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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Ok, first of all ... go ahead and laugh!

This is a quarrel between a BF and GF, related to Star Wars ........................


That alone is prolly amusing, but please bear with me and read the whole thing!


So just the other day me and my gf was leveling - she is quite competitive when it comes to leveling, even with me, so usually staying within the same level range is quite important to her (if i go further ahead, she gets upset - however if she goes ahead of me, I'm fine with it, cuz we're anyway sticking together till we are both 50, so it's only easier for me the higher she is... doesn't matter to me if shes 46 while im 44 etc)


Anyhow, the other day.... we were both level 48.

She asks me "so how far into 48 are you" - and I avoid answering because I want to keep it a secret, incase I manage to ding before her, as I know it'll get her worked up and surprised, seen as shes been ahead of me most of the time and it seems important to her, to "be ahead"...

So to avoid answering her question, i instead ask her the same one, I make a comment saying "I bet you're close to 49 :)" and she says "no I need a bunch!!"..


One quest later or so, she dings and so i found out she was only 3 bubbles shy of 49 when she claimed she needed a bunch etc ;p It doesn't affect me in any negative way though, I just see it as a plus that she gained a level.


20min later, I ding 49, and now I have her yelling at me, saying I lied to her ...

I ask her how? she says well by avoiding answering her question when she asked how far into 48 I was ...


I say, well should it matter? ... you should be happy I've almost caught up with you!?!?


Instead, shes pissed, again repeating that I avoided giving her a direct answer when she asked how far into lvl 48 I was .... and again, I find myself really aggrevated because imo, it shouldn't matter lol and surely I'm not a liar or a dishonest person, for avoiding a question about experience on my character in star wars **** ...


What do you think ?

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That sounds, um , completely neurotic.


Look, man, I got a single sister. She's 32 and just got out of the Army no kids. How about I hook you two up, you get my sister out of my house and you lose the OCD chick?


I'm just at the point where "too much is too much..." ... even just a few days back, she was level 46 when i was 44 and it didn't once bother me..... but hell breaks loose if I find myself leveling ahead of her character heh...

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Dear BF of OCD chick.


Find yourself a new girlfriend, one that doesn't play the kind of video games you like to play. We play video games to escape real life and don't need nagging and whinging from our spouses while we 'escape' our day to day grind.


PS: Don't tell my wife I just said all that. I'll be banned from the PC :(

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Ok now that that's out of my system here's what you do.


Repeat after me while standing behind her holding her waist and nuzzling her neck:


Honey I'm sorry I lied.


I just wanted to surprise you.


I love you so much.


And I'll never do it again.


Optional: Although, you are always sexier when you're mad. (A kiss or nibble on the neck at this moment is bonus)



And problem solved...

Edited by DarthKhaos
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And that's why leveling together with your girlfriend, is a bad idea.


What you should do, go ahead and play to 50 without her. When she realizes, she's gonna go code red on you. After that, she should have all of it out of her system and you can go back to maintain a normal relationship.



Or perhaps put her in a home.

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She plays Star Wars?


Get a ring. Today.


i agree.


If you replace your girl because she is ""neurotic" or just plain argumentative about ridiculous things. You will find...THEY ARE ALL THE SAME.


If you can play videogames or enjoy the starwars with her, that is pretty awesome.

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i agree.


If you replace your girl because she is ""neurotic" or just plain argumentative about ridiculous things. You will find...THEY ARE ALL THE SAME.


If you can play videogames or enjoy the starwars with her, that is pretty awesome.


Did it sound like the poor lad enjoyed playing with her?

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This story is SO SAD ROFL.


Actually, I have to PRETEND I'm at work to play SWTOR :( In fact, I have to lie to my friends that I'm playing SWTOR. I'm kind of ashamed of it (I'm the only one who plays computer games in my circle of friends).


So yes, consider yourself lucky.

Edited by iheartnyc
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i agree.


If you replace your girl because she is ""neurotic" or just plain argumentative about ridiculous things. You will find...THEY ARE ALL THE SAME.


If you can play videogames or enjoy the starwars with her, that is pretty awesome.


Either you always go for the exact same personality type, or you have very limited experience with women.


If I threw hissy fits without provocation, I would have zero expectations to find myself in a relationship the next day. Neither I, nor my partner have any tolerance for hysterics and immature behavior, which is why we do our best to treat each other (and anyone, really) with as much decency as we can muster.

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One quest later or so, she dings and so i found out she was only 3 bubbles shy of 49 when she claimed she needed a bunch etc


One day you'll find this kind of "innocent" lying incredibly annoying. Best advice would be to keep your eye out for a girl that doesn't lie, but be warned, there aren't many.

Edited by photoheathen
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Just remember two things:


Every Divorce begins with an "I do".




It's OK for someone to bring a little "baggage" into the relationship, but she appears to have the Jed Clampitt "I'm heading to Beverly hills" type of baggage.


Richard Jeni.

God Rest His Soul.

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My bf is like that. He does not like it if I am ahead of him at all. As I play more than he does I have to hold my chars back just so he don't pout or go off and do pvp to catch me up. So I have other chars I play on my own otherwise I would never play... He is a bit annoyed at them at the moment as they are above him in level and I am getting the places before he does.


You are not a liar and really its not fair her calling you one. You just avoided the question which most of us do when we are not in the mood for confrontation.


As with your GF either you put up with it or don't play with her... Say its because she is so competitive its putting you off playing.

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Did it sound like the poor lad enjoyed playing with her?


But I do ... which is why I just wish she would calm down on the competitiveness...


I could easily level ahead, but it's not important to me... but if I do happen to do it sometime, i'd like for her to accept it just the same as I accept it everytime she does it (which she does).


only reason i made this self-humuliating forum post, was for a glimpse of hope that she can see it's not quite normal to get pissed at your bf for catching up but not telling you he's almost caught up with you (or avoiding the XP question) ... sigh


she should be glad all the same ...

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