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Why do people think Empire are catered to more than republic?


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I know there is a huge faction imbalance. I have a 50 and several alts on the empire side, however I just recently started playing on republic, and honestly I'm enjoying myself there way more. The things they say are better, it feels more like the original 3 star wars movies, the music is similar to those as well. The general feel is just more "star wars" than on empire, probably because we usually see from that perspective in the movies.


Anyway, I'm not far yet, on coruscant, level 13, but every second of it has been fun for me, and it's just getting more that way. I think the armor looks better, especially on the Jedi, and the Sage animations look much cooler than the Sorc, in my opinion.


So why are people always complaining that empire is "cooler" or whatever? I really don't see it. Quite the opposite.

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Republic storyline is the same all the way through. Everything is falling apart, disjointed and filled with corruption and incompetence. Oh look another person that betrayed the Republic /yawn.


The whole way through you get the opinion that there is no leadership in the Republic, everything is decaying. Even the fleet sheep looks dirtier and more rundown.


Empire stuff feels space age. You feel like you are part of a warmachine rather than an incompetent bureacracy. Sure there is some infighting and a few power struggles but all in all there is more purpose to the storyline, I feel less like a Mr Fixit on Empire than I do on Republic.


Of course this is my opinion/impression.


There is also a few other things such as ability imbalances between 'mirror' classes. Ability delay (see Project vs shock, Death from Above vs Mortar Volley), talents in the Sage tree broken when mirror talents Sorcerer tree are working as intended.


Better responsiveness of for imperials on turrents in Alderaan Civil War (see Youtube clips)


All in all it seems like more work went into making things work for the Empire with more polished stories.

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I play Republic because Im just not a evil guy!

And even when playing a kind sith, deep down I know its the evil side.


Having said that, I still vastly enjoy the Imperial/Empire side more


The Empire on a whole feels less corrupt, less slimy, more devoted then the republic.


My main issues with this games storyline is it just feels to me Bioware refuses to allow Republic and Jedi to feel like THE GOOD GUYS!


Bioware has struggled so hard in trying to make sure there is no outright good and evil that they have ruined the republic.





In original Star Wars.


The Sith and empire were not misunderstood, THEY ARE EVIL!


But Bioware has written it so people feel more connection to the empire then they do the republic.


Its a real shame and my biggest (writing wise) complaint of this game.


Just let the jedi feel the hero already,


I should say, while the lightside Sith and Darkside Jedi fit their storylines very well in TOR (which is part of the problem, they sshouldnt fit, they should feel out of place and wrong to their surroundings) its still STUPID DESIGN!


A good lightside, compasionate Sith = DEAD DEAD DEAD! Or they can go with the DEAD OPTION! Compassion and sith dont mix. Its veiwed as weakness and in the sith culture, the weak are weeded out AND KILLED DEAD!


A dark side Jedi is called......A SITH!

A neutral/gray Jedi is called ...... A EXILE! A RENEGADE Force user! Any number of names. What they not called are .... JEDI!


Even in KotOR, Jollee was clearly lightside and when you try to go dark he attacks you and forces you to kill him. He doesnt talk about balance and blah blah blah, on some political topics hes neutral but NEVER is he evil when i comes to helping people.


I look at some of the darkside options in TOR for the jedi and its a joke.

Refussing to cleanse Coruscants water supply and letting millions of innocents die a painful death ? So not going to happen, EVER!

Demanding payment to do it? No jedi would ever do such a thing and the jedi counsel would never allow such a thing to go unaddressed.


Or how about when confronted by starving orphans living in the water plant your lightside option is to give them a few credits and send them on their way???????

WTH???? You send staving homeless children on their way to fend for themselves in GANG TERRITORY????


I wont even mention the darkside option to that quest as its simply not a option as a jedi in ANY Star Wars story I ever read, veiwed, heard.


And the hits just keep on coming on that front!


Bioware went so out of its way to dirty up the republic and jedi that they created a society thats not worth saving to be honest.


Where is the higher ideals?

Where is the loftier goals?


Ive played to Corellia and I gotta say, at least 80% of the republic officials Ive met have been corrupt, dirty, misguided.


Where as with the Empire.

You get heroic choices like removing a slaves collar because its your choice to do the right thing.

You get honest appreciation from a employeer for NOT carring out the kill contract and showing compassion and family beleifs.

Everyone you meet is doing their best to advance the Empire and its gials. You might not always agree with how they do it but everyone has the empires best goals in mind.


Why do people think the empire is catered to (and this is from a Republic player through and through), the Empire is more likable and has loftier goals and seems to take care of its citizens (even in the most misguided ways sometimes).


You like the Empire

The Republic is just dirty, corrupt, unlikable!

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Dude the Empire's evil is very *********** well represented in the game, Warrior kills more imperial officers for incompetence than my Jedi did fighting the war! Not to mention there are also defectors(including one in the first flashpoint btw.) and problems It's all a matter of point of view I played Knight to 50 and am at 40 on my Juggernaut. I like both sides pretty much but Rep is my favourite by far.



ps - The imperial citizens and officers in the movies weren't necessarily evil, they were just doing their duty to the Galactic Empire, place where they grew up and learned everything they know about life.

Edited by Lightmaguz
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Republic storyline is the same all the way through. Everything is falling apart, disjointed and filled with corruption and incompetence. Oh look another person that betrayed the Republic /yawn.


The whole way through you get the opinion that there is no leadership in the Republic, everything is decaying. Even the fleet sheep looks dirtier and more rundown.


Empire stuff feels space age. You feel like you are part of a warmachine rather than an incompetent bureacracy. Sure there is some infighting and a few power struggles but all in all there is more purpose to the storyline, I feel less like a Mr Fixit on Empire than I do on Republic.


Of course this is my opinion/impression.


There is also a few other things such as ability imbalances between 'mirror' classes. Ability delay (see Project vs shock, Death from Above vs Mortar Volley), talents in the Sage tree broken when mirror talents Sorcerer tree are working as intended.


Better responsiveness of for imperials on turrents in Alderaan Civil War (see Youtube clips)


All in all it seems like more work went into making things work for the Empire with more polished stories.


QFT, and the mission givers on Republic side are more spread out which makes turn-ins annoying, forcing you to waste time walking around more- so much so that often its a waste to use Quick Travel because you're almost back to the base thanks to that mission giver stuck inbetween base and the primary objective area.

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I've encountered exactly 9 republic officials that are corrupt or traitors going from 1-50, including the large amount from the trooper class story.


At level 13 on my Sith I have encountered about 10-15. I don't know where this misconception of "Republic are weak/traitors/corrupt" comes from.


Plus, we're winning.

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I've encountered exactly 9 republic officials that are corrupt or traitors going from 1-50, including the large amount from the trooper class story.


At level 13 on my Sith I have encountered about 10-15. I don't know where this misconception of "Republic are weak/traitors/corrupt" comes from.


Plus, we're winning.


Who's winning? Empire or Republic? Because ultimately the Sith Empire get's it's *** kicked back to the stone age for a few thousand years until it gets it's **** together.

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Better responsiveness of for imperials on turrents in Alderaan Civil War (see Youtube clips)



I can't. I just can't.

Nearly always I refrain from posting while unreasonably provoked, but intentional or not I'm going to include this right up there with Your/You're, Its/It's, and Were/We're.


No. I take that back. All of those mistakes are homonyms.


There's no such gosh darned word as turrent. There's no "n" in it, - at all - ever.


I don't know if this is idiomatic speech that's filtered into the English language, but I do know this, it's wrong. It's incorrect. It's not right. It's an error. It's a transgression.


The bloody word is turret. There's no effing "n" in it anywhere.


I know people who've served in the military as part of the gosh darned mobile artillery who enunciate the word as "tur-ent". Why? Jesus Howard Butler Christ, why?


You know what? It doesn't mater. It's wrong and you should stop it.


I don't care if that's how you say it. That's not how the gosh darned word is spelled.


I'd like to be able to just let this go but it's the equivalent of hearing an educated adult use the word "pasghetti". It's moronic and wrong.


Maybe some people feel the Empire is catered to because their turrets don't have to carry around extra and unnecessary consonants that have nothing to do with their operation.



Edited by Mirkov
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the empire has better starter zones. (courosant is inside whereas dromund kaas is outside)

the empire has a better range quests.

the empire has by far A LOT better looking gear.

the empire uses black and red as color choices on gear.

the empire has sith that use force powers we all expect force users to use.


the republic has drab bland brown gear and white gear with some green thrown in at random.

the republic has jedi that throw pebbles and droid parts instead of lightning.

("Disturbance" is the only jedi spell that *looks* like a force spell.)


nuff said i think?

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Who's winning? Empire or Republic? Because ultimately the Sith Empire get's it's *** kicked back to the stone age for a few thousand years until it gets it's **** together.

I know, I'm heavily pro-republic.


I hate the sith faction with every ounce of my being.

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I know, I'm heavily pro-republic.


I hate the sith faction with every ounce of my being.


Playing Sith-Side lets me exercise my inner *** hole. Playing Republic lets me be a big godramn hero. All depends how I'm feeling that day.


And everyone kisses your *** as a Sith Warrior. It's great.

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It really is a myth that Empire is catered too more than the Republic.


Every single game with an evil side has noticed a huge increase in 'evil' players. Brought on by many famous gamers choosing the evil side in the games they play. Do a little research and you'll see it's true.


It is a fad and gaming trend. Look at WOW and the HUGE GIGANTIC increase in Horde players, look at the HUGE increase in villains for City of Heroes, look at Rift and how the Defiant (Rift's Horde) outnumber Guardians 5 to 1.


In the old days it was in to be the hero. Being a villain in a game was something quite rare. Now people use the excuse "I can't be evil in real life and video games gives me an outlet." That is uhmm psychotic to say the very least.


Personally I get no joy from being evil even in a video game. Just a reflection of the evil society we live in now. Who'd thought a faction based upon the Nazis would be the popular side.

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Playing Sith-Side lets me exercise my inner *** hole. Playing Republic lets me be a big godramn hero. All depends how I'm feeling that.

Ha, that makes sense. I don't really have an inner a**hole. I rolled a sith for a few hours to see what the big deal was, only made me hate the faction more.

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Ha, that makes sense. I don't really have an inner a**hole. I rolled a sith for a few hours to see what the big deal was, only made me hate the faction more.


Sith Warrior. I'm telling you. My friend says that as an Inquisitor, you get treated like ****, not much different Imperial Agent. Brother has yet to report on Bounty Hunter. But as a Sith Warrior, you get to strut around like a baws and be a walking engine of destruction who takes **** from no man...except your Master, but all things come full circle, y'know?

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I know there is a huge faction imbalance. I have a 50 and several alts on the empire side, however I just recently started playing on republic, and honestly I'm enjoying myself there way more. The things they say are better, it feels more like the original 3 star wars movies, the music is similar to those as well. The general feel is just more "star wars" than on empire, probably because we usually see from that perspective in the movies.


Anyway, I'm not far yet, on coruscant, level 13, but every second of it has been fun for me, and it's just getting more that way. I think the armor looks better, especially on the Jedi, and the Sage animations look much cooler than the Sorc, in my opinion.


So why are people always complaining that empire is "cooler" or whatever? I really don't see it. Quite the opposite.


Change your name - now.


You're embarrassing me.

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I'm sorry, but I don't see some of these arguments lol. I don't really care for the red/black stuff anyway. I think the light blue/cyan and blueblack color crystals look cooler. The BH story which is the class I got to 50, fell apart after the first chapter. It was pretty garbage. I guess if you REALLY like the BH idea of really just being a BH, and not necessarily being aligned one way or the other, and just getting bounties with no greater purpose, it might be neat, but I found it to be pretty nameless and drab.


The IA story is great, no doubt about that, my almost 40 IA has a great story, best on imperial so far, but im thoroughly enjoying the sage story and just even the side quests, and the zones themselves. Typhon is a far better looking, and well designed planet than korriban, imo. Hutta is decent, but I like ord mantell better. Dromund kaas was definitely cool, but again, coruscant is just a better design, in my opinion.


The esseles is even a more fleshed out, better storied flashpoint.


Black Talon is almost incoherent to a point. They managed to get it together but I don't think it holds a candle to esseles.


My main reason for enjoying republic more, though, is the fact that it feels MOST like the movies, to me. I felt really disconnected from the movies when on the empire, and immediately on republic it was like I was getting all kinds of nostalgia. The music and setting and dialogue etc. Very very star wars. The empire is almost trying too hard.

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Turrets are faster on imperial.


Shock does damage instantly, throw a rock does damage at the end of the GCD.


DIRTY KICK MAKES YOU BALANCE ON ONE FOOT and stand still while you kick. Electro-knife is a drive-by stun.


Dailies are 100 times easier to complete on empire than on republic. (you can just run to the end and practically solo the 4man heroics on empire side)


I'm sure there is more.


My main is imperial and I feel pretty bad for republic. Harder dailies, crappy players, boring armor, skill imbalance on what are supposed to be mirrored classes.....


The only big advantage I've noticed for republic is on alderan map left = spawn left so you don't have the confusion you have on imperial when telling people to go left and right at the start.

Edited by flegg
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Republic storyline is the same all the way through. Everything is falling apart, disjointed and filled with corruption and incompetence. Oh look another person that betrayed the Republic /yawn.


The whole way through you get the opinion that there is no leadership in the Republic, everything is decaying. Even the fleet sheep looks dirtier and more rundown.


Empire stuff feels space age. You feel like you are part of a warmachine rather than an incompetent bureacracy. Sure there is some infighting and a few power struggles but all in all there is more purpose to the storyline, I feel less like a Mr Fixit on Empire than I do on Republic.


You have pretty much hit on the reason that Hitler came to power. You are meant to feel more a part of the society in the Imperials. That is the insidious horror that is totalitarian governments. It always starts with small steps; ways to streamline the corruption and make everyone pull together. In addition, the pubs just got a major arse kicking. Things are meant to be run down. The imps, on the other hand, have just reclaimed vast sectors of space and are bringing reinforcements.

I don’t really see any imbalance.

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