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"Lazy Listing" on auction:


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I think there's a flaw in your thought process. Real credits would pay my tuition :(


Perhaps your thought process is flawed. You like "fake" light sabers and "fake" gear but not "fake" creds. I don't get the mentality of most posters here.


Maybe the OP's term "lazy listers" offended people?

Edited by Sconnoll
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You guys trying to bash me.... makes me laugh. And act all like "I'm so chill... and cool headed... just play the game for funsies" and yet you are trying to bash someone and getting all riled up.... completely opposite of your stance.


SO WHAT... like you say: it's a game. You wanna lazy list and make someone else rich: do it!!


In the end though? What if you could have BOTH... lazy listing... plus making some real credits for your listing? Wouldn't you want to be on board for Bioware making the default pricing meaningful? :confused:


Dude, just make a thread that you want a better GTN. You are making an inflamatory thread by insulting players. I use default prices and I really do not care. Currently I sell gifts and there so many people selling them that I do not even think it will sell above default price.


Also stop pretending to act righteous.

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Well sometimes I'm a lazy lister or at least with certain things. Usually stuff that is just taking up space in my inv and it's easy to just plunk it on the GTN as it is to vendor it. I know it will sell quick and I'm well aware that people like the OP will do what they do with it and make tons more cash.


Thing is I don't care. I have way more money then I'll ever need.


I also take advantage of 'lazy listers' if I happen to notice.


I also have certain things I make and sell which I know the market price of and list accordingly.


Kudos to those who have fun with the GTN and make oodles of cash. It's their thing. Doesn't mean it's everyone's or that they care about putting time into doing it.

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As far as the only valid part of the original post, which is that the default prices are far too low to be useful for rapidly posting items, I agree it should either be generally higher, or take an average from recent sales. As it is, if you don't want to spend ages choosing from drop-down menu's, you're better off selling most things to a vendor.


As for the attitude that people utilising the current defaults somehow "kills" economies and requires such selfless individuals to single-handedly "babysit" (and yet at the same time brag they're making big profits)? Utter balls.


There's no such thing as a "healthy" price range for anything in a make-believe world. aside from selling higher than the vendor-sale price. Why is "300-500" per item a "healthy" price for a given mat that sells to vendor for 25 per, instead of 50, 200, 750, 2,000, or 10,000? It's just a random number range you've generated there.


Oh and the lack of response from the OP to everyone pointing out the many flaws in his thread, only vague "lol I'm cool for market-surfing lol" replies, marks him out prettly clearly as trolling from the start.

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Dude, just make a thread that you want a better GTN. You are making an inflamatory thread by insulting players. I use default prices and I really do not care. Currently I sell gifts and there so many people selling them that I do not even think it will sell above default price.


Also stop pretending to act righteous.


I took it as the OP was just being facetious, but I see he rubbed many the wrong way, I don't think that was his intent, could be wrong though.

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I think he's having fun also, while making a profit doing it (always fun to make a profit). His point is valid, the default pricing is stupid and has no relation to actual market value, if anything the default price should match what the item going for on the gtn at that moment. I've been selling purple ship upgrades, the ah defaults to 10k when the item is selling for 40-44. Funny nobody lazy lists on that item....


Actually it gives you a decent starting point to know what price will get you more than if you sell back to the NPC merchants.


And it is not always too low, many times it is too high, and items need to be actively reduced in price to even sell, such as many blue items.


Its a starting point...and an ending point for some...nothing wrong with using it and nothing wrong NOR NEW AND INNOVATIVE about auction house mining.


There is simply just not enough need to do it in this game right now for many people to care.

Edited by Saurakk
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As far as the only valid part of the original post, which is that the default prices are far too low to be useful for rapidly posting items, I agree it should either be generally higher, or take an average from recent sales. As it is, if you don't want to spend ages choosing from drop-down menu's, you're better off selling most things to a vendor.


As for the attitude that people utilising the current defaults somehow "kills" economies and requires such selfless individuals to single-handedly "babysit" (and yet at the same time brag they're making big profits)? Utter balls.


There's no such thing as a "healthy" price range for anything in a make-believe world. aside from selling higher than the vendor-sale price. Why is "300-500" per item a "healthy" price for a given mat that sells to vendor for 25 per, instead of 50, 200, 750, 2,000, or 10,000? It's just a random number range you've generated there.


Oh and the lack of response from the OP to everyone pointing out the many flaws in his thread, only vague "lol I'm cool for market-surfing lol" replies, marks him out prettly clearly as trolling from the start.



Where is anyone pointing out a flaw in my thread? What... you think what you posted is?


If everyone is so rich... it stands to reason that all mats would be listed higher instead of lower then, right? So the default 40/mat should be 1k/mat? We're talking tier4-5-6 materials here where the default is ridiculously low vs the rewards, for example, of 1 quest turn in at that same level.


500-1k per mat is reasonable and I'll tell you why: in the time it takes someone to either 1) send out their minion to run missions to gather or 2) sit around a lower level planet collecting mats.... in that time... you could have 30k credits turn in on quests no problems. So why is it unreasonable to ask for 500cred/mat? These aren't numbers I'm pulling out of the hat... there's a normal, logical numbers time vs credits earned. Set the prices default at 400 instead of 40 for tier4 and then let them drop downwards from there.


Secondly: babysitting the markets. I'm just stating... as a matter of fact... that I have personally raised the value of certain Tier4 materials from 38/per back to a reasonable (see above) 300-700/per... and this is a consistent change compared to where those materials were at 2-3 weeks ago... now the market value is where it should be. I am not saying I am a knight... or anything more than a greedy shiester. So don't get me wrong. If you want to list your mats for 38/per be my guest. You are making me rich.... I am just simply bringing that to the forefront.


Your laziness is making others wealthy... and you should consider changing the way you do business... if taking 30 seconds to check a price before you list it isn't worth 240->500 extra PER MAT credit... then really: just vendor trash it. Seriously. You may as well. At least make me WORK to undercut you.

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I read through the rest of the post and realised that I've never even thought to look at "market" prices. I shortly realised afterwards that I don't care. I'd rather just drop it off on the GTN and go back to playing. It's enough hassle that I have load all the screens and spend twenty minutes going back to the Fleet to do it anyway.
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I just sell all stuff i found to vendors, purple-smurple, i don't care. What do you need money here anyway? For useless mounts or something?


See? This guy is doing it right.


This... or... just use the mats to make something green and THEN vendor trash that green item.


If you don't care as much as you suggest... then don't mess with your servers economy by lazy listing.

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OP if you want to play markets, go play EvE and see how long you last in a real economy.


Thanks for your needed and informative input into the discussion at hand. We now all have a much greater knowledge and understanding thanks to you. In future: please continue to post such logical and reasonable statements because they make life bearable.

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I've already come across certain materials and "saved" the markets... Tier4 materials that someone was neglecting to "buy low, sell high" that the pricing dropped to a staggering 34/mat... not lying... not exaggerating. I bought it all out. I dropped 100k on it basically... and in the last couple of weeks, the price for that item is now a more healthy 300-500 per item. No one was culling/working that product but me. I still have 1 stack left to sell of that product... but I've already sold about 5 stacks or so.


I'm just saying this: IF no one culls the markets, then your theory that everyone wins is incorrect. The market value will default to Bioware's default and go DOWN from that point. If the market value is set at 500-1k per mat and goes DOWN from there, the items STILL SELL... and the items value NEVER reaches Bioware's ridiculous default setting.


You call 300-500k healthy? I call it rediculously overpriced when those same things cost me ~150 or so to get myself via companions. And you skill up so fast enough in this game it's not like you need to overpay just for skillups. Only time I buy from the GTN is when it's approximately the same price there asit is to just send a companion out to get. (and from my cursory testing, at least with the crew skills I have, the default prices are approximately the "best price" cost to get the item from a mission)


That being said, 34/mat for grade 4 is rediculously cheap. Think that's about a quarter of the "default".


Anyways, the problem with the GTN interface is that the price of things on the GTN is the price stuff DIDN'T sell for, as there is no way to check history. I've always assumed that the stuff being put up there at 3-4x + cost to get it yourself is gonna rot in the GTN. Pretty pathetic if people are actually paying that much. (What, did they pick up slicing instead of the correct skill to get mats?)

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Its an utter pain to look up items on the AH. You try making 10 different types of items and also get 2-3 different types of items from missions and looking up everything you make to find a fair market price. Then you got people like you that inflate the market and you announce is proudly. People like you make game economies inflate for no reason.
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I don't sell mats on the market. Just the occasional blue/green/purple drop that I don't need and nobody in my guild wants.


I have noticed that the prices the GTN defaults to look odd, but I really have no idea what the formula is. What are they using to set the default? Pi * the vendor's price or something?


Honestly as long as I make back at least what the vendor would pay, I'm fine. I usually double the vendor price and put it on the GTN for 2 days. If it sells, great. If not, I vend it. Honestly I do not play this game to "play the market." As long as I make enough cash to buy my skill-ups and such, I'm fine.

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