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Alot people forget that this game is new...


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Because the game does need them? have you been on a low pop server? even a high pop one?


Are you perfectly fine with 3-4 hours for a group (if lucky) on a high pop server and once a day on low again if lucky.


And the majority of players have and do use the lfg tools in both wow and rift, because and wait for this...


Casuals do instances/flashponts/dungeons.


Do you even realize what your saying?


You want these features but you don't want to bother bioware with them? what are you paying them for?


You'd rather not pester bioware a huge company/budget with little things like standard features? you'd like them to just take a rest from all there work while you continue to pay them?


I don't understand you or anyone like you.


During the leveling process, you really do not need the LFD tool. I have to wait a lot longer in WoW sometimes than in this game during the leveling heroics. I have to wait for 40 minutes sometimes in WoW before I can get the Ready from the dungeon tool. That is with way more players too, so I do not think the LFD tool will make things become a 10 second queue time like everybody thinks. The most I had to wait in this game is 10 minutes. Maybe that is because I am on a heavy server, who knows. Yes I am a casual player and yes I do what you mentioned. But so far, I have been able to find groups fairly fast, so I do not see it as an issue.


I am paying them for a game. Even if they never update the game or release new content again, I would still pay. The reason is because, next to WoW, this game is the longest I have played a game. I pay the same amount (without the monthly fee of course) for console games that only last 10 hours at most (without playing multiplayer). I am already 8 days /played on one character, and he is only level 41. I have 5 other characters I am leveling too. Those characters have at least 1 day /played each.


I do not want to take my time to pester BW because I do not use those features. The only one I ever used in WoW was the LFD tool.

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or perhaps it doesnt stink at all.


maybe that 'stink' is just your personal opinion ... and you'll be getting mad becasue you got busted trying to pawn opinion as fact .....just like he others..... many get so mad that thier opinion isnt slated as fact, they usually say something dumb and get banned....



pretty transparent. pretty predictable.


No, it really stinks... call it whatever you want...

It's my OPINION... oh no!

In my mind it's actually a fact, i am convinced that it is a pile of ****. Like literally ****.

Someone actually took a giant log, wrapped it with Jedi wrapping, and sold it at gamestop.

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During the leveling process, you really do not need the LFD tool. I have to wait a lot longer in WoW sometimes than in this game during the leveling heroics. I have to wait for 40 minutes sometimes in WoW before I can get the Ready from the dungeon tool. That is with way more players too, so I do not think the LFD tool will make things become a 10 second queue time like everybody thinks. The most I had to wait in this game is 10 minutes. Maybe that is because I am on a heavy server, who knows. Yes I am a casual player and yes I do what you mentioned. But so far, I have been able to find groups fairly fast, so I do not see it as an issue.


I am paying them for a game. Even if they never update the game or release new content again, I would still pay. The reason is because, next to WoW, this game is the longest I have played a game. I pay the same amount (without the monthly fee of course) for console games that only last 10 hours at most (without playing multiplayer). I am already 8 days /played on one character, and he is only level 41. I have 5 other characters I am leveling too. Those characters have at least 1 day /played each.


I do not want to take my time to pester BW because I do not use those features. The only one I ever used in WoW was the LFD tool.


So your problem is that others want what you don't want?

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I wouldn't call this game new. Heroengine, 32 bit client, single threaded and directx9 is hardly something I'd call new. Doing a direct copy/paste of WoW talent types is something I wouldn't call new either. Flashpoints, ops, warzones are also not a new concept. What's so new about this? What IS NEW is how a game stinks so bad that apologists have to excuse this poor quality by comparing it to titles 7 years old?


i do hate to point out something but i will for the sake of doing it.


this version of the hero engine been heavily modified,rehualed,upgared, or how ever you wish to say it. at this time we have no really clue what it limites are, all we ahve the information form the orginal base coding of Hero.

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So your problem is that others want what you don't want?


Not at all. My problem is with the people that whine about these features. It is fine if we have a reasonable discussion, but boy am I tired of "I quit: here is why" and find "no feature X/tool Y" in their list of reasons.


It would be fine if it was every once and a while, but man it is like 5 of these posts a day and it is annoying.


My problem is also how impatient people are. The devs know people want these things, but they have priorities. They need to fix some big bugs before they work on feature X. And what is to say they do not have Joe the programmer working on it as we speak?

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My problem is also how impatient people are. The devs know people want these things, but they have priorities. They need to fix some big bugs before they work on feature X. And what is to say they do not have Joe the programmer working on it as we speak?


Mmo's have multiple teams that deal with different parts of the product I can almost guarantee you someone working on guild banks is not fixing bugs.

Edited by darkcerb
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Mmo's have multiple teams that deal with different parts of the product I can almost guarantee you someone working on guild banks is not fixing bugs.


Yeah that was my point, but you said it better :)


I wont deny that these features would have been better at launch, but I can forgive them because *TO ME* they brought what I really wanted in an MMO: Focus on story.


Again: to me, since I know somebody will say the story sucks.


I mean I already have 186 hours /played on all characters. On WoW I have over 300 because I only played that on the weekends, and I deleted a few early characters. Other than that, the only game that comes close is Final Fantasy X, at 115 hours. Personally, I got my money's worth already, even for 6 more months of subscription fees!

Edited by Nighthawked
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Yeah that was my point, but you said it better :)


I wont deny that these features would have been better at launch, but I can forgive them because *TO ME* they brought what I really wanted in an MMO: Focus on story.


Again: to me, since I know somebody will say the story sucks.


I mean I already have 186 hours /played on all characters. On WoW I have over 300 because I only played that on the weekends, and I deleted a few early characters. Other than that, the only game that comes close is Final Fantasy X, at 115 hours. Personally, I got my money's worth already, even for 6 more months of subscription fees!


That's why features to be added are an entirely subjective thing, given your fully satisfied though why argue against the inclusion of optional features?


Considering that the teams bringing you what you want and what I want would mingle very little.

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I'm getting tierd of people making assumptions that WoW had everything it has today at start, because it didn't. It's been improving, and SW:ToR will do aswell. The developers have just completed an awesome game, that really gives you a relation to your character, your companions and people you interact with during the story-line. All this due to the absolutely awesome work with the voices and quests overall.


In 2004/2005 WoW released. It competed against:

- a 5 year old EQ with 8-9 expansions under it's belt.

- a 3 year old DAoC with ~4 expansions under it's belt.

- a brand new EQ2.



It did not compete against 1999's EQ, nor did it compete against 2001's DAoC. It was compared against "the other boxes on the shelf". It had to compete against the huge content advantage of EQ, the polish/pvp of DAoC and against the brand-loyalty of EQ2.


It was a huge uphill battle, but that's what a new MMO faces... if you can't build an MMO like that, maybe you should make a different game?


I could make an list what SW:ToR had from the absolute start, that WoW didn't have, but I'll skip that, since it will take ages. Just think of it..


In a shop TOR is in box #1, WoW 2012 is in box #2. Compare them, pick one.


WoW 2005 is only relevant if you have a time machine to take ToR back and put it on the shelf next to it.

Edited by formulaic
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or perhaps it doesnt stink at all.


maybe that 'stink' is just your personal opinion ... and you'll be getting mad becasue you got busted trying to pawn opinion as fact .....just like he others..... many get so mad that thier opinion isnt slated as fact, they usually say something dumb and get banned....



pretty transparent. pretty predictable.


Oh you want facts?! Here are some facts:


Heroengine, no multithreaded engine, no directx11 support, no 64 bit client, no IPv6 support, No night / day cycles, no swimming, no high res textures, long load times, very low fps on fleets and in warzones, no chat bubbles, ability delay, no customizable UI, no macros, no third party addons, game freeze if you open and close your character pane too often (lol!), linear questing no multizone questing, no weather cycling, NPCs who can't move...or do anything at all, no rep factions, no guild benefits, memory leaks, no combat logs...



Can someone please point me to the 'Next Gen MMO' that everyone is touting about? I seem to be lost.

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In a shop TOR is in box #1, WoW 2012 is in box #2. Compare them, pick one.


WoW 2005 is only relevant if you have a time machine to take ToR back and put it on the shelf next to it.


In a few months don't forget to add...


box #3 Guild Wars 2... box #4 Diablo 3... box #5 Tera Online... etc...


Anyone who thinks the TORtanic won't be done, or F2P by Christmas-time is in for a rude awakening.

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i think every now and then poepel should play a odler game such as ff11 and be thankful we can kill mobs after lvl 20 solo at all and that we options for addtional options at all.


i a loooonngg~ time Na FF11 player(day of release in NA) and i'm palying SWTOR because some days i do not want having to ahve a party to kill one bee(and lord help you if you find a NM mob oo)


did the game have a stroy and history ? yes, but was it conherant? hell no, unless you players all teh vannilla missions then teh add on( it was relase inNA wihta add-on in the box) poeple just around now and get fragmented stroy that unless you remember all the exp stories seem to make no sencess, or if you skipped the missions after a point then you wonder why things going on at all.

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No one forgets the game is new. People are complaining because SWTOR doesn't have features that are considered industry standards now. This is a game with brilliant voiceover and great class quests -- and not much else with any staying power. People gushing over the voiceovers right now will soon tire of them, whether they're bright enough to realize it or not.


SWTOR is all appetizer and no entree.

Edited by Mavajo
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No one forgets the game is new. People are complaining because SWTOR doesn't have features that are considered industry standards now. This is a game with brilliant voiceover and great class quests -- and not much else with any staying power. People gushing over the voiceovers right now will soon tire of them, whether they're bright enough to realize it or not.


SWTOR is all appetizer and no entree.


SWTOR is chicken fingers without the honey mustard (BUT IF IT HAD HONEY MUSTARD IT WOULD JUST BE MCNUGGETS!)

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no swimming,


I believe there was swimming in one of the hero's journey videos (which also used the hero engine) - so I think the engine supports it, but it's disabled (which means no logic for swimming & no animation = saved devtime/money).

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I believe there was swimming in one of the hero's journey videos (which also used the hero engine) - so I think the engine supports it, but it's disabled (which means no logic for swimming & no animation = saved devtime/money).


Keep in mind that that video is in reference to developing using the Hero engine of today.


SWTOR is using the hero engine from 4 years ago, which was incomplete and buggy. They heavily modified it for themselves. Any input from the original authors ended years ago.

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This is not 2004. This is 2012. This is a triple A release from a huge company where no expense was spared in making the game. Some of the missing features are inexcusable, and some of the bugs are ridiculous in nature (WZ's not giving victories for example)


Telling me "WoW didn't have it at launch" means nothing because the games were launched 8 freaking years apart.

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Excuses, This is a 2012 game, it needs to launch with the standard features otherwise why play it? Tera is launching with an LFG tool and a combat log and everything, i'm probably going to switch over to that game because it is going to have everything i want in an MMO right out of the gate.


Good for them. And they will probably lack other features which TOR already has. This game is new, its beautiful and well done. The story is amazing, and new content is on the way. The only bad thing about this game is the negativity of the community.

I hope you switch over, one less whiner to make demands and poison this fantastic game with all your negative remarks.

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Good for them. And they will probably lack other features which TOR already has. This game is new, its beautiful and well done. The story is amazing, and new content is on the way. The only bad thing about this game is the negativity of the community.

I hope you switch over, one less whiner to make demands and poison this fantastic game with all your negative remarks.



Your overly positive, blindfolded praise of this steaming pile of code is even worse than his negativity.

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ok lets say car company A was making cars for 5 years. They figured out people like ac cruise control tilt heated seats. Then car company B comes along. They say well our cars speak to you. Have a built in gps.


No cruise no tilt no heated seats no ac. But our car talks to you ... Alot.


Sometimes its the little things in life people became use to. Peoples voices are heard through their dollars. When enough people voice what they want the companyd change their view.. So now we are getting all the bells and whistles other games have.

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