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Everything posted by extrastella

  1. I want to start a guild and I used to see people posting guilds for sale in the trade channel. I don't know whether this is banned in-game, so sorry if this is against the rules. But if it is not, how does one go about finding inactive guilds for sale? If anyone is offering, I am looking to buy a Pubside guild on Star Forge.
  2. This would be awesome for RP, please add this feature to the game!
  3. Seriously, who are these people who buy armour based on how it looks in the cartel pack promo image and not by how it looks on their character in the preview function? I spent creds and CC to get my orange set and I'm totally disappointed it got changed overnight :/
  4. Please let us revert to the old style of the Phantom armour set. I regret keeping the armour now. Yeah, it was not the same item as in the promo photo, BUT -it showed in preview as it would in-game. I bound it to my character after previewing it. -this change is unfair to non-force-using classes as it takes a neutral armour and turns it into a sith-style armour
  5. In the expanded universe, the English 'received pronunciation' accent was called a Coruscanti accent more than a few times. I think it made more sense as a regional accent rather than a factional one. /nitpick Also, not enough Mandalorians with NZ accents in this game.
  6. I disagree that people should be able to toggle same-gender NPC flirts on or off. Nobody is forcing players to flirt. Just don't pick options you don't like. It's really quite simple. Not every NPC is gonna need a flirt option and on top of that, not every NPC needs to be bi or gay. There are gonna be people out there you can't bend, no matter how much you want to. There are also going to be gay people out there that if you're playing a straight character, you won't want/need to hit on. Deal with it! Also, I'm asking for these options both as a lgbt-identified individual and as a roleplayer. I've played Bioware games for the straight romance because I felt certain characters were straight. It's fun to pretend! Not every gay person has to want to play straight characters and vice versa. I never play male characters, but there are women out there who do really enjoy playing as men. At no point did I require the option to play as male to be toggled off. Sometimes, I play asexual characters. I just don't pick the flirts! I don't need them turned off! Including same-gender flirts increases the options for all players, gay or straight. Increasing options does not eliminate anyone's freedom to not pursue them. The only reason people who want to play gay characters are upset by all the opposite-sex Flirts in-game is because they know that they won't encounter same-sex flirt options. I hope all the homophobic comments on this thread are by trolls but I'm pretty used to being disappointed by humanity, so I'll live either way.
  7. OMG, "my little honey bee" made me crack up! I like how he isn't jealous and also is really supportive of the fem!agent career-wise. Corso could stand to learn a thing or two from him. That being said, I do prefer blasters as gifts. Vector means well with the Membrosia and silks but I can't help thinking "thanks for gifting me something made by your bug family's spittle." I also like how he wasn't all butthurt over an ex, subverting that Carth Onasi Bioware bf trope. oh, and DAT VOICE.
  8. I also have him in the tiara thing. He looks precious. It was a bit much when I also had him in a very lavender-based robe set. It was very Ken doll, which my Bioware boyfriends kind of are since all I do is dress them up, take them on adventures, and consummate our relationships with some very chaste kissing. ha.
  9. omg Vector would be so cute in that! /fangirling. It's social 3, right? lol I'm gonna have to hit up the Black Talon a few more times.
  10. Well, it's not just Kreia who was missing. For one, you didn't encounter an imprisoned smuggler who commented on your lack of clothing. At no point were you required to don a spacesuit and run around outside. You never ran into sleeps-with-vibroblades... I was sad that there wasn't a Jekk'jekk'tarr on Nar Shaddaa (at least not when I was playing my agent). That would have been a cooler nod to the place than naming a server after it.
  11. If you're just annoyed about needing to regenerate, I'm gonna echo what everyone has said and tell you it gets better with Lokin. He heals you and freezes mobs, what's not to love. idk why so many people complain about how hard this class is. I'm a noob who has never played anything but rts or pause-and-play games and I've managed to get to lvl 40 without feeling like I'm grinding away my time. In the beginning, I didn't feel I was that useful in groups and wished I'd rolled an operative, but I love playing sniper now. Followthrough was a big game-changer in that respect. Series of shots has also been decent, since I can cut it off and use an interrupt if I really need to (unlike with ambush).
  12. I play on Drooga's and it is a major bummer how empty it is. All my alts are on a more populous server. I wish I stopped playing my IA on Drooga's, but I'm too far in to abandon her now. You'd think a great server name would attract players, but no dice. I would be really happy if they merged the server or allowed us a one-time offer to move our characters somehow.
  13. IAs name: Vriska Full name: Sev'risk'aklaio ... danger may not be my middle name, but risk is. ha ha.
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