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10 Good
  1. Subscription just ran out today, not going to bother renewing at this time, maybe in a few more months or after summer i'll look back on the game to see how things are. I had alot of fun leveling, and then I hit 50, only thing to do is stand around spamming chat for a group, hours on end, because BW couldn't be bothered to make a better LFG tool, after a long day at work, I want to log in, hit the LFG button, do a quick run and call it a night, not stand around for hours hoping for a group... So far the only thing I really see people doing is PvP due to the lack of end game and things to do. Getting tired of running through the giant space port/space staion for 5min just to get outside of the damn building, pretty poor planning on that if you ask me. The amount of time it takes to travel from one planet to another is also a p.i.t.a. I don't want to run through my damn ship every time I want to go somewhere. give me an option right off the bat to get the galaxy map, or go inside my ship if I want to do some space battles. I can think of more stuff that turned me away from this game, but whats the point, i'm done with it for now, who knows, in 4 or 6 months it might have alot of the bugs fixed, and some of the other pointless crap removed to speed up travel times or finding a FECKIN group faster! the group thing is what pissed me off the most in this game.
  2. Well, six days left on my game card, once it's done I am out until there are vast improvements to the game, I don't like having to sit around looking for a group, I don't want to wait for certain people to log on so I can do HM's... BW just do it, stop listening to some programmers who got their feelings hurt in another MMO because of a x-server grouping, do what's right, some of us only get to play for an hour or two a night, I want to be able to log on, get a fast group, do a run or two in HM's and call it a day. I do not give you my money to stand around and do nothing, unless this is the type of time sync you guys want, bad choice for making money if you ask me, just do what you know needs to be done, and maybe, just maybe, some people will come back, but what do i know about a video game business, I'm just the guy sitting around wasting my time because some programmer is all worried someone might call me a noob and make me cry...
  3. Is it bad that I find I have more survivability in WZ's on my commando with Columi gear than PvP gear? 5/5 columi gear and the rest filled in with pvp gear, I find I can take a beating and dish one out, or I am just going crazy and my mind wants me to think it's better because of all the dieing I did in my full pvp gear lol.
  4. Yet another exciting weekend of trying to get a group.... one day i do hope to see some content other than the 3 war zones over and over again... How many days until my time runs out? can't happen fast enough at this point.
  5. **************************************************************************** That being said, our design team doesn't philosophically believe that cross-server Flashpoints are good for the game at this stage in the game's lifespan. There is huge social pressure to not be a jerk that goes away when the odds that you will never see these people again is high. I'm not saying never - there may come a time in the future where we reevaluate this - but at least in the short term, we believe this will cause more damage to the community than good. ************************************************************************** How much more damage could cross server LFG cause the community on my server? I'd say none, there is no community, my server is dead, you can try for hours to get a group and not get one, I'd say the piss poor choice to not have a cross server LFG is doing more harm than some guy telling another player they suck. I have big shoulders, I can take it when someone insults me if I do something stupid.
  6. Just spent an entire weekend trying to get a group to do some flashpoints, I spent hours spamming chat and had my LFG tag up on the social screen, THE SYSTEM SUCKS!!!, I started to do PvP to kill time, that was a load of fun... 3 WZ's over and over, 2 world PvP zones, one is a barren graveyard of nothing, the other a zone had maybe 1 or 2 people in it at a time, I like calling them the unlucky few that stumbled into a PvP zone to get ganked without knowing what was going on, not my ideal way to see content. Stop worrying about the few people that take everything as an insult and do something to fix the problems in the game, an LFG tool is needed badly, I have played WoW for years, rude people are part of an MMO, if I run into one I ignore them and carry on having fun. In a few months you won't have much of a player base unless you address the issues at hand, LFG would help me stick around and maybe bring some others back, right now once my time card runs out this game is going to get tossed on the shelf and forgotten. I am the only one in my guild that has logged on in the last few weeks, I am the only one that keeps coming back, just so I can punish my self looking for a group because I want to see some content.
  7. Hey thanks for the advice, did you think before you typed this in? please don't be ignorant and pretend it's my fault, it is a bad system and it needs to be fixed. According to what you are saying, I just randomly run around asking people to be my friend? great idea, but I don't see it going very far, that's how groups help, you meet people and make friends... I am in a small guild, very casual, hard to get into a bigger guild that does runs all the time without gear, that's why groups are nice. One of the best ways to meet people and get gear are from groups, it always has been and always will be one of the best ways to do anything in an MMO...
  8. I am at the point that I am losing complete interest in the game now, doing daily quests does not keep me entertained. Also how do you expand your friends list or meet people to do runs with if you can't get a group, one of the few ways to actually meet people in the game...
  9. Please do something about this, I have had the LFG tag up for hours on the weekend and not found a group, I seem to be the only person using it whenever I list myself, and spamming chat all the time looking for a group gets annoying for me and anyone that has to read chat, so i don't do it, and the only time I see it anything in chat is when they need a healer. Will there be a better system soon? I found one group on the weekend, I was dc'd in the middle of the run, they kicked me and carried on, that was hours of waiting to get one boss... and I never did get another group. I'd really like to start getting some gear, but it looks like I could be sitting around for awhile.
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