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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Allowing all these movement enchantments makes throwing the ball moot. Also having 8 sorcs will not win you the game anymore.

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And while your at it take away everyone's weapons and armor and give us sticks and stones... err wait then jedi would not be effected... never mind just give us sticks :)


And on the serious side of this... NO.. If you remove the skills at all in warzones then they need to be removed for all, offensive or defensive. I hate these skills as much as everyone else especially since the resolve bar seems to be broke still but its part of their class so deal. All or nothing thing you cant have your cake AND eat it too... simple child logic.

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And while your at it take away everyone's weapons and armor and give us sticks and stones... err wait then jedi would not be effected... never mind just give us sticks :)


And on the serious side of this... NO.. If you remove the skills at all in warzones then they need to be removed for all, offensive or defensive. I hate these skills as much as everyone else especially since the resolve bar seems to be broke still but its part of their class so deal. All or nothing thing you cant have your cake AND eat it too... simple child logic.



They removed the operatives/sorcs stealth skill while holding the ball. Obviously a lot more OP than movement effects but the point is simple. Sometimes you HAVE to restrict certain abilities on on certain classes in specific situation, such as being the ball carrier, for BALANCE.

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And while your at it take away everyone's weapons and armor and give us sticks and stones... err wait then jedi would not be effected... never mind just give us sticks :)


And on the serious side of this... NO.. If you remove the skills at all in warzones then they need to be removed for all, offensive or defensive. I hate these skills as much as everyone else especially since the resolve bar seems to be broke still but its part of their class so deal. All or nothing thing you cant have your cake AND eat it too... simple child logic.


I feel like you missed the whole point. You should have to "THROW THE BALL". These skills allow you to disregard the WZ mechanic. I don't see where you get the whole "might as well remove everything" idea. A change like this would make Huttball much more bearable since it is played 4 out of 5 times.

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I disagree. It adds something different to it. Yes it sucks that not all classes can do certain things, but when I play my shadow, speed is fun....when I play my guardian, force charge is fun....when I play my Trooper, etc....


It sucks when they get away from you, but most of your team can do the same to them /shrug


It's unique! and fun, win or loss.

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Let's play huttball naked already...


Big NO. Those skills make huttball more fun and if I lose because someone is more skilled and have better teamwork.... bad luck. Gonna try to be better next time.


It isn't more skill or better teamwork. It is 1 button that allows game breaking mechanics. Real skill and teamwork would be setting up for passes while simultaneously keeping your ball carrier alive.

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Forcespeed lasts for 3 seconds. If you let them get in position to make 3 seconds of speed allow a goal, you messed up for the other 60 seconds it took for them to get down the field.


Forceleap/forcepull etc. require skill and team work to set up properly. Just because you have been running with people who don't know how to play together doesn't mean the people that do should be penalized. Guess what, if they were to remove all of that, the baddies would still be baddies and the people that play together would still wtfpwn you. Then you would come on forums and QQ saying they should remove throwing the ball and we should only be able to run it. Seriously...L2play

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Last night I had a one of my all time favourite huttball games. It finished 1-1, we lost because the other side had the ball at the end, there was a load of close goals, and you know what...


There wasnt a single force sprint to be found in the warzone....


So many huttball games are utterly pointless because one side has no force sprint whilst the other side does. Either way, on the benefitting side or losing side, I hate it, because the better games are those where it becomes an absolute fight / passing game and much more tactical.


You can have your force sprint during the warzone but just like my operative with stealth you cant have it whilst holding the ball. That utterly negates the entire point of the whole warzone just as stealth would on the operative.

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I disagree. It adds something different to it. Yes it sucks that not all classes can do certain things, but when I play my shadow, speed is fun....when I play my guardian, force charge is fun....when I play my Trooper, etc....


It sucks when they get away from you, but most of your team can do the same to them /shrug


It's unique! and fun, win or loss.


when you play your trooper, what?

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They removed the operatives/sorcs stealth skill while holding the ball. Obviously a lot more OP than movement effects but the point is simple. Sometimes you HAVE to restrict certain abilities on on certain classes in specific situation, such as being the ball carrier, for BALANCE.


So where does it end then?


Do we remove stuns and CC from the ball carries too? Look you almost got me but STUN... now i run to goal or you almost got me knockback "BOOM" now you are far away again I run to goal. There will always be something for people to cry about when they cant kill the ball carrier... access teh door whatever.


If you want to remove things from one class cause they get away from you all the time fine.. then lower the amount of dmg healers can heal, oh ya and remove the movement debuffs cause I dont like to be slowed anymore then you like to look at my rear in force run for ----> 2 seconds<---- IF those skills allowed you to cover LARGE amounts of ground that would be one thing but they are short duration movements and there are many, many players fully capable of countering them. I know have done it and seen it more often when i am stunned immediately after hittnig force run (granted the player needs skill and timing) but happens atleast 50% of the time.


However, everyone is entitled to their opinion but once things start getting removed it never stops till we are fighting with sticks or in another game all together. So beg away for changes... just remember you did when they hit your class hard and your screwed. Personally I love it when that happens

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They removed the operatives/sorcs stealth skill while holding the ball. Obviously a lot more OP than movement effects but the point is simple. Sometimes you HAVE to restrict certain abilities on on certain classes in specific situation, such as being the ball carrier, for BALANCE.


Uh, unless I am missing something stealthing with the ball always reset it to neutral and always has. This is nothing new. Seriously, what kind of weak sauce argument was that?


That being said I am still on the fence if they should actually start thinking tactically instead of mashing their damage keys. People that stand on the edges of place and shoot down on the obvious juggernaut or bounty hunter tank are just asking for them to leap up to you and walk the ball into the in zone. I use storm all the time on my lowbie vanguard because of derps like that.

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Yeah stealth is the same as speed...


How is stealthing the ball where no one can see you across the entire field even remotely close to a 3 second sprint where you are still vulnerable to CC/Stun/Knockback and CLEARLY visible to everyone? It is your fail for not being on top of the ball. End of story.


Every class has their tricks. Learn how to use yours better.

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when you play your trooper, what?


When you play your trooper, you can awesomely blow stuff in pieces from the higher ledges and use the much dreaded knockback to toss stuff off ledges.


Or dont forget the "Take bounty hunters out with grav round and laugh" part. Again, preferably from higher ledges.


All in all, quite a usefull fellah in huttball.

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Last night I had a one of my all time favourite huttball games. It finished 1-1, we lost because the other side had the ball at the end, there was a load of close goals, and you know what...


There wasnt a single force sprint to be found in the warzone....


So many huttball games are utterly pointless because one side has no force sprint whilst the other side does. Either way, on the benefitting side or losing side, I hate it, because the better games are those where it becomes an absolute fight / passing game and much more tactical.


You can have your force sprint during the warzone but just like my operative with stealth you cant have it whilst holding the ball. That utterly negates the entire point of the whole warzone just as stealth would on the operative.


Everything this guy said.

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So where does it end then?


Do we remove stuns and CC from the ball carries too? Look you almost got me but STUN... now i run to goal or you almost got me knockback "BOOM" now you are far away again I run to goal. There will always be something for people to cry about when they cant kill the ball carrier... access teh door whatever.


If you want to remove things from one class cause they get away from you all the time fine.. then lower the amount of dmg healers can heal, oh ya and remove the movement debuffs cause I dont like to be slowed anymore then you like to look at my rear in force run for ----> 2 seconds<---- IF those skills allowed you to cover LARGE amounts of ground that would be one thing but they are short duration movements and there are many, many players fully capable of countering them. I know have done it and seen it more often when i am stunned immediately after hittnig force run (granted the player needs skill and timing) but happens atleast 50% of the time.


However, everyone is entitled to their opinion but once things start getting removed it never stops till we are fighting with sticks or in another game all together. So beg away for changes... just remember you did when they hit your class hard and your screwed. Personally I love it when that happens


I get what you are saying about the slippery slope but this is no "class nerf". It is only when your holding the ball. Your acting like I want none of these abilities in the game anymore. Its the same reason you cannot mount up with the ball because it is stupid.

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I will never be a fan of limiting skills people can use in ANY kind of instance, FP or warzone. I hate the fact several skills for alot of toons are simply disabled in pvp. Let people use what they have. On a side Hutuballl is garbage and should be tossed in the trash pile.
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Mercs and Agents get sooo boned in huttball.


As a 50 Merc I am regulated to DPSing from the ramps and avoiding anything to do with the ball. I can't Survive being chain CC'd while being focused when I'm waiting for a fire hazard. I can't force run and my bubble only negates 25% of the damage I take.


Why is my class and Agents left out? If you were to make a pro Huttball team Neither of us would be in it. Sorc's are really broken. Out DPSing merc AND outhealing them in the same match. OH.. they can also touch the ball without being curbstomped.





Balance Bioware... try it.

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