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"Lazy Listing" on auction:


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I think I just figured out what OP is up to.


Few weeks back I remember seeing threads that people were getting suspended for playing GTN.


I wonder...


Just like your sig states "Gaming isn't a crime"...


Capitalism isn't a crime either.

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"Lazy Lister" - someone who goes by the pricing that the auction interface defaults to instead of looking at the current market pricing when listing their items on the auction house.


I usually go by the default price simply because the market value is so rediculously insane that the default price is the only reasonable assessment for a fair value. There is also the goal of simply moving the items. The auction systems in these kinds of games are practically pointless and in truth, you make more money just vendering your items. However, I'd rather see somebody use the items, than them simply dissappearing forever.


Bioware most likely put the default price in for the following reason. The in-game economies of most MMOs are so heavily inflated that the only people who can afford to even use the auction system are either people like you, who artificially inflate the market value or those who purchase currency from gold farmers.

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<and the other guy who posted before you in a similar fashion>



Dear guys assuming I spend more than about 10 mins in the morning and 10 mins at night on my auction toon and think this is the only outlet of fun I have with this game... you're wrong. And you are just pissed off that I caught you and called you out on being a lazy lister. Truth hurts sometimes. ;)


So you think the best use of those 20 minutes is making tons of credits. You clearly value those credits more than you value the 20 minutes of playtime you're losing. That's cool. Nothing wrong with that.


For folks that have an hour to play, I'm sure they'd rather not sacrifice 1/3 of their game time just so they can make more credits than they'll ever need.

Edited by Vecke
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And the moment credits actually mean something, it will take me about 2 days to monopolize the GTN if that's what I choose to do. And you will be the first to cry about it since the only way you know how to make money playing the GTN is by taking advantage of "lazy listers."


Besides, this is TOR we're talking about here. Please don't forget what game you're playing. Money will never be meaningful in this game because it would annoy the 95% of ultra-casuals who play it.


All they have to do is add 5-10 items per profession that are slightly better than raid items and every single credit you have probably wouldn't be enough to buy even one of those items.


But that doesn't matter because you will "monopolize" the AH and I will be crying (despite the fact that monopolizing requires buying low and selling high). lol you make dumb assumptions. You know nothing about me and how I play the market.

Edited by Marlaine
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Im lazy too. I cant deal with that silly interface its far too time consuming, shame as I loved playing the ah on wow. I see the ah as an alternative to a vendor thats all..... was the OP under the assumption their was an economey in this game?


There is another reason im a lazy lister..... there is bugger all to buy tbh so large sums of cash is fairly pointless im a biochem with the epic pots/stims and buffs so dont even spend on consumables, just repair

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"Lazy Lister" - someone who goes by the pricing that the auction interface defaults to instead of looking at the current market pricing when listing their items on the auction house.


Dear Lazy Lister: first I want to thank you. You make my pocket book extremely fat. For whatever reasons you have... maybe you feel you are helping out a new person... or maybe you genuinely are just that lazy to bother to check or calculate.... whatever the reasons: you are making me rich. I will always buy you out because I know I can turn around, and within 30 minutes sell what you gave me at over 200 sometimes 500% profits. If it was an altruistic "I am trying to help a new person" you didn't. You put your credits into my bank pocket and you didn't help anyone but greedy ol' me. :D


Secondly: when I am through making my millions... my goal being around 100mil sitting on my banker after my alts hit max level... I will be leaving the market and unless someone else carefully babysits and culls the markets, you will ultimately be killing your server's economy and hurting everyone in your community. You don't help anyone.


Realize this: if you list your item for 1 credit per mat lower... it will sell.... it will sell just as fast as it would if you list it for your ridiculously low lazy list of 40 cred per mat. When the next highest is 200->500 cred per mat, you are seriously missing out on good credit by lazy listing.




Dear Bioware: why? Why did you include a default... and one that has zero rhyme or reason to what is currently happening on the market? I could understand if this number fluctuated and changed based on the average last 20 items sold... but it doesn't. it stays constantly painfully... stupidly low. Can you either a) REMOVE a default number as a price list or b) have it AVERAGE the last 20-40 items sold of a certain item... make the number more MEANINGFUL?


Thanks all around.


Guilty as charged....I am a lazy bung hollio

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Personally, I think you deserve that profit for living such a mind-numbing existence. I can't imagine that being fun. But hey, whatever torques your shorts!


One thing I would like to see is some better market statistics. Let's face it, this is all database driven information, and we ought to have a little market value button that we can see what that item has been trading for over the past day, week, month, year, decade (when we get there).


Then we'd have much better intel as to what things were worth. And new players would know when they were being ripped off.


If BioWare intends for the economy to actually be worth something, these kinds of tools are vital.

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i only buy from "lazy listers" i wont buy the item if it's price is inflated higher than the default.

even if i want it really badly or really need it, I walk away, until I see it's price close to or at the default price, then ill grab it.


everyone should do the same.


and put a screw to the market gamers. Only buy at default.

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I find it hilarious that someone is COMPLAINING about "lazy listing" and claims he is making money from it at the same time.


If you were smart you'd just keep this little gem to yourself and make the money.


Since you're complaining it reveals people are crushing your prices and you're not happy about it.

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Personally, I think you deserve that profit for living such a mind-numbing existence. I can't imagine that being fun. But hey, whatever torques your shorts!


One thing I would like to see is some better market statistics. Let's face it, this is all database driven information, and we ought to have a little market value button that we can see what that item has been trading for over the past day, week, month, year, decade (when we get there).


Then we'd have much better intel as to what things were worth. And new players would know when they were being ripped off.


If BioWare intends for the economy to actually be worth something, these kinds of tools are vital.




I TOTALLY agree. I guess once player mods are released, at least I'm sure that type of information will be gathered and kept on our own PCs much like Auctioneer did for WOW... but it would be awesome to have that type of information delivered from the auction itself... and the default listings updating/changing based on that information. THAT would be both cool and interesting.

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You guys trying to bash me.... makes me laugh. And act all like "I'm so chill... and cool headed... just play the game for funsies" and yet you are trying to bash someone and getting all riled up.... completely opposite of your stance.


SO WHAT... like you say: it's a game. You wanna lazy list and make someone else rich: do it!!


In the end though? What if you could have BOTH... lazy listing... plus making some real credits for your listing? Wouldn't you want to be on board for Bioware making the default pricing meaningful? :confused:



I totally get what your saying but, like 90 percent of all suggestions on the forums, your argument is invalidated by your attitude.


Seriously bro if you were on my server, I would go bankrupt over and over again to undercut you.

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The game's economy is not the issue here though. You can save an economy once fixed supply and demand requests are well established. In this case, zero. Crafting and the economy have no business in this game, what so ever. Edited by Dabigbom
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And AH playing created stack of copper ore for 50g.





I am from Ukraine. I know what hyperinflation is and how it directly affected people. For example, those that had enough money for car, only had enough money for a new jacket. OP is creating what hyperinflation creates, rich get richer and poor get poorer. Those that have little money cannot invest it. Those that have a lot of money can horde goods and dictate prices. By him increasing the price, newer player are not able to afford to use GTN. Only people who played for a long period of time can afford goods and newer players will have to follow same pricing structure as veteran players.


One thing that I do agree with, it is a free economy. This means that OP does not have the right to dictate the prices that should be placed on items. At the same time I still do not understand why OP made this thread since why would he reveal and wanted to alter the way he is making a ton of credits? Maybe it had something to do with him not being able to play GTN because most people are happy with "lazy posting."


You are familiar with the effects of inflation, but your posts suggest you aren't familiar with the cause of it. What you just described are issues of monopolistic behavior and wealth inequalities. Inflation is a result of an increase in the money supply relative to GDP. This results in there being more money in circulation but little to no increase in the amount of purchasable goods.


OP is simply engaging in arbitrage, although he seems to be ignoring basic economic principles of supply, demand, and price equilibrium (claiming that he's somehow saving the market).

Edited by Dinadan
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"Lazy Lister" - someone who goes by the pricing that the auction interface defaults to instead of looking at the current market pricing when listing their items on the auction house.


Dear Lazy Lister: first I want to thank you. You make my pocket book extremely fat. For whatever reasons you have... maybe you feel you are helping out a new person... or maybe you genuinely are just that lazy to bother to check or calculate.... whatever the reasons: you are making me rich. I will always buy you out because I know I can turn around, and within 30 minutes sell what you gave me at over 200 sometimes 500% profits. If it was an altruistic "I am trying to help a new person" you didn't. You put your credits into my bank pocket and you didn't help anyone but greedy ol' me. :D


Secondly: when I am through making my millions... my goal being around 100mil sitting on my banker after my alts hit max level... I will be leaving the market and unless someone else carefully babysits and culls the markets, you will ultimately be killing your server's economy and hurting everyone in your community. You don't help anyone.


Realize this: if you list your item for 1 credit per mat lower... it will sell.... it will sell just as fast as it would if you list it for your ridiculously low lazy list of 40 cred per mat. When the next highest is 200->500 cred per mat, you are seriously missing out on good credit by lazy listing.




Dear Bioware: why? Why did you include a default... and one that has zero rhyme or reason to what is currently happening on the market? I could understand if this number fluctuated and changed based on the average last 20 items sold... but it doesn't. it stays constantly painfully... stupidly low. Can you either a) REMOVE a default number as a price list or b) have it AVERAGE the last 20-40 items sold of a certain item... make the number more MEANINGFUL?


Thanks all around.


I have a package here for Mr. FadeXF...


Have a nice day!

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I don't understand your argument. I thought the alt was being created so the person could avoid using the AH. Doesn't this mean he's gathering himself, and likely pushing prices down by contributing to the market with his unneeded excess?


^^this. When I craft for my alt, my low level alt is the one collecting the mats on the planet he is currently questing at, and giving them to the crafter to make the items. As a rule.


I do not take my level 38 char to Taris or Corscuant to farm low level nodes. Because as a low level char, I find it incredibly annoying to find them empty for me and I don't have anywhere else to go.


If you want to charge $15,000 or 10000 for an ice jewel, be my guest. I've seen a few. They don't sell. they stay there and stay there and stay there. Meanwhile, people who price things reasonably can be assured most of their items will sell.


I need gear to avoid being beat up. I need the mats for hte gear. If you are just making a game out of farming/selling or buying/reselling, you're like a banker making money out of nothing. See how that eventually blows up. They make nothing but money. But when all their customers are gone because they've busted them all, you get a recession/depression. And isn't that just great for the economy?


If I need something and I can't find it anywhere, I'd rather wait till later than pay overinflated ridiculous prices on gtn for something. I hope everyone else feels the same way and eventually you don't have any buyers. You can't get every precius item in the game. The rest of us will work around you.

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A fair argument can be made that it's more efficient to just use default pricing than deal with market research through SWTOR's horrible auction house interface.




I'm a "lazy lister" because I simply can't be bothered to deal with the clunky, half-assed interface that is the GTN.


Poor design makes for increasingly-lazy players.

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I'm a "lazy lister" because I simply can't be bothered to deal with the clunky, half-assed interface that is the GTN.


Poor design makes for increasingly-lazy players.


Its really not that hard. For example, I usually go to the buy list, look up what I am trying to sell. Usually if items are around an average price (for example, on my server most archaeology missions 340 are sold anywhere from 10-20k) then I list the item slightly lower than everyone else. Maybe even only 50 or 100 credits less. If I see a lot of low listed items and high listed items, I buy out the low ones, resell them for a slightly higher price, yet still lower than other people.


Often times I will also have an alt list an item really high, and another item lower than the high price if there are no other items of its type available or at a similar price.


That way people look at the expensive one, see the lower, and think they are getting a good deal, when in reality I have set up the system in order to make them 'think' they are getting a good deal.


I do this while I wait for pugs to fill or warzones to pop at level 50, or I'll occasionally log off my alt quickly to check the GTN, then return to leveling my alt.


The crux of the matter is when people list a lot of items low, its hard to bring prices up without gambling on possibly losing money. Also, I am sitting on top of 3 million+ credits on my main alone, this not including my other characters. I don't really know what to do with all the money. I have all the vanity items I really want for my main, and my other characters are not high enough level to use any yet. I simply enjoy making money, despite the fact that the credits don't do very much for me at the moment.


I do however hope to one day have spent enough credits to max out every profession for my alts, and be virtually self sufficient in every way simply off the money I score from the GTN.


I also rarely spend more than 5 minutes looking at the GTN and listing items.

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