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Alot people forget that this game is new...


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This game didn't come into being in a void, there is a long legacy of MMOs out on the market by now. 200 million dollars were spent on this game's development, it was many months in beta testing. It is aspiring to outdo its competition and the expectations were sky high. And yet this game still suffers from the lack of many elementary features and some serious design mistakes.


To list several:


1. pvp: too much crowd control. all levels are slapped together in the warzones.

2. graphics: high resolution textures were disabled since beta, everything looks blurred.

3. missing features: guild features (banks, halls, levels), chat bubbles, customizable UI, LFG System!


It also seems like there is some lvl 50 content missing for lasting appeal - but this is the only feature (additional content) that can be excused under the fact that this is a newly launched MMORPG.

Edited by EranMichaelLevi
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once again....

you cannot compare the two launches, technology advances, this is 2012 not 2004. The dev team knows each and every feature wow has, and probably has a good read on what works and what doesn't. There is obviously a reason why some 7 million people still subscribe.


swtor isn't ground breaking in any way outside of story, they played it safe and followed a proven formula. However, they had 5 years of development, million and millions of dollars, how do you not see the the features in your biggest competitor and have them implemented and improved upon is beyond me...ppl dont want a wow clone but some of these things are pretty basic.

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It depends on the person, Wow certianly isn't competition to SWTOR for me, i have no interest in WoW. The game has been boring for years.


I'm debating the falacy of the argument, not which game is best. I'm just saying this argument is nonsense. If you're going to defend why a feature is not in a game, do so based on whether or not it's needed in the game, not on whether it existed in WoW when it launched. WoW isn't the only game out there now that has said features, by the way.

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.... Yeah. WoW also didn't have any competition out there that did have all those things. That's kind of where your entire argument breaks down.


It's a different ballgame now.


No its the same exact ballgame. WoW was measured against EQ at the time and its 5 or 6 expansions that added all sorts of content that people clamoured for.

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Rift had an LFG tool and all the modern amenities within 2 months of release. Even at launch, it had everything proper you would need from start to finish. It didnt have giant bugs like the disaster that is Illum, and it had things for you to do.


New games have to match modern expectations. Pointing at WoW release at 2004 as a comparison is like saying a new car should compare to a model T when comparing their faults.


BW had 4 x the budget of WoW, a larger team and modern technology. They also had all the inovations of WoW and other MMO's to draw upon.


Regardless, they only choose to focus on voice overs.



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this whole comparing Swtor to launch wow is getting old, stop trying to make excuses for a Dev team that was not willing to step it up a notch and actually try something innovative.


:confused: then wonder where are all the subs going? :confused:


too much hype for a game that was lackluster at best. Voiceover is cool but it only lasts while you are questing, once you are done with that then you start to see the huge flaws in the game.

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This game is new only because they released it. The game did not have to be released on December 20th. BioWare--or EA--chose that arbitrary date likely to fuel sales (as it's a business, you have to assume that decisions are made on the basis of how much money will be brought in).


The "game is new" excuse won't work. It's tired, it's old, and it's time to put it down like Old Yeller.

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Rift had an LFG tool and all the modern amenities within 2 months of release. Even at launch, it had everything proper you would need from start to finish. It didnt have giant bugs like the disaster that is Illum, and it had things for you to do.


New games have to match modern expectations. Pointing at WoW release at 2004 as a comparison is like saying a new car should compare to a model T when comparing their faults.


BW had 4 x the budget of WoW, a larger team and modern technology. They also had all the inovations of WoW and other MMO's to draw upon.


Regardless, they only choose to focus on voice overs.




Once again we agree, Fay.

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Excuses, This is a 2012 game, it needs to launch with the standard features otherwise why play it? Tera is launching with an LFG tool and a combat log and everything, i'm probably going to switch over to that game because it is going to have everything i want in an MMO right out of the gate.


I agree with the idea that this a post making excuses, although Tera doesn't interest me much. I'm currently keeping an eye on GW2 and Archage myself.

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The OP may have been a bit off on his message, but the main issue is this: The majority of people here enjoy the game. It is not broken. It has not failed. It is far from complete or perfect, but it is still very enjoyable. We are just sick of people taking it to the extreme and bringing down the overall atmosphere of these forums.




Right now I am so ready to walk away from mmos entirely because every time I look at general on the fleet or the fourms all I see is all the negativity. So yeah Bioware stumbled when it come to some of the 'essentials', but geez guys its only been 2 months. Blizzard stumbled many, many, times and it all turned out. Personally I think Rift with its pvp system at least stumbled and kept stumbling but apparently people still like that game.


Give it some time. Apparently most mmos don't really hit their stride till 6 months. Give the creators feedback and time to fix things and it will work out. Besides keeping such a hostile atmosphere can't be good for anyone. Not saying 'love or get out', just if you have a problem give it constructively not 'this game sucks and is going to fail'. Be thankful you live in a situation you can be so demanding of your entertainment.

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These small little features such as meters and LFG tools are not a necessity.


NO they are not necessary for a successful game. LFG is a way that a company accepts that the game has no hope to improve as a MMO.


WoW can't even compare because small, convenient features don't necessarily make the game.


The little things in a game are actually the most important things. If they are there then people dont notice them but if they are missing you definitly do notice.


WoW has a terrible atmosphere, a graphical style that makes me feel like I'm playing Spongebob, a horrendous grind to get to end level, and PvP that revolves entirely around stuns.


Then you think SWTOR is any better. SWTOR is a dirrect copt of WOW as pvp goes. O wait no its not its not called resiliance so its completely difference.


SW:TOR has a leg up on WoW in that they have done something revolutionary, theyve made the leveling process fun and interesting! If you WoW fanbois prefer to go back to your mindless 12 hour a day grindfest, be my guest, won't miss you.


The leveling process is not fun or interesting. The story line you might be able to say is fun and interesting but leveling is the same garbage as every other game that has a number leveling system had. DO quest that involves killing this mob this many times,return to quest giver, move onto next area where you repeat the same process for 49 levels (in the case of SWTOR). WoW at least gave you the option of doing the grind in area A or area B, SWTOR only has line A to do it.


TOR's story aspects may simply be surface deep, having no real impact but atleast it's interesting. Don't forget, video games only recently began to adopt the "choose your destiny" style of story-telling and most still don't. End-game content and bug fixes will come, in the meantime, quit rushing alts to 50 as fast as you can and ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME!


Choose your destiny? You just said that its all on the surface and has no real impact (thats the case for 99% of the time). Get a group (not grouped) and do your class quest and everyone pick a different answer. You know what no matter what you pick your going to the same quest. Do it for normal quests and it does have a slight change, some will get an additional quest that some will not get (one part of the game I do like) but that is not often the case. All the choose an answer type quest does is give the appearance that you are controlling anything with what you choose which isnt the case at all in SWTOR


To add, even dark and light side point have absolutly no point in the game other than the piece or gear you can choose and the color of crystal you can have. I would also think that the armor has the exact same stats as each other be it light or dark side.


Im not to much into rollplay and such but I dont think a full dark side jedi on the rebellion should be worshiped like they are in this game. Hey I killed every chance I could, even innocent people and unarmed people but I am a great jedi. Same with the sith, the biggest meanest SOB in the game and he spares everyones life and is worshiped by the sith. Really. I forgot what quest it was but it was something about the sith saying dont you go telling anyone that im just a little softy or something like that. Just terrible this game is.

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No one has to make excuses for missing features. They shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. It is not like everything brought up wasn't discussed before and immediately following launch.


There's plenty to complain about (bugs, low enforcement against hacking/exploiting, poorly tested patches, lack of accurate communication to the playerbase, etc.


Lack of features though?

It should have taken 30 seconds to realize everything mentioned was missing before buying the game.


If the existing content was more polished, and the developers/CMs were better communicating issues back and forth, then we wouldn't even be having this conversation :p

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People are whining for Dungeon Finders, Damage Meters, Threath meters, Healing Meters, Balanced PVP etc etc. And I understand that, cause I want those things aswell.


BUT stop saying that SW:ToR is a failed game because they don't have all this, while for example WoW does. WoW had NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, of this at launch.



So let me give you abit of an insight what was available at WoW's launch.


Dungeon Finder? No, there was a tool similiar to the "Who" tool available in SW:ToR. They improved it by time, and so will also BioWare do.


Balanced PVP? Not even close. Some classes was absolutely unbeatable if played with a sense of skill, while some didn't stand a chance even when mastered. This is actually true. PVP in Vanilla WoW was not balanced at all. Not to mention that it took over a year to actually make things kind of balanced.


Different kind of "meters"? No. Damage meters like Recount are add-ons. An add-on is something you add on to your game, to make it better. Add-ons are created by the community. Combat logs are requierd to make add-ons like these and they aren't available yet in SW:ToR. But, people were fine without all those add-ons in the what some call "the best time" of WoW, the start.


Bugged raids? There was not a large amount of bugs in the raids on start, but why? Because nearly all fights were tank and spank, exept Ragnaros and Onyxia, and these bosses didn't have any really complex mechanics. With today's standard of boss fights, it's alot harder to create completely bug-free fights. As time goes, BioWare will fix this issue aswell.




I'm getting tierd of people making assumptions that WoW had everything it has today at start, because it didn't. It's been improving, and SW:ToR will do aswell. The developers have just completed an awesome game, that really gives you a relation to your character, your companions and people you interact with during the story-line. All this due to the absolutely awesome work with the voices and quests overall.



I could make an list what SW:ToR had from the absolute start, that WoW didn't have, but I'll skip that, since it will take ages. Just think of it..

The past 4 MMO's all had raid content within the first two months of launch. Still that didn't stop players from looking at the glaring issues of those games and stop playing them.


Raid content for the rushers is a minimal point. Having an actual functioning game engine that doesn't cause your playerbase to want to rage is a totally different basket of apples.

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Oh please, your signature shows you for what you are. They aren't listening to us? Really even with the ability delay fixes, the survey asking for input and plethora of other things.....Really?


Or is that you as a special snowflake want them to specifically address the issues you feel are important? What a joke.


Actually I just posted that 'signature' today after my numerous complaints were unlistened too after completing 6 warzone matches in a row with now counted wins.


I am fed up with the lack of communication, my signature is an example of this anger.


Your the joke, I have been a loyal fan and still am. I love this game, but I am tired of feeling like nobody gives a crap about us.

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Excuses, This is a 2012 game, it needs to launch with the standard features otherwise why play it? Tera is launching with an LFG tool and a combat log and everything, i'm probably going to switch over to that game because it is going to have everything i want in an MMO right out of the gate.


I will allow bugs and performance issues as long as those are ironed out in time. What i will not tolerate in a game i subscribe too is not finding features that i consider "fundamental".


Because this game is new am i suppose to wait 4-5 years for a Dungeon Finder tool?

Because this game is new am i suppose to wait 6-7 years for an Appearance Tab feature?


Both Tera and GW2 are launching with popular features of other games already installed (appearance tab, etc) AND their new and unique features.


This is a 2012 game, it needs to launch with the standard features otherwise why play it?

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This is a 2012 game, it needs to launch with the standard features otherwise why play it?


Please show me the ISO Standard for MMOs to prove your claim. [i googled "Stanard Features Specification For MMOs and got 0 hits]


There are no "standard features" in MMOs. There are similarities between MMOs, just like there are dis-similarities between MMOs.


As for playing or not playing any particular MMO, that is a personal choice each person makes for themselves.

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That is fine. Complain and let them know that improvement is needed and where to work on things. But people saying "BioWare is out of their league" "SWTOR has failed" "Game is broken" Doesn't help at all. In fact, it makes the naysayers all look like trolls when posting things like that. As they are not helping to improve the game at all, but are still lurking these forums and spreading their negativity.


I'll agree with that.

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Please show me the ISO Standard for MMOs to prove your claim. [i googled "Stanard Features Specification For MMOs and got 0 hits]


There are no "standard features" in MMOs. There are similarities between MMOs, just like there are dis-similarities between MMOs.


As for playing or not playing any particular MMO, that is a personal choice each person makes for themselves.


Well if that was the case, why not toss out talents, classes and races as well?


Hell, toss out different areas to level in while we're at it.


That's right, lets make a game where a stick figure need to hit a red dot on a wall over and over again and then add multiplayer to it and label it as an MMO.

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Please show me the ISO Standard for MMOs to prove your claim. [i googled "Stanard Features Specification For MMOs and got 0 hits]


There are no "standard features" in MMOs. There are similarities between MMOs, just like there are dis-similarities between MMOs.


As for playing or not playing any particular MMO, that is a personal choice each person makes for themselves.


a radio isn't a defined standard for a car, but ill never buy a radio free car.

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Well if that was the case, why not toss out talents, classes and races as well?


Hell, toss out different areas to level in while we're at it.


That's right, lets make a game where a stick figure need to hit a red dot on a wall over and over again and then add multiplayer to it and label it as an MMO.


ooooooo... sarcasm.



There are no elves in SWTOR. :p


There are no light sabers or blasters in WoW. :p:p


There is no Realm vs Realm PvP Triad in any MMO except DAOC. Yet people claim it needs to be a standard feature of all MMOs. :p:p:p


I could go on and on, but I've made my point.

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Please show me the ISO Standard for MMOs to prove your claim. [i googled "Stanard Features Specification For MMOs and got 0 hits]


There are no "standard features" in MMOs. There are similarities between MMOs, just like there are dis-similarities between MMOs.


As for playing or not playing any particular MMO, that is a personal choice each person makes for themselves.


How about the ability to make your character jump? I would call that a feature that is so popular in MMOs such words as "basic" and "fundamental" come to mind.

How about /dance, friend lists, guilds, mini maps etc

Are you understanding that these features are so popular that they become to players "basic" features? I hope you can understand that idea.


Well today Dungeon Finder tools have become incredibly popular. Guild Tabards/cloaks or some other way to represent your guild via your character are popular. Detailed in depth character creators have become popular. Barber shops have become popular. All these have been praised in other MMOs so much it is mind boggling when another MMO comes out and thinks it can beat the competition without including them.


I am not waiting years for SWTOR to catch up.

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ooooooo... sarcasm.



There are no elves in SWTOR. :p


There are no light sabers or blasters in WoW. :p:p


There is no Realm vs Realm PvP Triad in any MMO except DAOC. Yet people claim it needs to be a standard feature of all MMOs. :p:p:p


I could go on and on, but I've made my point.


Imagine it being a lot like evolution.

Games develope, so there's no excuse not to follow that development.


However, there's no rules they shouldn't, but for the sake of their idea about attracting as many satisfied customers as possible, researching and providing a better game and a better service is sort of required.

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How about the ability to make your character jump? I would call that a feature that is so popular in MMOs such words as "basic" and "fundamental" come to mind.

How about /dance, friend lists, guilds, mini maps etc

Are you understanding that these features are so popular that they become to players "basic" features? I hope you can understand that idea.


Well today Dungeon Finder tools have become incredibly popular. Guild Tabards/cloaks or some other way to represent your guild via your character are popular. Detailed in depth character creators have become popular. Barber shops have become popular. All these have been praised in other MMOs so much it is mind boggling when another MMO comes out and thinks it can beat the competition without including them.


I am not waiting years for SWTOR to catch up.




If I have to wait for SWTOR to catch up. When it does we have other new MMO's with 300 LFG tools, 10 mini maps, 500 **** to chose to our character and more than 5 fps in world pvp.


I think SWTOR wont catch anything up... maybe Warhammer.

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