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SWTOR Guilds


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most of them have reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad names.


also, most guild recruits look like this in chat


[Wetpan'tees] - "Pwnzorz supreeem" is a mature guild looking to get more mature people for stuff like endgame pvp and raids. we want mature people and are friendly. we have 80+ members from lvl 1-50 so come

Edited by XplaguesX
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I'm not in one because I don't want any expectations of my time or the way I play.


When I get on shouldn't be set on a schedule. When I level up should be natural and whenever I want. If I want to stop playing a toon for 3 weeks even though it's level 49 because my alt is more fun, I don't get the OMG WE NEED THIS RUN WHY ARE YOU NOT IN RAKATA GEAR ALREADY...

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most of them have reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad names.


also, most guild recruits look like this in chat


[Wetpan'tees] - "Pwnzorz supreeem" is a mature guild looking to get more mature people for stuff like endgame pvp and raids. we want mature people and are friendly. we have 80+ members from lvl 1-50 so come




Plus I applied to a few guilds on Frostclaw and The Progenitor who accepted older gamers, but never even got a reply. Maybe I should change my aftershave...

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Several reasons I am unguilded at the moment.


1) joining guilds early in new MMOs is generally a mistake. Many guilds go belly up quickly or fold into other guilds. I'm not interested in that kind of drama. I prefer to wait and see which guilds grow and remain stable.


2) I join guilds when I find like minded people in said guilds.


3) I'm enjoying leveling a variety of characters and learning all the aspects of the game and the planets, and don't want to focus exclusively on one character. So I have little need for guilding at this time.

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With the majority of this game being solo, or 4 man content, unless you're part of a gaming community (multiple games) why would you bother wasting your time in a guild in SWTOR?


Everything is puggable. Every raid is puggable. And the rest of the content you don't even need to be organized for.

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With the majority of this game being solo, or 4 man content, unless you're part of a gaming community (multiple games) why would you bother wasting your time in a guild in SWTOR?


Everything is puggable. Every raid is puggable. And the rest of the content you don't even need to be organized for.


HM Raids?

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Well, here are my reasons:

- I'm not online, most of the time.

- I don't care for endgame PVE or PVP.

- I can get by playing solo, most of the time.

- I don't like schedules or people telling me what to do.

- And, most important, it's really hard to find a guild without someone to annoy me in it.

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HM Raids?


Right, but Bioware made no effort on trying to get guilds to band up for anything prior to HM Raids, so most people are pretty detached from the game/community.

Its understandable why they are detached.


Poor design if you ask me. But its up for debate.

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Also most new guilds in a new mmo will recruit anyone to make up the numbers so you know they have more than their fair share of idiots.

Older established guilds from other mmo's are hard to intergrate with as they already know each other and you can often be left out in the cold feeling like a leper.

Sometimes it's just easier to go solo until a guild comes along that just may be suitable for you.

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I'm not in one because I don't want any expectations of my time or the way I play.


When I get on shouldn't be set on a schedule. When I level up should be natural and whenever I want. If I want to stop playing a toon for 3 weeks even though it's level 49 because my alt is more fun, I don't get the OMG WE NEED THIS RUN WHY ARE YOU NOT IN RAKATA GEAR ALREADY...


I'm with this person.

It is simply because personally it is not worth the trouble half the time. And why does it need to be an expectation?


Most guilds I have come across in my MMO days have been 1. Deserted Ghost towns 2. Everyone ignores each other 3. The top lvls are off doing their own thing and don't help or even speak to the others. 4. You are penalized for even speaking "Hello" in guild chat. 5. Somebody wants some shiney new gear or something for themself so their real intentions are not sincere when they want to group up.


So - what is the point of guilds anyway? It seems this game offers some freedom to players who don't care for such groups and most ppl want to do it that way anyway. It doesn't need to be an expectation and a solo player running around doesn't need an invite from every stranger that they come across. I got real sick of that and turned on my auto-deny Guild Invite option for the longest time. That and WoW has taught me how to really despise and dis-trust ppl.


I did however finally find a guild that seems ok. We'll see...

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Well, my sniper is in a guild, after getting an invite from a nice Sorc who wanted to run Black Talon with me...and I'm digging it so far.


But my main (Sith Assassin) is not, because I have yet to find a guild that suits at least two of the three following conditions-


Cool name.

RP oriented over PVP.

Not asking to take up ALL OF MY TIME.


I'd be happy with two of the three, really.

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Honestly, at the moment, there's not a big reason to be in a guild, unless you're up for HM or Premades and would like consistent teams.


I have a PVP guild that is by-invitation-only and it will become extremely exclusive when rated PVP content is released. I only recruit the top players I see that are consistently good each round I play with them. We troll each other and have a good time with it while we play. There's a very strong sense of competition and I urge (and in the future - demand) players keep a regular schedule and be on at certain times.


Not everyone wants that, and not everyone I invite ends up staying.

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i can't find the guild recruitment section in the forums to look for one!


Look for server group forums (green icon at the bottom right of the main forums page)


Link = http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=309


Pick your server type (PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP)


Pick your server name group (for instance, if you're on Axial Park, Pick the Server Names A-F group)


Look up at the top and there is a green badge that says "Guild Recruitment and Looking For Guild".

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There's all types of guilds. A lot of posters seem to not like the heavily invested endgame, raiding types of guilds that pretty much require demonstrable skill and a certain level of equipment. That's an unfair sterotype of guilds. They're much more diverse than that.


Some guild have super rigid schedules. Some just want people to check in monthly.


Some guilds have very stringent PvP skill minimum. Some guilds demand RP. Some want neither, but just need you to be cool/friendly in chat. Other guilds require you belong to a certain religion, live in a certain area, or have a certain kind of character (female toons only, troopers only, sith only.)



The only in-game benefit at the moment is chat, sure, but it's the intangibles that make the guilded experience worth it.


1) Having people you know and are presumably familiar with or like around to make "dates" for PvP, flashpoints, and heroics. If you're not interested in PvP, flashpoints, and heroics, disregard this point.


2) Having people around who have different crafting skills than you do so you can trade/barter items.


3) Having people who will share gear they cannot use.


4) Having people around who can answer questions in real time (how do I jump to this datacron?)


5) RP. Definitely hard to do this solo. If you're not interested in RP, then disregard this point.


6) Bioware listens to guilds. They're a way to aggregate the play experience and desires of larger groups of people.



The other nice thing about guilds is that a good guild structure (in my personal opinion) reinforces positive behavior. If someone is acting like a jerk with a guild tag over his head, then someone can complain to his guild leader. Most guilds are just a google search away so it's not like they're hard to find. The GL then can chastise the player as appropriate (assuming that the guild values players who aren't jerks, which isn't universally true either, but in my experience a *lot* of guilds value their good reputation for recruiting purposes). Not a perfect system, but it works for some guilds, and hey, anything that reinforces positive player behavior in MMOs is probably a good thing! :-)



Still, you gotta play the game in the way that makes *you* happy. Maybe you can find a guild that plays the same way you do. Maybe you can start the kind of guild that makes you happy! If not, that's still cool as long as you're playing the way that's best for you.




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I'm not in one because I don't want any expectations of my time or the way I play.


When I get on shouldn't be set on a schedule. When I level up should be natural and whenever I want. If I want to stop playing a toon for 3 weeks even though it's level 49 because my alt is more fun, I don't get the OMG WE NEED THIS RUN WHY ARE YOU NOT IN RAKATA GEAR ALREADY...


Honestly, most guilds don't have such requirements. In my experience an overwhelming majority of the guilds are just social centers where you chat with like minded people and occassionaly do stuff together at everyone's convenience.


Just don't look for an endgame focused guild, and you should be fine.

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I still see a lot of players not in guilds. Please post reason why you're not in one, and whether you ever plan on joining one (if so, what are you looking for?)


Am still trying to find a guild on The Progenitor which doesn't spacebar themselves through the content. Apparently that's difficult to archive.

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I urge (and in the future - demand) players keep a regular schedule and be on at certain times.


Not everyone wants that, and not everyone I invite ends up staying.


It's this kind of thing that turned me off MMO guilds several years ago. They tend to increase the amount of time you play, and also tend to make you structure your life/time around playing the game at certain times and for certain durations. That makes it much more like a job to me, to be honest.


I understand that there are different levels of commitment that people have to their gaming. For some it's casual entertainment, and for others it's a serious hobby. I'm kind of in between, but I found that I very much dislike the kind of expectations that come along with being in the "better" guilds, and that the rest of the guilds pretty much have no value add in them anyway. So I pretty much avoid guilds in MMOs now.

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Wow, a lot of you seem to have had bad experiences with guilds.


I'm in a guild, so I don't have a reason "not to be in one," but I just wanted to respond to some of the comments people have made giving reasons why not to be in a guild. Among the top reasons seem to be things like not wanting to play the game someone else's way, or on someone else's schedule.


So I just wanted to point out that not all guilds are like that, guys! Many are not. You just have to look for them in the right places, and in my experience, world shouts in /general are not remotely close to the right place.


I would suggest those of you who seem to have shut yourselves to the possibility of being in a guild, to at least be willing to consider it -- to be open to finding the right one for you. How to do that if not from world shouts? Well, I'd say the best way is through meeting people in game. When you see some nice folks with the same guild tag on, that's a good sign. If you make friends with someone in-game, and find out he's in a guild and he has good things to say about it, that's a good sign. That should put the guild on your list of potential ones, but not make the decision for you.


The next step is to find out about the guild's website. First, do they have one? If no, I would be concerned -- websites are a very good way of offline coordination, and a guild without one is going to have trouble doing that (it's not impossible, but it's MUCH harder). If they do have a site, what's it like? Is the site informative, or full of bragging? Do they have forums? Are the forums at least somewhat active? (But keep in mind, guilds often lock the majority of their forums to members only, so they may be active in ways you cannot see.) Do the people making posts seem friendly? I look in particular for jokes amongst the members, for teasing, etc. If they can't have fun and tease each other then I'm not sure I want to be in the guild.


On the website, look for something like a mission statement or a charter. In that statement you should see something about the guild's expectations of its members. This is the final thing to look at. Do they have the unreasonable expectations you don't like? If not, if it all looks good, then maybe the guild is for you.


What most of you seem to be saying is not that you don't fit in with any guilds, but that you don't fit in with a certain kind of guild -- usually, the kind that I wouldn't want to join either. But I have been in a guild in every single MMO that I've ever played, and I have never been in any guilds that required me to log in for certain time or a certain # of hours, or required me to be a certain level, or do certain content. I've been in guilds that had PVPers in them, but did not require me to PVP (which is good because I don't). I've been in guilds with lots of endgame raiders, but I was low level and the raiders all had lowbie alts they would play with the rest of us. These sorts of things are not game-breakers (or maybe I should say guild-breakers) unless the guild members cause them to be. Rather than letting the possibility of such things turn you off guilds altogether, I suggest you look for a guild of people who play more like you do -- more casually, or more hardcore, or more RP-ish, or less RP-ish, or whatever it is that you want.


A good guild can make the game so much better. But it has to be a good one that fits your playstyle. They're out there. You just have to keep an open mind.

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