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What Effect Did Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Launch Have on World of Warcraft?


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It didn't release until more than halfway through December. You would have to look at the January numbers before you could really derive anything.


All in all most of the people I know have given up on wow until panda's. Personaly the main thing I would be looking forward to in that expac I could buy a game boy to play so...

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I think they're trying to make a victory out of a race that just began. See, under that logic, it's saying everyone that's going to swtor has ended their accounts... I'd suspect many like myself were just juggling both to see which we liked better. So I'd give it a few months at least before anyone can claim a win. It's like trying to match up subscription losses to the release of Skyrim... doesn't compute well...


At any rate, time will tell how successful swtor really is, and hopefully it does well. I'd say, give it 1 year and then take another polling.

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I don't care what Blizzard says their server population is down. I logged onto my main server mid week during prime time, in the middle of the winter, total population of level 85's was only a little over 200. I've talked to a few friends that are on different server but are being stubborn and are staying with WOW. They've told me that they have noticed a difference. Yes I know small polling pool I would need a much larger sample size to prove my point. However it is at least a trend.
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Don't know if it was this game or people just getting sick of WoW but my server on WoW was pretty much dead from the moment this game came out. I went from being able to find pugs for any raid to being lucky to get one guild run in in a week.
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I think they're trying to make a victory out of a race that just began. See, under that logic, it's saying everyone that's going to swtor has ended their accounts... I'd suspect many like myself were just juggling both to see which we liked better. So I'd give it a few months at least before anyone can claim a win. It's like trying to match up subscription losses to the release of Skyrim... doesn't compute well...


At any rate, time will tell how successful swtor really is, and hopefully it does well. I'd say, give it 1 year and then take another polling.


How much time does Old Republic really have? Tera and Guild Wars 2 are supposed to come out this year right? I want Old Republic to succeed so I'm giving it a chance but they don't have a year.

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Remember Blizz said if you buy a year subscription to WoW then you get beta access to Diablo 3.


I think that caused more people to resub WoW then WoW itself.


:jawa_smile: Hi Boss!


anyway i dont think this is even worth reporting. what else is the ceo of blizzard going to say? numbers and financial reports will say more than any ceo or otherwise

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Remember Blizz said if you buy a year subscription to WoW then you get beta access to Diablo 3.


I think that caused more people to resub WoW then WoW itself.


Actually they gave Diablo 3 for free if you subbed to WoW for a year. The beta was for Pandamania.

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Well, I still have my WoW account but I haven't logged in for two months. Since I paid in advance, I'll be listed as an active user until my subscription expires.


I may or may not go back, even if just to visit with my old guildies, but I can never say I won't ever go back simply because there is a chance this game doesn't live up to its potential.


If any more "content" patches are pushed out before all the big bugs in the game currently are squashed I might have to rethink things. I'm not up for paying for a game I can't enjoy. Yes, I understand content needs to be added, but not with a month of launch just to placate a few loud mouths who sped through the content like a starved man through a cracker.


Honestly, I don't care what effect SWTOR has on WoW. I'm more concerned with what effect BIOWARE has on SWTOR.

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I laugh at posts like this, here goes.... HAHAHA Simply because SWTOR is not even in the same league as WOW, let alone competing against it. Blizzard literally don't even bother with games like this now that they know what it's all about.


Yes I am sure with all the hype and run up to launch they would be concerned but now that the truth is out and the world has seen how much of a bore it is, we all move on, so do Blizzard, they won't be looking over their shoulder at this, thats for sure.

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For a whole two weeks.....It's like they think everyone cancelled purely because of TOR. My WoW sub didn't even end until the first week of January and I don't plan to re-sub to WoW.


They gotta worry about their own game before they start worrying about TOR. Let's recap here:


- MoP announcement

- 4th Qtr is typically strong with Christmas

- Annual Pass

- 4.3 released Nov 29


And they still netted a loss. With no new content planned till MoP, we'll see how much TOR affected WoW on the next quarterly report.

Edited by Optimism
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It didn't release until more than halfway through December. You would have to look at the January numbers before you could really derive anything.


All in all most of the people I know have given up on wow until panda's. Personaly the main thing I would be looking forward to in that expac I could buy a game boy to play so...


But that would be the single largest potential period of purchasers... no single number will be bigger than that.


I admit I was surprised... WoW was bleeding subscribers before, and TOR's launch quarter didn't even make a scratch.

Edited by Lethality
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So big deal if they lost 7 million subscriber. All MMORPG will eventually die down. That is the nature of the beast. At the end, Blizzard had the most successful MMORPG by far. They already went to the bank and deposited.


I'm not looking back nor will try to understand the reason why they are losing subs. They can see the horizon already. I'm certain they are already looking forward to their next "big game".


On the consumer's perspective, I'm glad they made that game because now more companies will use Blizz as a benchmark. They have to in order to compete in this genre.

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Honestly, what company figurehead would make a public statement like "the competition is severely beating the **** out of us and we don't know what to do."


Of course the guys over at Blizzard are going to talk a good game. Just like the guys at EA are doing.

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But that would be the single largest potential period of purchasers... no single number will be bigger than that.


I admit I was surprised... WoW was bleeding subscribers before, and TOR's launch quarter didn't even make a scratch.


I'm guessing it's because most of the players left in WoW are either newer ones still in the honeymoon phase, or the diehards who will only leave when you pry the game from their cold, dead hands.

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