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No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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U mean the agent needs a team to help him? Weird. Their team member can drop down into the pit and pass up to your agent in the end zone or walk to the first tier of the path and pass to you at the center of the top tier.


Your merc, not every class makes a good ball carrier, I guess ur chose one. Ur a dps, so dps. If ur a healer, u heal. U can knock back people off the railing and yes u will have to use it wisely before the sorc does his end zone win sprint. U can also stun them if they just got done with their sprint early. Predicting when they are going to pop cool downs or knowing when they are gonna wear off is an essential part of pvp


In both those situations hopefully you have a team with u to pass to you or yank the sorc across the map before he gets to this "redzone" before the end zone.



You are on a hutball TEAM. So complaining about not being able to single handedly stop the ball carrier or single handedly carry the ball; no one can unless they are lucky and the opposing team is napping.



Wait.. wait.. . so you are saying that a agent needs a team... I need a team, but a Sorc... doesn't need a team? Because they don't.


I do play a DPS class. Sadly, a Sorc can OUT DPS a merc AND outheal them in the same match, while Actually doing objecting goals. My Merc does great damage is I am left alone, but it doesn't mean anything if I can't defend against certain classes AND I can't do any objectives.


You keep saying that I can stun them... indomitable will + Bubble says I can't. The only way to kill a good sorc is multiple people spamming stun or getting lucky and focus firing him before he LOS you.


Huttball is broken because of flawed class mechanics. It's shameful that certain classes need to be carried, while others can do it all.


If Mercs and agent had a method of bypassing chokepoints then it wouldn't be as bad, but as it stand Huttball is class specific and very broken as a whole. If you can't see that even a little, then your opinion is meaningless, as you can not see past your own nose.

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If you truly believe a sorc is so unstoppable and dosnt need a team, please roll one and you will prove yourself wrong.


I don't have one but my team and I have stopped plenty of them.


You need a learning experience, not a buff or a nerf.


Go level a sorc and go in with a pre made, have the rest of your pre made just afk in your pit (drop down out of the end zone). Take a pick of 3 people doing nothing at all, you doing the most heals and damage, and a win with u getting 6 scores. THEN I'll believe ur "dosnt need a team" bs

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How can I stop them when Sorc's bubble makes them IMMUNE to knock back, can trinket out my stun and force run away from me?!?!?!


Holding the ball and using abilities that let you bypass hazards is retarded. Why should a merc or a agent even be in a huttball match when other classes have such a massive advantage over them?


You should be able to use your abilities to get into position so someone can THROW you the ball, but using them to negate defenses is really broken.


I have yet to see a logical or intelligent argument for allowing this game breaking mechanic.




1. Sorc bubble DOES NOT grant any immunities to any cc's including knockback. You are most likely running into a resolve mechanic that you dont understand. Also if jumping over the fire with sprint on is such a big deal, why are you not crying about juggs and powertechs popping defensive cooldowns and walking (not running) through the fire with no penalty? U want all defensive cooldowns removed from ball carriers? or just the ones u cant figure out how to counter?


1a. U can immobilize a sorc who is sprinting with full resolve - true story


2. mercs have awesome and sometimes gamechanging knockbacks that are crazy in huttball when used right, plus they do scary single target dps numbers when by passed on your way to the ball carrier.


3. if a 30 sec cd sprint makes you cry so much people quit pvp because u obviously cant hack it.


its no worse than blink, shadowstep, flicker, sprint, demon port, etc

Edited by zyphre
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They removed the operatives/sorcs stealth skill while holding the ball. Obviously a lot more OP than movement effects but the point is simple. Sometimes you HAVE to restrict certain abilities on on certain classes in specific situation, such as being the ball carrier, for BALANCE.


So sorcerers have stealth now? Didn't know that.

No wonder people are calling the nerfbat on them when people can't even see the difference between a assassin and a sorcerer.


Learn the game before complaining please.

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Yes it does.. learn your class.


No it doesn't. Sorc bubble doesnt make you immune to ANYTHING. It absorbs ~4k damage with GOOD GEAR. You can even crit on the bubble.


The bubble you are talking about is the assassin/shadow bubble which is exclusive to them.



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1. Sorc bubble DOES NOT grant any immunities to any cc's including knockback. You are most likely running into a resolve mechanic that you dont understand. Also if jumping over the fire with sprint on is such a big deal, why are you not crying about juggs and powertechs popping defensive cooldowns and walking (not running) through the fire with no penalty? U want all defensive cooldowns removed from ball carriers? or just the ones u cant figure out how to counter?


2. mercs have awesome and sometimes gamechanging knockbacks that are crazy in huttball when used right, plus they do scary single target dps numbers when by passed on your way to the ball carrier.


3. if a 30 sec cd sprint makes you cry so much people quit pvp because u obviously cant hack it.


its no worse than blink, shadowstep, flicker, sprint, demon port, etc


1: hes probably thinking about a sith assassin that was bubbled by a sorc.


2. Mercs suck donkey balls in Huttball, we have a knockback that has 10 secs LONGER cooldown then sorcs version, another single target knockback for arsenal ONLY( turret mode which sucks in pvp and especially Huttball), we have NO mobility ability, NO friendly pull ability and can take about the same amount of damage (heavy armor doesn't make that much of a difference) vs well timed bubbles.


3. Its not about abilities being OP in all warzones its in HUTTBALL ONLY since its so dependant on mobility.




Ontopic: Yes all mobility abilities should make people drop the ball, this would not nerf people but add difficulty and even out the advantages between the classes. A jugg would have to charge, force push the opponent then get passed to by the ball holder instead of just charging which is ez mode.


Same for sorcs and assassins, they can speed past fire THEN get passed to.

Anyone that actually know anything about sports would agree with this change unless their blinded by the fact that their class would be "nerfed" in Huttball.

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Ontopic: Yes all mobility abilities should make people drop the ball, this would not nerf people but add difficulty and even out the advantages between the classes. A jugg would have to charge, force push the opponent then get passed to by the ball holder instead of just charging which is ez mode.


Same for sorcs and assassins, they can speed past fire THEN get passed to.

Anyone that actually know anything about sports would agree with this change unless their blinded by the fact that their class would be "nerfed" in Huttball.


I'm playing a sage myself, and I agree with this change. Things would be more interesting then seeing people trying to solo carry the ball to the goal, dying half way there qq-ing in chat.

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Before I throw my two cents in, I'd like to point out that rated/ranked warzones are incoming this month (according to George), and so, I make my case based upon having a fun, fair, and balanced Warzone experience for ALL classes.


That said, currently sorcerors and assassins are all you need to win a warzone match. A-tank grabs the ball, tosses to B-tank across the acid, who is then pulled by A-sorc to the top, uses force speed to cross OVER the second fire pit with his 3 second immunity to stun, and is then pulled by B-sorc to the goal line. It's a tactic that is impossible to stop. There are several other combinations that are impossible to stop as well, most of them involving sorcs, sins, and juggs.


Considering what I have said, I feel that huttball is strongly imbalanced towards creating sorc/sin or sorc/jugg premades. If they allow full 8 man premades (they better for ranked warzone, noone wants PUGS ruining their rating) for ranked warzones, you're going to see huttball premades who run 3 sorcs, 3 tanks, and maybe two dps...whom will be ranged.


It is my personal opinion that all leaps, pulls, and speed buffs should result in an immediate reset of the ball, if the ball handler is the target of one.


This means abilities such as


Force Charge




Force Speed


etc etc etc


All movement effects should result in the ball being dropped. Scoring should be limited to running the ball, passing the ball, and having your team actually protect the ball carrier.

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Same for sorcs and assassins, they can speed past fire THEN get passed to.

Anyone that actually know anything about sports would agree with this change unless their blinded by the fact that their class would be "nerfed" in Huttball.


So wait did chris johnson get to 2000 yards because he was slower than people as the ball carrier?


i mean speed bursts surely didnt help Deven Hester


Or Messi or Ronaldo if you prefer soccer


or reyes and jeter if you like baseball


Speed is integral in every sport on the planet. The thing is, typically fast people are smaller, and thus easier to stop. Much like a sorc who takes 5k shots from what seems like everyone since i have no armor. If you slow them down, they just get dead. Huttball is like a real sport, insofar, as you have to know who to pass it to when. Like giving it to a sorc to run it away from the group and pass it off to someone who can actually hold it.


(and why is no one crying that tanks can pop a defensive cooldown and walk through the fire. Its such a huge deal when a sorc does it but a jug or a pt and nbg)

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So wait did chris johnson get to 2000 yards because he was slower than people as the ball carrier?


i mean speed bursts surely didnt help Deven Hester


Or Messi or Ronaldo if you prefer soccer


or reyes and jeter if you like baseball


Speed is integral in every sport on the planet. The thing is, typically fast people are smaller, and thus easier to stop. Much like a sorc who takes 5k shots from what seems like everyone since i have no armor. If you slow them down, they just get dead. Huttball is like a real sport, insofar, as you have to know who to pass it to when. Like giving it to a sorc to run it away from the group and pass it off to someone who can actually hold it.


(and why is no one crying that tanks can pop a defensive cooldown and walk through the fire. Its such a huge deal when a sorc does it but a jug or a pt and nbg)


Actually in football (not your american kind that isn't football at all) there are run speed differences yes however if two people can run at the same speed the one with the ball will in 99.9% of the time move more slowly.


You do know that those cool-downs are 3 minutes instead of 30 secs right? Quite a bit different. Also yes some people are faster in real sports than others but in Huttball the difference is FAR TO BIG. And 5k shots yea right, what crap gear do you have on?


However this isn't about "nerfing" sorcs, this is about making Huttball a fun WZ for ALL classes not just a few.

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It isn't more skill or better teamwork. It is 1 button that allows game breaking mechanics. Real skill and teamwork would be setting up for passes while simultaneously keeping your ball carrier alive.


So unless the skills you are talking about (force jump, rescue etc.) have two times the range that "throw huttball" has we are not talking about game breaking mechanics.

We are talking about your disability to estimate what happens next.


I have seen sorcs spread out on the platforms for there rescue chain.

I have also seen "insert class" spread out on the platforms for a "throw huttball" chain.


So nothing gamebraking here. It is only your teams disability to counter your opponents taktik.

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Considering everyone is able to have those on their teams I'm not sure how this is a balance issue. Don't bring in rated WZs, if you are catering your team to one map out of three, and potentially more in the future I cna see your team not going very far.
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So unless the skills you are talking about (force jump, rescue etc.) have two times the range that "throw huttball" has we are not talking about game breaking mechanics.

We are talking about your disability to estimate what happens next.


I have seen sorcs spread out on the platforms for there rescue chain.

I have also seen "insert class" spread out on the platforms for a "throw huttball" chain.


So nothing gamebraking here. It is only your teams disability to counter your opponents taktik.


Dear god, please start thinking. If you can't figure out the difference after a little thinking then I'm not going to bother explaining because it would be pointless.

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Considering everyone is able to have those on their teams I'm not sure how this is a balance issue. Don't bring in rated WZs, if you are catering your team to one map out of three, and potentially more in the future I cna see your team not going very far.


Ohh so lets just stop balancing the game altogether then because if one class is OP the other people can just start playing that class, great thinking there sherlock...

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Considering everyone is able to have those on their teams I'm not sure how this is a balance issue. Don't bring in rated WZs, if you are catering your team to one map out of three, and potentially more in the future I cna see your team not going very far.


Clearly you didn't understand what I was even talking about. I'm not talking about teams that have access to, and maybe bring 1 sorc and 1 assassin/jugg. I'm talking about teams where the vast majority of the players will be stacked sin/sorc/jugg specifically. You will never beat a team that is full sin/sorc in huttball, ever. The worst part is, that if 3 of the sins are tanks, 3 of them are heals, and 2 are dps, you will never lose a single match on ANY map, because of the way the maps play. If you have superior damage reduction and healing in Voidstar, they will never break through the doors, because no amount of dps will break through 3 heals and 3 tanks at the same time to open a door. You can always just AOE on the doors. On the alderaan map, you will never capture the points either.


For rated warzones, the assassin/sorc tank/heal/dps comboes are completely imbalanced, and they suffer no detriment when working on the voidstar and alderaan maps. This will lead to full sorc/sin premades for rated warzones, and it's unfair to the rest of the population. Removing speed buffs, pulls, and leaps when carrying the ball will at least make other teams consider bringing a couple extra classes.


I can say with a certainty that full out Inquisitor premades have been rocking maps since day 1. I have a couple premades in mind that run 2 sorc/2 sin and never lose, because they just run the ball, and can each divide up to protect a door/control point.

Edited by Selixx
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This hardly seems like a fair idea for all classes. I play a Maurader and if you did this you take away the only thing I'm good at in huttball as it pertains to the actual game.


I can't knock people off ledges, I can't stand on a ledge and cover so that other melee cant get to me and I can kill freely (which is useful for the game since you have to go through that area to score), can't pull people to me, or push them away, CC is non existent when compared to most other classes so I can't stop any ball carrier, can't heal. Other than slowing people down (which is useful, but it's no pull you back 30m or stop you for x sec). All I can do is grab ball,use my movement enhance, and run with the ball using my 6 sec 99% damage reduction at the right time hoping I don't either get murdered, or die running through the fire on the way there. Than if I get pulled back even once all those good abilities won't be up again for more than a min forcing me to pass. In fact, against a good team I think you have to pass often anyway.


So in your system, I get pushed, pulled, stunned, and range attacked like its my job, not able to do any of those things back to anybody, yet I can't use the only tools I was given to help out in scoring.


Some classes are meant to run with the ball, some are meant to stun those people, some to take over catwalk and murder the other team when inc. There is a lot of overlap for certain classes (sorcs can do most of these jobs in huttball) but if you want the "glory" of running the ball in, pick a different class. You get more medals from killing then running the ball in anyway which is a much worse problem.

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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Allowing all these movement enchantments makes throwing the ball moot. Also having 8 sorcs will not win you the game anymore.



I will sign, if the ball carrier is immune to slowing and stun abilities. It's only fair. Oh wait, they already are it seems.

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