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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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The only thing I ever see is that sometimes the textures will be low res on my character at certain camera angles, but then perfectly clear at others. But yeah, they have increased in-game texture resolution since launch.


BS. they did not increased the in-game textures and its 2015 now !!


Its time for the REAL HD TEX !! its 2015, everyone has monster PC's now, GIVE US THE REAL HD TEX! really i mean the real textures, not this its still crap and blur, and i'm on all max. for fok sake get your heads out of your asses and add the real HD, and not yet other expansion crap.

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BS. they did not increased the in-game textures and its 2015 now !!


Its time for the REAL HD TEX !! its 2015, everyone has monster PC's now, GIVE US THE REAL HD TEX! really i mean the real textures, not this its still crap and blur, and i'm on all max. for fok sake get your heads out of your asses and add the real HD, and not yet other expansion crap.


Holy crap why would you necro this?! Also, seriously you prefer slightly better textures over an expansion? Nice priorities you've got there.

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Holy crap why would you necro this?! Also, seriously you prefer slightly better textures over an expansion? Nice priorities you've got there.


Yes sir i would, cos face it what do they give with expansions, more of the same in just different colors, Hack there recycling armor now, "some of" the new armors are exact the same with some small changes in color or very small changes to the model! are they that lazy to create complete new sets ?! and the box's Holy **** they must earn a fortune on them, so in light of all that, yeah its *********** time for the REAL HD TEXTURES! they made a ton of money it time to put some of it back in the game by UPGRADING the ENGINE to give us REAL HD TEXTURES!


there i said it. bloody EA is probably running off with all that money, greedy bastards, time to invest yet more guys or your gonna milk the cow till she drops dead?!

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Yes sir i would, cos face it what do they give with expansions, more of the same in just different colors, Hack there recycling armor now, "some of" the new armors are exact the same with some small changes in color or very small changes to the model! are they that lazy to create complete new sets ?! and the box's Holy **** they must earn a fortune on them, so in light of all that, yeah its *********** time for the REAL HD TEXTURES! they made a ton of money it time to put some of it back in the game by UPGRADING the ENGINE to give us REAL HD TEXTURES!


there i said it. bloody EA is probably running off with all that money, greedy bastards, time to invest yet more guys or your gonna milk the cow till she drops dead?!


You milk the cow till it dies then move on. EA's next cash cow is battlefront anyways.

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Yes sir i would, cos face it what do they give with expansions, more of the same in just different colors, Hack there recycling armor now, "some of" the new armors are exact the same with some small changes in color or very small changes to the model! are they that lazy to create complete new sets ?! and the box's Holy **** they must earn a fortune on them, so in light of all that, yeah its *********** time for the REAL HD TEXTURES! they made a ton of money it time to put some of it back in the game by UPGRADING the ENGINE to give us REAL HD TEXTURES!


there i said it. bloody EA is probably running off with all that money, greedy bastards, time to invest yet more guys or your gonna milk the cow till she drops dead?!


Of all the things that increase details, textures are probably the least beyond a certain point. The fact of the matter the vast majority of people are playing at resolutions and with screen sizes such that increasing texture detail would do little to nothing for them.

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And I thought your post was stupid before I reached this part. This reaches a whole new level.


care to explain why its stupid? or are you just blowing hot steam out of that head of yours ! asking for real HD is not stupid, people that can't see the flaw in something are, example "FanBoy's" probably like you. fanboy-ism makes you blind of all the faults, not sure what type of computer you are using but wen i see blurry "pix-elated" armor's then i know that the textures are not HD! even with all the settings on MAX this game still looks like *****, is it a bad game, no its a fun game, but its time i want HD textures to make this game even better! but fanboy's cry heaven and earth and race to the aid of the developers !! oh the game can't go higher, engine can't handle it "hence i wrote update engine" bla bla bla, i'm sorry but the textures in the past wer higher and better, why not now, they removed them cos lames *** computers could not handle them. sorry but removing options are never good, can't we decide if we want to use the HD textures or do they thinks we can't handle that much?! and to be fair and honest, people like you harm the community, in stead of bashing on me, you should help me in my quest, they earned plenty from this game and still are, its time they did something back for us "big time". but nooo i have to head-bang with people like you on there forum, that they don't even look at or take seriously.


why do you think i do this, its the love for this game, that i take on this quest! cos if no one keeps turning up the heat on them, then the milking will just continue with out any big change. and asking for better things does not mean i hate what there is now, i just wish for better. don't we all want more.

Edited by Noxsabe
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care to explain why its stupid? or are you just blowing hot steam out of that head of yours ! asking for real HD is not stupid, people that can't see the flaw in something are, example "FanBoy's" probably like you. fanboy-ism makes you blind of all the faults, not sure what type of computer you are using but wen i see blurry "pix-elated" armor's then i know that the textures are not HD! even with all the settings on MAX this game still looks like *****, is it a bad game, no its a fun game, but its time i want HD textures to make this game even better! but fanboy's cry heaven and earth and race to the aid of the developers !! oh the game can't go higher, engine can't handle it "hence i wrote update engine" bla bla bla, i'm sorry but the textures in the past wer higher and better, why not now, they removed them cos lames *** computers could not handle them. sorry but removing options are never good, can't we decide if we want to use the HD textures or do they thinks we can't handle that much?! and to be fair and honest, people like you harm the community, in stead of bashing on me, you should help me in my quest, they earned plenty from this game and still are, its time they did something back for us "big time". but nooo i have to head-bang with people like you on there forum, that they don't even look at or take seriously.


why do you think i do this, its the love for this game, that i take on this quest! cos if no one keeps turning up the heat on them, then the milking will just continue with out any big change. and asking for better things does not mean i hate what there is now, i just wish for better. don't we all want more.


It should be painfully obvious how it's stupid. First we've got the crazy man ranting style of typing (with terrible grammar included). Second, we've got your claim that all that comes in expansions is recycled armor. Third, the idea that textures would ever be a priority over content like an expansion. Then the cake is a mix of the claim that texture resolution requires an engine upgrade, and the idea that changing to a different engine is feasible.


Your newest post really is only serving to prove my point more. Oh, and by the way they never removed higher textures from the game. In fact they did the opposite. At launch, the in-game textures were much lower than the cutscene textures. Not long after, they changed it so that the cutscene textures could be used in the rest of the game.

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It should be painfully obvious how it's stupid. First we've got the crazy man ranting style of typing (with terrible grammar included). Second, we've got your claim that all that comes in expansions is recycled armor. Third, the idea that textures would ever be a priority over content like an expansion. Then the cake is a mix of the claim that texture resolution requires an engine upgrade, and the idea that changing to a different engine is feasible.


Your newest post really is only serving to prove my point more. Oh, and by the way they never removed higher textures from the game. In fact they did the opposite. At launch, the in-game textures were much lower than the cutscene textures. Not long after, they changed it so that the cutscene textures could be used in the rest of the game.


Sums it all up nicely, IMO.


I never really understood obsessing over textures in an MMO anyway. It's an MMO, not a Rembrandt.... with lots of more important things for game resources to allocated toward. They are not meant to be eye candy over all else. In fact... unless you are sitting in front of your monitor with a magnifying glass constantly obsessing over texture details on your character... I really don't think higher texture fidelity really serves any material purpose in an MMO. Game looks great as is IMO.


And... putting the word "Official" in the thread title... :rolleyes: there is absolutely nothing official about this forum topic.. at all. Then again.. the creator of this necro'ed thread is long gone.. and he was definitely obsessed with texture fidelity.... so whatever. :)

Edited by Andryah
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To be fair the game engine can limit the way texturing is done. For instance the original two battlefront games used what was called the ZeroEngine, and one of the quirks of the ZeroEngine was that it could only process textures that where a power of two. i.e. 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, etc.

Although there was one exception - the textures used for environment mapping where not a power of two, probably due to how the game created it's environment maps.

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It should be painfully obvious how it's stupid. First we've got the crazy man ranting style of typing (with terrible grammar included). Second, we've got your claim that all that comes in expansions is recycled armor. Third, the idea that textures would ever be a priority over content like an expansion. Then the cake is a mix of the claim that texture resolution requires an engine upgrade, and the idea that changing to a different engine is feasible.


Your newest post really is only serving to prove my point more. Oh, and by the way they never removed higher textures from the game. In fact they did the opposite. At launch, the in-game textures were much lower than the cutscene textures. Not long after, they changed it so that the cutscene textures could be used in the rest of the game.


crazy ranting, i don't think so i'm calm and always will be calm, even now. bad grammar yeah you got a point there, but you see if you would type in my language ... well you probably can't write at all in my language, see i know some english, em not "perfect" and for that i em sorry. as for the rest of your post, you really like getting down on people do you? can i ask how old you are, and please don't say over 25. anyways about the hd in cut-scenes yea take a close look at the cut-scenes they are not in HD any more or did you not noticed that, well at-least they are not on my end, and i'm on all max setting. and to say mmo's never have HD textures seriously, you guys only played WoW and this game or what? lineage2 back in the day had em "as option", archage has them, well basicly every korean mmo has them or as extra option, i'm not here telling EA or BW to change them to HD for everyone, i ask for an "extra option" its time they trust us, we can decide if we want HD over FPS or not!


anyways as of you claim that "content" should go over "textures" you are kinda right, but that's why i said, its "Time" for HD textures, and where in my post did i say this game is bad? it sounds like your thinking i don't like this game, you go off on me like there is no tomorrow but you should ask your self, do i have a valid point .... what the hell em i thinking, ofc you don't think that i have valid points! silly me, that's what ya get with people who think they know it all. they always think there right and that what ever they say is "gold".


you know what i'll be the better person here, and let this die. "the thread eh, in case your brain thinks i'm talking about the game"

have fun in your special little fantasy world, you live in.

Edited by Noxsabe
editing some of my bad "grammer", i em really bad in writing english lol, and probably will not corrected them all
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man, huge necro there.


you might not know this, but giving out the ref link like that, might get you in trouble if someone really wants to troll you.

unless they changed the way they work ofc, but if i do remember, you only get x amount of active refs right, if lets say i create a bunch of accounts and click your ref, taking 1 amount of ref away and then never buy time with set accounts that means you are going to wait a long time before they all get unlocked again and you will have no extra's from them.

again i said if they changed the way the work, then i'm wrong but that happen to me a long ways back, bunch of peeps took the link, and in the end never subbed, so i was stuck witch bunch of no good noobs who quit the game.

anyways just saying. take this info as you see fit.

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Sums it all up nicely, IMO.


I never really understood obsessing over textures in an MMO anyway. It's an MMO, not a Rembrandt.... with lots of more important things for game resources to allocated toward. They are not meant to be eye candy over all else. In fact... unless you are sitting in front of your monitor with a magnifying glass constantly obsessing over texture details on your character... I really don't think higher texture fidelity really serves any material purpose in an MMO. Game looks great as is IMO.


And... putting the word "Official" in the thread title... :rolleyes: there is absolutely nothing official about this forum topic.. at all. Then again.. the creator of this necro'ed thread is long gone.. and he was definitely obsessed with texture fidelity.... so whatever. :)


so GW2, Archage, Rift and plenty of other mmo's don't have HD textures eh, did you ever played more then this game? cos i'm not sure here, i know plenty of games with stunning HD textures that run just fine on modern computers. please don't come here and reply nonsense, next time if you have nothing better to say, then just don't. and yeah the OP "thread starter" might have bin obsessed by them, he probably had his or her reasons to do so. if that was his or her oppion then so be it.

but then again even if i started a new thread about this, i would get flack for starting yet a new thread about this HD tex thing. in stead i opted for reviving this thread cos its more fun to get the "necro" reply's ... no its not but then again, on forums you never can't do anything right, there are always people that gonna bash on your thread like there is no tomorrow.

the nature of a forum troll is to destroy the thread and everyone in it, why i have no idea. maybe its cos there tiny little brains can't handle a grownups conversation or maybe they think its just funny to do, what ever there reasons are its lame as F.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
played this game at launch and i see the graphics are still terrible... guess i havent missed anything.. must be a majority of the players have crap pc's and need to keep the graphich low-terrible for them, going back to playing a real game with "good graphics" i guess
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played this game at launch and i see the graphics are still terrible... guess i havent missed anything.. must be a majority of the players have crap pc's and need to keep the graphich low-terrible for them, going back to playing a real game with "good graphics" i guess



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Just returned because of Star Wars fever season and the expansion. The textures make this so hard to play. I play on 3440 x 1440 and the low and high settings almost have no difference that's how low the high res textures are. There are zig zag stretch marks all over the textures.
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  • 10 months later...



I want to say that, its 2018,even consoles are going finally for native full hd(real one this time, not upscaled) we are going to 8k displays and tv's,even WOW has surpassed and updated its engine couple of times. And there are really good MMORPG's out there with even lesser budget to start with.


Now, before i get hated allot, i LOVE this game and the kotor series and everything about star wars, that being said i am not a brainwashed typical fanboy. I would love to see this game progress even further ! There is a huge demand for this game as well,since it is the ONLY star wars mmorpg out there!!


At least i would LOVE to see the option for HIGH resolution textures to NOT be only in cinematics but to be in the game as well, as i mentioned before we are in 2018,people dont have the pre-2011 machines and people that have better machine need to see both visually and performance wise a huge difference ! So far i am seeing since years people with 2gb ram,intel hd and so on have the same textures as i have on a 16gb ram ,8gb video card pc...thats not really fair ! I understand that there is a performance hit,BUT at least for those of US that want the better graphics and HD textures and pretty much the full package, let us have a real switch/toggle/option for that in the game !!!!! If there is an FPS loss, and i am sure there will be of course, as in any game when you increase the graphics, its on us ! ITS NOT YOUR FAULT !!! But at least give us the opportunity to actually experience this for ourselves ! It might have an impact on your servers too, yeah of course, but it wont be that much, also you have cutted down enough servers in the years to actually have that much of on an impact on the remaining ones, not to mention that technology has evolved allot since you first had those HD textures available back in 2012, its been almost 7 years now !

Thank you very much in advance and to everyone that wants that just do it, dont be scared, the devs need to see that we want this to happen from the bottom of our hearts also i am ready to test in in the pts or anywhere if the devs would like so ! May the Force be with us all !!

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