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Servers down AGAIN tonight? You've GOT to be kidding..


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Does the word incompetent ring a bell Biofail?


I just got home from a long day at work and now the servers are coming down...AGAIN!

I want to kick myself for actually paying you people for this sh*t..


Honestly, you and your team of geniuses need to start giving out "time" refunds to customers putting up with your constant lack of ability to run an MMO in 2012.


Have a great day!

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You should feel better knowing that they dropped the servers today (is this the third day in a row?) to patch up rewards for PVP'ers. So the PVP players get glory rewards or something when they kill each other (that won't be exploited by fame hungry preteens... "you're my bichth!" "No, you are!").


I signed up 3 days ago. I've gotten at least an hour of game time in. Go BioWare

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Ya i was swept away by the quest i was on, Jaxo's life was in my hands and i see in my chat box that the game is going to go down in 15 min. Its not Tues morning so i cant believe they are taking the servers down again!


What happen in less than 48 hours that must absolutely be fixed???




Edited by shirtandtie
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Has a bit of a point. Yes the servers are down Midnight to 4am for PST, for us Australian players that 6pm to 10pm. Just as I get home after work!!! Hopefully when the Australian servers are up & running they will allow free character transfers (even if just for Australian players & a limited time). Also any server shut downs are done at a time which doesn't conflict with our primary playing time (for those of us who aren't jobless shut ins).
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I saw someone post earlier that this game has had maintenance on about 40% of the days since its release.


It's funny, cos it needs fixing that much and more, but whenever they bring the servers down they never fix what needs to be fixed...always just patch some pathetically minor issue about ~5% of all people care about.

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well aside from you, most people finish work in the afternoon. most people play in the evening, and most people sleep at night.


So the fact that its peak time in Oz doesn't matter ?


Day time in EU so what ?


O Americans are sleeping, that's ok ?

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Does the word incompetent ring a bell Biofail?


I just got home from a long day at work and now the servers are coming down...AGAIN!

I want to kick myself for actually paying you people for this sh*t..


Honestly, you and your team of geniuses need to start giving out "time" refunds to customers putting up with your constant lack of ability to run an MMO in 2012.


Have a great day!



Welcome to the launch of an MMO. It will be like this for a while. It is known about MMO launches due to them being so much more complex than regular games. The information was out there for you to be informed of such a risk before purchasing the game, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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Maybe if Bioware actually had premade characters or character copies for the PTR server we wouldn't have 2-3 maintenance days every week along with even more bugs being introduced every patch.


But obviously that's too hard of a concept. Let's just allow all of these bugs to go live along with other horrible changes (hello there, ability cooldown UI change).

Edited by Exertim
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I mostly sleep during the day then work afternoons and play at night. They do server maintenance A LOT, especially during my only time to use the game. I really appreciate the effort Bioware is putting forth but seriously they do this way too much for me to really get my money's worth.
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You sound like a douche. An old douche. That's like yogurt precursor.


I'm sorry if that's how you feel, I really wish I could have made a better impression on you. But making another thread, recycling the very same complaint, and demanding compensation because of your unfortunate situation is not the way to go. It would be great if the servers were up 24/7 and had on-the-fly live patching, but that's just not the reality of it.


Look at the bright side, if you're a pvper you should have a better experience for the rest of you're gaming career (presumably) so long as another issue doesn't pop up.

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I was just coming in to complain about the same thing.

I live in Europe so when maintenance is going on, it's 10am until 2pm here. I work afternoons and night shifts so, I am not able to play much. My brother who originally got me hooked on the game has the same problem as well so I am not the only one (obviously).


SOME mainetnance is understandable, nobody would complain about that, but when you pay by the month and 30% of your month ends up as "maintenance", I do agree some sort of compensation should be provided at least for us on this side of the hemisphere as maintenance actually happens in our waking hours :)


There has got to be a threshold, you can't expect a customer to pay for 30 days but to be able to provide them with only 20 actual days of playing time and expect them not to say anything. I run a business too and I know my customers would be very unhappy if I did something similar.


Just my two cents... :)

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Ever consider timezones people?


I'm with the OP. I get back from working as an IT consultant and I notice that your SLA's are probably never met - I'd love to know what you've set for them? 70% - pretty ridiculous.


Maybe get your infrastructure - scalable, more centralised. That'd be a start.

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Welcome to the launch of an MMO. It will be like this for a while. It is known about MMO launches due to them being so much more complex than regular games. The information was out there for you to be informed of such a risk before purchasing the game, you have no one to blame but yourself.


What a cop out.... Bringing down the servers to simply issue an Ilum fix so people get credit for every kill instead of randomly getting credit is absurd. Quality of life fixes should only be done during scheduled weekly down time. Mid week down time should be reserved to fix game breaking issues

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