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Looking for group...


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Please do something about this, I have had the LFG tag up for hours on the weekend and not found a group, I seem to be the only person using it whenever I list myself, and spamming chat all the time looking for a group gets annoying for me and anyone that has to read chat, so i don't do it, and the only time I see it anything in chat is when they need a healer.


Will there be a better system soon?


I found one group on the weekend, I was dc'd in the middle of the run, they kicked me and carried on, that was hours of waiting to get one boss... and I never did get another group.


I'd really like to start getting some gear, but it looks like I could be sitting around for awhile.

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There is the common belief that it will kill the SW:TOR community if this is implemented.


But the boredom and difficulty of getting groups is killing it a lot more quickly.


This needs to happen now, not later.


But that can be said of so many failures of this game.

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I am at the point that I am losing complete interest in the game now, doing daily quests does not keep me entertained.


Also how do you expand your friends list or meet people to do runs with if you can't get a group, one of the few ways to actually meet people in the game...

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There is the common belief that it will kill the SW:TOR community if this is implemented.


But the boredom and difficulty of getting groups is killing it a lot more quickly.


This needs to happen now, not later.


But that can be said of so many failures of this game.






The devs have written about it destroying the community if implemented early in the games life cycle. They are working on a more extensive looking for group mechanism, but I do not know if it's going to be a coded group building thing and definitely will not be cross server anytime soon.

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There is a better system. It's called make friends and/or join a guild. If you choose not to use it, that is your own fault.



Hey thanks for the advice, did you think before you typed this in? please don't be ignorant and pretend it's my fault, it is a bad system and it needs to be fixed.


According to what you are saying, I just randomly run around asking people to be my friend? great idea, but I don't see it going very far, that's how groups help, you meet people and make friends...


I am in a small guild, very casual, hard to get into a bigger guild that does runs all the time without gear, that's why groups are nice.


One of the best ways to meet people and get gear are from groups, it always has been and always will be one of the best ways to do anything in an MMO...

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Right now you're not finding a group because you're using a system no one really uses...so surprise surprise...you never find a group.


Everyone uses chat to find groups...it is how it is done right now, and it will be that way until a better LFG tool is implemented.


Do what I do...I don't spend much time LFGing....I'll stand around maybe 5 minutes and advertise a couple of times in that time. If I don't find a group for my chosen activity I move on. I do not let it stand in the way of my gameplay. I'll just come back to it later, I do not let when the content is presented to me dictate when I try to do the content. Yeah it's great if I can land a good group and do the content immediately, but I don't let it hurt my enjoyment of the game because I can't find a group at the very moment I want to play a particular piece of content that needs a group.


This is especially true for me and dailies. The big prizes in the dailies are with the heroics, but if I don't get all the heroics done every day I don't let it bother me. When I start, I start by getting all the quests I can from a particular outpost, then I advertise myself for the heroics while doing the regular daily quests. If by the time I get done with all my daily quests, I do not have a group, I advertise once more before I start my trek to the next planet (for the next set of dailies) or wherever I'm logging for the night (usually switching to an alt). I don't let the quests control my enjoyment of the game...they aren't worth it.

Edited by Thunder-God
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I've been 50 for 3 weeks now, I have done one 50 flashpoint and one 50 heroic quest. I never did any of the world heroics from Alderaan onwards, it just wasn't possible to get groups for them. Somehow I have managed to find groups for the raids, so I have done both of those on normal and they were semi-interesting. But that was a once-off, never to be repeated moment.


So at 50 my choices are bad PvP and daily quests and I already have a full set of PvP gear. Is it any wonder I haven't logged in all week, it's just a waste of time.


Now compare that to wow.


If I play that game I can queue at any time for a dungeon. I can queue for raids even and I'll have a group in around 10 minutes at most, or instantly if I'm a tank of healer. So instant on-demand content vs. no content isn't much of a choice really.


I still have a subscription to SWTOR for a while longer yet, so I've resolved to stop playing my 50 and try a character on the empire side (warrior probably) to 50 and then quit playing because really the endgame on SWTOR isn't fun.

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There is a better system. It's called make friends and/or join a guild. If you choose not to use it, that is your own fault.


I have friends, and a guild. Due to work and school, I'm not always on the same time they are. LFG tool solves this issue. Get off your high horse, broski.

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Clue me in here guys, what is a LFG tool? I know you can open the /who tab and set yourself as looking for a group and even type in what OP/FP/Heroic you are looking for.


Now when I go look in the /who tab, there are usually only 0-3 people even tagged as LFG, and it only works if used. By a better LFG tool, do you mean like server wide? searchable by level ranges and classes and stuff? That might be cool I guess.


So far Ive had no problems getting a group, but I havnt done OPs or anything, just first 3 flashpoints on each side and about half the heroics up to Alderaan.


Only the flashpoints have I felt the need to stop and LFG, otherwise its been more of a "LFG. . . no? OK Ill keep on with the story. . . oh hey this guys LFG and I still have that mission, Ill join"

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Hey everyone!


We currently have a thread in our Suggestion Box forum discussing the pros and cons of a implementing a more robust Looking For Group or "Dungeon Finder" utility. You can find the thread, here: Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


Since a topic already exists on this matter, we're going to close this thread. Please feel free to continue the discussion and offer any feedback in the aforementioned thread!


Thank you for your cooperation!

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