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I have had enough!


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i can unnderstand that certain people may be posting stuff that they are unhappy with the game as that is partly what forums is about.


I log into pvp forums as i enjoy pvp and like to see what people have to say about their class. But when i see the sympathy cases crying saying they are going to leave i seriously cant wait till their all gone so that the forums can be a better place.


I personally think swtor is a really good game , although it is still early so has not yet fully been polished but i will be sticking around.


I play a sith marauder i love my class to bits but i will admit that maybe my class is as sqishy as it gets if i have no cds left. I can play my class really well and find that i can take out commandoes easily with a few comboes using my cds. i can usualy get them below 40% hp before they get the chance to start attacking me back. As for the people who claim other classes are OP please stop. Your only saying their OP because one or many kik your as in OP. A mistake i see alot of people make is to keep making different characters. Try making just 1 and sticking with it no matter how tough it may be at times.


At the start of being a marauder i use to get trashed. But i stuck by my class and after a week of fully getting to know my class and watching youtube vids to understand the talent tree better ontop of improving on my movement i can easily top 40kills each pvp game.


But i hope to see more positive content from people. And long live SWTOR


(P.S this is optimuz from the empire ) holla if you know me

Edited by Wekeltes
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i can unnderstand that certain people may be posting stuff that they are unhappy with the game as that is partly what forums is about.


I log into pvp forums as i enjoy pvp and like to see what people have to say about their class. But when i see the sympathy cases crying saying they are going to leave i seriously cant wait till their all gone so that the forums can be a better place.


I personally think swtor is a really good game , although it is still early so has not yet fully been polished but i will be sticking around.


I play a sith marauder i love my class to bits but i will admit that maybe my class is as sqishy as it gets if i have no cds left. I can play my class really well and find that i can take out commandoes easily with a few comboes using my cds. i can usualy get them below 40% hp before they get the chance to start attacking me back. As for the people who claim other classes are OP please stop. Your only saying their OP because one or many kik your as in OP. A mistake i see alot of people make is to keep making different characters. Try making just 1 and sticking with it no matter how tough it may be at times.


At the start of being a marauder i use to get trashed. But i stuck by my class and after a week of fully getting to know my class and watching youtube vids to understand the talent tree better ontop of improving on my movement i can easily top 40kills each pvp game.


But i hope to see more positive content from people. And long live SWTOR


(P.S this is optimuz from the empire ) holla if you know me


All you basically said is that your willing to settle for sub par gameplay.


Keep in mind people complain on the forums because its how they express their concerns to Bioware, and make themselves heard, so that changes can be made. The more people that complain about an issue, the more likely it is that Bioware will fix the problem. There isn't anything wrong with it.

Edited by Wekeltes
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If you read through the post again i said i can understand the complaints. But do we realy have to know if your quiting your membership? Seriously do they have to share that with the community ? Are they trying to discourage others from playing it aswell by making those sort of posts?


Try to see the biggger picture my friend

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All you basically said is that your willing to settle for sub par gameplay.


Keep in mind people complain on the forums because its how they express their concerns to Bioware, and make themselves heard, so that changes can be made. The more people that complain about an issue, the more likely it is that Bioware will fix the problem. There isn't anything wrong with it.


You're assuming that ALL QQ posts are valid complaints or concerns?


For just about every QQ post, there is an opposite post.


Nerf X Class.

Buff X Class.

I love this game

I hate this game

We Need Arenas

We DON'T Need Arenas

We Want Macros

We DON'T Want Macros

Etc. etc. etc.


See the pattern?


So which QQ's do you listen to? Which ones are truly valid and which ones are questionable and completely annoying?


There are valid complaints (like Ilum issues, exploits and how should kill trading be viewed), but posts that come and say, "I will cancel if my problem isn't fixed right away!", are quite absurd and deserve to be ignored.


Were you here earlier with someone QQ'ing that /Say should be fixed because he doesn't like the other faction insulting him?


So yeah, who do you please and who do you ignore? Not all posts truly depict valid issues. Many complain over silly things and with limited knowledge of the game (ie: not knowing how to play their class, and not knowing about the class they're demanding nerfs to).

Edited by Lazorous
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i can unnderstand that certain people may be posting stuff that they are unhappy with the game as that is partly what forums is about. But as for the people who say "Im leaving swtor" please go and stand infront of the nearest speeding bus. We do not care if your leaving and if you find the game boring. Seriously why dont you keep that information to yourself and just dissapear nobody cares?


I log into pvp forums as i enjoy pvp and like to see what people have to say about their class. But when i see the sympathy cases crying saying they are going to leave i seriously cant wait till their all gone so that the forums can be a better place.


I personally think swtor is a really good game , although it is still early so has not yet fully been polished but i will be sticking around.


I play a sith marauder i love my class to bits but i will admit that maybe my class is as sqishy as it gets if i have no cds left. I can play my class really well and find that i can take out commandoes easily with a few comboes using my cds. i can usualy get them below 40% hp before they get the chance to start attacking me back. As for the people who claim other classes are OP please stop. Your only saying their OP because one or many kik your as in OP. A mistake i see alot of people make is to keep making different characters. Try making just 1 and sticking with it no matter how tough it may be at times.


At the start of being a marauder i use to get trashed. But i stuck by my class and after a week of fully getting to know my class and watching youtube vids to understand the talent tree better ontop of improving on my movement i can easily top 40kills each pvp game.


But i hope to see more positive content from people. And long live SWTOR


(P.S this is optimuz from the empire ) holla if you know me


Yeah i hear you, Why dont you all get lost, this game is wonderful, and no im no fanboy.

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Some complaints are well thought out and quite introspective. Not to mention well written.


The majority are whiners and fools who can't be bothered to spell correctly or turn off caps lock, who think blowing up the profanity censor is productive.


Then there are the people who immediately ridicule anyone with a nice, positive thing to say.


I don't know if it's MMO players or society as a whole, but since when did people become self-entitled, tantrum-throwing children?

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At the start of being a marauder i use to get trashed. But i stuck by my class and after a week of fully getting to know my class and watching youtube vids to understand the talent tree better ontop of improving on my movement i can easily top 40kills each pvp game.




We need to have more people starting constructive threads. More people should consider doing what you suggested above. DO NOT immediately roll another class after your first death. If you look through the vide content that is out there you will find high skill video's of every class rolling every other class.

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We need to have more people starting constructive threads. More people should consider doing what you suggested above. DO NOT immediately roll another class after your first death. If you look through the vide content that is out there you will find high skill video's of every class rolling every other class.


If you and the OP truly support the need for constructive threads help push the following thread by helping to keep it on the front page:




Which is an attempt at something truly beneficial to the PvP community and devoid (so far, knock on wood) of complaints.

Edited by Delavager
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You're assuming that ALL QQ posts are valid complaints or concerns?


For just about every QQ post, there is an opposite post.


Nerf X Class.

Buff X Class.

I love this game

I hate this game

We Need Arenas

We DON'T Need Arenas

We Want Macros

We DON'T Want Macros

Etc. etc. etc.


See the pattern?


So which QQ's do you listen to? Which ones are truly valid and which ones are questionable and completely annoying?


There are valid complaints (like Ilum issues, exploits and how should kill trading be viewed), but posts that come and say, "I will cancel if my problem isn't fixed right away!", are quite absurd and deserve to be ignored.


Were you here earlier with someone QQ'ing that /Say should be fixed because he doesn't like the other faction insulting him?


So yeah, who do you please and who do you ignore? Not all posts truly depict valid issues. Many complain over silly things and with limited knowledge of the game (ie: not knowing how to play their class, and not knowing about the class they're demanding nerfs to).


Valid to who? Valid is really in the eye of the beholder.

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If you and the OP truly support the need for constructive threads help push the following thread by helping to keep it on the front page:




Which is an attempt at something truly beneficial to the PvP community and devoid (so far, knock on wood) of complaints.


Awesome, thanks. Somehow I hadn't seen that one...(this is the only thing I can do while in class. Too risky to run the game :p)

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i can unnderstand that certain people may be posting stuff that they are unhappy with the game as that is partly what forums is about. But as for the people who say "Im leaving swtor" please go and stand infront of the nearest speeding bus. We do not care if your leaving and if you find the game boring. Seriously why dont you keep that information to yourself and just dissapear nobody cares?


I log into pvp forums as i enjoy pvp and like to see what people have to say about their class. But when i see the sympathy cases crying saying they are going to leave i seriously cant wait till their all gone so that the forums can be a better place.


I personally think swtor is a really good game , although it is still early so has not yet fully been polished but i will be sticking around.


I play a sith marauder i love my class to bits but i will admit that maybe my class is as sqishy as it gets if i have no cds left. I can play my class really well and find that i can take out commandoes easily with a few comboes using my cds. i can usualy get them below 40% hp before they get the chance to start attacking me back. As for the people who claim other classes are OP please stop. Your only saying their OP because one or many kik your as in OP. A mistake i see alot of people make is to keep making different characters. Try making just 1 and sticking with it no matter how tough it may be at times.


At the start of being a marauder i use to get trashed. But i stuck by my class and after a week of fully getting to know my class and watching youtube vids to understand the talent tree better ontop of improving on my movement i can easily top 40kills each pvp game.


But i hope to see more positive content from people. And long live SWTOR


(P.S this is optimuz from the empire ) holla if you know me


Counter whining.. You got to love that.


I don't know your back ground


I don't know how long you have been PvPing in MMO's


I don't know what level of ( sorry game is not working as intended at the moment) you can tolerate


and I don't know how hardcore your are into PvP.


But as a hardcore Player myself I lose faith in a game that works sporadically ( will this ability fire ?, will the resolve bar work giving me immunity when it says its full ?, will an ability work correctly ?.. my favorite is when I spam unleash and it says .. unable to use in combat, will I get credit for this WZ ?).


If you are easily impressed or new to PvP then this game and it's glaring problems seem fine or no big deal.

Edited by GothicSaint
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A big part of the problem, if not the entire problem, is that people compare SWTOR to other MMO's. This is my first MMO ever so I'm perfectly fine with how things are, I simply don't have anything to compare it to. Nor have I encountered any game-breaking gameplay yet. I've had crash problems since one of the more recent patches but that's another story and something I'm sure they're working on.


I would have understood the complaints if this had been a sequel that didnt live up to its' prequel but it's not. It's a new frenchise so if people don't like it there's no reason to play it. Play what you consider to be the better MMO instead.


Now, I'm willing to give some of the complaints the benefit of doubt because, as stated earlier, the complaints are in many cases coming from experienced MMO players who probably have a good grasp of what they're talking about. I do however don't see the need for people to constantly manifest that they're leaving.

Edited by MidichIorian
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this game is nothing but a huge qq fest. i thought the qq at the release of bf3 was bad, but this is just insane.


nobody wants to read threads titled BADS IN PVP or BADS IN PVE or BW SUCKS IM QQUITING, especially Bioware. threads like those are pointless qq fests that only attract trolls and flamers. sure there are problems with this game, but its not really any different than any other huge mmo. the game is 2 months old, hardly enough time for everything to be made perfect. all the whiners and complainers just want everything spoon fed to them.


Its not the PVP, or PVE, or bugs, or any of that stuff that ruins this game, its the constant barrage of garbage that elitest and epeen flexers spew all over the rest of us.


let the whiners whine, eventually they will leave and we will all be better off.

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Thank you slipz , and to saintz above read the part of my post when i say i can understand peoples complaints. I created this post to try and clamp down the number of people who post about them quiting,


There is always that 1 person that writes " your whining about whining" i guess you came on my thread to write that im whining about whining so you decided to make a post whining ?




Im making a valid point if you wish to no longer play the game then keep it to yourself and dissapear dont discourage others or try too in forums.

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