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THE SHOCKING TRUTH!! (Put your tin hats on)


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There has long been a rumor that Blizzard had a mule inside Bioware with the only intention of wanting SWTOR to fail miserably. The idea is rumored to be that putting hidden subtle messages in mathematical format to the SWTOR players will secretly influence their mode and make them dislike the game and unsub.


After some extensive analysis I have uncovered the shocking truth - these messages do exist everywhere!


Here are some proofs of this that everyone should be able to recognize...


First of all SWTOR officially announced that it would be starting its early access on 2011-12-16. Add up these numbers like 20+11+12+16 and you get 59. If you multiply that number by 2 (swtor have 2x .exe files) you get 118. Now if we give every letter in the alphabet a number like A=1 B=2 etc you will soon see the obvious below...



16+12+1+25+20+9+20+1+14 = 118



Another example:


Patch 1.1.a launched 2012-01-28. Add these dates up and we get the number 20+12+1+28 =61. Again assign numbers to letters and we get..





More examples:


There are 16 classes in the game (including mirror classes). Multiply that with the number of talent trees every class has access to (three) and you get 16 x 3 =48. Now multiply the number of warzones (three) with the number of tiers of PvP gear (three) with the highest amount of goals you can score in Hutball and still lose the game (five) and you get the number 3 x 3 x 5 =45. Now add the first number (48) with the second number (45) and you get 48+45 = 93. Now again use the numbered letters..



12+15+12+16+22+16 = 93



More examples:


Add the max level number (50) with the number of PvE tiers of gear (three) and you get the number 50+3 = 53. Multiply that number with the number of turrets in the Alderan warzone (three) and you get the number of 53 x 3 = 159. On top of this add the number of social tiers (ten) and you get the number of 159+10 = 169. Once again add the letters up by numbers and it all comes clear..



2+12+9+26+26+1+18+4+15+23+14+19 = 169!!


A last example..


Take the number of maximum skill points (40) and multiply it with the number of talent trees (three) and you get the number 40 x 3 = 120. Now subtract the max number of companions you can send on crew skills (five) and you get the number 120-5 = 115. Now use the same letter formula and voila...



16+12+1+25+23+15+23 = 115!!


The above is just some examples of the extensive amount of hidden messages in this game..


The above is not a product of pure chance. I have calculated the above scenario to only happen due to RNG once per 10^200!


Personally I believe I should be awarded with atleast a 1Y free sub for cracking all those nasty secret codes and exposing them to the comunity ;)






You tried too hard. Tl;DR

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