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Everything posted by Kamosabe

  1. people were complaining, because their lousy UI could only hold 6 skills (beside 1 trinket and 1 potion). you had easily the double amount of abilities, but couldnt fit it into the bar, because DCUO was a crappy console-port, made for playstation and gamepad. back-to-topic: i never thought that there are too many abilities, but i noticed that when playing my juggernaut, i was more looking at my bar and CDs, than the actual fight (except for screening whats going on).
  2. the lvl 40 pvp gear set looks quite mandalorian. it's the same armor your avatar is wearing. it's fully moddable too, except for bracer and belt.
  3. [spoiler Alert] that thing with the huttas happens on quesh. you return to dromund kaas to kill the beast on dromund kaas in act 2, when you're lvl 30+. hope that helps.
  4. what she said. or we will get alot more afk-leechers, making that problem ten-fold.
  5. hmm ich benutz auch maus 4 für teamspeak und manchmal hab ich auch diesen bug, aber ist mir nie aufgegangen, dass es dadurch verursacht wurde. aber möglich wärs. allerdings, mein kumpel hat auch hin und wieder den bug, und ich bin ziemlich sicher er benutzt eine keyboard-taste für ts.
  6. 1.) A PvP-System similar to DAoC, regarding fitting locations, fortresses, faction-relics and perhaps pvp-ranks/abilities. 2.) Exp- and Valor-Bonus for underpopulated Factions on imbalanced Server, to give people more intention to reroll for the overwhelmed side. 3.) Better Anti-AFK-Leecher Mechanism in WZs.
  7. Ahso noch ein tip so am rande. Wenn dein Gegner dich noch nicht bemerkt hast und du also den Kampf unbemerkt eröffnen kannst, dann lohnt es sich durchaus den Burst Damage zu verzögern. also reihenfolge wäre dann: Thermaldetonator bzw. Explosive Dart > Brandrakete > Autoshot > Railshot in dem moment wo du autoshot beendest (und instant den railshot hinterschiesst) kommt der ganze schaden zusammen und die gehen auf einen schlag von 100% auf 50-60% leben. viele rennen dann schon weg dann kann man je nach situation stunnen und den sack zumachen mit nem entladen/autoshot/railshot. oder auch einfach hinterher rennen und sie mit der normalen attacke + railshot zu tode hetzen. falls sie doch kämpfen, hat man zumindest schon eine guten anfangsvorteil. diese eröffnung funzt aber natürlich nur gut, wenn die nicht schon gerade auf dich ballern.
  8. Komischerweise sind Mercs die einzige Klasse (neben unseren "Kollegen" den Kommandos), die leider keine Interrupt-Fähigkeit kriegen. Und ich meine jetzt den echten 12-secs-CD, 4-secs-deny, champion-mobs-unterbrech Interrupt. Dabei ist das ein echt nützlicher skill. Schöner Sch**ss. Dito, habe als Pyro Merc ebenfalls einige Schwierigkeiten gegen arsenal mercs. eigentlich ist LoS die einzige Möglichkeit die im 1vs1 zu besiegen, aber nicht einfach die Sache (immer schön um die Ecke kieken). Mein persönlicher Eindruck: als Arsenal biste gegen Melee am *rsch und als Pyro gegen ranged dps. dafür aber auch vice versa einen jedi zu kiten bis ihm brennend die puste ausgeht und er dir nur frustriert am hinterherschleichen ist, einfach genial. Insgesamt finde ich Pyro definitv besser. Macht einfach viel mehr Spass im Pvp, und man hat es weniger mit dem Kreuz vom ständigen nach vorne bücken Eigentlich fehlt nur dieser "verlorene" interrupt bei den Mercs und alles wär' in Butter...
  9. they should just not let any kind of self-heal count for medails. that would solve the problem.
  10. biggest flop in history? you obviously have not played alot of games, if you think a game in which you had at least some fun, like you said, is the "biggest flop in history". exaggerating much? there are numbers between 1 and 10, you know.
  11. only arsenal-specced mercs get that interrupt-y effect, you're referring too. rocket punch isn't a real interrupt anyway. it does not prevent using the interrupted ability for 4 seconds, which is an important factor. and you cannot interrupt champ-mobs with it. 14 of 16 advanced classes get a real interrupt. for it being a pretty useful ability in pvp and pve, imho, i'd goddam like BW to adjust our class to this standard and give us an interrupt. i'd even take a melee one with 4 m. but honestly just give us Quell (10m) from the powertech class, should be easy enough to implement.
  12. try leveling 1-2 levels above the quest level, if you get difficulties. same reward, easier going. if you need some extra exp, include some pvp-matches/space-missions/flashpoints to up your level. although i think bounty hunter is one of the easier-to-level guys.
  13. yeah i'm pyrotech, so no two soft interrupts for me. and funny thing is, i want an interrupt so i can interrupt arsenal specced mercs in pvp. arsenal is boring as hell imho. press that button, now press it again, yes keep going pressing that button. damn, you really know, how to press that one button. and i dont want everything, i am pissed off that we're not getting what absolutely every other class is getting. that's a big difference. and yes i agree, i dont think mercs need a buff. they might even need a tone down, but interrupt increases skillfull playing and i can understand, that stuff that actually need skill isn't going to help you...
  14. Mercs are pretty good in pvp. usually top damage on score-boards, and that's only partly due to death-from-above, imho. i used to be an arenal spec. it's like a glass cannon nuker. nice damage but when a melee jumps you, you're pretty much done for or just running away. switched from arsenal to pyrotech and never going back. it's amazingly more fun and takes alot more skill (and buttons). you can effectively kite and defeat melee guys in 1vs1, even if they got the jump on you and your stun is on cd. funny thing is, now it's the opposite and my nemesis are ranged dps guys, since pyrotech does have good burst damage but only mediocre sustained damage. my ranged opponents are lucky, mercs does not get interrupt and imho that's total bs.
  15. yeah it's a bug. yesterday i saw this happen to someone. i knew he wasn't exlopiting on purpose, because he actually tried to jump out, as in - he was stuck in that thing. also, that's not the interpretation of wallhacking
  16. i have the same problem on my jug. it gets really annoying when it "misfire" several times sequently and your char is swinging his sword like a baseball-bat, not finishing any hit, while you keep pressing the button. imho, the best way to completely avoid it: only use the retaliation-ability right before you're using a regular attack. this way it never bugs out. not optimal but much smoother.
  17. I'll take a leaver rather than an afk-leecher anyday. at least leavers forfeit their gain and make room for new blood. an afk-leecher gets pretty much the same gain as you, for being a parasite dead weight. so No. before you implement a deserter debuff, implement a working anti-afk-leeching mechanism first, or we will have a lot of those losing matches with a lot of people standing around instead of leaving. I hardly care about leavers, but i want to punch any pathetic afk-leecher in the face.
  18. exactly. if other ranged dps wouldn't get interrupt either, i would actually understand. but sorcs and absolutely every other class having one, except us. that's a big pile of bantha crap. handling of interrupt-abilities increases the ceiling of skillful playing in pve and pvp. as a pyrotech merc i'd goddam love to be able to interrupt my fellow arsenal mercs in pvp, and see if my opponent is actually able to adapt or just a puzzled one-button-pusher.
  19. /signed it would be one thing, if some classes get interrupt and others not. but to be the only class that does not get a legit interrupt, that sucks. interrupt is damn effective in pve and pvp, if you know how to use it.
  20. totally /signed and No. stun or mezz is not a real interrupt. interrupts are on shorter cooldown and denies using the interrupted ability to use again for 4 seconds. more important, other classes get their interrupt ability additionally to their 1-minute-cd stun. for me personal, i want to have interrupt solely because of pvp. i'm a pyrotech mercenary, and against lots of clueless one-button-tracer-missile-heroes an interrupt would be so effective and useful (yeah flame me, if you feel called out). what bothers me at most is that it seems, we are the only class that doesnt get such an interrupt-ability. what's the freaking reason for that? it's like BW forgot to add it for mercs.
  21. when your character finishes chapter one, you can create a family tree via the legacy system, and give him and other a family name.
  22. ich weiss zwar nicht ob die server-kapazitäten verkleinert wurden, aber mir ist auch aufgefallen, dass seit heute völlig überraschend der server Loramarr wartezeiten hat. falls das stimmt, was du sagst, fänd ich das schon ziemlich ätzend, ich bin extra von jarkad sword zu diesem neuen server gewechselt, weil der alte schon so voll war, und jetzt hat Loramarr höhere wartezeiten als jarkad sword. was ist denn das bitte?
  23. my advice: try a different class or faction. to really enjoy this game, you need to enjoy your story. in beta i played a trooper first and i was so bored, that i wasn't going to play swtor at all. a few friends joined into the beta later and convinced me to play some on empire side. had a blast with bounty hunter and sith warrior, story wise. now i cannot wait to get into the game. i pre-ordered late.
  24. Battlefield 3 - Back to Karkand Expansion got out a few days ago, great timing. killing time until i get into the TOR by killing my enemies.
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