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Sniper - when does this class become playable?


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Not meant to be a qq thread, more like a wth is up with this class thread. I really, really want sniper to work as my main raider but I am shocked at the play thus far. It's to the point that my goal any given night is to get 25% of my level before I log off to so something less painful like walking across some hot coals or taking an acid bath.


I am 32 and have just completed my Act 1 and moving along to Nar Shadda so I'm not ahead of my pace by any means. I use all of my abilities on CD, leading with Scatter Shot on silvers/golds, Leg Shot what I know to be melee mobs, etc. I'm a good player and not facerolling but I just cannot believe how not-smooth standard leveling quests are.


Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I find myself fighting 1-2 groups tops and my pet and/or myself is at 25% health and I don't dare do another pull. Silver/silver packs are a toss-up if my pet even survives (I usually do, thankfully) and gold singles I usually have to get a full jump on - coming out of a conversation I stand virtually no chance.


Contrast this to the absolute faceroll that leveling a sorc has been and I just can't believe this class is intended to play this way. Killing two packs of mobs then needing a 30 second Recuperate sucks. Tell me this gets better so I can keep grinding away.


Oh, and the constant Tebowing is something I can't live with either. Can we get a new pose????

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I honestly will never understand why people will play a class (in a video game) when it is nothing but a chore to them? Why play a sniper unless you love the class? There are so many other dps classes to choose from, all of which are viable, why not choose something that is not driving you crazy?


Sorry that I am not addressing your concern, but your entire thought process behind playing the sniper confuses the hell out of me.

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You aren't doing anything wrong dude, the sniper sucks to play as til 50, until then you kinda just gotta suck it up, or play with a friend to make it easier, I love the play style, that's how I stuck with it but you should probably think of rerolling if you aren't feeling this character, cause getting to 50 with a character that you will end up hating will just end up being a waste of time, currently what is your build (if you don't know got to torhead and post the link here) I love the sniper and we need to stick together as a community so I'll try and help any way you can


also post what abilities you use in most fights and how often you use them.


Everyone has a different play style and they are all right in my opinion, as long as they work for you but I will try and help as much as I can

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Contrast this to the absolute faceroll that leveling a sorc has been and I just can't believe this class is intended to play this way. Killing two packs of mobs then needing a 30 second Recuperate sucks. Tell me this gets better so I can keep grinding away.


I doesn't take 30 seconds to Recuperate at level 50 with 18k health so it isn't taking you that long. Sniper is a class that performs exceptionally well in a group/raid environment. You will have to recuperate between some pulls, it's just a fact of being a Sniper without a healing companion yet. Life is easier when you get Lokin, but unless you over-gear him you'll still be recuperating here and there.


Sniper isn't a pain to level, it's simply not a BH/Mako or Sorc/Khem starting setup. If you want faceroll easy with no downtime play one of those.

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I honestly will never understand why people will play a class (in a video game) when it is nothing but a chore to them? Why play a sniper unless you love the class? There are so many other dps classes to choose from, all of which are viable, why not choose something that is not driving you crazy?


Sorry that I am not addressing your concern, but your entire thought process behind playing the sniper confuses the hell out of me.



Well I gritted my teeth and bored myself through 1-50 on my Agent despite hating almost every second of it.


That is because I like the animations of the character.


I wanted to play a healer but easymode Sorcerer was out of the question and the Merc is REALLY cool with the armor and the guns and the cool story and companions, but in the end when you hit 50 and all the story quests are behind you and you companions gather dust on your ship because all you are doing is standing on Fleet spamming LFG, then all you have left to be happy about is what your character looks like.


Spamming injections with toxic green content, bossing around cool-looking mini-drones and stabbing people in the back/chest with a huge knif AND leaving it is just cool enough to live through 50 levels of boredom.

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It gets real easy when you get Lokin and also Scorpio is a good tank if u gear her up. It also depends on the spec. Marksman is super high single target damage while engineering and lethality are aoe goodness. Try out a few specs and most definitely keep the companion gear up to date and things iwll be easier. Biochem is also good to have as u can get stimpacks to heal u and companion.



Cheers. The sniper is awesome fun at 50 in pve and pvp.

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The problem is Kaliyo. I know some player says she's perfectly fine, but if you compare to other tank companions like Khem, she might as well not be there.


You can level up a lot easier during the low levels using the Engineering tree and spamming frag grenades. Most of the mobs you'll be fighting are normal which is knocked down, and 3 grenade kills an entire group.

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Gear up Kaliyo and keep your also your gear (barrel mods) up to date and you will have no problem. Learn to nuke the first target asap and enjoy.


I loved my sniper since level 1 and i'm still lovin it on 50. The Powertech DD i leveled up was some kind of Sissi-Lala-playing. Every moderate talented chimp can easily level other classes then the sniper. Its a little bit harder but its much more fun!

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Gear up Kaliyo and keep your also your gear (barrel mods) up to date and you will have no problem. Learn to nuke the first target asap and enjoy.


I loved my sniper since level 1 and i'm still lovin it on 50. The Powertech DD i leveled up was some kind of Sissi-Lala-playing. Every moderate talented chimp can easily level other classes then the sniper. Its a little bit harder but its much more fun!


I have to agree i palyed all 4 class at the start got them to 10 and the agent wast the best but i beleve it depends what spec you chose to be. im a marksmen sniper so i get followthrough with hits just as hard as ambush and has no channle time as well as a instent snipe if i use it within 10 sec of geting into cover i normaly have kill 1 and a half in those 3 attacks thats without takedown give or take say 100hp from the 1st guy you can just use rifle shot with, also i use kaliyo and have no probs. also for large mobs your not sure with open up with flashbang =P

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want to have fun while lvling? well.. do your space missions on a daily basis, and pvp daily, try to stay about 2 lvls ahead of your quest lvl.


don't pull with shatter shot.. I usually pull with ambush, then followed by shatter shot, that way you don't take extra dmg.


I had lots of fun playing my sniper, more so than my lv50 merc (granted, I lvled in healing spec). And although my healing merc can solo stuff easier, including all the heroics in belsavis dailies, I still like my sniper more.


If you're not having fun at lv32, you should really reconsider re-rolling, or try all kinds of diff tactics..


Contrary to a lot of ppl might say, I like temple much more than lokin, I lvled to 50 with temple.

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I did not see what spec you were, though I personally found once I hit level 30 as MM and I got Followthrough, things really seemed to pick up. I was amazed how much that one skill seemed to speed up taking down mobs.


I agree if you aren't enjoying the class switch, though if you are still giving sniper a go, I found a few things that helped. I almost never sent Kaliyo to attack in advance, I would let her jump in once I received return fire, it seemed to help with her life and she never had a problem taking aggro off me. This most often left our combined health high enough that I could limit my regeneration to every third pull. I generally burn down the melee npc in the group then got into a nice rhythm for the cluster of ranged or the remaining silver/gold.


When in doubt pop flash bang, sometimes it is helpful to start out the fight this way, and finally the 5 sec stun from cover pulse is a nice way of slowing things down for you in the middle of a fight. Good luck!

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If you're just annoyed about needing to regenerate, I'm gonna echo what everyone has said and tell you it gets better with Lokin. He heals you and freezes mobs, what's not to love.


idk why so many people complain about how hard this class is. I'm a noob who has never played anything but rts or pause-and-play games and I've managed to get to lvl 40 without feeling like I'm grinding away my time. In the beginning, I didn't feel I was that useful in groups and wished I'd rolled an operative, but I love playing sniper now. Followthrough was a big game-changer in that respect. Series of shots has also been decent, since I can cut it off and use an interrupt if I really need to (unlike with ambush).

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You aren't doing anything wrong dude, the sniper sucks to play as til 50, until then you kinda just gotta suck it up, or play with a friend to make it easier,


Sniper was boring to level until I got Suppressive Fire and the packs of normal mobs were easily 1 button aoed down. Strongs were somewhat annoying until I got Cull (leveled as Lethality) and then they just died to one burst rotation before even getting to me. Melee elites were super easy to kite as Lethality and ranged elites other than sorcerors are a joke since you can just find cover and the can barely damage you. Finished class quest line at 46 and was constantly 3-4 levels behind the planet.


The Sniper is one of those classes that can't just rush ahead and tank everything without thought but the damage is really great and a good player will easily murder everything as long as you have good damage since in PvE it's generally trivial to "outgame" the opponent.


If you're like me and you hate stopping to heal between packs it gets much less annoying when you get Doc Lokin. But this is true for pretty much any class that doesn't have heals - you'll be stopping to heal all the time unless you run with heals.

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Hi man,

you dont suck, the sniper is just not good architected. Truly, i've expected more of it based on the BW videos. Sniper was my first character, got it to lv 32 and then i just rolled operative and had so much more fun ever since (at 50 now).

I also play sorcerer (28), merc (34), powertech (23). Just to get comparisons and to better understand what my teammates are capable to do when grouped.

After playing these, i think i can compare at least a bit. Operative was/is most fun for me regarding storyline and wide possibilities of buildup. Only Kaliyo kept me pissed lots times. With Temple, i simply mauled everything in the way, while throwing her heals from time to time.

If you want agent and be more self-sufficient, go for operative.


Also if i compare sniper to merc or ptech dmg specced, sniper is very weak, due to his weak companion, since Kaliyo is simply not good tank... if sniper had healer ... (bear in mind i still cant compare 50 high end game, just up to 'middle').

Also, BH gets second companion already on Tattoine, whille we wait loong time to Alderaan only to get squishy buglover.


operative + kalyio = fine

sniper + kalyio = pain


my 2c

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I find it very odd that people are saying that this is the most difficult class to play.


I am finding rather easy, and I hit Tatooine at level 24 (now 26).

I'm marksman Sniper. Maybe it's because I went out of my way to keep Kaliya and myself both up to date on gear.


I do know I've died less on this Sniper and my Gunslinger than on my Jedi Sentinal.

Sith Sorcerer is a beast, I admit that. So is Jedi Sage if played well.


Bounty hunter get's hairy at times (mine is not in oranges with top for his level mods).



I really have to say that out of the characters I've played so far IA is one of the easiest.

And also one of the most fun...But I want to shove Kaliya right out the nearest airlock.

I want a JAWA <.>

Can we steal them from the BH? please!

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I have no idea how you can be having trouble with sniper. I have not used any companion but my lackluster semi tank Kaliyo. Nuke hard nuke fast and that takes care of most everything in 1-3 rotations (if you are using the correct rotations) Champions are the only thing that I have trouble with depending on if they are ranged or melee.


Energy regen being as it is if you nuke too hard you end up tapped for a while without our recoop so long as you manage that.


If you are taking damage you need to turn Kaliyos taunt and AoE on then the only stuff that hits you on norm fights are your focus targs which should be dying fast. As a fast recoop for any class if you are just recooping your companions you can mount and dismount to bring your companion back at full health indoors its slightly longer to call a dif companion and recall the one you want back at full health.


On Elites and champs you generaly end up juggling agg using countermeasures and when you have agg keep it till you use all yor def cd's and your stuns immobalizes then dump back on your tank and finish off the mob. Most champs you will need more indepth tactics and kiting so I will not go into that.


All in all this class is very playable and easy to solo with as I have grouped 0% up to 47 now and looking foward to 50.

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Kind of surprised to read this thread, because I absolutely plow through PvE content with my sniper. Gold elite mobs can often be a pain that require me to use all of my CD's to get through, but with a decently geared Kaliyo or Doctor Lokin deployed they can be done simply enough.


A ranged "glass cannon" class like the Sniper will always have a bit more trouble with gold elites, though. I consider it the trade off for being able to mow through regular and weak mobs in literally a few seconds.


But again - effective use of your stuns and knockbacks can make them trivial enough.

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Yeah, I levelled as marksman. Never really had any significant troubles other than on some elites (especially the bouncing-bunny Jedi). The biggest issue with elites I noticed was that many of them you face after conversations, putting you far to close and without cover from your target. That, and you pretty much have to resign yourself to the fact that your companion will drop between 50-30% of the target's health, and you'll have to solo the end of the fight.


Downtime for heals is common on any class unless you're playing with a healer companion (or are yourself a healer). I found I'd have to heal Vector for maybe 4-5 sec on most pulls. Not that big a deal, though it's definitely not the non-stop combat I can do with my Marauder with Quinn out.


For note: I dropped Kaliyo like a sack of potatoes as soon as I got Vector and never looked back. I only pulled her out for the most difficult elite fights where I needed her extra threat generation. Otherwise, Vector killed far faster, lived at least as long, and could hold aggro surprisingly well if you sent him in before opening up.

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Yeah, I levelled as marksman. Never really had any significant troubles other than on some elites (especially the bouncing-bunny Jedi). The biggest issue with elites I noticed was that many of them you face after conversations, putting you far to close and without cover from your target. That, and you pretty much have to resign yourself to the fact that your companion will drop between 50-30% of the target's health, and you'll have to solo the end of the fight.


Downtime for heals is common on any class unless you're playing with a healer companion (or are yourself a healer). I found I'd have to heal Vector for maybe 4-5 sec on most pulls. Not that big a deal, though it's definitely not the non-stop combat I can do with my Marauder with Quinn out.


For note: I dropped Kaliyo like a sack of potatoes as soon as I got Vector and never looked back. I only pulled her out for the most difficult elite fights where I needed her extra threat generation. Otherwise, Vector killed far faster, lived at least as long, and could hold aggro surprisingly well if you sent him in before opening up.


I'll use Vector sometimes to burn through trash mobs, but still pull out Kaliyo against gold elites to hold their attention long enough until the fight is comfortably won.

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I've not had any trouble what so ever, I'm putting all my points in MM and it's suprisingly smooth to lvl, only thing I guess is Kaliyo is kinda squishy and usually dies against a gold (i'm lvl 37 atm)(unless it's a class quest gold, those are just waaay too easy), but I still got stun, 2 knockbacks (ambush) and can get quite alot of burst dmg out fast so I don't know, maybe you really are doing it wrong:p
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