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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Mercenary / Commando Nerf


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When is this coming Bioware? I'm getting a little impatient.


A ranged class that can kill you before you even get to them after a knockback?




commando's and merinarys are fine the problem is in the expertise when they hit 50 as it increases there little heals as dps spec into big ones :p



in the 10-49 bracket they die dam fast but when they get in there expertise gear hey get a little silly :o

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commando's and merinarys are fine the problem is in the expertise when they hit 50 as it increases there little heals as dps spec into big ones :p



in the 10-49 bracket they die dam fast but when they get in there expertise gear hey get a little silly :o


People need to learn to play. I'm a BM commando, gunnery.

1) I don't spam grav round, it's inefficient and doesn't cope with varying battle situations.

2) A half competent player with kinda about any class other than healers and commando/mercs can tear me to pieces or, failing that (because of guard/heals, whatever) can render me completely useless in dealing damage.


OTOH, with similar equipment, I CANNOT kill, without external influence, a healing specced healer. Most classes on 1 vs 1 can kill me NP.


Of course equipment plays a role. But don't blame merc if you get hit for humongous amounts of damage when you're wearing greens. With same level equipment I'm lucky to hit for 1.5k per shot. That may seem a lot, but when DPS have over 17k hp, it is not. Now, when I'm hitting crappily equipped (or heavily debuffed) players I can get much higher damage, up to 3,8k crits (with relic + WZ adrenal and/or warzone buff) on the grav round. But that is to be expected.


That said, most of the problem is that for some reason people, like sheep, ignore the ranged casters and go for melee dps and tanks. Really? I thought people had learned since... huh, 2001? to actually hit the glass cannons instead of the meat shields.

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When is this coming Bioware? I'm getting a little impatient.


A ranged class that can kill you before you even get to them after a knockback?






The ONLY class in the game with no intrerupt.

The ONLY class in the game that loses pretty much everything if you intrerupt their ONE ability, thus shutting it down.

A class that can`t move while spamming that skill, so it`s not like we kite you.(that spec has no slow except 1 CHANNELED - and currently bugged - damage ability that has a standard cd of 15s, sorcs get to slow you with every cast)


A class that has 1 stun you can remove via the 2 min cooldown leaving it with no stuns.

A class that has 1 knockback that you can just leap back/stealth and go to him after that he`s toast.


How about give commandos something to shut down other classes, then yea sure... i`d LOVE to be able to shut down a marauder for 4 seconds every 8-10 seconds, or any class for that matter.


Also, that burst that does more damage is totally balanced by our AMMO, if we do our full burst we need some time to regen ammo, during that time we spam our auto atack oh imagine the damage...


Also i need 2-3 casts to get that damage up there, a juggernaut/guardian.sent/marauder with their focus(aoe build) does ONE single aoe that crits for 5-6k on EVERYONE arround him... i find that does more damage than me doing the same on 1 person.


So please, play the class before you start asking for nerfs, good players beat (gunnery - the ones with the spam)commandos in 1v1 all the time, it`s just the ones that didn`t figure out how to play their class yet that we get to kill.


Actually after writing all of this, i think we need an intrerupt or some buff to make us able to shut down other classes... or slow them or something.

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The ONLY class in the game with no intrerupt.

The ONLY class in the game that loses pretty much everything if you intrerupt their ONE ability, thus shutting it down.

A class that can`t move while spamming that skill, so it`s not like we kite you.(that spec has no slow except 1 CHANNELED - and currently bugged - damage ability that has a standard cd of 15s, sorcs get to slow you with every cast)


A class that has 1 stun you can remove via the 2 min cooldown leaving it with no stuns.

A class that has 1 knockback that you can just leap back/stealth and go to him after that he`s toast.


How about give commandos something to shut down other classes, then yea sure... i`d LOVE to be able to shut down a marauder for 4 seconds every 8-10 seconds, or any class for that matter.


Also, that burst that does more damage is totally balanced by our AMMO, if we do our full burst we need some time to regen ammo, during that time we spam our auto atack oh imagine the damage...


Also i need 2-3 casts to get that damage up there, a juggernaut/guardian.sent/marauder with their focus(aoe build) does ONE single aoe that crits for 5-6k on EVERYONE arround him... i find that does more damage than me doing the same on 1 person.


So please, play the class before you start asking for nerfs, good players beat (gunnery - the ones with the spam)commandos in 1v1 all the time, it`s just the ones that didn`t figure out how to play their class yet that we get to kill.


Actually after writing all of this, i think we need an intrerupt or some buff to make us able to shut down other classes... or slow them or something.


Yet your hybrid spec is completely unkillable. Balanced.

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They did state they will nerf hybrid specs, however he`s not talking about that spec, that spec doesn`t kill anything even remotely fast, it`s just hard to kill since it`s basically a healer spec. And that spec is in line with what other healers can do with their hybrid specs...


Both sorcs/sages and scoundrels/operatives have the ability to keep u cc`d while they heal or simply run away/stealth and so on, since commando`s/mercs don`t, they need they extra survivability, i`d agree with removing some of it, but giving us sorc level cc or scoundrel level stealth....


Don`t think that because they balanced them so they are not all exactly the same, thay are not balanced. Sure some take direct damage better, but others can choose to walk away from a fight....


For example who would you rather have carry the ball in huttball? a sorc/sage or a commando/merc(who you say can`t be killed)?(both in their hybrid specs)

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Actually after writing all of this, i think we need an intrerupt or some buff to make us able to shut down other classes... or slow them or something.


That, I fear, would make us quite too powerful. What I'd like more is better utility CD skills... Or a better overall balance... Comparing tech override or reserve powercell to abilities like Resilience, guarded by the force, force camouflage and the like is underwhelming. But until people start focusing us constantly, I'm good as it is. Giving us more power would only ask for nerfs in other areas... I'm quite ok with the balance of the class right now (though the lack of interrupt is sometimes felt in PvE).

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If his vanish is on CD. All else being equal, if the operative does not have his vanish cd, how does he win against a sorc or merc?


Considering how retarded the vanish mechanic is in this game, one can expect several failed vanishes to go along with it.


What's the point of operatives if sorcs/mercs/assasins are better all around?

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Teach me how to use "interrupt" ability. Even as I sniper I wreck gunnery commando's.


4s Lockout with 10s cooldown means Im locking them 40% of the time out of Grav round/Tracer missile. Which is generally GG for them.


Merc/Commando is the only class in the whole game without an interrupt. If anyone would be whining about spamming one ability it should be them.

Edited by Kyrandis
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Teach me how to use "interrupt" ability. Even as I sniper I wreck gunnery commando's.


4s Lockout with 10s cooldown means Im locking them 40% of the time out of Grav round/Tracer missile. Which is generally GG for them.


Merc/Commando is the only class in the whole game without an interrupt. If anyone would be whining about spamming one ability it should be them.


We have to be within 10 meters to interrupt... mercs have a knockback with a slow attached to it and we have NO gap closer.

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We have to be within 10 meters to interrupt... mercs have a knockback with a slow attached to it and we have NO gap closer.


I love when operatives complain about other classes... I bet you don't have a problem with killing a player in a stun, or getting him so close the is dead anyhow

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I love when operatives complain about other classes... I bet you don't have a problem with killing a player in a stun, or getting him so close the is dead anyhow


If both players are geared operatives are probably one of the worst classes in the game right now.


Completely reliant on burst out of stealth and then.... nothing. Stunlock is easily countered by anyone with a brain.


Operatives are ****.

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We have to be within 10 meters to interrupt... mercs have a knockback with a slow attached to it and we have NO gap closer.


You do of course realize


A. Positioning is everything for a Scoundrel/Operative. I know my first 50 was one. Yes I know huttball is a pain for us.

B. You can cleanse the slow(and Im not talking about Lucky Dodge either)

C. He has to stand still to do Grav round. Meanwhile you're running back to him.

D. You also move faster than him. He can only slow you with Full-Auto if you cleanse the knockback slow. And full auto is a channeled ability.

E. Once you get back to him, flashbang and heal to full since he most likely used his break on dirty kick. Obviously make sure there are no dots present.


All Cooldowns versus all cooldowns you should win. Its not an easy fight.


Edit: On a final note, I will say the nerfs were a bit over the top, but we are still pretty effective. I have both a 50 Commando in Centurion, and 50 Scoundrel in Centurion. Both are pretty fun to me. I will very soon have a 50 sniper(can't wait).


Edit 2: You can cast the cleanse mid flight from knockbacks and it will activate as soon as you land btw.


Edit 3: Unless you are dirty fighting. In that case well...good luck considering commando/merc can remove your dots.

Edited by Kyrandis
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If both players are geared operatives are probably one of the worst classes in the game right now.


Completely reliant on burst out of stealth and then.... nothing. Stunlock is easily countered by anyone with a brain.


Operatives are ****.


You are trying to balance classes on 1v1 fights now? In case you were behind the times and haven't ever played a MMO before it DOESN'T WORK. You are a "bursty and utility" AC and unless you play it that way you will be complaining every day. Your class is meant to burst in a stun and if you don't kill the opponent or put him into defensive mode you aren't supposed to win.


If you don;t like that re-roll a glass cannon. But I figure you'll complain about that too...

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The only problem with tracer missile spam is that it is very easy to execute.


Bad player vs bad player. Tracer missile spam win 9 times out of 10.




Tracer missile spam is very stationary, easy to shut down, easy to LoS and easy to just walk away from - once you get more experienced and maybe once you start focus on things that matter instead of 1v1 tunnel visions.


Really good player vs really good player. Trace missile spam lose 9 times out of 10.




...lots of experienced merc/commando battlemasters argue their utility and ability to help out in object oriented warzones is too low compared to many other classes.




tl;dr L2P

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Merc and Sorc nerfs are NOT coming.


Mercs and Sorc put together are easily 70% of the player base. A nerf would force many of them to quit, because they can only play these two low skillcap classes.


If anything, I expect buffs now. Yes, buffs. I think pretty soon Mercs will get an interrupt.

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...lots of experienced merc/commando battlemasters argue their utility and ability to help out in object oriented warzones is too low compared to many other classes.


I agree with everything BUT that in your post. In huttball we make very damn good escorts, in voidstar we have 4 AoE's(Mortar Volley[buff my animation please], Plasma Grenade[expensive but very useful], Hail of Bolts, and Sticky Grenade) to prevent blobbing. Alderaan...maybe because it of the small spaces and ease to LoS.


Sure if you never use your knockbacks to peel for healers, and never use your AoE's for Area Denial and anti-blobbing.


The knockback is pretty far and can be used to secure a cap along with the stun. I have to disagree with that sorry.

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