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Why do people think Empire are catered to more than republic?


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Every single game with an evil side has noticed a huge increase in 'evil' players. Brought on by many famous gamers choosing the evil side in the games they play. Do a little research and you'll see it's true.


It is a fad and gaming trend. Look at WOW and the HUGE GIGANTIC increase in Horde players, look at the HUGE increase in villains for City of Heroes, look at Rift and how the Defiant (Rift's Horde) outnumber Guardians 5 to 1.


Point of contention: The Horde isn't evil. The backstory on Thrall & his struggles against the Alliance is something Blizzard did really well.


TL;DR: The Horde are the good guy underdogs & the Aliiance are genocidal whack-jobs.

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I play Republic because Im just not a evil guy!

And even when playing a kind sith, deep down I know its the evil side.


Having said that, I still vastly enjoy the Imperial/Empire side more


The Empire on a whole feels less corrupt, less slimy, more devoted then the republic.


My main issues with this games storyline is it just feels to me Bioware refuses to allow Republic and Jedi to feel like THE GOOD GUYS!


Bioware has struggled so hard in trying to make sure there is no outright good and evil that they have ruined the republic.





In original Star Wars.


The Sith and empire were not misunderstood, THEY ARE EVIL!


But Bioware has written it so people feel more connection to the empire then they do the republic.


Its a real shame and my biggest (writing wise) complaint of this game.


Just let the jedi feel the hero already,


I should say, while the lightside Sith and Darkside Jedi fit their storylines very well in TOR (which is part of the problem, they sshouldnt fit, they should feel out of place and wrong to their surroundings) its still STUPID DESIGN!


A good lightside, compasionate Sith = DEAD DEAD DEAD! Or they can go with the DEAD OPTION! Compassion and sith dont mix. Its veiwed as weakness and in the sith culture, the weak are weeded out AND KILLED DEAD!


A dark side Jedi is called......A SITH!

A neutral/gray Jedi is called ...... A EXILE! A RENEGADE Force user! Any number of names. What they not called are .... JEDI!


Even in KotOR, Jollee was clearly lightside and when you try to go dark he attacks you and forces you to kill him. He doesnt talk about balance and blah blah blah, on some political topics hes neutral but NEVER is he evil when i comes to helping people.


I look at some of the darkside options in TOR for the jedi and its a joke.

Refussing to cleanse Coruscants water supply and letting millions of innocents die a painful death ? So not going to happen, EVER!

Demanding payment to do it? No jedi would ever do such a thing and the jedi counsel would never allow such a thing to go unaddressed.


Or how about when confronted by starving orphans living in the water plant your lightside option is to give them a few credits and send them on their way???????

WTH???? You send staving homeless children on their way to fend for themselves in GANG TERRITORY????


I wont even mention the darkside option to that quest as its simply not a option as a jedi in ANY Star Wars story I ever read, veiwed, heard.


And the hits just keep on coming on that front!


Bioware went so out of its way to dirty up the republic and jedi that they created a society thats not worth saving to be honest.


Where is the higher ideals?

Where is the loftier goals?


Ive played to Corellia and I gotta say, at least 80% of the republic officials Ive met have been corrupt, dirty, misguided.


Where as with the Empire.

You get heroic choices like removing a slaves collar because its your choice to do the right thing.

You get honest appreciation from a employeer for NOT carring out the kill contract and showing compassion and family beleifs.

Everyone you meet is doing their best to advance the Empire and its gials. You might not always agree with how they do it but everyone has the empires best goals in mind.


Why do people think the empire is catered to (and this is from a Republic player through and through), the Empire is more likable and has loftier goals and seems to take care of its citizens (even in the most misguided ways sometimes).


You like the Empire

The Republic is just dirty, corrupt, unlikable!


I thought I was the only one who felt this way!

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I know there is a huge faction imbalance. I have a 50 and several alts on the empire side, however I just recently started playing on republic, and honestly I'm enjoying myself there way more. The things they say are better, it feels more like the original 3 star wars movies, the music is similar to those as well. The general feel is just more "star wars" than on empire, probably because we usually see from that perspective in the movies.


Anyway, I'm not far yet, on coruscant, level 13, but every second of it has been fun for me, and it's just getting more that way. I think the armor looks better, especially on the Jedi, and the Sage animations look much cooler than the Sorc, in my opinion.


So why are people always complaining that empire is "cooler" or whatever? I really don't see it. Quite the opposite.


I wish people would stop using the word "catered" when talking about game factions. People more and more like playing the bad guy. That isn't Bioware's problem, and same with wow, that isn't blizzard's intent. A game company would be shooting themselves in the foot by putting more into one faction over the other. This is a player issue.

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Point of contention: The Horde isn't evil. The backstory on Thrall & his struggles against the Alliance is something Blizzard did really well.


TL;DR: The Horde are the good guy underdogs & the Aliiance are genocidal whack-jobs.




The Forsaken want nothing short of the destruction of all life and the Orcs, as well as the Trolls, Tauren, Blood Elves and Goblins, are a bunch of blood thirsty warmongers.


Been a while since you've played WoW, hasn't it?

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the empire has better starter zones. (courosant is inside whereas dromund kaas is outside)

the empire has a better range quests.

the empire has by far A LOT better looking gear.

the empire uses black and red as color choices on gear.

the empire has sith that use force powers we all expect force users to use.


the republic has drab bland brown gear and white gear with some green thrown in at random.

the republic has jedi that throw pebbles and droid parts instead of lightning.

("Disturbance" is the only jedi spell that *looks* like a force spell.)


nuff said i think?


Dromund Kaas = *********** LOT of pointless walking, Coruscant is much more practical and iconic while you're at it.


Range quests ***?


Better Gear? Most Marauder items looks awful, The rep's gear is representative of their classes and side. Clone Trooper armour even without the Clone part is more awesome than anything and the Jedi look like Jedi same can't be said about most Sith gear...


My Guardian's robe is Black, still nothing wrong with Brown, have people actually seem the movies? The only two Jedi ever using Black were the Skywalkers, it would make no *********** sense "oh hey here is your jedi class, now let's paint it all black and red shall we?"


The day any Jedi class gets to throw force lightning in this game and doesn't automatically makes a farm of darkside points I unsub. (don't *********** send me videos of Yoda REFLECTING lightning because that was another thing entirely.)




"The Forsaken want nothing short of the destruction of all life and the Orcs, as well as the Trolls, Tauren, Blood Elves and Goblins, are a bunch of blood thirsty warmongers. "


Blood Elves were Just pissed off High Elves that got their realm wtfpwned by the zombies. Goblins are mercenaries(though I didn't play them in wow anyway, I know it's a different faction and they're all about profits.). Tauren are shamans that wish to live in peace with nature they didn't want any of this war ****. Darkspear Trolls are also pacifists, Vol'jin is even now thinking about breaking up with the horde but Thrall convinced him better times will come. The Forsaken while indeed mostly evil bastards have aided in the fight against the zombie hordes and in general(except for that incident with Varimathras and the doctor something at the Wrath gate.) are kept in check.


Finally, the Orcs are not ******es, go play Warcraft 3. The problem is Garrosh Hellscream a character they created(or at least promoted into leadership) just to make a war plot with the Alliance, same for Varian actually, none of the factions are evil they just hate each other because of years of misunderstandings, senseless war and all that demonic possession thing with the orcs. Thing is in all fairness I used to be a great Warcraft fan until wow butchered everything but this is not the place for that discussion now is it?

Edited by Lightmaguz
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Who's winning? Empire or Republic? Because ultimately the Sith Empire get's it's *** kicked back to the stone age for a few thousand years until it gets it's **** together.


It never gets -anything- together. The Sith Empire goes extinct, whereas the Republic eventually becomes the Galactic Empire when the senate votes to give full control to Palpatine, and he dissolves the senate.

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Trooper v Bounty Hunter:

mortar volley v death from above

full auto v unload


Jedi Knight v Sith Warrior:

hooded robes v shiny armor

force stasis v force choke


Jedi Consular v Sith Sorcerer:

pebble toss v lightning


Of course the Republic has some advantages but that's not the purpose of this thread.

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I can't actually agree with the OP... simply because I have not played a single Imp yet!


So, now, 5 Rep characters in (played Smuggler twice, way too much fun :D) I will actually take a walk on the Sith side...


frankly, I could now say that if whatever character class that I pick on Empire (not made up my mind yet) is by far more fun, I don't know anybody could argure that Empire is better than Republic.


But I won't... because the reason why Empire may feel not quite/just as good (heck, maybe even - slightly - better) may just be because it clicks with the player or it doesn't...


One shouldn't read this as a social statement, as 'players like to be evil, and BW should have known that', it's just that sometimes playing an orc with a cooking pot on your 'ead is feeling 'righter' than being that brave barbarian warrior showing off his muscles.


Republic storyline is the same all the way through. Everything is falling apart, disjointed and filled with corruption and incompetence. Oh look another person that betrayed the Republic /yawn.


The whole way through you get the opinion that there is no leadership in the Republic, everything is decaying. Even the fleet sheep looks dirtier and more rundown.


Empire stuff feels space age. You feel like you are part of a warmachine rather than an incompetent bureacracy. Sure there is some infighting and a few power struggles but all in all there is more purpose to the storyline, I feel less like a Mr Fixit on Empire than I do on Republic.


Of course this is my opinion/impression.


Yes, of course it's your opinion/impression, and there is nothing wrong with it.


It just shows that some things appeal more to some people than to others...


But the thing that you seem to forget is what the current situation in the galaxy is according to SW lore: the Sith came, the tried to destroy the Republic, they 'failed'... but left the Republic in uproar with new opportunities showing that hadn't been there in the 'Republic realm' pre-Empire, and old structures falling apart, not the least because of the 'failure' of the Jedi as well as the '****' of Coruscant.


At the same time, the Empire obviously felt the fail of their powerful war machinery... but never actually felt a hurt to "the fatherland" (may sound familiar to those who know just a bit more about Germany than '39-'45): Failure without defeat just means that you have to put more effort into it next time round. Not to mention getting rid of all those who caused the failure thru their "backstabbing".


So yes, you may be the 'Mr Fixit' on Empire, but you are the 'Bringer of Hope' on Republic...


at least that is my opinion/impression...


I play Republic because Im just not a evil guy!

And even when playing a kind sith, deep down I know its the evil side.


Having said that, I still vastly enjoy the Imperial/Empire side more


The Empire on a whole feels less corrupt, less slimy, more devoted then the republic.


My main issues with this games storyline is it just feels to me Bioware refuses to allow Republic and Jedi to feel like THE GOOD GUYS!


Bioware has struggled so hard in trying to make sure there is no outright good and evil that they have ruined the republic.





In original Star Wars.


The Sith and empire were not misunderstood, THEY ARE EVIL!


But Bioware has written it so people feel more connection to the empire then they do the republic.


Its a real shame and my biggest (writing wise) complaint of this game.


Just let the jedi feel the hero already,


I should say, while the lightside Sith and Darkside Jedi fit their storylines very well in TOR (which is part of the problem, they sshouldnt fit, they should feel out of place and wrong to their surroundings) its still STUPID DESIGN!


A good lightside, compasionate Sith = DEAD DEAD DEAD! Or they can go with the DEAD OPTION! Compassion and sith dont mix. Its veiwed as weakness and in the sith culture, the weak are weeded out AND KILLED DEAD!


A dark side Jedi is called......A SITH!

A neutral/gray Jedi is called ...... A EXILE! A RENEGADE Force user! Any number of names. What they not called are .... JEDI!


Even in KotOR, Jollee was clearly lightside and when you try to go dark he attacks you and forces you to kill him. He doesnt talk about balance and blah blah blah, on some political topics hes neutral but NEVER is he evil when i comes to helping people.


I look at some of the darkside options in TOR for the jedi and its a joke.

Refussing to cleanse Coruscants water supply and letting millions of innocents die a painful death ? So not going to happen, EVER!

Demanding payment to do it? No jedi would ever do such a thing and the jedi counsel would never allow such a thing to go unaddressed.


Or how about when confronted by starving orphans living in the water plant your lightside option is to give them a few credits and send them on their way???????

WTH???? You send staving homeless children on their way to fend for themselves in GANG TERRITORY????


I wont even mention the darkside option to that quest as its simply not a option as a jedi in ANY Star Wars story I ever read, veiwed, heard.


And the hits just keep on coming on that front!


Bioware went so out of its way to dirty up the republic and jedi that they created a society thats not worth saving to be honest.


Where is the higher ideals?

Where is the loftier goals?


Ive played to Corellia and I gotta say, at least 80% of the republic officials Ive met have been corrupt, dirty, misguided.


Where as with the Empire.

You get heroic choices like removing a slaves collar because its your choice to do the right thing.

You get honest appreciation from a employeer for NOT carring out the kill contract and showing compassion and family beleifs.

Everyone you meet is doing their best to advance the Empire and its gials. You might not always agree with how they do it but everyone has the empires best goals in mind.


Why do people think the empire is catered to (and this is from a Republic player through and through), the Empire is more likable and has loftier goals and seems to take care of its citizens (even in the most misguided ways sometimes).


You like the Empire

The Republic is just dirty, corrupt, unlikable!


Wow... lots in there... and quite frankly lots is 'wrong' from my point of view, at least as far as you understanding Empire/Republic/Sith/Jedi.


Neither the Empire nor the Sith are the 'bad guys', nor is the Republic or the Jedi the 'good guys'.


You may feel like it based on the original SW trilogy (which was done at a time when things were different, were 'better', including a clear cut 'Evil empire' from any westerner's point of view: USSR - just as the East had their NATO as the perfect enemy).


Okay, let's talk RL history for a sec: Do you think Germans are evil? Do you think Germans in WWI or WWII were evil? Do you think the progress in they made in either was evil?


Or do you think that the Nazi ideology was evil?


Or do you think the right to stand by an ally in case of a war makes you evil?


If that were the case, no matter which country you live in, which country you were born in, congrats your country is EVIL!


The Empire is the same: they have their idiology... which apparently actually appeals to both people of the Republic (why else wouldn't you have a united front against the Empire on Republic side?) as well as to players.


So, are all those players just letting their inner 'really, really bad guy' hang out? Well, I can see how it is fun to just be the bad guy once... but if you don't feel like being the hero as well, well, congrats, you have landed in the modern world: where heroes are broken, they potentially need to redeem themselves not not be all dark which makes their actions 'heroic'.


The times of the true hero ended a few decades ago!


Which is perfectly fine reflected in the Jedi: no longer the knights in shining armor, they are the fallen 'heroes' of the Republic that still stand for the Republic and what it stands for, it's just that nobody loves them anymore... because they are not the Salvation Army! They are not there to show compassion! They are not there to show their love to Jack and Jill Everyone on the streets. Their responsibility rests with the defense of the Republic.


And yes, getting some orphans off the underbelly of Coruscant by giving them some credits is defending the Republic... because as you said: otherwise millions, billions of people would feel the issues with the water supply... eventually! I don't think you really understood the Gree: it's not a case of 'fix now or millions are dead in 5 min', rather 'if you fix it now, it's fixed... and we won't have to bother with it some years down the road when it does become a problem'.


Not doing it would be anti-Jedi? So the Jedi are the janitors, the street sweepers, the garbage collectors, etc. of the Republic?


Frankly, if you think that you haven't understood the Jedi a bit! They are not boy scouts, always there to help, they need to make judgment calls as to how they serve the Republic best.


Too much rant, let's go for another point:


Jedi and Sith (not speaking race but 'religion') are just ideologies, ways of teaching, of training, of ideals to look for, as 'religions'.


Light side and dark side of the Force are just different ways of connecting with the Force.


So, a dark Jedi may have found giving in to 'darker' feelings the better choice to become a more powerful master of the Force, while he still stands for the responsibilities of a Jedi towards the Republic.


A light Sith may consider 'showing' compassion as a preferred way of furthering the power of the Empire: ever heard of 'good cop/bad cop'? People are rather likely to go for the sugar than the whip. (this doesn't mean that in the end he actually likes being lightside, but his approach to things rather by being 'nice' than smashing in their 'eads may become second nature. - And how about that: better to know that you can count on those people around you to not turn their back on you or shoot you in the back, because they like you... than say having to keep them in line all the time having to fear the moment when they may see you showing a sign of weakness and they fall on you?


So please, dear Kalfear, maybe LEARN a bit more about life before you state: a dark Jedi is a Sith... both, Anakin (Ep 2 - early/mid Ep3) and Mace Windu would would have quite a 'chat' with you on that!


the empire has by far A LOT better looking gear.

the empire uses black and red as color choices on gear.

the empire has sith that use force powers we all expect force users to use.


the republic has drab bland brown gear and white gear with some green thrown in at random.

the republic has jedi that throw pebbles and droid parts instead of lightning. ...

nuff said i think?


Nuff of your opinion shown I think?


'better looking gear' is in the eye of the beholder, so please drop that!


Red and black... well, don't get me wrong, I like those colors, they are colors I often use for clothing in my works, because they are strong, basic, primal... but so is white...


which you see quite a bit on Republic side.


So, just because you prefer some colors over the other makes one faction better than the other? Maybe to you... but not to people who are maybe looking a bit more at what being Republic FEELS like...


Right, so you love Force lightning... you think it's the rat's cat and all cool?


Oh, wait, a Jedi gets to pick up 'stuff' and throw it at ya... like big rocks and broken droids... I wonder why in the SW movies Sith had to stoop so low as to start tossing things around when they could just have gone lightning? :rolleyes:

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You know, there's nothing new in it really. You don't even need the fantasy world and story to find out the cause, as it's all around us in real life as well.


First, the Republic. A very very big organization supposedly built on ideals of "democracy and freedom" and what not. A nice idea and also something what most nowadays western countries use. At the same time, there's corruption, bribery, defections and what not. Guess what? It's the same in real life. The notion of democracy is cute of course and they sure keep telling that "people rule" and what not, but in reality people are just the little cogs. Those with money and power rule and they use every dirty tool at their disposal to stay there, at power and to get what they want. No one can deny that. Same thing with the Republic.


Then take the Empire. An upstart side which is always the loser side. Sure they have their moment and plan somewhere on outskirts on how they will rule the world, or Galaxy in this case, but the whole organization on it's own is just as corrupt, but also totally self destructive. Throughout SW lore there have been smaller and bigger Empires and tries to do them but they all end up in a bucket. In real world, take the most recent even in history, the World War 2 and nazis. They also planned and schemed and then just like the Empire, struck unexpectedly. And the "Republics" of the time, in their lazy and corrupt and slow democratic worlds got their backsides handed to them in many areas. They had become complacent and that hurt them.


But you know what the problem is here for these "Empires"? They mostly do not have the power to destroy these "Republics", because these are very big. In order to destroy such a "Republic" it needs to be run over right away, without any stopping, but it is tough when you are a small kitten with sharp claws and teeth and are trying to tackle down a big lazy and sleepy bear. Sure you may scratch it and bite it but unless you somehow do not manage to kill the bear, you're done for. Because the bear will start to wake up, gather his senses, then become annoyed, then angry and then enraged. And then the kitten ends up as a mitten. Same in real life. Nazis pushed and pushed the western world and eastern world. They managed to knock the sleepy and lazy and complacent and corrupt countries good, but eventually they woke up, stopped the push and then came back hard. And there wasn't absolutely anything what nazis could have done to stop them. Same with the Empire. Empire is just a handful of planets and then several what they are occupying. Republic takes a shock and a beating initially from that attack but at some point they will retaliate, because Republic is the whole star systems. It's not a handful of planets, it's many many planets and star systems in that Galaxy, so many times more then the Empire is. Slow to start, yes, but once on the roll there's no stopping of it. Yeah sure, the personal stories what we play out may say this and that but that's just that, a little stories.


As for betrayal and deflections, nothing new there. In such a slow and bloated system as the Republic there are always people who feel then deserve more, need to have more power and what not. When the opportunity arises, they grab it thinking that it's the best choice. But eventually they crash and burn with their Empires. In a way this war is good for Republic, because it will show who is the real trustworthy person and who is the person looking out only for personal gain. I play on Republic side and I am a good person, although I do have my own share of dark side points and they amount in several hundreds? Why? Because I shoot traitors. My chars shoots the traitors who betrayed the Republic because they wanted a better career on Empire side. Because they wanted more money from Empire side. Because they were offered better perks and bigger toys on Empire side. I may go around and help some poor shmucks in their problems, even those who were foolish enough to get into the trouble because of their own behavior - happens, all make mistakes. But those who betray intentionally for a warmer spot or softer seat - BANG! No deliberations, no excuses. And thanks to this war, ironically, we are also weeding out the trash and garbage from our side as well. Heck, we should even thank the Empire for this, I've cleared the ranks of the Republic already nicely and all who are left are the true heroes of the Republic :)

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The Forsaken want nothing short of the destruction of all life and the Orcs, as well as the Trolls, Tauren, Blood Elves and Goblins, are a bunch of blood thirsty warmongers.


Been a while since you've played WoW, hasn't it?




Arguably, the Forsaken aren't part of the Horde. And warmongers? How would *you* react if some pink hued, blond headed weirdoes kept trying to exterminate everyone you knew?


Thrall only ever wanted peace. That thing that happened in Dragonblight a couple years back? Not his fault.

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It never gets -anything- together. The Sith Empire goes extinct, whereas the Republic eventually becomes the Galactic Empire when the senate votes to give full control to Palpatine, and he dissolves the senate.


And then the Empire reappears under the rule of Roan Fell, and the Empire is split between him and Kraft, but I never followed Legacy all that much.

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I haven't played republic, but the fact that I hear that it's corrupt and has ineffective leadership makes me a lot more curious to try it. I don't want to play goodie twoshoes factions. It also makes it more 'realistic', relatively speaking.
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Bioware went so out of its way to dirty up the republic and jedi that they created a society thats not worth saving to be honest.




I feel nothing for my Republic Characters and am more connected with my Imperials.

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People see what they want to see. They see for the majority of servers people roll Empire so there just GOT to be a reason other than PEOPLE JUST WANTED TO ROLL EMPIRE.


Gear? End game gear looks crappy on both sides.

Skill effects? BH got DFA but Trooper got Pulse cannon AND the coolest frigging weapon in the game that you just can't get on Empire.

BioWare "pushed" Empire? I've seen close to the same amount of Republic vids as Empire. Oh you get a Darth Malgus Statue. It's a conspiracy.


Fact is the #1 movie in all of Star Wars is Die Jar Jar Die followed by Empire Strikes Back. People still talk about Darth Vader killing off so many Admirals. People love a bad guy.


Right now my Jedi Shadow is rocking the social armor from Coruscant the white one with the gold trimming and she looks bad *****. Where the black dress with purple trimmings? WTH?


Sages get WAY more varity on the spell effects and animations. Inquisitors get lightening, and lightening, and more lightening, some purple blashish goop, then more lightening.



Fact is people will call whatever they want to validate their point. As far as I'm concern there's plenty of appeal on both sides people will do what they want. Me I've always intended to level ALL 8 classes to lvl 50.

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I've been told all the fashion designers in the galaxy have gone over to the darkside.


It's sad when Kira makes a handful of comments that mirror actual game design flaws. Gotta love her saying "This is boring" in space combat when you're waiting 3 minutes for a mission to finish.

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Republic storyline is the same all the way through. Everything is falling apart, disjointed and filled with corruption and incompetence. Oh look another person that betrayed the Republic /yawn.


The whole way through you get the opinion that there is no leadership in the Republic, everything is decaying. Even the fleet sheep looks dirtier and more rundown.


Empire stuff feels space age. You feel like you are part of a warmachine rather than an incompetent bureacracy. Sure there is some infighting and a few power struggles but all in all there is more purpose to the storyline, I feel less like a Mr Fixit on Empire than I do on Republic.


Keep in mind though the the Empire loses some MANY MANY powerful, political players by the end, and the remaining leaders weren't too keen on the Empire's future by the time False Emperor came around.


To tally off,

most of the Dark Council dies, Malgus dies, the Emperor is subdued, Grand Moff Kilran dies



Though I will admit that as an Imperial player I feel more like a hero part of a greater war machine.

Edited by cdstephen
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I've been told all the fashion designers in the galaxy have gone over to the darkside.


There's more truth to that than you think!


One simple and visible example of apparent Empire favoritsm is in the gear appearance. Look at what Sith get--pretty much exactly what they would want. Black, manacing outfits, or sexier ones with mid-riffs showing. What would Republic want? I daresay they'd want a lot of brighter-colored robes, like white or silver. But those are very hard to find in moddable versions, whereas black Sith Armor is the norm. Sexier versions with a bit of skin? Sure---if the skin you want to show is neck up only. And don't even get me started on the headgear! Seriously, the Consular headgear looks like it was designed by an artist who hated Consulars.

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It's sad when Kira makes a handful of comments that mirror actual game design flaws. Gotta love her saying "This is boring" in space combat when you're waiting 3 minutes for a mission to finish.



Yeah that one made me smile as well.

Kira is the best thing I've found during my Republic gameplay.

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There's more truth to that than you think!


One simple and visible example of apparent Empire favoritsm is in the gear appearance. Look at what Sith get--pretty much exactly what they would want. Black, manacing outfits, or sexier ones with mid-riffs showing. What would Republic want? I daresay they'd want a lot of brighter-colored robes, like white or silver. But those are very hard to find in moddable versions, whereas black Sith Armor is the norm. Sexier versions with a bit of skin? Sure---if the skin you want to show is neck up only. And don't even get me started on the headgear! Seriously, the Consular headgear looks like it was designed by an artist who hated Consulars.


Does this look menacing at all?




I feel so ripped off as a powertech...

Edited by cdstephen
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