need to fix the reason why people are leaving.


And they will, its in the patchnotes.

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