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Alot people forget that this game is new...


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Can we say HOKI Japanimation all with over sized weapons. Only thing i saw i liked was the female elf outfit. The rest of it was Phantasy Star Universe Meets Final Fantasy.


Yeah, just ignore the actual gameplay features, because it looks like a few other Japanese games :rolleyes:

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You still cannot compare TOR launch to WoW launch.

Want to know why?


Because when you release game with the intention of beating the heavy competition, then you have something that can compete with them. Such as a LFG tool or anything else this sinking ship is lacking.

THEN you add something new and innovative and win.


If you do not start out on a competitive level from the start, you're years behind.


Who says they are out to beat the big boy on the block huh? Last I heard they just needed a million subs to make a profit. So they are successful.


Ya'll, Pro-TOR and Con-TOR alike, seem to be missing the bigger picture out of all this... For the last 4 years the developers having saying it clear as a bell. STORY BASED MMO!!! They crammed it down our throats so much you would have to be blind and deaf not to know it. I tried to warn people about all this before release. Tried to tell people "Hey its focusing heavily on story so dont get your hopes up on the other mechanics til much later." But no I would get flamed like mad. Well to all those that flamed me..... Told you so.


This means that story is the single most important thing. Didnt any of you find it odd that in the past 4 years, it was only the previous 6 months to a year that you started hearing about other mechanics? This is a clue. This says that everything else PVP, LFG tools, guild tools, crafting, the space game, etc are all going in as an afterthought. Look at the space game. Its a rail shooter Starfox rip off. That in and of itself just screams "Lets just throw something quick in."


So for the past year or so they are adding everything else. But they cant get it all in right away. They could have pushed the release date back yet again but that would have done more harm then not having a LFG tool at release.


Yes I want an LFG tool. Yes I want guild tools. Yes I want a better space game. But I went into this knowing they most likely wouldnt be in at release. They even said, before release, they couldnt get everything in. And the majority of the community said "That's ok. We understand." Now that same majority are screaming "This game is fail!"


Someone brought up Tera about how its gonna be released with all these mechanics... First off Tera aint released yet in North America. First rule of games being released... "Believe it when you see it. Not before." Second... Tera is not going to be near as heavy on story as TOR is. So they might have the time to add in all those other mechanics.


Play TOR for the story for now... Wait and be patient. The other mechanics are coming... Just let them do their job.



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Speaking of missing features, UI customization ? UI scaling ? macro creation ? ..


Why would you need those things? There is only 1 monitor size on the market. There is only 1 desk configuration. There is only 1 kind of chair that everyone uses to play the game. There is only 1 size room that anyone plays in. There is only 1 type of lighting that anyone uses in their gaming area. Everybody has the exact same visual acuity. This UI works just fine for everyone.




Yeah, there are many here who claim these things aren't needed. What they don't realize is that the game needs people of all monitor, office, desk, chair, lighting, and visual abilities to pay a subscription or the game will not last. Not in today's market where being uncomfortable isn't a requirement to play a game.

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Ya'll, Pro-TOR and Con-TOR alike, seem to be missing the bigger picture out of all this... For the last 4 years the developers having saying it clear as a bell. STORY BASED MMO!!! They crammed it down our throats so much you would have to be blind and deaf not to know it. I tried to warn people about all this before release. Tried to tell people "Hey its focusing heavily on story so dont get your hopes up on the other mechanics til much later." But no I would get flamed like mad. Well to all those that flamed me..... Told you so.


The issue with making it a story based MMO, and nothing else, is that there's no reason for a sub then. It's a single player game that happens to have other people in it. If you don't provide things that are expected of MMO's after the story is over, then people are gonna play through the story and move on. Sure they can add story, but not at the rate you can go through it, so at that point it's most efficient to just play the story every few months and leave your sub cancelled otherwise. Paying for a month worth of sub is more like buying DLC for a single player then.


If they want people to play consistently, and keep their subs active throughout, they need to offer things that keep those players around when there's no story left (which will be very often).

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I've got over 30 years of game playing experence and I've played WoW for at least 5 Years and I find that the story line and the interacting with story line is the best I've ever seen. To compaire with WoW is like apples and oranges. If you don't like it move on and let use that do have our fun. The constant complaints have ruined many good game. Star Wars is a good example of the complainer getting sony to make changes that ruined the game. They said it was too hard to make Judi and it was too tough so they nerf it and made it easy to make Jedi and screwed the hole system up. Now it's not fit to play, but when it releast it was the greatest game ever. May it rest in piece.

So watch what you say , the sqeaky wheel gets oiled and can ruin rverything.

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The whole premise of this thread is ridiculous.


"Give the company who made the game some time because they tried really hard and like they are really new and I'm having a super great time"


I'm not (nor should you, but to each their own) going to give a company who blew 300 million dollars on a video game that lacks basic features a "break". I will keep asking that they implement/fix stuff that should have been in/working from the start, and I will keep asking them to do so until I become disinterested in the game and go back to one of its competitors.

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Who says they are out to beat the big boy on the block huh? Last I heard they just needed a million subs to make a profit. So they are successful.


Ya'll, Pro-TOR and Con-TOR alike, seem to be missing the bigger picture out of all this... For the last 4 years the developers having saying it clear as a bell. STORY BASED MMO!!! They crammed it down our throats so much you would have to be blind and deaf not to know it. I tried to warn people about all this before release. Tried to tell people "Hey its focusing heavily on story so dont get your hopes up on the other mechanics til much later." But no I would get flamed like mad. Well to all those that flamed me..... Told you so.


This means that story is the single most important thing. Didnt any of you find it odd that in the past 4 years, it was only the previous 6 months to a year that you started hearing about other mechanics? This is a clue. This says that everything else PVP, LFG tools, guild tools, crafting, the space game, etc are all going in as an afterthought. Look at the space game. Its a rail shooter Starfox rip off. That in and of itself just screams "Lets just throw something quick in."


So for the past year or so they are adding everything else. But they cant get it all in right away. They could have pushed the release date back yet again but that would have done more harm then not having a LFG tool at release.


Yes I want an LFG tool. Yes I want guild tools. Yes I want a better space game. But I went into this knowing they most likely wouldnt be in at release. They even said, before release, they couldnt get everything in. And the majority of the community said "That's ok. We understand." Now that same majority are screaming "This game is fail!"


Someone brought up Tera about how its gonna be released with all these mechanics... First off Tera aint released yet in North America. First rule of games being released... "Believe it when you see it. Not before." Second... Tera is not going to be near as heavy on story as TOR is. So they might have the time to add in all those other mechanics.


Play TOR for the story for now... Wait and be patient. The other mechanics are coming... Just let them do their job.




The thing is that there is a difference between focus on story and exclusion of basics. One does not require the other. It turned out that way, and it's sad that it did. Especially when what little they said about everything other than story indicated that they were aware of the rest of it.


We were patient through their tight-lipped, hype machine driven development. We were even somewhat patient through testing because they kept making vague statements about these features. We are now paying customers. We are no longer going to be patient.

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OP is so clueless. Its not about the fact that wow had issues. Its about the fact that WOW has evolved over years and years of development. Most issues people have with swtor relate to the idea that we are basically expected to go back in time, to things WOW solved years ago. Starts in forums, then development, then test centers, then quick fixes and now swtor is doing some of the same things. Thats why people are frustrated,,b/c we have already done it all,,,its like groundhog day where u go back and do the same stuff over and over.


i love the game and will play it no matter what. But you are mistaken (like many others) for pointing out the most obvious thing ever that WOW had issues when it started. Its not about that at all. New MMO need to learn how to take off from the end point of other MMO's. Not make a game in 2012 that has the same issues of a game that came out in 2004.

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BS. TOR is a fantasy MMO. It is aimed at the same target audience as WoW.


BS yourself... TOR is a Sci Fi MMO... Where are the elves? Where are the orcs? Heck where is anything fantasy in TOR? To be strictly honest, TOR is a space opera western MMO. Theme is separate from mechanics when deciding genre.


The MMO market isn't big enough for that level of differentiation. Right now, the MMO market is divided by monthly subs and F2P/microtransactions. There are a few outside of the norm, but SWTOR is not in that realm. TOR is very much a traditional MMO in the same market space as EQ, EQ2, Rift and WoW.


I remember back before 2004 everyone said the MMO market share wasnt big enough to support a game with a million subs... "There are arent a million subs in the whole world" was the common reply. Then WoW hit the market and proved them completely wrong. Just like now. The MMO market share is growing exponentially every year.


Ask SWG how the Star Wars theme worked for them. It will carry sales for a little while, but better features are required to sustain subscriptions after the Star Wars theme wears off.


Right now, SWTOR is well behind competing MMOs in feature set. It may take them the entirety of 2012 to catchup to Rift or WoW today. By then, it may be too late.


Had nothing to do with the Star Wars theme.... SOE bolloxed that whole game up from the get go. Star Wars was and still is a huge money making venture in any game genre. Look at this game's father KotoR... As far as RPGs go with mechanics it was mediocre at best. Games released 10 years before had better features... Yet KotoR is still considered one of, if not the biggest, RPG ever. Look at the FPS genre and Star Wars... Dark Forces came out with alot of 2D while everyone else was doing 3D models... Yet it still blew the doors off the competition. Jedi Knight, Jedi Knight 2, and Jedi Outcast were all very basic FPS games that again, didnt really do anything huge or ground breaking... Yet they still held their own against big boys like Quake, Unreal, and Half-Life.


SWG failed because of SOE... It had nothing to do with the theme... They could have used any other really popular universe and it would fail with the tactics SOE was practicing. They could take DC comics or the Matrix and both would fail because of the way SOE handles their games.... Oh wait they already did.... LOL



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The thing is that there is a difference between focus on story and exclusion of basics. One does not require the other. It turned out that way, and it's sad that it did. Especially when what little they said about everything other than story indicated that they were aware of the rest of it.


We were patient through their tight-lipped, hype machine driven development. We were even somewhat patient through testing because they kept making vague statements about these features. We are now paying customers. We are no longer going to be patient.


Its like buying a car... Your told by the dealership they may not have a blue car but can paint it if it isnt blue after a few weeks... So you say its ok and you understand. Then you go to get the car and it isnt blue... And the next day your on the phone screaming about you wanted a blue car....


Again I knew going into this that many of the features prolly wouldnt be in game at release. I learned from decades of game development that no game is ever released with everything the developers want. Plus they were saying it... So no skin off my back... Yes I am a paying customer too... But I am a paying customer that knew what I was paying for right off the bat...


If they had said "All these features are going to be in the game release for certain" then they werent... Well you guys would have an argument. But they never did... So people being upset now is after the point... You are trying to disarm a bomb that already went off.


Yes its disheartening to sit on Fleet for 3 hours trying to get a FP group together for Foundry or Mando Raiders... Yes its annoying not being able to store stuff for my whole guild to use... Yes its a right eyesore to stare at a light blue UI when I am Sith... But I knew it before release. And I am not going to sit here crying "fail" because things I want arent there when I knew before they prolly wouldnt be.



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Lol defend the flaws all yall want but facts are facts. SWTOR is a bare bones game that makes it outdated as far as features go and for something that cost 300Mil there is just no excuse. When the bar has been risen WoW and most recently Rift(The new standard) you can't go backwards and expect people to not want the new standard. Its a time of Mp4's and CD not tapes and records. How release a tape player/walkman when there are Ipods on the market like come on you can be serious. So defend this train wreck all you want but facts are facts and the fact is this is an out dated game that coat 300 million this sounds like epic fail to me. Not saying that they can turn it around but this game needs to be brought up to standard asap. If not its F2p by June.
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Its like buying a car... Your told by the dealership they may not have a blue car but can paint it if it isnt blue after a few weeks... So you say its ok and you understand. Then you go to get the car and it isnt blue... And the next day your on the phone screaming about you wanted a blue car....


Again I knew going into this that many of the features prolly wouldnt be in game at release. I learned from decades of game development that no game is ever released with everything the developers want. Plus they were saying it... So no skin off my back... Yes I am a paying customer too... But I am a paying customer that knew what I was paying for right off the bat...


If they had said "All these features are going to be in the game release for certain" then they werent... Well you guys would have an argument. But they never did... So people being upset now is after the point... You are trying to disarm a bomb that already went off.


Yes its disheartening to sit on Fleet for 3 hours trying to get a FP group together for Foundry or Mando Raiders... Yes its annoying not being able to store stuff for my whole guild to use... Yes its a right eyesore to stare at a light blue UI when I am Sith... But I knew it before release. And I am not going to sit here crying "fail" because things I want arent there when I knew before they prolly wouldnt be.




They never said "these basic features are not going to be in the game". They actually said "TOR will have all of the features that you expect in a modern MMO". They said this. Repeatedly.

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I'm really sick of these self entitled children moaning that the game isn't perfect to their personal likings.


If you don't like the game, quit. Simple as that. Making 10 threads about the same "missing feature" and bashing Bioware is NOT constructive, and only makes you look foolish.


Like the OP said, this game is NEW. They will continue to add more content and fix bugs and maybe even listen to the community, as long as you grow up and act like adults.


Bioware isn't sitting there doing nothing. I'm sure they're constantly working on the game to make it a better experience for everyone.


So stop your whining. Either play or don't. Like I said, simple.


On a personal note, I like this game a lot. It's the first MMO that hasn't felt like a total grind fest to me personally anyway. I enjoy the story and I'm excited to play each class and see how it all unfolds. Yes, it has some bugs and could still use some features, but I can be PATIENT while I wait for them.

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BS yourself... TOR is a Sci Fi MMO... Where are the elves? Where are the orcs? Heck where is anything fantasy in TOR?


Utter, complete, total nonsense. You are 100% incorrect.


"Star Wars" is not science fiction, it is space fantasy; a modern mythology that got all of its ideas and archetypes from various mytho-religious sources.


Lucas took basic concepts and ideals from the eastern and western canons of religion and mythology to create a fantasy universe.


Yes, there are space ships. Yes, there are robots. But they are characters in a fantasy world. It's the world that makes the genre, not the races in it.


If you think that the fantasy genre requires elves and orcs or it's not fantasy, then you have absolutely no clue what the fantasy genre actually is.


"Star Wars" is fantasy. That's why there are impossible things like lightsabres, the mystical Force (although that just turned out to be blood bugs) and the quasi-religious Jedi and Sith orders.

Edited by Stelakh
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I'm really sick of these self entitled children moaning that the game isn't perfect to their personal likings.


If you don't like the game, quit. Simple as that. Making 10 threads about the same "missing feature" and bashing Bioware is NOT constructive, and only makes you look foolish.


"Who's more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows it?"


If you don't like the threads, don't read them. Coming in and reading a thread that you don't like, then complaining that you don't like it, is NOT constructive and only makes you look foolish. :)

Edited by Stelakh
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They never said "these basic features are not going to be in the game". They actually said "TOR will have all of the features that you expect in a modern MMO". They said this. Repeatedly.
"In Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’re fusing BioWare’s heritage of critically-acclaimed storytelling with the amazing pedigree of Lucasfilm and LucasArts, and adding a brand-new fourth pillar to the equation – story. At the same time, we will still deliver all the fun features and activities that fans have come to expect in a AAA massively multiplayer online game. To top it all off, Star Wars: The Old Republic is set in a very exciting, dynamic period in the Star Wars universe."


No gurantee anywhere - not even a mention - about all the fun features and activities that fans have come to expect in a AAA massively multiplayer online game being in place at release or even close to it. Some choose to read things into what's printed then platform them into instant expectations. That's too bad. They're only beating themselves up when they do.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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"Who's more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows it?"


If you don't like the threads, don't read them. Coming in and reading a thread that you don't like, then complaining that you don't like it, is NOT constructive and only makes you look foolish. :)


Wrong, kiddo. I like this thread, because it AGREES with me. I came into it to read it because I AGREED with it. I'm speaking of other threads, which I don't even have to read, because the whining is right there in the title.


If there was a some mystical way to block specific threads like that, I obviously would. I enjoy coming to the forums to read constructive threads towards the game.

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I'm really sick of these self entitled children moaning that the game isn't perfect to their personal likings.


If you don't like the game, quit. Simple as that. Making 10 threads about the same "missing feature" and bashing Bioware is NOT constructive, and only makes you look foolish.


Like the OP said, this game is NEW. They will continue to add more content and fix bugs and maybe even listen to the community, as long as you grow up and act like adults.


Bioware isn't sitting there doing nothing. I'm sure they're constantly working on the game to make it a better experience for everyone.


So stop your whining. Either play or don't. Like I said, simple.


On a personal note, I like this game a lot. It's the first MMO that hasn't felt like a total grind fest to me personally anyway. I enjoy the story and I'm excited to play each class and see how it all unfolds. Yes, it has some bugs and could still use some features, but I can be PATIENT while I wait for them.


I am really sick of people attacking other for pointing out the flaws fan boys are unwilling to see.

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they don't care if it's new.


Some people are just like that. If it doesn't have everything they desire from day one...they will just keep moaning. And even when BioWare puts it in....like they have been doing, they won't enjoy it. They will find something else to moan about...come on here, take a shot at the game and community and call it crappy. Somehow they get off on it. Sad really..that people have to be like that :/

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I am really sick of people attacking other for pointing out the flaws fan boys are unwilling to see.
Perhaps you missed the part about being patient? If patience defines a fanboy, then many of us are fanboys in most everthing we do. We'll roll with BioWare's plan while you rage on ahead and get hit by the bus. Edited by GalacticKegger
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