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I am completely broke.


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I am a level 46 Vanguard and outright broke, I need some serious help on making money. The money that I make from missions gets spent too quickly, I haven't been able to buy the skills from the last few levels, most of my companions are in their starting gear because I can't afford anything else. Crafting seems to be a big drain of money for me. I have armstech, salvaging, and investigation right now and it costs more to get the materials for the armstech weapons then they will sell for. I always try to sell them on the market but they won't sell so I end up having to sell them for dirt cheap prices to the npcs. I just finished grinding all my crew skills to 400 and I still am not making a profit. Granted, I do have a lot of crafting materials in my inventory but I never seem to have the right amount to make anything profitable. I also have spent a good amount of credits on companion gifts, probably too much but I wanted to get my standing up. I see people complaining how they have so many credits that there is nothing left to buy, I don't know what I am doing wrong. Anybody have any tips?
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Once you level to 50 credits are very easy to make through daily's and such. At lower levels (anything below 50 really) I'd do daily heroics for cash and cut back on the crafting (since you're already at 400). Not sure if this is what you're doing but don't bother with many of the lower level purples. Blues work just fine for leveling and sell pretty frequently for me that I can make money on them.
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I do lots of space missions - it helps that I have an alt that made me some ship upgrades too. All my alts do space missions - as often as I can bear doing the same ones over and over lol. I've made some decent cash this way and its pretty stress free, and fun.
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When I started playing I heard that if I wanted to craft I should wait until reching lvl 50 as it costs a lot of money to craft and to learn the market in order to be able to craft for profit in the end.


I have held to that advice, and have no money problems whatsoever.


I understand the need to craft; at heart I am a crafter myself, but I am piling up money as I level in order to be able to craft without worries later on. Sure, I miss out on the crafting experience, but I am avoiding your situation.


(Heck - at lvl 40 getting a third bay in the cargo hold costs 400K! )


But yeah, do space missions, do dailies, hold off on crafting for a bit and build a buffer before resuming the crafting. :)

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Method 1:

1.Gather mats

2. Sell mats

3. ??????



Method 2 (tru-korean-approved):

Grind quests/strong mobs to get commendations. Buy random purple boxes, sell purples on GTN. Plus while you grind strong/elite mobs you'll get a lot of green/blue/orange items, sometimes a purple. PROFIT.

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Not the fastest way to make money... But I'm slowly getting up there with Slicing. Maxed it in 3 days with 2 companions, 1.5k to start, and I have around 250k with more schematics in the GTN. Slicing + heroics, dailies, and you should be good.
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Crafting is a money sink, and anything other than Biochem is basically a waste of time at the moment unless you are crafting for personal use.

Besides, if you know that you are making a loss on the sale price of the crafted items versus the cost of obtaining the raw materials, do not be surprised when you find that you have no money. The cash balance in this game is pretty neutral for the most part - if you level your crafting skills and buy all of the available skills at each level, then you need to do the daily repeatable missions and space missions in order to have a cash surplus.

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I have armstech, salvaging, and investigation


Found your problem. Drop all three of those like a hot rock and get either Biochem/Bioanalysis/Diplomacy or Cybertech/Salvaging/Underworld Trading.


Every single profession other than those are 100% useless.

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hiya i have found that crafting is a big credit drain but have taken another track on my alts and crafted from level 10 in stages of 60 to 80 levels per planet each planet does have the resorces to collect on the world i just had to do a bit more exploring:)
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Found your problem. Drop all three of those like a hot rock and get either Biochem/Bioanalysis/Diplomacy or Cybertech/Salvaging/Underworld Trading.


Every single profession other than those are 100% useless.


I think the bigger problem is that he has poor spending habits, not that he has useless skills. But yes, for a vanguard or powertech armsmech is not a good skill to have. Specifically for Vanguard the best one to have is cybertech, but to get blue quality armoring/mod you will still have to spend a fair amount of credits doing underworld trading.


You could also go armormech and craft gear for yourself, and in also for your comps. For republics as an added bonus your primary comps will probably be Jorgan and Dorne, and they wear heavy armor. Meaning any armor you RE into blue for yourself, you can just make duplicates and give them to Jorgan and Dorne too. Imperials unfortunately will have to RE the medium gear for Gault and Mako which takes a little more time.


But to address the main issue which is the poor spending habits. You can get by without buying anything on the GTN. Also dont go crazy with the companion gifts missions, i usually pick these if i need to gain a level but i pick the mission that costs the least amount of credits. I use the ones for metal or cloth if i need them for crafting. Also for the one actual gathering skill like arch or scavenging, dont do missions for these. You need to go out and actually gather them, you'll save money. The only exception is at higher levels you will want to do missions for flux or crafting cloth. Yah these are available at the crew skills vendor, and you can buy a bunch of the lower level ones no problem. But for higher level mats do the missions, you'll save a lot of credits.


I suspect that a lot of people go overboard with the companion gifts because most are probably like "gomg, i want Jaesa/Kira/Ashara to love me" and then they go out and do a bunch of rich/abundant companion gift missions, and before they know it they are low on credits. So yah like i said above, if you wanna save credits only do companion gift missions to gain skill levels but choose the cheapest mission that isnt grey'd out yet.


sorry for the long post

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Stop crafting/buying gifts for your companion if you don't have money, like many have mentioned before, it's a money sink.


You should never level crafting at the expanse of learning new class skills; just like you should stop buying new expensive watches if you don't even have money for food.


Get your priorities right.

Edited by MilkPudding
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No no no, just keep doing what your doing. Your making me rich!


Seriously, you need to identify what you want to achieve from crafting long term and shhort term.


If you want to make money short term go with Slicing, Underworld Trading and Scavenging and sell the materials. Slicing is a cost neutral way of getting schematics which make you a lot of cash.


In the Long Term I anticipate that Bioware will introduce schematics for all professions that will be in damand and therefore be profitable. It might be BOE Speeders for Cybertech, Augment Slot kits for Artifice or things like that.


I went Synthweaving til I hit around 150 and decided I didn't like it and was always broke. I switched to Cybertech with Slicing and Underworld Trading and initially made some money before the Slicing nerf (which I agree with). At this point after a bit of a spending spree I was down to 150k.


I then started doing Purple level 340 Underworld Trading missions and selling the Mandalorian Iron, Deneb Star Silk and Ciridium. The companion gifts I used and all the other fabrics I send to a friend.


I now buy those 340 missions when they're under 30k each and generally have 4 companions running them once or twice each day. My bank balance is now at 2.4million.

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I think as others have said, this doesn't seem to be about getting more money but stop wasting it.


What exactly are you spending money on?


If you're so desperate for cash to even repair then do some space missions.


One flashpoint can provide moddable gear to last several levels with minimal upgrades. As you replace your gear, hand it down to companions with the same primary stat. Don't instantly sell dropped items to vendors, look at each one to see if it improves your companion.


Crafting is somewhat of a luxury and trying to put anything crafted thats green is a waste of time, you have to focus RE on a specific item to get it to purple and it should sell.

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1.) Get orange gear asp (preferably for you and your companion)


2.) Purchase most of the armor mods on the GTN if available, use planet comms to get the mod and enhancements to stay up to date.


3.) find a profession that you will be happy with for end game, scour the auction house and find 1 or 2 mid (20-40) items that you believe people would want to buy but are not readily available.


4.) stock up on the mats for those 1 or 2 items through mission or the GTN.


5.) make a those and only those items and your profits will stack quickly


6.) Get slicing, you can run nothing but the lockbox missions from 0-400 and make a ton of money, just keep your companions constantly on mission.


You may now become rich, but those steps I gave you, keep you geared up throughout leveling for you and your companion, and you have to put a minimal amount of work into crafting, yet at endgame you will have your skilled maxed out to make very profitable items.

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I hit level 40 and I was completely broke, like I didn't have enough money to train a damn thing. I too am a crafting wh**e, and have 4 characters that I craft on continuously. So, what I did was I stopped crafting for 2 whole days, excrutiating I know, and just went and did missions on Hoth (doing area missions/heroics as well). After those 2 days I had enough money to train all my level 40 abilities (trained them as I got enough cash up), got my speeder 2 training, and then trained my level 41 & 42 abilities as well. Currently, I have around 250k credits chilling, may not be a lot to some but that it a metric F**k ton for me. So now I can feed my crafting obsession for quite a while.


May not be the best way to do it, but it worked for me.

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Ditch one of the skills you have right now (or create an alt for this) and grab slicing, even before selling the mission discoveries Iv borken even almost every mission (~95%), its slow going at first, but with 3 companions out doing missions + grabing nodes while questing I'v made about 100k+ in the past 6 hours of gaming.
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1.) Get orange gear asp (preferably for you and your companion)


2.) Purchase most of the armor mods on the GTN if available, use planet comms to get the mod and enhancements to stay up to date.


3.) find a profession that you will be happy with for end game, scour the auction house and find 1 or 2 mid (20-40) items that you believe people would want to buy but are not readily available.


4.) stock up on the mats for those 1 or 2 items through mission or the GTN.


5.) make a those and only those items and your profits will stack quickly


6.) Get slicing, you can run nothing but the lockbox missions from 0-400 and make a ton of money, just keep your companions constantly on mission.


You may now become rich, but those steps I gave you, keep you geared up throughout leveling for you and your companion, and you have to put a minimal amount of work into crafting, yet at endgame you will have your skilled maxed out to make very profitable items.


I do not understand why orange gear is recommended. They are WAY worse for money. People seem to think they are the bee's knees but really to me they set you back when you focus on them unless you are cybertech and just make greens.


Focusing on commendations for orangear

- Destroys potential money from greens as you are never able to sell old mods which work both for you and your companion if you both use orange gear

- Tends to leave your companions useless and behind on gear as you stop taking rewards directed at them which can really hurt your soloing

- They are hard to keep up to date and can easily fall behind

- Nothing more than greens are needed to level

- A lot more work to manage


You can make a ton more money by not bothering with orange gear while leveling. All the greens and random loot boxes are all losses of potential profit when you skip out on them. Commendation loot takes so many commendations that you probably skip at least 5 greens for every blue (probably much more) and those greens end up selling for much more. It takes a lot more time and effort to manage the oranges as well.

Edited by Saldrex
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Commendation loot takes so many commendations that you probably skip at least 5 greens for every blue


Say what? 2 commendations for blue mod is "so many" for you?


Just from doing quests im usually ending with 40+ commendations for the planet, so i can buy all mods, and sometimes ill end up with 24 comms left so i can buy purple bag.

Edited by Zorpen
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Say what? 2 commendations for blue mod is for you "so many"?


If you focus on orange gear on you and your companion, lets say you have 5 pieces of gear on each of you, and you replace nothing but the armoring since it is he main piece (not to mention the other slots). That would be 7 x 10 which is 70 commendations. If you just replace the mods sure it would be only 20, if you replace everything it would take 110.


Granted you can get some from quests themselves but I find much more value in the items that are not commendations more often, especially if you are looking at it in terms of money and having gear while leveling.

Edited by Saldrex
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