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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People are exaggerating the few problems SWTOR has.


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Does SWTOR have problems and the occassional bug? Of course. Every game does. WoW had way more bugs than SWTOR at launch but did any of you complain about that? Prolly not


My point is that most of the problems being mentioned are likely greatly exaggerated and in some cases have been made up entirely by trolls (fake ban posts for example). Most performance issues are on the users end because of low end computers as Bioware has already stated.


Please stop complaining about problems which are not Biowares fault or will soon be fixed. They are working hard and gave us one of the greatest MMO's ever made (with the best story by far btw :jawa_biggrin: )


You are correct I didn't complain about WoW. Do you know why I didn't complain about WoW, it is because I never played it, not then not ever.


Some people do exaggerate problems but that isn't everyone you should be aware of this and casually dismissing them because you haven't run into them or you just don't care doesn't make it so. Even worse is when many if not all these bugs were in the beta from months (maybe a year or more) ago yet still persist. Claiming it is the user's fault is a BW fall back like many developers they are quick to blame you just like they did about their corrupt Content Delivery Network, it was our fault they served up corrupt files.


Virtually all the problems with the game are EA/bw's fault and there is nothing to suggest that they will "soon be fixed" since they didn't do it at launch and now nearly 2 months into launch.


No they didn't give us anything we paid for this, even if you got it as a gift someone paid for it. This by far is not one of the greatest MMO's ever made, more mmo's are being made will be made and this one is by no means in any way shape or form the greatest of what is or what will be.

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not getting credit for warzone wins twords their daily in no way makes it so a player cannot play the game so yes it is minor


now if they were not getting any xp or credits for wins like it never happened then it would be alittle more serious but still not game breaking you are just doing warzones for fun :D


and illum is the most over exaggerated problem in the game. it is not broken and the valor/turret/base camping have been addresed and fixxed rather quikly, everyone who says that its broken and bioware should just remove it from the game are the biggest offenders of overexaggeration. it can be fun if played right and there is alot of pvp going on in illum right now compared to before the patch, is it perfect? of course not that is why they are still working on it. is it broken... in my opinon, not even close


im not (it might be worth noting everyones different)

im savng commendations to buy what i want from the PVP vendor

if i have fun ( and its a good WZ) its a bonus

Edited by Alpha-Llama
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Does SWTOR have problems and the occassional bug? Of course. Every game does. WoW had way more bugs than SWTOR at launch but did any of you complain about that? Prolly not


My point is that most of the problems being mentioned are likely greatly exaggerated and in some cases have been made up entirely by trolls (fake ban posts for example). Most performance issues are on the users end because of low end computers as Bioware has already stated.


Please stop complaining about problems which are not Biowares fault or will soon be fixed. They are working hard and gave us one of the greatest MMO's ever made (with the best story by far btw :jawa_biggrin: )


You can not exaggerate the lack of common mmo tools. They are ether there or not!


No lfg system

No target of target window

No appearance system

No customizable UI

No global chats

No combat logs



Yes i know other games released with out those things also. But swtor is not competing for market share with what other games did in the past. They have to compete with what other games have now in terms of user tools. No i do not expect a new game to have 7 to 10 years of content. But i do expect a new game to be as user friendly as current games on the market.

20 years ago TV's didnt come with remotes. Doesnt mean i would go buy a TV today that didnt have a remote!

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Is swtor missing almost every decent feature modern mmo's have and that people take for granted? (server transfers/forums/cross server bg's, instances/in game, out of game re-customization) Sure, does it have more bugs then my ant farm? sure. Isn't it missing more graphical configuration then it has? sure.


But guys come on...can't we all just accept what we're given without complaint?


Wont sticking our heads in the sand be far better then trying to get problems addressed?


Why do you spend time on a forum for a game you so clearly hate?

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Why do you spend time on a forum for a game you so clearly hate?


I didnt get that the poster hates the game.

Did it ever cross your mind that we complain because we like the game and wish to see it become successful?

A fanboy that never complains and blindly worships a game company adds nothign to the game!

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Does SWTOR have problems and the occassional bug? Of course. Every game does. WoW had way more bugs than SWTOR at launch but did any of you complain about that? Prolly not


My point is that most of the problems being mentioned are likely greatly exaggerated and in some cases have been made up entirely by trolls (fake ban posts for example). Most performance issues are on the users end because of low end computers as Bioware has already stated.


Please stop complaining about problems which are not Biowares fault or will soon be fixed. They are working hard and gave us one of the greatest MMO's ever made (with the best story by far btw :jawa_biggrin: )


Most of the problems exist and are not exaggerated. There are many things which are beyond bugs. That is conceptual design and the future development of the game.

More people complain - more feedback developer receives. BW is totally new in MMOs.

They need to grow. Our criticism helps them grow and mature. They should be happy.

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You can not exaggerate the lack of common mmo tools. They are ether there or not!


No lfg system Relativly new MMO tool when consisting of a RDF but there are lfg tools.

No target of target window Not so much a common MMO tool mostly seen in addons then addapted to the game

No appearance system To vague to pin on to one thing

No customizable UI Coming

No global chats Communitys on servers have set there own up

No combat logs Not bothered



Yes i know other games released with out those things also. But swtor is not competing for market share with what other games did in the past. They have to compete with what other games have now in terms of user tools. No i do not expect a new game to have 7 to 10 years of content. But i do expect a new game to be as user friendly as current games on the market.

20 years ago TV's didnt come with remotes. Doesnt mean i would go buy a TV today that didnt have a remote!


My answers in red, yes they are competing with other mmos but that doesnt mean the stuff isnt coming. To come out and say that swtor isnt competing with them and then to come out and say but it must have stuff from other mmos is a bit defeatist.

Edited by Shingara
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Why do you spend time on a forum for a game you so clearly hate?


I didnt get that the poster hates the game.

Did it ever cross your mind that we complain because we like the game and wish to see it become successful?

A fanboy that never complains and blindly worships a game company adds nothign to the game!


Bingo Nite.

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Whats the sense in dumping more time and money into the music and voice acting then into the actual game? Because that's what the game feels like. As far as Android grinding, once you get past lvl 30 thats all you do. As to the rest of it they had 6 years and $200million, this is not even close to what you would expect from that kind of money.


Which part of "interactive entertainment, featuring immersive storytelling" are people not getting? That is TOR's staple and producing it is considerably more expensive and WAY more time consuming than coding in click 'n go quest text. It was and is BioWare's primary design goal and there are plenty of us who are enjoying what they've spent those multimillions on. It's OK if you don't like the genre because no one is forcing you to. No reason to beat yourself up over it ... it's just a different game is all.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Is swtor missing almost every decent feature modern mmo's have and that people take for granted? (server transfers/forums/cross server bg's, instances/in game, out of game re-customization) Sure, does it have more bugs then my ant farm? sure. Isn't it missing more graphical configuration then it has? sure.


But guys come on...can't we all just accept what we're given without complaint?


Wont sticking our heads in the sand be far better then trying to get problems addressed?


Crossrealm BG's 100% destroy one server's pvp community. NO THANKS !

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You can not exaggerate the lack of common mmo tools. They are ether there or not!


No lfg system

No target of target window

No appearance system

No customizable UI

No global chats

No combat logs


Yes i know other games released with out those things also. But swtor is not competing for market share with what other games did in the past. They have to compete with what other games have now in terms of user tools. No i do not expect a new game to have 7 to 10 years of content. But i do expect a new game to be as user friendly as current games on the market.

20 years ago TV's didnt come with remotes. Doesnt mean i would go buy a TV today that didnt have a remote!

What recent "nextgen" MMO came with all of those? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Crossrealm BG's 100% destroy one server's pvp community. NO THANKS !


Based on what piece of actual factual data do they destroy community? What real proof do you have? What metrics did you use to come to this conclusion, other than your own opinion?

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Which part of "interactive entertainment, featuring immersive storytelling" are people not getting? That is TOR's staple and producing it is considerably more expensive than coding in click 'n go quest text. It was and is BioWare's primary design goal and there are plenty of us who are enjoying what they've spent those multimillions on. It's OK if you don't like the genre because no one is forcing you to. No sense in beating yourself up over it ... it's just a different game is all.


They need to know that they're alienating a portion of that massive audience they were seeking. There are no alternative forms of gameplay within the game (thempark and sandbox) so either you like it and play, or you hate it and leave.


My guess is that BioWare and EA don't want people to leave (duh!), and that is why you see threads like this; the players who find this or that lacking want to spread the word and see these features added or integrated.


As a roleplayer, I find this game very unfriendly to my particular playstyle; I'd like to see chat boxes, more options at character creation across the board, more options for customization of my gear and weapons, emotes that actually emote, the ability to converse openly and easily with the opposing faction, the ability to sit in a chair if I can walk up to it, mini-games like pazaak... the list goes on. None of that hampers the ability of other players to play their way, but entices me and others like me to play a game we'd otherwise pass on for more roleplayer-friendly titles.


The sentiment that anyone who expresses criticism or is ungrateful is extremely insulting and counterproductive. BioWare needs the complaint threads at least as much--or more than--the praise threads.

Edited by Dezzi
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They need to know that they're alienating a portion of that massive audience they were seeking. There are no alternative forms of gameplay within the game (thempark and sandbox) so either you like it and play, or you hate it and leave.


My guess is that BioWare and EA don't want people to leave (duh!), and that is why you see threads like this; the players who find this or that lacking want to spread the word and see these features added or integrated.


As a roleplayer, I find this game very unfriendly to my particular playstyle; I'd like to see chat boxes, more options at character creation across the board, more options for customization of my gear and weapons, emotes that actually emote, the ability to converse openly and easily with the opposing faction, the ability to sit in a chair if I can walk up to it, mini-games like pazaak... the list goes on. None of that hampers the ability of other players to play their way, but entices me and others like me to play a game we'd otherwise pass on for more roleplayer-friendly titles.


The sentiment that anyone who expresses criticism or is ungrateful is extremely insulting and counterproductive. BioWare needs the complaint threads at least as much--or more than--the praise threads.

Wow ... an intelligent and non-belligerent counterpoint. Well met!


Multiple interactive decisions/steps with questgivers is TOR's very foundation, and VA is its framwework. All that expensive voice acting is not an accessory that could have been added later. Without VA players would start the quest, read the popup quest text, make a choice, read more quest text, make another choice, rinse and repeat until the questgiver's story was finished. A questgiver system like that using pure text as the communicator would doom any multiplayer game.


The alternative is for the game to have click 'n go quests so it plays like every other MMO. And that's the point. SWTOR doesn't play like every other MMO and never will, regardless of some people's desire to fit their square pegs into TOR's round holes. That's why round pegs exist.


Advanced mechanics and features can always be (and are being) added, but the game itself is set in stone. TOR's quest interaction system is the game's bread & butter (BioWare's as well), and VA makes it work. So it had to come first, and it doesn't come cheap.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Which part of "interactive entertainment, featuring immersive storytelling" are people not getting? That is TOR's staple and producing it is considerably more expensive and WAY more time consuming than coding in click 'n go quest text. It was and is BioWare's primary design goal and there are plenty of us who are enjoying what they've spent those multimillions on. It's OK if you don't like the genre because no one is forcing you to. No reason to beat yourself up over it ... it's just a different game is all.


I like the game, the concept behind it, and what BioWare was shooting for. However, you don't get graded based on what u wanted to do, you get graded on how you executed that goal. Personally I don't see the immersive story-telling. Look at the SI story for instance:


You gather relics then fight your master, then you gather ghost souls (really?!) and go fight your master

Most of the other stories are the same kind of let down after chapter one (I've played consular, bh, si, trooper, and smuggler). As far as replayability goes besides the class quests nothing changes...Even if you switch factions you do the SAME QUESTS on what is basically a copy and pasted version of the other factions side of the map with lighter or darker overtones. This is if you can even remember the story behind what you are doing during your 15-20 minute debarkation/embarkation process (shuttle to dock to hanger to ship) or during your upwards of 20-30 minute speeder rides around going to the quest sight or during the 3 downtimes a week we have for them to patch, repatch, and then emergency patch the servers. The game seems like everything you want it to be until you hit about lvl30 where the story starts to wander and the leveling becomes grinding, I give them an A for vision but a D- for execution.


BTW my friend lost his blinders today when he fell through the map after completing a class quest on Hoth and has been left to die under the map by customer service...

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Crossrealm BG's 100% destroy one server's pvp community. NO THANKS !


PvP community? You must be joking...On the servers I'm on there is no pvp community, hell there is barely pvp due to ghost town servers. Not to mention the fact that no real pvp goes on because BioWare only rewards individual effort, especially since wins only count towards dailies 20% of the time now...

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...most of the problems being mentioned are likely greatly exaggerated and in some cases have been made up entirely by trolls....)


of course they are. It's becasue they can.


Anything a kid can get away with, they will do.


Internet anonymity is the easiest thing for bringing out the... (*insert your own expletives here)




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Illum ain't broken, it's just empty... last time i went there i saw 1 republic player for 1/2 hour and he vanished before i could do anything. Not having a lfg tool is not game breaking imo, played tons of games without it and still had fun. Edited by Fnuggi
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I think it's absolutely hilarious that people complain SO much about how SW:TOR is a WoW clone.... and they want things to be different than WoW... yet here we are, complaining more about how they want features in the game that WoW has. Do you not listen to yourselves? Total contradiction of what you all whined about in the beginning.


I absolutely LOVE that there is no LFG or crossrealm PvP. You actually have to be social! OH NOES! WoW didn't have those options until when? How did we ever cope without it?! Or are most of you Wrath babies and didn't know that we had to walk to Warsong Gulch uphill both ways with boars nipping our heals? I see nothing wrong with working to get a group together, socializing with strangers in the game and making new friends. I see nothing wrong with upholding a good and respectable reputation on your server so that you can enjoy the game as it stands. What does that mean? It means don't be a dick.


Stop crying that SW:TOR is a WoW clone if all you want is WoW features.

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I like the game, the concept behind it, and what BioWare was shooting for. However, you don't get graded based on what u wanted to do, you get graded on how you executed that goal. Personally I don't see the immersive story-telling. Look at the SI story for instance:


You gather relics then fight your master, then you gather ghost souls (really?!) and go fight your master

Most of the other stories are the same kind of let down after chapter one (I've played consular, bh, si, trooper, and smuggler). As far as replayability goes besides the class quests nothing changes...Even if you switch factions you do the SAME QUESTS on what is basically a copy and pasted version of the other factions side of the map with lighter or darker overtones. This is if you can even remember the story behind what you are doing during your 15-20 minute debarkation/embarkation process (shuttle to dock to hanger to ship) or during your upwards of 20-30 minute speeder rides around going to the quest sight or during the 3 downtimes a week we have for them to patch, repatch, and then emergency patch the servers. The game seems like everything you want it to be until you hit about lvl30 where the story starts to wander and the leveling becomes grinding, I give them an A for vision but a D- for execution.


BTW my friend lost his blinders today when he fell through the map after completing a class quest on Hoth and has been left to die under the map by customer service...

It's okay if it doesn't work for you. It works for me and my guild and that's what matters most when we all login. But it would be nice if they had a few live GMs available for game freezing situations like that. Though I've yet to meet a circumstance where /stuck didn't work - including jumping off a Nar Shaddaa speeder platform. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Ilum has failed to give players valor or kill credit for 3 out of 4 days. That seems pretty big to me. Makes it impossible for us to do our dailies, advance our rank, and frustrates the PvP player base.


How would raiders feel if bosses dropped nothing for 3 out of their last 4 raids? These are not small bugs.


WZ credit has been "fixed" twice but still is broken.


There are still numerous animation and balance issues that make one class better than its mirror.


The game (or the graphics engine) runs terribly in large battles.


Ilum instances are capped at 100 people are not limited to 50 per side. This can leave one side with 25-30 people while the other is at 70-75 and nobody can come help balance the population. Also, the side with a larger population will get more valor per kill due to controlling the zone and will be able to farm armaments while the underplayed side is unable to work on their daily.


These are rather large gameplay issues and bugs. And they are only a handful of the ones out there. I USUALLY enjoy the game and want to want to keep playing. But the bugs and the bad "endgame" (hi2u, RNG PvP loot) make it difficult. I've gone from being a Bioware fanboi to a Bioware Edmonton fanboi (and even DA2 kind of hurt that a little for me).

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