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Has Bioware already lost the PvP base?


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How does that make sense in this thread?


It's about PvP and you start talking about wanting a game that was entirely single player.

What does the KOTOR series have to do with the PvP players? They were not going to be playing that game, anyway. So *** are you talking about?


Ease off the steroids there bud. These forums never cease to bring out the rage in people.


Im only stating what everyone wanted in the first place, a KoTOR 3. I bet you did too before they announced it was a MMO.


As for PvP, I could care less. Warzones are tolerable if your below Lv.50. Even then, 3 different types become boring and frustrating. They made the mistake of having top gear to be gained by PvPing.

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Ease off the steroids there bud. These forums never cease to bring out the rage in people.


Im only stating what everyone wanted in the first place, a KoTOR 3. I bet you did too before they announced it was a MMO.


Not everyone ... not everyone.


As for PvP, I could care less. Warzones are tolerable if your below Lv.50. Even then, 3 different types become boring and frustrating. They made the mistake of having top gear to be gained by PvPing.


If you care less, so why do you care to contribute your (lesser) opinion to this discussion?


And the core problem is, that PvP post Lv.50 is boring.

And in the last sentence we see, which horse you are riding. You know, it has to be, that top PvP gear, has to be gained by PvPing. It wouldnt make sense, if it would be otherwise.


And it is not that hard to see, that a BM PvP Equip is for PvE less worth than the Columi set.

So best PvP Equip comes from PvPing. *check*

Best PvE Equip comes from PvEing. *check*


And the OP has a point for dedicated PvPers , like me.

Because I feel and see the changes on my PvP server.

The Reps arent even bothering to go to Ilum for their "prized" Open PvP, because the Ilum system is so disastrous in so many ways, that this is so sad to see the lack of good will by the developers.

And Ilum makes 1/2 of the PvP enviroment in SWTOR.

Now to the WZs.

I could live with only 3 WZs (did live with only 3, years ago in an another game).

The problem is, the design of the WZs.


All 3 of the WZs favor the headless zerg and dont favor tactics.

Huttball is the only WZ in SWTOR with a slight need of better tactics, but this is very fast negated with the bad design combined with the frustration coming from the plethora of CC in this game.


So it is a core design problem in SWTOR, and I see the, that most of dedicated PvPers are leaving or at least (waiting for their sub to end).

This wont hit the PvE servers that hard in SWTOR, but the PvP server will die out fast, if BW doesnt change the attitude.


Ilum fixes have to come fast, and fast means, that its a matter of weeks.

At least one more (and bigger) WZ has to come, with a stronger need for tactics and less zerg.


If they get it right, SWTOR has potential.

If not, then there are good competitors on their way, and EA will not have the fun in the next quarter, when it comes to the announcement of the subcount.

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Think so, World pvp suck, no ranking system and abilities delay screw up some classes..


And no one is doing anything to change the picture and get those players back to game.


I blame EA, cause now is the time when they have to spend some money and make that game great, but they will ruin the game cause they are EA.

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the pvp in swtor has turned into a space version of WAR pvp, highly unbalanced, highly monotone, and just not bringing anyone into the game in fact actually making people leave the game.


Pve same ****, you cant get grps for fp or ops cause its allways the same *********** 4-16 pepzx doing fp and ops, and they dont allow anyone else to join them in running em.

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Why are you posting in this thread at all? It's clear you didn't even read my post or you wouldn't have written such a ridiculous piece of garbage.


i ask the same about your thread...


i read your thread and cut it apart and you dismissed everyting like you got the communities feelings.. all 2 million of them... LOL


you are hilarious at best.


go get some help... psychologist can listen very good.. you can then spout off whatever you want and wont give advice back... he will just keep going "uh huh" , "and?", "uh huh", "how did that make you feel?"




bottom line dude, no matter what anybody says if it doesnt agree WITH YOU... its not intelligible...and you dismiss it


can we say Horse blinders or just plain flat out brain dead?

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The PvP needs alot of work. It can be really frustrating at times. I've heard people rage on voice chat that I have never heard rage before....

Lag, ability delay, and some obvious imbalances get to folks after a while I guess. I know I've had to walk away from the kb when I die a few times because none of my powers would fire off and I'm standing 1 foot from someone for 4-5 seconds and zero powers will fire.

I would say "hardcore" PvP'ers are already gone or on their way out the door.....unless they are having fun nerdstomping with their Sorc's still. Otherwise I don't see many reasons for them to stay unfortunately.....:(

Edited by WickedImage
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I have been PvPing in MMOGs for 13 years, since way back when they didn't even have the term, MMOG yet.



From my experience, the definition of a "perfect PvP" for these so-called, self-described "hardcore PvP" enthusiasts, is basically a system which allows high levels of exploitation upon either gear or stats, so that people could build/form up character specs that allows them to do ridiculously OP stuff, and then call it "skill".




In other words, a PvP system that allows you to build a min/max character spec upto ridiculous levels, and then go solo-killing multiple enemies here and there, and then safely escape a gank from angry enemies and leave them behind in the dust ... this is what people see as "hardcore PvP".



Frankly, the very fact "hardcore PvPers" don't like SWTOR PvP, actually means SWTOR PvP is balanced reasonably.


^Obviously not a hardcore PvP not even a PVP player


Sometimes you have to beware of "posers". You know them because they always start off their thread with a sentance (or paragraph) trying to prove their credibility before they hit you with bull ****.


"i have been playing mmo's for such and such years before mmo's were created" -poser


Real PVP players know that skill comes with experience. Nobody has 'MMO Skills'. Anybody who likes a game, and plays it enough will develop skill in that game. 90% of the time high level players beat low level players because of developed skills.


I cant tell you how many times I have to take off my armor and kick a guys *** because he thinks my armor is what makes me better than him. Even though he is wearing full champion gear.


Loosers will always make excuses as to why they loose. Winners will play harder and get better.

Edited by Shalashasa
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Yup, in my server good pvpers quit real fast all that's left is scrubs, meeting 1-2 good players per 10 warzones, I have like 90% to have most dps in a warzone, funniest thing is those scrubs with battlemaster gear think they are good when it's only the gear they're wearing ^^


Currently playing TERA, the active combat system feels fun but I'll probably end up playing GW2 since I really enjoy the skill system they have there. If after March the imbalanced, cc infested, laggy pvp won't be fixed I don't see myself resubbing

Edited by Demoz
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Excellent post, nailed it mate.

I hear all the time the old classic "Its only launch, give it time", thats a stupid argument to throw in... it is 2012!. You'd expect to see a balance in PVE and PVP by this age.


3 Warzones (mostly on hutt-ball)

Where is the option to actually pick a warzone to play in?

What is up with disbanding a group on joining a warzone and once finished, have to regroup back up again?


I regret re-subbing.


It's 2012 but it's a new game, balance is per game not per year. It's a new game, wow didn't even have pvp content at release and not even after 2 months. If people don't give time to new games, we won't have any new decently evolving mmo.

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It's 2012 but it's a new game, balance is per game not per year. It's a new game, wow didn't even have pvp content at release and not even after 2 months. If people don't give time to new games, we won't have any new decently evolving mmo.


Yes but by 2012 you'd expect some innovation but look at the pvp content I like how there's 3 warzones and 1 set of gear at L50 others being a recolor

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I agree with the OP, the damage is done. The results might not be in yet, because a ton of people have paid for the game and are thus playing it. But the tone of resigned disappointment has set in. Yesterday was the first day since launch that I didn't log into the game right away and start knocking out warzones. I ended up not doing it at all, and so far today I feel the same way, like I just can't psych myself up to bang my head against the wall.


I'm not a programmer, and I'm certainly not qualified to diagnose a huge project like an mmo, but I just cannot for the life of me figure out how they can't manage to triage warzone victories.


Someone posted, jokingly, three lines of code that would record a win, and I swear to god he might be smarter than Bioware's entire team of spider monkeys. I'm assuming that the process of recording scores is complicated, and it's undoubtedly a huge formula. A tiny flinch in there somewhere can cause a lot of havoc I'm sure, and be hard to sniff out.


But when you have what is an experience-breaking problem, I would think you could sort of boil it down to those three lines of code and just hard-wire in a simple counting system that exists outside of the larger warzone process, and just counts 1-2-3.


Then, having created a little breathing room for yourself and relief for your players, you could settle into really finding out what the deeper issue is.


The release date of dec 20th, as close as you can get to christmas as reasonably possible, says everything that needs to be said about the state of the game. It's still in beta, and they know it, and EA forced them to release the game as-is.

Edited by jeffsmith
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No they havent, subs keep climbing and oh the games 2 months old...


Still have quite a few of our main pvpers on my server both imp/repub they roll alts for fun and still do nights of premades...


So maybe a few of your buds quit doesn't mean the end of pvp base rofl...

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It's 2012 but it's a new game, balance is per game not per year. It's a new game, wow didn't even have pvp content at release and not even after 2 months. If people don't give time to new games, we won't have any new decently evolving mmo.


Balance is not the big issue. Content and philosophy are. The patch makes single kills count. That tells you the mentality of the game. Boy, lets not sweat winning a virtually non existant war lets just make sure we get credit for our personal kills. I would even be willing to grind for the gear if there was an epic war if I was working towards being a part of. But theres not. As is, there is no light at the end of the pvp tunnel. Just endless WZ's with winning or losing having no consequences in the big picture. Pvp is just a whole bunch of little games that do not affect each other and have no bearing on the persistant world. I want the massive put back in MMORPG.

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No they havent, subs keep climbing and oh the games 2 months old...


Still have quite a few of our main pvpers on my server both imp/repub they roll alts for fun and still do nights of premades...


So maybe a few of your buds quit doesn't mean the end of pvp base rofl...


De Nile is not just a river.

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You know....and this is coming from a guy who LOVES PvP...., I do remember BioWare saying somewhere about how, just to paraphrase, "If you're looking for hardcore PvP, this is not the game for you."


But, then again, I'm a college dropout who was born and raised in a Deep South swamp, so I could have missed something.

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If you enjoy warzones and Ilum "for what it is", I'm not talking about you.


If you think "lol PvE > PvP", I'm not talking about you.


If you're an admittedly casual player who only "dabbles" in pvp, I'm not talking about you.



So basically this post only applies to people who don't like the games PvP?


Ilum is broke though, needs a redesign.


WZ's I have a great time playing with my guild mates, maybe its because we are an organised PvP guild but meh, I love it.

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They're on the verge of losing me, if the mythical 1.2 patch doesn't deliver I'm done. I'm already bored to the point of barely logging in anymore on my original character and just rolling alts to enjoy the sub 50 warzones which are sadly the only thing making me smile at this point.
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you should read his post before you present your faulty conclusions and anecdotal evidence to support them.


Read it and it's exactly as described. Conclusion fully supported. These PvPers really think the game revolves around them despite all evidence to the contrary.

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Real PvP players couldn't possibly expect perfect balance so soon.


That's all I have to say

This ^^


On a certain level I don't even know what the "Real PvPer" or "Hardcore PvPer" phrase even means lately. Back in EQ, UO, DAOC, AC, Shadowbane it definitely meant a certain style of play, but that style of play is flat out impossible in WoW, SWTOR or any other AAA MMO that I've played in recent years (save maybe Blood & Glory AoC). The more recent flavor of "hardcore PvPer" seems about the same flavor as the "Hardcore Raider" of old. On one level or another it seems rooted in self-important douchebaggery. X feature isn't in game yet, sure it would only effect me and a tiny portion of the population but it must be fixed NOW or this game is doomed to failure (ie new tier of PvP gear post BM). The constant stream of "this game is garbage, not the perfect PvP we were promised" (note this perfect PvP system has never been identified and we all want very different things) followed by dozens of variations of the following thread titles:


Is this game dying?

Have you quit yet?

Top 10 reasons why I quit

Why haven't you quit yet?

You're a noob and don't like PvP if you still play here

Fix X feature or lose (ambiguous made up statistic) of your playerbase!


The above garbage really makes it difficult to take any criticisms on the boards seriously as of late. OP had many valid points, which I think are easy to miss in the general chorus of garbage around the forums. I think his comments are worth some consideration even if one doesn't agree with them (as I do not).


There are real problems in SWTOR's PvP, no doubt, but I never expected this game to be PvP Mecca and so far I am thoroughly impressed with what we've gotten and the pace of updates/fixes/changes.


Some of the responses in that thread were an all time high for me in forum wtfnonsense. Definitely evidence that you can't lump the PvP crowd together and that no game will ever be right for "all" of us.

Edited by SWImara
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