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No one deserves MVP. unlesss...


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Why ?




Person with Top damge does not deserve MVP.


Why ? He most likely spammed AoE with only goal of top damage.



Person with the most protection does not deserve MVP


Why ? You can Exploit 75k protection + in about 1min.



Person with the most healing does not "always" deserve MVP.


Why ? Ive seen people go stand in acid and go spam heals on themselves.




Vote MvP for the person you see score, help somone score, hold off an objective long enough for help. That you see healing you in a fight, that you see guarding you in a fight.



Scoreboard means nothing.

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Why ? You can Exploit 75k protection + in about 1min.




how exactly do you manage that? i always have to work for mine.


but yes i give medals to people who are defending by themselves giving up the medals for a chance to win the match

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I'll give my MVP vote to whomever I dang well please. In fact, next Huttball I'm givin' it to the guy with the most deaths and lowest healing/DPS, cause that dude obviously needs more commendations for gear.


that's funny, since I usually vote for the fresh 50 still in crap PvE gear

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The best way to get protection is by guarding the person with the ball, please explain how that does not help the team. Unless you know an actual exploit that gives incorrect protection numbers, I call BS.
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The best way to get protection is by guarding the person with the ball, please explain how that does not help the team. Unless you know an actual exploit that gives incorrect protection numbers, I call BS.


Or guarding a healer in Voidstar or, for that matter, anyone in any possible match, save for a tank (Unless Huttball).


Guarding someone increases their chance of surviving, which in turn increases their chance of doing their job better. Guarding a DPS, they kill more. Guarding a healer, they heal more.


When I do any WZ, I usually look at the top "Guard" player, and then look at their medals compared to #2, #3, etc. If only one person bothered to use it (And DPS "tank" classes should be using the taunts even if they are DPS and not using guard) then I give it to them. If they have like x9 badges, then I may give it to #2.


Fact is, if you are a DPS Juggernaut/Guardian, Assassin/Shadow, Powertech/Vanguard, and you are NOT using the AoE taunts or regular taunts every possible chance you get, you are failing your teammates, and failing to get more badges.

Edited by Philbert
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I'll give my MVP vote to whomever I dang well please. In fact, next Huttball I'm givin' it to the guy with the most deaths and lowest healing/DPS, cause that dude obviously needs more commendations for gear.


GOOD! I do the same. Top DPS dealer doesn't need it, nor does the top healer or the top protector. The guy who needs new gear the most gets my vote.

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While I tend to vote for healers, I agree with the OP. Several times I've had key knockbacks, pulls, or heals in a Huttball match, only to see top damage and heals get all the MVPs. II usually play an instrumental part in all of our goals, but rarely get recognized for it. Generally, if you're top damage in Huttball, you're not a great asset to your team as far as objectives go. It's about control and finesse, not sheer power. Edited by Marinus_
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Where do these guys come ? When there is a guy who is doubling the damage isn't only about "spamming mindless aoe", it's one guy who is putting the pressure of 2 guys on the enemy's team, making taking/defending objectives way easier. It's like saying a healer who healed a lot isn't playing objectives.


And i vote for the less geared guy or friends, that's how i roll.

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I usually save my MVP vote for certain types of people. Those who show great leadership skills. Actually giving advice for objectives, helping fellow team mates out, etc. If I see another player who looks like they're doing an out standing job at some point too I'll give it to them. For example, if someone gets jumped by three enemy players and fights them off successfully that usually merits an MVP vote from me. I don't just look at highest damage and give it to them, that just seems silly.
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I don't even bother clicking an mvp.


These people annoy me. There is ALWAYS someone who you should be clicking MVP on regardless of the situation. ANY vote is helping your faction. Not voting essentially throws commendations/valor for your team in the garbage.

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It doesnt bother me, bu I RARELY get any mvp voted on my sniper. even if I do my job perfectly. We just seem to get screwed that way.


Earlier today I had over 100k dmg over the next person, 55 kills and 3 deaths. Not a single vote.:mad:


So not only do us pure dps classes get screwed on medals, nobody even bothers to toss us votes once in a while.

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Or guarding a healer in Voidstar or, for that matter, anyone in any possible match, save for a tank (Unless Huttball).


Guarding someone increases their chance of surviving, which in turn increases their chance of doing their job better. Guarding a DPS, they kill more. Guarding a healer, they heal more.


When I do any WZ, I usually look at the top "Guard" player, and then look at their medals compared to #2, #3, etc. If only one person bothered to use it (And DPS "tank" classes should be using the taunts even if they are DPS and not using guard) then I give it to them. If they have like x9 badges, then I may give it to #2.


Fact is, if you are a DPS Juggernaut/Guardian, Assassin/Shadow, Powertech/Vanguard, and you are NOT using the AoE taunts or regular taunts every possible chance you get, you are failing your teammates, and failing to get more badges.


forgive me for a dumb question, but why would I as an assassin want to taunt anyone ? Ive got light armor for starters. I dont want that trooper turning and firing on me. Im hoping he stays focused on that nasty dps sorc while i slice him up from behind


I cant fit all the specials we have as it is on my toolbar. that taunt, if i recall was a stance i wouldnt use isnt on my toolbar


oh and how will I even know if I was voted MVP ? I asume I probably never have gotten it.


But Im never the top damage dealer, my force wave isnt used to push up my score. I actually use it to knock people off ramps, bridges, save a turret, etc. and that aoe spinning attack I have is only used when 4 players are all working to defuse my bomb. basically I dont have an aoe to spam nor do I care if doing so will increase my damage score


Im rarely in the top 3 for kills. And Ive had other players complain that I suck in general chat after because as an assassin I should be doing more destruction according to them.


I play wz to gasp WIN. so if that means sitting on a turret, guarding a door, letting 5 republics smack the crap out of me while I do everything I can to get them off the door, force wave a healer to the melee below knowing Im gonna get hammered by 3 troopers guarding him, etc then I will do it.


So if this silly taunt thing is just a means of getting more medals but does nothing (or hampers) my ability to win a wz, let me be frank....I WONT BE DOING IT.


Bioware really needs to just remove that scoreboard. Its nothing more than an epeen stick like recount was in wow, leads to bad behavior. No wonder I never win when a healer is spam healing / walking into acid just for medals

Edited by admriker
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Yeah it's funny because I don't get high dmg numbers because I'm busy CC'ing and escorting the ball carrier. As a sorc I try to get in a high tier and in position for a cluth pull that equals an easy score. I do this until we win. This rarely results in most dmg or most kills but I easily have the greatest impact on a game.
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Or guarding a healer in Voidstar or, for that matter, anyone in any possible match, save for a tank (Unless Huttball).


Guarding someone increases their chance of surviving, which in turn increases their chance of doing their job better. Guarding a DPS, they kill more. Guarding a healer, they heal more.


When I do any WZ, I usually look at the top "Guard" player, and then look at their medals compared to #2, #3, etc. If only one person bothered to use it (And DPS "tank" classes should be using the taunts even if they are DPS and not using guard) then I give it to them. If they have like x9 badges, then I may give it to #2.


Fact is, if you are a DPS Juggernaut/Guardian, Assassin/Shadow, Powertech/Vanguard, and you are NOT using the AoE taunts or regular taunts every possible chance you get, you are failing your teammates, and failing to get more badges.




This is why I guard the ball carrier in hutball. Guard the healer in VS and Alderann, and spam taunts and challenging call as if I were a pew-pew and that junk was tracer missile.


Alas, when I arrive in a pug doomed to lose through miscommunication or failure to understand objective-based play, I simply find the person people are beating on the most and put guard on them. This way I can farm a few medals.

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I was gona post a thread about the exact same thing.


Remove mvp because scrubs will give it to scrubs, and scrubs arent valuable.


Just played a warzone where some player did more damage than me, but had absolutely no effect in the huttball match


i scored our two goals (we lost 2-3) and came third on damage still, was even close on the third goal, with absolutely no team backup.


I ended up with 0 mvp votes with the one guy already being battlemaster, with no intentions of winning ends up with the bonus reward ( ones he already dont need.)


It dont bother me a whole lot that i dont get voted on, personally i vote on those who need the valor and commendations.


Anyway fix.

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