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What Effect Did Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Launch Have on World of Warcraft?


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I'll tell you how bad this game is and how lazy BW were with features at launch. i quit wow 4 months before SW:TOR came out in prep for the game..... after 3 weeks with star wars i couldn't wait to resub to wow.


WoW has some massive flaws to be sure but it would have to slide a long way down the hill to be worse then this game. Story lines in SW are incredible, but when there finished you left with a grind that is the worst ever seen.

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Blizzard says they only lost 100k subs. LOL ya right you did. How is that that 2 million subs suddenly appear to play this game with no impact to wow's numbers when this game was hyped beyond belief.


Someone is fudging the numbers at activision to save their job.


Not necessarily, first of all people may have kept their WoW subs, second, the new players may not have come from WoW but from other games and third, maybe WoW grew in other markets which offset any loss to SWTOR.


These numbers are nothing without context and there is none nor will there be any.

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Not necessarily, first of all people may have kept their WoW subs, second, the new players may not have come from WoW but from other games and third, maybe WoW grew in other markets which offset any loss to SWTOR.


These numbers are nothing without context and there is none nor will there be any.


Look at blizzard's recently history its been a steady decline that actually increased over time. Then you tell me that it somehow magically stabilizes in one month when there was a trend of decline behind it for the majority of the year? Let me put this in a different light.


Lets say you buy stock in a company and for the first 3 months you lose money on it. The next 3 months you continue to lose money. 3 months after that you lose money just not as much. Then the last quarter of the year you suddenly make money on your stock that had a history of decline behind it. Sorry but that doesnt sound right to me.

Edited by Daedricshots
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Look at blizzard's recently history its been a steady decline that actually increased over time. Then you tell me that it somehow magically stabilizes in one month when there was a trend of decline behind it for the majority of the year? Let me put this in a different light.


Lets say you buy stock in a company and for the first 3 months you lose money on it. The next 3 months you continue to lose money. 3 months after that you lose money just not as much. Then the last quarter of the year you suddenly make money on your stock that had a history of decline behind it. Sorry but that doesnt sound right to me.


Its not that hard, I think the DW patch alot of people back, many of which may have unsubbed and then resubbed. Its no mystery, Deathwing patch is the money patch for this expansion. However, after this, its all downhill. I expect a very bloody Q1 for WoW.


That being said, if they brought alot of people back and still lost 100k, how would they have done without the 4.3 release?

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I'll tell you how bad this game is and how lazy BW were with features at launch. i quit wow 4 months before SW:TOR came out in prep for the game..... after 3 weeks with star wars i couldn't wait to resub to wow.


WoW has some massive flaws to be sure but it would have to slide a long way down the hill to be worse then this game. Story lines in SW are incredible, but when there finished you left with a grind that is the worst ever seen.



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be nice when you talk about world of warcraft, it's the swtor devs "touch stone" of inspiration for all that you see and experience here.


There's nothing wrong with using a successful template. As much as i despise wow they are doing something right. The sad part is bioware is dragging their feet with updates and balancing, especially in pvp. Sometimes i cant believe there was actually a beta for this game.

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Not necessarily, first of all people may have kept their WoW subs, second, the new players may not have come from WoW but from other games and third, maybe WoW grew in other markets which offset any loss to SWTOR.


These numbers are nothing without context and there is none nor will there be any.


q1 12 will be more telling. i am sure there were people like me on 6 month subs whose game time ended in january.


that will likely be a good indication of decline. also blizzard did a smart job trying to lock people in for a year so even if they quit their sub wont show bleeding off until end of 2012.


wow is trending down but still strong enough to last for quite a few more years as they will likely continue to decline except for short term pops with new expansions.

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Look at blizzard's recently history its been a steady decline that actually increased over time. Then you tell me that it somehow magically stabilizes in one month when there was a trend of decline behind it for the majority of the year? Let me put this in a different light.


Lets say you buy stock in a company and for the first 3 months you lose money on it. The next 3 months you continue to lose money. 3 months after that you lose money just not as much. Then the last quarter of the year you suddenly make money on your stock that had a history of decline behind it. Sorry but that doesnt sound right to me.


you need to look at what the anomoly was...the 12 month sub offer to get d3 and a mount and whatever else for free. that probably locked some people in who like d3 but are sick of wow.


also, trends are not at a steady rate for a variety of reasons. maybe q4 sub decline was mitigated because people asked for game time for xmas. who knows.

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It's really not pandas, the pandas are a great idea that the WoW fan base have wanted since the game launched. Actual fans, not the braying and neighing MMO hoppers that have clogged the internet with "LOLZ POKEYMANZ R IN WOWZ" posts.


It's the 1,800,000 subs they've shed in the last twelve months. It's really more about age and shrinking content patches coupled with a very crowded MMO market that is seeing more and more quality free to play efforts or conversions. Money just doesn't seem to be reinvested in WoW even remotely proportionally to what it brings in, at least that's how it looks to me. Admittedly I am a layman.


I will soften my statement with this: According to their CEO 1.5 million of the subs they have lost were in China, which while a huge market is not high profit for Blizzard since they have to deal with censors and other political nonsense that stalls content and drives up costs.


I understand all that.


The point is that WoW isn't dying, it simply is past it's peak.

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I understand all that.


The point is that WoW isn't dying, it simply is past it's peak.


And Blizzard has long known that they themselves would be they only ones who could kill WoW.


And they will, with "Titan".


BioWare has a head start this time around, yet they chose to compete with yesterday's game instead of tomorrow's sensation. I don't think it was the right direction to go (i.e. backwards).

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swtor actualy got me to resub to wow.


Swtor got me to want to play a mmo again, just not this one. So guess it's back to my two years inactive wow acc while waiting to see if gw2/terra/tsw in anny good.


They will all be disappointing.

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Yeah, cuz they are all 12 yr olds there. Grow up, competition is good and Im pretty sure that Blizzard would much rather have a real competitor than a pile of F2P games nobody cares about.


Yea....you don't have any idea what your talking about do you?


Competition is good for us as consumers(not the producer), keeps the producers thinking of cool stuff to keep the customer base and grow it.


Assuming Blizz wanted competition for their profits I wouldn't say TOR is competition.


If you recall EA and BW threw the gaunlet down and said they were going after WoW before TOR launched. Now that TOR is on the market its funny that they even tried with this game.


Pretty sure TOR will be around for a while, just like Warhammer, Aion and AOC, just accept it this game is a second class MMO.

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SWTOR made a dent. SWTOR is doing great on my server. More and more people hitting 50 every day.


Sadly that is where the game ceases to be fun. I have two level 50s myself and have not consumed all the content so I will not say the game is lacking content. It is riddled with bad and bland design and bugs.

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Dude guys, come on - the game is over 8 years old now if I can count correctly.


Even if SWTOR won't dent it, Blizzard's "Titan" will most surely will.


Everything comes to an end (Not litterally for MMORPGS; see AC/EQ) but there will be a day when they might just have to merge servers.

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How much time does Old Republic really have? Tera and Guild Wars 2 are supposed to come out this year right? I want Old Republic to succeed so I'm giving it a chance but they don't have a year.


they've got plenty of time, the folks who are gonna leave for GW2 or Tera will leave. anytime a new MMO comes out you get a decent number of transients, who rove from game to game useally never happy.


Tor'll lose some people to those games but I doubt critical numbers.


Especially GW2 as it's free, I suspect a lotta people who shift to GW2 won't leave TOR and play both.

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swtor actualy got me to resub to wow.


Swtor got me to want to play a mmo again, just not this one. So guess it's back to my two years inactive wow acc while waiting to see if gw2/terra/tsw in anny good.


How about not playing an mmo while waiting another mmo to come out? Im positive that will help you mate... just saying.

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SWTOR's model and how it is right now, is a dead man walking.


Bio needs to improved 10 fold on the 1st expansion if they wan't to make an impact in the MMO market.


1.7mil subs is pretty pathetic in todays market. Having said that, I think SWTOR will top 2mil subs and won't go any higher unless drastic changes are made.


I for one regret getting a 6month sub, should of only done it month by month. Because if I did, I wouldn't have been renewing it next month.

I'm bored *****less.

Edited by SirSlayAlot
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