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Everything posted by Arkia

  1. I currently have a few of these RDPS at mid level and was wondering what people who are at endgame feel about the Sniper/Gunslinger what is prompting me to ask is that it seems after I hit lvl 50 on my virulence Sniper that it lost all it's potency. Seems like I don't do enough damage despite me stacking 3 poisons then culling a target. My Marksman is lvl 62 and the dps seems ok same for my slinger. My engineering sniper is fun spreading plasma probe snare bots everywhere but it gets old.. So what in your opinion is the best DPS spec for endgame WZ?
  2. Dont go by this guide. Its a parse vs a dummy. I found Marksman Sniper to be fairly close to engineering. It all depends on the fights. AOE fights virulence and engineering will parse highr. 1v1 Marksman wins. You would really be doing yourself a favor by learning all three specs.
  3. Actually that was very very helpful. I'll have to settle with what I have and just get better as an underdog for now. Will help me later on. Appreciate the time you took for a very nice and detailed post.
  4. Thanks guys. I started a sniper on Shadowlands and as assassin and a marauader on Harbinger. So far I have been happy with both.
  5. I am currently lvl 20 and so I do not have many of the abilities that I see in endgame guides so I am having some issues in relating to how I can be the best levelling assassin I can.. I am focusing on mostly warzones. Right now I have basically a few abilities. The free saber strike, thrash, lacerate, shock, electrocute, reaping strike, force speed and slow, stealth, discharge and overload. I may have missed some. So here go the questions: 1) What utilities should I be taking? For my 1st one I took Searing slashes so I could snare some people with the 2 abilities I do currently have. When I hit 24 I thought I would take Formless Phantom for the 30% less dmg when stunned 2) What abilities are not worth keeping on my hot bar? Which ones are must haves and priorities? 3) Are abilities like Mind Trap, Mind Control and Mass Mind control good for a deception sin? My playstyle is to stealth and get in there and get off a yummy reaping strike and then go to town with some of my rather weak attacks and then stun and pray I don't get ganged... I would really like it if a good PVP Deception sin could give me some advice so I can level up to be a good assassin. Love you all!!!
  6. I am a US east coast player currently on PoT5 and it is completely dead. I have a republic character on Jedi Covenant and it seems to be more populated, but not sure how alive the empire population is. I would like to raise a few Empire characters that will have access to pvp and operation while leveling and at the end game. Anyone know which server would be best place to play? Jedi Covenant, Shadowlands, Harbinger???
  7. Wow I think it's kinda ballsy for them to show the server loads as all standard or heavy while discussing the server transfers. This game is almost dead. I log in and there are 31 people on fleet when there used to be over a hundred last month and that is at peak time. Sad that all the money they put into this game and it's a total fail and it's really because despite all the developments they had none of the features that were considered basic in other MMO's. It's like being stuck in 2002. I will continue to play but these guys take forever to release anything new and fall short usually. I say it's way too little, way too late but only time will tell.
  8. I think part of the problem or most of it frankly is that their are cheats out there that people use. Speed hacks, damage hacks. I don't mind losing and there's always a better pvp player on the other side. BW needs to address the 3rd party programs and I think quite a few issues will disappear. Regarding premades I don't see what the issue is with them. They are viable and you need to sit there and use the 90s u get before the match starts to come up with a plan to deal with one of these.
  9. I am looking for a good build post 50 to help me out. I am getting hammered and obviously its a gear issue but in a few days I have gotten 380 expertise. My build is the 24/0/17 and I wanted to know if this is a viable build or if I should be looking at something else for 1.2 and beyond. Any and all ideas are welcome. thanks.
  10. Please do exactly that. Leave and don't post again. Honestly of all the classes to come here and say are OP you pick Gunslinger? I mean do you suck that bad? Please leave go down to the local Gamestop and buy World of Warcraft and you will find it more to your liking I guess.
  11. It gets real easy when you get Lokin and also Scorpio is a good tank if u gear her up. It also depends on the spec. Marksman is super high single target damage while engineering and lethality are aoe goodness. Try out a few specs and most definitely keep the companion gear up to date and things iwll be easier. Biochem is also good to have as u can get stimpacks to heal u and companion. Cheers. The sniper is awesome fun at 50 in pve and pvp.
  12. I doubt that as other classes can hit as hard or harder. I mean really what else is there to nerf? the days of 7-9k shot kills are over.
  13. I have a 4 /17/20 conc/leth spec and it's ok but it's off the original topic. Not asking for the world here. Most classes have a gap closer/pull/charge except agent. Give them one. Evasion is broken. Period. It does not work & it most certainly does not remove dots. Evasion: http://www.torhead.com/ability/69OZPvu/evasion description is increases your chance to dodge ranged and melee abilities by 100% for 3s (4 if u got the 2 piece enforcer set). Does not break stealth. Does not remove dots.
  14. Sookster. Evasion can be lowered to 45s if you spend 17 points in Lethality which means you do not get the best abilities in Concealment. People do not choose operative to play lethality. They either heal or play the concealment tree. very few play hybrids since they rarely work. If aomeone was dumb enough to go this high in lethality to get 15s off evasion cooldown (btw did I mention it is not working?) they wouldn't get Jarring Strike or acid blade or meticuluosly kept blades which just happens to increases crit damage on hidden strike, backstab, sever tendon and acid blade by 30%. So I guess we should all run out to lower our broken evasion and lower our damage another 30% to appease the masses who don't play the class. Problem is hybrids dont work with operatives.
  15. I agree. I would like this to be an IA/Smuggler talent too.
  16. The only way we get a 5.5s stun is if someone is dumb enough to pop their stun break ability on jarring strike. No one does that. So you coverpusle and use your 1.5s. ambush (talented) to push em back again and hit em again with leg shot. Leg Shot is not removable with toxin scan & toxin scan removes stealth. Guess what smart snipers will reapply it. Know what I wish all my shots hit for 3k plus like my sniper. My shivs, lacerates all hit in the 1.5-2k's. So perhaps its time to nerf snipers. You act as if the game is only 1v1 pvp and should be balanced as such. The issue isnt that the Operative can't win fights they have little utility once exposed from stealth with a 2m cooldown escape which if there is AOE in the area is totally useless. In PVE when they are knockedback by bosses they do not have a way to get back into the fight quickly. This isn't an operative vs sniper 1v1 PVP debate. The request was to simply add 1 utility gap closer. i am not interested in debating why you lose to operatives. I guess I could say L2P but why bother. I do fine as it is but the archtype needs a gap closer.
  17. I am talking about Cloaking Screen. I know evasion is on a 1 minute timer but atm is it currently broken. Has been for about 3-4 weeks now. Don't call me ignorant. You don't play the class. Play it to 50 then comment. Until then go troll somewhere else. Also I want to say to the sniper/gunslingers I would like to see this added for the IA/Smuggler not just operative/scoundrel. Nothing major a simple 50% booost for a few seconds to get us in range again to use our abilities like Sever Tendon as aspectsofwar has pointed out. It is a good ability just hard to use it when a sorc is permasnaring you at 2k damage per sec and u are over 10m...
  18. Corrosive Dart is a DOT not a snare or a gap closer and it cost 20 energy so it's a bit off topic.
  19. I have a 50 sniper too. Snipers get plenty of defensive tools. You get 5 knockbacks and immobilzes 3 of which can be used in melee range. It's really not as hard as you are making it out to be. I kill plenty of operatives these days. Pre patch I used to be easier prey when an operative would stack an expertise adrenal/stim and relic and hit for 11k-12k damage. That does not happen anymore so stop bringing up the past. No one wants easy prey but right now an operative out of stealth has the least amount of defensive tools in a battle. I salivate when I see an operative out of stealth when I am playing my BH or Sith assassin. Now I want to ask you a question. You are in cover (presumably behind natural cover) and you get stunned by that op for a whole 1.5s. He hits you for 2800-4800 damage initially plus a shiv or backstab and you use cover pulse and knock him back then leg shot him. Move back to 30m range. pop up and down into cover and kite him ( I know you have the insta snipes and ballistic dampers now)- tell me you arent winning this battle? I win it 100% of the time. But then again this is most likely not even just a operative issue the more I think about it. Bioware really hasn't quite grasped the concept of CC and diminishing returns.
  20. Full concealment operatives can not heal in combat because if they do they die. It's simply not an option. If a non heal speced op wants to self heal we must stealth and hide which is impossible unless cloaking screen is up and we are not dotted (2m cooldown if 2pt talent specced.) Our one heal is on a 2.5s cast time. the other requires a TA which if we run away and try to use is gone as TA doesn't last long. No concealment op is going to spec up that far into heals and lose out on acid blade or the necessary 6% crit chance from lethality. Plus remember the game is not all about pvp. Ops get knocked back by bosses in EV and Karagga's and it takes forever for them to get back into combat range. No one is moaning. I am not asking for the nerfs to be reversed they are fine but you cant pull 20-30 DPS% off a class that excelled at one small aspect of the game 1v1 PVP and does mid of the pack PVE DPS in PVE and say it's moaning. And quite frankly you don't play the class so you have no idea what it is like. All classes probably give you a hard time in pvp. I do just fine in my full champ gear but it is frustrating how every class has a knockback/snare and we have no way to close the gap in combat.
  21. So you want me to use an ability with a 10m range and one that's on a 2 min cooldown while the other stealth classes get a 30m snare and a 2s force speed. You obviously do not play this class pleas go troll someplace else.
  22. Assassins and shadows get stealth too but have force speed and force slow. It is off topic to what the post is about. I am not talking about pre combat.
  23. I understand the nerfs to Hidden Strike and even to the 3s knockdown although the bulk of the mass damage was coming from the adrenal/exp stim stacking. But in taking away our burst you have left us very little chance against any range or person who can kite us simply because we do not have a gap closer. I am not asking for the nerfs to be reversed but right now the pvp balance is tipped towards ranged classes that can snare. Please give the operative a way to close the gap on ranged targets. In stealth we can be effective but the prevalance of AOE's pops us out unless we play on the fringes of Warzones which quite frankly is not fun. Replace jarring strike with a speed boost or let increase debilitates range a little. Thanks
  24. Amen. People who don't play this class come in here and just have one goal in mind if they are monitoring these thread and that's to QQ til BW eliminates anyone who gives them issues in PVP. The same people will show you a video of someone pre 1.1 doing 8k + damage and 100 to 0% in 3s but will not bother to watch video's like your's which shows the true picture. In Meeq's video he used every cooldown he had in perfect circumstances to kill someone. All classes can do massive damage and it's because of these adrenals/relic buffs. Those are what needs to be changed immediately. They fixed the issues in 1.1 - let the classes play the game and in a month no one will even care.
  25. This doesn't happen most of the time and to make the assumption it does is ridiclulous. When an operative is killing someone most players just dot them so they do not stay in stealth. Even if they do get the kill the group will kill the operative. Most of the issues with the the massive hits occurred with expertise geared ops using both pvp and biochem adrenals to pump up their initial damage. Since the fix went in it's not quite as bad. Most good players can counter op/scoundrels & many classes including troopers, Sorcs, BH all can hit just as hard as the operative/scoundrel does. It's too early in the games lifecycle to start nerfing classes based on pvp since its only part of the game. If they would have just removed/reduced the knockdown from jarring strike it would have solved a lot of the issues people were having w/o killing them in PVE. Post nerf I don't see how they will remain competitive in PVE raids. Why take a burst class with no burst and no sustained dps on a raid? Yes they have a healing tree but people who speced concealment don't want to play a healer just as BH's who went Merc and Pyro/arsenal don't want to heal either.
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